Cold Calling Basics In A Nutshell.

38 replies
1:Introduce yourself
2:Explain what you do in 2 sentences.
3: Find out if there is interest/
4: Explain your offer.
5: Close the pitch..

"Hi Bob, I'm John, with ABC web design. We are calling around today offering special deals to local business owners like yourself on our basic small business web design packages... Just wondered if you'd thought about doing any internet marketing projects for your business this year, that we could maybe help you out with..."

(Let them talk)

Note:You are going to go through this pitch 20 times and hear "No,No.No.No.No.No....",most likely. That's par for the course. No worries.

Every 20 calls or so someone is going to express some level of interest, which could result in a full pitch, a close, a call back, or a down the road sale....

When someone expresses interest, and you get to explain your offer, right then and there, that is called a "full pitch".... Out of 100-150 dials you should get about 3-5 full pitches. The rest of the numbers are just fodder and a 30 second elevator pitch. No big deal. Most of them you dont even TALK to... Plus, you were watching the Cooking channel on TV the whole time you were saying it.

It takes about 1 hour to dial a hundred numbers.

You should be able to close 1-2 sales out of 5 "pitches", with interested prospects,either on the spot or down the road.

So basically,it's just calling people saying "Im offering this service, are you interested.." ? Then, if they are,you tell them about your offer. That simple.

No need to over complicate.Nothing to fear.You only have to talk to them (beyond 30 seconds) when they want to talk to YOU.

Chances are I wont return to this thread, because I have little tolerance for "churn and burn" accusers and scoffers, with their contrived catch phrases, and ignorance disguised as expertise...

Suffice it to say that this will make sales for you above.

You dont even have to know how to sell your service (although sales experience does help, and simple "Action" is the ONLY way to get it) ,just explain your offer, thats all.

Customer: "What are you offering...?"

You: "This is what Im offering..."

I know... Mind boggling how that works right?

If you are talking to an interested prospect,they will buy it.

Multiple daily sales are made by doing this like a machine for relatively long periods of days...even though it may only be for a couple of hours per day.Its just a groove you have to get into. Very simple.

Your time is spent even more effectively by hiring someone else to do the 30 second elevator pitch,and only talking to the interested prospects yourself.

Just felt like contributing today. This works. Hope it helps someone.

#basics #calling #cold #nutshell
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Nguyen
    You're so right John! Cold calling is about finding interest (you and a few others taught me that). Forget the rebuttals on a "not interested" DM. Leave the rebuttals for when you're closing a customer that can't or is reluctant to make a decision.

    Speed is power when it comes to cold calling. Get through your numbers quick. You can't exactly churn or burn a list when they don't want your offer anyway so keep calling.

    I did this pitch which worked as well

    1. My name is xyz
    2. I make websites produce more leads
    3. Is this a bad time to talk

    What I would add to the above is a follow up plan for when you're getting blocked by the GK or when then DM is not in.

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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Stewart
      Originally Posted by Michael Nguyen View Post

      You're so right John! Cold calling is about finding interest (you and a few others taught me that). Forget the rebuttals on a "not interested" DM. Leave the rebuttals for when you're closing a customer that can't or is reluctant to make a decision.

      Speed is power when it comes to cold calling. Get through your numbers quick. You can't exactly churn or burn a list when they don't want your offer anyway so keep calling.

      I did this pitch which worked as well

      1. My name is xyz
      2. I make websites produce more leads
      3. Is this a bad time to talk

      What I would add to the above is a follow up plan for when you're getting blocked by the GK or when then DM is not in.



      I like your pitch. I do see a couple things that may help it be more effective.

      #1. I'd say "my name is xyz and I OWN "Build a Website Company". (Knowing that they have a fellow business owner on the phone will make many business owners more receptive to listening to you).

      #2. I make websites produce more leads (I'd be certain that you can do this if you're going to say it. Especially if you're planning on making modifications to their existing website).

      #3. Is this a bad time to talk? Ouch!

