Lunch & Learn Marketing Guru?

18 replies
Hey guys. I'm looking for any recommendations on threads, posts or gurus who are giving a good breakdown on how to market your local agency through Lunch & Learn's. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
#guru #learn #lunch #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Originally Posted by scottnewton View Post

    Hey guys. I'm looking for any recommendations on threads, posts or gurus who are giving a good breakdown on how to market your local agency through Lunch & Learn's. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.

    Do you mean inviting a group of business owners to lunch, to give a group presentation?
    One Call Closing book

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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    • Profile picture of the author scottnewton
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      Do you mean inviting a group of business owners to lunch, to give a group presentation?
      Yes, exactly.

      By "local agency" I mean our marketing agency.
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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    We did some of that when I worked in computer networking.

    We promoted them through the Chamber of Commerce, and sent out mailings to our customer list. For larger events, like the Microsoft Road Show, we sent to purchased business lists, also.

    The sales team called all of their clients personally, also.

    Lunch was kept very simple, usually Subway sandwiches, pasta salads, chips, cookies, etc.

    Success of the meetings was based entirely on the perceived value of the topic. The Microsoft Road Show brought over 300 businesses in our doors for the day. A high percentage were just there for the "show" not as serious buyers.

    Talks about virus protection systems, or other serious topics for businesses, brought in small groups, maybe 6 to 10, but serious buyers.
    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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    • Profile picture of the author marciayudkin
      local agency
      What do you mean by that? Insurance agent? Car rental agent? Web marketing agency?

      Be more specific and we can be more helpful.

      Marcia Yudkin
      Check out Marcia Yudkin's No-Hype Marketing Academy for courses on copywriting, publicity, infomarketing, marketing plans, naming, and branding - not to mention the popular "Marketing for Introverts" course.
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  • Profile picture of the author Freebiequeen1999
    JMO....breakfasts seem to be more popular, before they start the day

    I know of a number of bfst groups where I live, I attend some ....not BNI, tho I have been there as a guest

    You might try a lunch and a breakfast and see which works for you. I have been to lunches, some work ,some don't. One lunch is a very structured deal and it seems to work....but it is well established

    After work "happy hours" are also popular here
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    • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
      Originally Posted by Freebiequeen1999 View Post

      JMO....breakfasts seem to be more popular, before they start the day
      And that is something I should have mentioned.

      We did both breakfasts and lunches. Attendance was always higher for breakfasts.

      Also, avoid Monday.
      Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        I've attended and co-organized, lunches, breakfasts and after hours. Lunches didn't work well. After hours, make sure you announce food is served at x... Otherwise, they'll assume they can come any time between x and y (we had 5:
        30 to 7:00) and eat... Eating is a driving force, even if they're interested in the topic. Same for breakfast.

        The best ones, best attended by the right people: had the schedule (registration is between x and y, food is served between y and z, presentation is between...) announced upfront (and stuck to it) worked the best.

        Your main challenge is finding something that's valuable to them and moves them closer to wanting what you sell.
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  • Profile picture of the author Freebiequeen1999
    Originally Posted by scottnewton View Post

    Hey guys. I'm looking for any recommendations on threads, posts or gurus who are giving a good breakdown on how to market your local agency through Lunch & Learn's. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
    I honestly have to wonder why you think you need a "guru"?

    Most of us feel that breakfast would be a better start....easier to get people to show up
    If you develop a good following, "buzz" you could expand from there

    Look for a breakfast place that will give you a private room...make sure it has wifi, abiity to plug in if you are going to do powerpoint

    Dunkin Donuts has cute little "conference rooms" ....all set with big screen,
    $10 an hour or less...big table, "exec" office chairs

    Other local breakfast places offer a room or area

    One nice thing about breakfast is that people can kind of go grab something (donut, croissant, bagel) and coffee and bring it in

    If you do a lunch, unless YOU supply the sandwiches, etc it can be a pain of get the waiter over, then more people arrive late....people are more picky about their orders - "I wanted the dressing on the side"....and it can ruin the momentum of your presentation

    I agree with suggestion to list the times, and if latecomers arrive, welcome them but don't "stop" for them.
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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
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      • Profile picture of the author Freebiequeen1999
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        Because some gurus have done this before. And learning from someone that is successful at doing what you want to learn, is far better than 50 opinions by people guessing.
        If I wanted to find a "guru" I think I would do my own research, my own due diligence

        I think I would either 1) take people's advice here with a grain of sand, or 2) do my own research or 3) find a guru myself, preferably local

        If you really want to "work offline" and work local it would make sense to find a local non compete biz /group who does this sort of thing JMO. Maybe team up.
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        • Profile picture of the author DABK
          Asking people on this forum about a guru could be doing due diligence.

          You are assuming the OP will just go with whoever gets mentioned. The OP didn't say anything about his due diligence process. Neither did Claude.

          Maybe they both mean, "I don't know any guru, so I could Google guru, Google gurus and ask on Warrior forum about gurus. Then I take my list of gurus and dig into their backgrounds, even find past clients to call."

          Till they say how they do it...