      I'd say something more along the lines of "I'm sure that having a steady supply of qualified leads that are unique to your business could have a positive impact on your bottom line, right?" (Asking if it's a good time to talk is a way for them to get you off the phone. I never say that! If they have a problem seeing how a steady supply of unique qualified leads could increase their profits then I'd wish them a "nice day" and call me a real businessman, because he's an idiot. He may not know, like or trust you, but refuting that fact is really difficult to comprehend. If they try, I say goodbye. :-)


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      • Profile picture of the author jamesfreddyc

        Asking if it's a good time to talk is a way for them to get you off the phone
        That's not what he is asking.
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      • Profile picture of the author Michael Nguyen
        Originally Posted by Joe Stewart View Post

        #3. Is this a bad time to talk? Ouch!
        For me, this is more of a pattern interrupt when I feel like it. It shows respect to them to gain permission. 99% of the time they will say "NOT a good time but what is it?". If the offer is right, they will stop and listen or say call me back.

        Or I sometimes go with an open ended question eg:

        "JUST suppose, just suppose, my skills WERE, actually able to produce tangible results, which INCREASED sales conversions and generated MORE online orders by 10,20 or even 40%, IF you INVESTED money, what percentage figure increase would you be happy with?"

        This one always gets them I can qualify them in or out.
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        • Profile picture of the author Joe Stewart
          Originally Posted by Michael Nguyen View Post

          For me, this is more of a pattern interrupt when I feel like it. It shows respect to them to gain permission. 99% of the time they will say "NOT a good time but what is it?". If the offer is right, they will stop and listen or say call me back.

          Or I sometimes go with an open ended question eg:

          "JUST suppose, just suppose, my skills WERE, actually able to produce tangible results, which INCREASED sales conversions and generated MORE online orders by 10,20 or even 40%, IF you INVESTED money, what percentage figure increase would you be happy with?"

          This one always gets them I can qualify them in or out.

          Another way to do it without asking if it's a bad time to talk is to say "I can appreciate how busy you must be, so I'll make this brief" and then go right into your pitch.

          You can also say "I understand how busy you must be, I am too, but if you can spare me a quick minute it's very possible that I may be able to increase your profits at either low or no cost to you. Fair enough?"

          That's just off the top of my head, but I hope you see my point? These people are at work. They have things to do, people to manage, etc so it's never really a "good" time to talk. They're not just sitting there waiting for us to call them. Many people WILL use that as an excuse to get you off the phone - fact.

          Of course, everyone has their own opinions and experiences. I just know that it's a natural defense mechanism to try to rebuke being sold and asking if it's a "bad time to talk/good time to talk" gives them an immediate way out of the conversation. Also, because they'll now know that you're selling something, getting through again will be difficult, if not impossible.

          That being said, this is regarding selling small ticket items. I could understand being a bit less aggressive with big ticket sales and services, though that's not my area of expertise.


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          • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
            Originally Posted by Joe Stewart View Post

            Another way to do it without asking if it's a bad time to talk is to say "I can appreciate how busy you must be, so I'll make this brief" and then go right into your pitch.
            Joe. I like what you say. "so I'll make it brief" makes it nearly impossible to say "I'm not interested" at that point.
            I'm sure you get good results with it. And there is no reason to change.

            Let me give my rationale for saying, "Is this a bad time to talk?"

            It doesn't take longer than "I can appreciate how busy you must be, so I'll make this brief".

            In my experience, nearly every prospect says, "I have a minute, what can I go for you?"...or at least "What's it about?"

            I like it because I now have a minute on the phone. It's a subtle form of agreement. But in practice, I 'll get a minute or maybe more...than I would ordinarily get.

            And who says, "Is it a bad time to talk?"....friends, business associates. I want to be associated, in the prospect's mind, with that group of people.

            It's just a thought. You obviously already know what you are doing.
            One Call Closing book

            What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
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    • Profile picture of the author SalesGod
      Originally Posted by Michael Nguyen View Post

      You're so right John! Cold calling is about finding interest (you and a few others taught me that). Forget the rebuttals on a "not interested" DM. Leave the rebuttals for when you're closing a customer that can't or is reluctant to make a decision.

      Speed is power when it comes to cold calling. Get through your numbers quick. You can't exactly churn or burn a list when they don't want your offer anyway so keep calling.