          Originally Posted by Freebiequeen1999 View Post

          If I wanted to find a "guru" I think I would do my own research, my own due diligence

          I think I would either 1) take people's advice here with a grain of sand, or 2) do my own research or 3) find a guru myself, preferably local

          If you really want to "work offline" and work local it would make sense to find a local non compete biz /group who does this sort of thing JMO. Maybe team up.
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          • Profile picture of the author scottnewton
            Originally Posted by DABK View Post

            Asking people on this forum about a guru could be doing due diligence.

            You are assuming the OP will just go with whoever gets mentioned. The OP didn't say anything about his due diligence process. Neither did Claude.

            Maybe they both mean, "I don't know any guru, so I could Google guru, Google gurus and ask on Warrior forum about gurus. Then I take my list of gurus and dig into their backgrounds, even find past clients to call."

            Till they say how they do it...
            DABK, you are exactly right. Asking this question here is just one small part of my due diligence process, certainly not the end-all-be-all, and never meant to emphasize guru over suggested posts/threads which I also asked for as possible suggestions in replies. I apologize if I somehow made anyone feel uneasy with my question or if I implied I wanted to pay someone vs get free advice, which I never intended to imply at all. (Not all "gurus" charge. Many on this forum are case-in-point.) This is the a fitting place to ask my question and get advice from others who spend time on this forum.

            Thanks, all of you, for your advice. I really appreciate it. I appreciate the giving spirit of this forum. Thanks for a rich thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    One of your biggest keys to success is to make sure you TEACH something, not turn it into a sales meeting. (Yes, they know it is a sales event.)

    I have been to several events hyped as "Lunch & Learn" which turned out to be an hour to 2 hour long pitch fest. Their flyer was a total disconnect from what they did.

    They did not TEACH anything, except the fact they could do it for you. (Yes, our office was guilty of this tactic a time or two.)

    The events that actually taught a skill, then suggested how we could help implement the solution, worked great. They produced questions, inquiries, and sales.

    In your case, if you teach them how to do basic Social Media marketing, which may overwhelm them with time commitment, then explain how you can save them time and improve effectiveness.

    You can even tell them about the tools you use, because most of them will not want to invest money in the tools, they'd rather pay you to do it.
    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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    • Profile picture of the author escribe
      I completely agree with Barry. Educate your audience and then let them see how you can make the process simpler with your service. But before I'd even consider such an event, find out which businesses are there first. This will better allow you to address their needs.

      Content Creation and Publishing Design Specialist!

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  • Profile picture of the author DaniMc
    I have done this successfully in the past as part of program development for an incubator. It works very well.

    Forget lunch - The concept of a real "lunch hour" for most business owners is a fantasy. There are ways to use lunch successfully but this is not it.

    Breakfast is great along with happy hours if you have something fun. For what you are proposing - breakfast is it.

    Become a presentation MASTER - work very, very hard on your presentations FIRST - make certain you have something awesome to give.

    GIVE is the key word here. Give away all the great info. Hold back NOTHING. Give away the secret sauce. Give away handouts (no secret sauce on handouts).

    It's important to note these people will not steal your ideas. This type of person just really wants to understand it before they will consider it. During the presentation give concrete stories and examples of when you have done what you are teaching and what the results were.

    The more you give, the more you will get hired. People will automatically know they can hire you for this and will appreciate some good business ideas. They want to know that you know more about the subject than they do and you can help them. Offer a special deal good for that day only.

    Of course - call them all back within a day or two and go see them at their office.
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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  • Profile picture of the author Freebiequeen1999
    Sorry but I just get a bad feel when people freely share info on here yet the OP wants to pay someone

    IMHO a local person would be best for this - I know where to host and who hosts in my area...I know which venues are good and which suck....I don't think someone in Oregon or England could tell me what venues to use, what local avenues to promote

    Honestly in any city there are probably groups doing this, other biz who do it - you can team up with them (or as the fancy ones here like to say Joint Venture) LOL

    think global, act local
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      You're right about the where. The question was, how.

      Originally Posted by Freebiequeen1999 View Post

      Sorry but I just get a bad feel when people freely share info on here yet the OP wants to pay someone

      IMHO a local person would be best for this - I know where to host and who hosts in my area...I know which venues are good and which suck....I don't think someone in Oregon or England could tell me what venues to use, what local avenues to promote

      Honestly in any city there are probably groups doing this, other biz who do it - you can team up with them (or as the fancy ones here like to say Joint Venture) LOL

      think global, act local
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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by Freebiequeen1999 View Post

      Sorry but I just get a bad feel when people freely share info on here yet the OP wants to pay someone

      IMHO a local person would be best for this - I know where to host and who hosts in my area...I know which venues are good and which suck....I don't think someone in Oregon or England could tell me what venues to use, what local avenues to promote

      Honestly in any city there are probably groups doing this, other biz who do it - you can team up with them (or as the fancy ones here like to say Joint Venture) LOL

      think global, act local
      Agreed. A great idea would be to find someone who is already doing talks to groups of business owners...and work for them for a few months. You'll learn everything you need to know. You may even learn that this is something you absolutely never want to do.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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    • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
      Originally Posted by Freebiequeen1999 View Post

      Honestly in any city there are probably groups doing this, other biz who do it - you can team up with them (or as the fancy ones here like to say Joint Venture)
      It would be very easy to start with just two organizations in Tennessee communities.
      (At least I assume Scott is in Tennessee.)

      Chamber of Commerce

      They both have contacts, conduct regular events, and are always looking for people to speak or do events with them.
      Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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