      I did this pitch which worked as well

      1. My name is xyz
      2. I make websites produce more leads
      3. Is this a bad time to talk

      What I would add to the above is a follow up plan for when you're getting blocked by the GK or when then DM is not in.

      dont ask them if its a bad time to talk.. its not working for you now and it wont start working. what do you say when they say "yes its a bad time" ?
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      • Profile picture of the author sandalwood
        Originally Posted by SalesGod View Post

        dont ask them if its a bad time to talk.. its not working for you now and it wont start working. what do you say when they say "yes its a bad time" ?
        I always ask them if it is a bad time to talk before I start my little spiel. When they say yes it is I ask them for a better time. I always get a better time and they are always there and willing to talk.

        The other answer I get is no, what do you have? Notice they are asking me to tell them what I have. It now becomes incumbent on me to present my product so we both can make a decision.

        The line works. Use it and it'll be your friend for life. Unless of course you have a direct pipeline to the real god who will transcribe a better one for you and send it to earth via one of his angels.
        Get 30% or More Retirement Income If you are serious about your retirement, you'll love this product.

        The Money Ferret Finance Article Directory
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        • Profile picture of the author SalesGod
          Originally Posted by sandalwood View Post

          I always ask them if it is a bad time to talk before I start my little spiel. When they say yes it is I ask them for a better time. I always get a better time and they are always there and willing to talk.

          The other answer I get is no, what do you have? Notice they are asking me to tell them what I have. It now becomes incumbent on me to present my product so we both can make a decision.

          The line works. Use it and it'll be your friend for life. Unless of course you have a direct pipeline to the real god who will transcribe a better one for you and send it to earth via one of his angels.
          Yikes. sounds like you havent been selling very long
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10315522].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author SalesGod
          Originally Posted by sandalwood View Post

          I always ask them if it is a bad time to talk before I start my little spiel. When they say yes it is I ask them for a better time. I always get a better time and they are always there and willing to talk.

          The other answer I get is no, what do you have? Notice they are asking me to tell them what I have. It now becomes incumbent on me to present my product so we both can make a decision.

          The line works. Use it and it'll be your friend for life. Unless of course you have a direct pipeline to the real god who will transcribe a better one for you and send it to earth via one of his angels.
          I think iv already ripped that line apart in a previous thread so i dont feel like doing it again. Go look for the thread. if I didnt let me know and ill be glad to completely tear it apart again. Just know the sooner you get back to the drawing board the better.
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          • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
            Originally Posted by SalesGod View Post

            I think iv already ripped that line apart in a previous thread so i dont feel like doing it again. Go look for the thread. if I didnt let me know and ill be glad to completely tear it apart again. Just know the sooner you get back to the drawing board the better.

            I can't say it any better than John Cleese.
            One Call Closing book

            What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
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          • Profile picture of the author sandalwood
            Originally Posted by SalesGod View Post

            I think iv already ripped that line apart in a previous thread so i dont feel like doing it again. Go look for the thread. if I didnt let me know and ill be glad to completely tear it apart again. Just know the sooner you get back to the drawing board the better.
            Pay attention to post #21 because John is talking about you. Who wudda figured we'd have a resident of that nature on this forum? You sir are a celebrity. See, John was correct and he doesn't even know you.

            BTW, I grabbed the line from one of Jason Kanigan's posts. I guess he hasn't been selling too long either. As you say, go look for the thread.
            Get 30% or More Retirement Income If you are serious about your retirement, you'll love this product.

            The Money Ferret Finance Article Directory
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        • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
          Originally Posted by sandalwood View Post

          I always ask them if it is a bad time to talk before I start my little spiel. When they say yes it is I ask them for a better time. I always get a better time and they are always there and willing to talk.

          The other answer I get is no, what do you have? Notice they are asking me to tell them what I have. It now becomes incumbent on me to present my product so we both can make a decision.

          The line works. Use it and it'll be your friend for life. Unless of course you have a direct pipeline to the real god who will transcribe a better one for you and send it to earth via one of his angels.
          I do the same thing. Why? Because that's what professionals do. That's what friends ask when they call. It sets you apart from the average telemarketer.

          Can you imagine just calling a colleague, and beginning your spiel without asking if it's a bad time to talk? I even ask this when I call my son.

          I can understand someone not using it. The best cold call I ever got, the guy didn't ask if it was a bad time to talk. But his pitch was strictly transactional.

          If you are setting appointments for someone else, who cares if the prospect likes you..

          But if you are calling for yourself, prospecting is the first half of the sales process.

          The first thing out of your mouth, is the first impression they have of you....the first few seconds. And once that first impression is made, it's very difficult to change it.

          It isn't prospecting...and then selling. A good cold call can make half the sale, before product is discussed at all.
          One Call Closing book

          What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
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          • Profile picture of the author Joe Stewart
            Originally Posted by DaniMc View Post

            To be fair - if you contact 10,000 - you should make 200-300 sales. Or, 2-3 sales per 100 contacts. If you are good on the phone and calling the right people.

            Yes there are better ways - but cold calling isn't as bad as you make it sound.
            I wanted to comment on this statement, as well. No, cold calling isn't as bad as some would have you believe - if done right. That's by being kind, respectful and listening to the prospects needs. All I do is ask a few simple questions, wait for them to answer and then see if I'll be able to HELP them. That's the key.

            I have customers that I've done business with for over 20 years and during that time I've worked at more than one location in a niche. I'll call them up, let them know I'm back, where I'm at now, let them know how I can continue to HELP them and they say "I'll buy from you, now that I know you're back."

            You build relationships over time by taking care of the needs of these business owners. They could be perfectly content to keep buying elsewhere, but they chose to buy from me again because they know, like and trust me.

            And it all began with a simple cold call.

            Another thing, and this is HUGE. Nearly all of your competitors in practically every market have huge advertising budgets and are spending enormous amounts of money on PPC, SEO and print advertising. When people do a search online most are looking at things like prices, shipping, brands, contact information, coupons, etc. These people are practically swimming in information!

            Everyone needs to keep in mind that many of these people aren't nearly as internet savvy as those that hang out here or are online much of the time.

            Contacting business owners by phone allows you to differentiate yourself from them. You're a real person that has a name instead of just (Contact Us). If your prices are fair and you take good care of people, you'll become their "go to" guy, just like John said about being their "web guy" in his report.

            Believe it or not, there are a LOT of people that don't like shopping online. It can become a huge undertaking for them. Many business owners have their secretary, office manager, crew chief, etc deal with it because they don't like doing it.

            In addition, there's very little loyalty from customers who buy from these large companies. I just had a conversation with my sales rep at a major supplier in a niche I sell in and he was telling me that he used to be in charge of their east coast sales department. I mentioned a couple large competitors over there that are fairly well known in the industry and he told me something that almost made me fall off my chair!

            Speaking of one large company in particular, he said "they're #1 in both the PPC and search results for nearly every keyword you can imagine in this industry. They spend millions annually on advertising. We process at least 20 orders or more per day for this company alone."

            No big surprise there, but the next thing he said floored me. "Of those orders they get, many are only in the $50.00 range and I rarely see repeat customers come through."

            He'd know if there were repeat buyers because they'd have the previous orders, shipping and billing info, etc in their system, right?

            So these guys are spending a TON of money on advertising every year, are probably losing money and don't even realize it, and they're creating very few long term repeat customers!

            Some of you may be wondering what I'm trying to say. I'll simplify a nutshell, YOU can do BETTER than they are by simply picking up the phone and cold calling!

            You won't have the ad spend, you'll still have competitive pricing, AND you'll become their "web guy" and likely get most or all of every dime they ever spend on their site and potentially a lot of their advertising budget.

            And it all begins with a simple phone call. You find those people that are looking for you, gradually build that relationship and get paid again and again.

            Most people don't understand that. Of course, things can be leveraged and expanded. Profits can be increased exponentially - if that's what you want to do. But if that's not your "thing" there's still nothing keeping you from making $50-$100k from a small desk in your bedroom.

            Some things to think about.

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            • Profile picture of the author John Durham
              Originally Posted by Joe Stewart View Post

              Another thing, and this is HUGE. Nearly all of your competitors in practically every market have huge advertising budgets and are spending enormous amounts of money on PPC, SEO and print advertising. When people do a search online most are looking at things like prices, shipping, brands, contact information, coupons, etc. These people are practically swimming in information!
              Last post today.

              EXCELLENT point! Cold calling helps you isolate your prospect outside of all that.
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              • Profile picture of the author mojo1
                I just read this article which totally support what you've said Joe.

                Larger companies across numerous industries who spend enormous amounts of money to advertise, still can't seem to figure out the best way to engage their customers for longer term relationships which leaves major opportunities for the smaller consultant to start a conversation.

                The Ad-Blocking Holiday Diet
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                • Profile picture of the author Joe Stewart
                  Originally Posted by mojo1 View Post

                  I just read this article which totally support what you've said Joe.

                  Larger companies across numerous industries who spend enormous amounts of money to advertise, still can't seem to figure out the best way to engage their customers for longer term relationships which leaves major opportunities for the smaller consultant to start a conversation.

                  The Ad-Blocking Holiday Diet

                  People have become over exposed to advertising and developed what's known as "banner blindness". A lot of it stems from poor, untargeted marketing. These are companies that are hitting unsuspecting individuals with banners and popups that aren't even relevant to the page they're on or the search they're performing.

                  There are a LOT of big companies that were created by some very business savvy individuals, but most of them aren't marketers and many of the people/agencies they hire to do their advertising aren't really experts at all, they just know how to do some keyword research.

                  I could go way off topic about this and get into some in-depth examples, but that would be hijacking the thread and I'm not going to do that.

                  Basically, if you can go cheap by telemarketing and building relationships, you're so far ahead of the game that you can compete with nearly anyone from home.

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                  • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy
                    Originally Posted by Joe Stewart View Post

                    People have become over exposed to advertising and developed what's known as "banner blindness". A lot of it stems from poor, untargeted marketing. These are companies that are hitting unsuspecting individuals with banners and popups that aren't even relevant to the page they're on or the search they're performing.

                    There are a LOT of big companies that were created by some very business savvy individuals, but most of them aren't marketers and many of the people/agencies they hire to do their advertising aren't really experts at all, they just know how to do some keyword research.

                    I could go way off topic about this and get into some in-depth examples, but that would be hijacking the thread and I'm not going to do that.

                    Basically, if you can go cheap by telemarketing and building relationships,
                    you're so far ahead of the game that you can compete with nearly anyone from home.
                    Joe you're passing along a devastatingly effective strategy.

                    It's worth a million dollars or more, to anyone who will use it.

                    Thanks for the insight.

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10314659].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Joe Stewart
                      Originally Posted by Ron Lafuddy View Post

                      Joe you're passing along a devastatingly effective strategy.

                      It's worth a million dollars or more, to anyone who will use it.

                      Thanks for the insight.

                      Thanks, Ron. Actually, it's John's thread. I'm just throwing in my two cents.

                      Oh, and if you really feel that way about the value I've shared, you can make that check out to "Joe Stewart".


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                      • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy
                        Originally Posted by Joe Stewart View Post

                        Thanks, Ron. Actually, it's John's thread. I'm just throwing in my two cents.

                        Oh, and if you really feel that way about the value I've shared, you can make that check out to "Joe Stewart".

                        The key points in your post, which I highlighted above, were driven
                        home again for me this past Saturday. I received a check from a company
                        I first contacted (phone call) about doing business, almost 23 years

                        That's a long time in the world of business.

                        I made sure they got the help they needed, way back then, and they've been
                        taking care of me ever since. It is, as you say, about the relationship.

                        What is the Return On Investment?

                        "Outta Sight!" is the answer that comes to mind.
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  • Profile picture of the author SalesGod
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      • Profile picture of the author John Durham
        Originally Posted by Joe Stewart View Post

        I hear you, John. Actually, I'm borderline pissed off!

        I'm in the process of cutting my primary business down to part-time and had been looking for something to supplement my income that wasn't expensive to start. I thought this would be a perfect addition to the lead generation project I've started, too. I already bought some professional looking local Wordpress templates that can be easily edited and also just grabbed 2400 leads. I plan to start first thing Monday morning.

        Honestly, I've been in this game for many years, too, and have pretty thick skin, but having someone come in and slam negativity on what I'm about to use as my business model IS disruptive!
        My advice Joe is just to keep it low key....Same as the original post in this thread. Be prepared to dial alot of numbers but not to be under a ton of pressure.

        You are just introducing your service and finding out if there is interest.If there is you talk to them about it,and if there isnt then "Thanks for your time". No harm no foul.

        If you do that you WILL absolutely come across some business. In the future there may be better ways and there may even be now...but if you want a sure way that works like a clock, then this will.

        My best advice is said over and over,because its my best advice (lol)! ]

        And that is "Be easy going." Its not a concert at madison square garden. You are just calling to let people know there is a new service in town. If they arent interested,no big deal.

        Only one in a thousand people are really that upset about getting a sales call,especially in the b2b world.

        Its common, its sensible,it works, and alot of people really like talking to you to be honest.You have some great interactions. The rest are just two line introductions that were quick and painless for both parties.

        The FACT is that it works.The Fact is that its working for a hundred different people right now on this very forum...Dont let the naysayers bumm you out.You are taking the path that has led to success for millions of salespeople throughout time.

        Good ole cold calling.

        Having sold tons of stuff through various medium outside of telemarketing...I can agree that there are other ways,but this is a way that absolutely works, and its the way for a newbie to see the quickest results.

        It will absolutely give you traction,which has always been my goal,to help people get initial traction.That traction gives you the faith to keep going when you might have otherwise have given up.

        Good luck man.Will look forward to reading of your success,which I'm sure is inevitable!
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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      "You are right.There are 500 million full time cold callers employed in the United states
      318.9 million total population according to US Census 2014.


      Doctor E. Vile
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      • Profile picture of the author John Durham
        Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

        318.9 million total population according to US Census 2014.


        Doctor E. Vile
        You are right. What was I thinking?

        I read an estimate a few years back by the labor board of statistics (cited in my free telemarketing report) that said the actual number was somewhere around 5 million.... I had to re look up some things.... I guess I said 500 million but was confusing the number with the five 5 million, that I had researched... Thought I remembered it as 500... Totally not intentional.

        In any event, its alot of people and a lot of companies who are using telemarketing day in and day out successfully,year after year.
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    • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
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  • Profile picture of the author quadagon
    A subtle alternative one of my guys uses is the phrase:

    'this a good time to talk, yeah?'

    He has a great informal style where he'll start a call with 'hey, is John about?' If a gatekeeper asks who is calling he just replies 'tell him its Dave'.

    Downside to his style is that we can only use him on some campaigns.
    I've got 99 problems but a niche ain't one
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  • Profile picture of the author millersir
    First time poster so take it easy on me.

    I just wanted to share some success. I recently found an old post by John Durham titled " FREE OFFLINE REPORT-"The Great Telemarketing War Report" - Make Money Starting NOW!!"

    I literally followed the report to a T for a week. I made 100 dials per day, for 5 days, to local business owners without a website. I followed the script exactly how it's written in the report. I am not bullshitting in any way when I say that I CLOSED three deals in 5 days. I'm almost shocked and how simple it is. I've been thinking myself into paralysis for months only getting by on referrals for my web design business.

    I finally took action and made $2,250 in 5 days. Holy Sh*t, you are the man John Durham! Thank you so much for all that you do.
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    • Profile picture of the author chamberlain
      Thank you OP and thanks millersir. I used to be very comfortable telemarketing but have been away from it for years. You have given me enough encouragement to give it a shot. Will share results.
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      • Profile picture of the author millersir

        I was the same way. I cold called for 6 years with great success. I got to the point where referrals were coming in about 3 times per month for jobs that would range from $3k-$5k. I haven't made a "cold" call in almost 2 years except for the past 5 business days.

        I shared the success of sales but I didn't even mention the leads I was able to pull from the 500 dials I made. I have a legitimate opportunity to close 2 more deals in the next month based off of 500 dials in 5 days. All by calling and introducing myself. What a novel idea
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    • Profile picture of the author sooWoo
      Originally Posted by millersir View Post

      First time poster so take it easy on me.

      I just wanted to share some success. I recently found an old post by John Durham titled " FREE OFFLINE REPORT-"The Great Telemarketing War Report" - Make Money Starting NOW!!"

      I literally followed the report to a T for a week. I made 100 dials per day, for 5 days, to local business owners without a website. I followed the script exactly how it's written in the report. I am not bullshitting in any way when I say that I CLOSED three deals in 5 days. I'm almost shocked and how simple it is. I've been thinking myself into paralysis for months only getting by on referrals for my web design business.

      I finally took action and made $2,250 in 5 days. Holy Sh*t, you are the man John Durham! Thank you so much for all that you do.
      I don't know. I think it's a bit strange for your first post to be something like this. Could you tell us more on how you got your sales with such a high conversion rate?
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      • Profile picture of the author John Durham
        Originally Posted by sooWoo View Post

        I don't know. I think it's a bit strange for your first post to be something like this. Could you tell us more on how you got your sales with such a high conversion rate?
        It's not strange. Its how it works. I have a hundred more posts just like this in a file...

        Cold calling is a strategy that doesn't fail, regardless of whether it is the only one or not.

        If I read a report and it inspired me to do something successful, I would post about it too. Nothing strange here.

        Congrats MillerSir!

        Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

        "Hi Bob, I'm John, with ABC web design. We are calling around today offering special deals to local business owners like yourself on our basic small business web design packages... Just wondered if you'd thought about doing any internet marketing projects for your business this year, that we could maybe help you out with..."

        Thanks John, just seems like the script you gave is a real mind twister with the words you use.

        Wonder is there's a reason for the words you use or if it could be simplified.

        Thanks for taking the time to post and offer ideas.
        1: Because it is direct, with few words, and respectful of the business owners attention span. If he wants to go forward he can, and if he doesnt, you werent too disruptive to his day, nor forceful in any way.

        (I'm never looking to "make" someone want my offer, I'm only looking for a person that "wants" what I offer)

        2: Because it is a simple proposition, direct honest, and doesnt come across as slimey.

        3: It is a polite open ended question, but calculated to generate a favorable response... ie; everyone has "thought" about doing some internet marketing projects, and has ideas on the back burner... It opens up dialogue in an easy going manner.

        Hope this helps. You can reword it til the words roll off the tongue better for you of course, just dont make it real wordy, thats the key.

        Protect your own vibe by being as non intrusive as possible, being easy to say yes to, and also easy to say no to.

        Just be genuine and say why you are calling... It'snot hard to be easy going when your purpose is simply to introduce your company share your offer with anyone who is interested. Its easy to just say "Have a nice day" and move on...

        Prospects appreciate it when you want to share your offer with them, but you arent desperate for them to take it.... You come across as informative,enthusiastic, accommodating, polite(not meek), and make a good, no pressure, impression.

        It makes them want to say yes to you.

        Just basic commonsense. You come across as more genuine, the less you try to craft your words... and there is no substitute for coming across as genuine.

        I use and share this approach ,above all, because "It works", for even average people.
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      • Profile picture of the author millersir
        Originally Posted by sooWoo View Post

        I don't know. I think it's a bit strange for your first post to be something like this. Could you tell us more on how you got your sales with such a high conversion rate?
        Not sure why this is strange to you. I have been a WF reader for a number of years now, but I was never compelled to comment because I, honestly, never thought I could add value.

        I'm being completely honest with my posts above. I've even seen results again today. No sales closed, but I set up 2 appointments for next week and got 3 more points of interest off 117 dials today.

        As far as my process goes... I'm literally following John's advice and script to an absolute T. The only thing I changed from John's report titled: "The Great Telemarketing War Report" is my pricing. John suggests a 5 page site completed in 72 hours for $499. I call and offer the same service but have a price point of $749 +$25/month hosting.

        My demeanor is kinda take it or leave it. I'm not a high pressure kind of guy. I'm almost relieved when someone says "No Thanks" because that means I'm 1 conversation closer to "Actually, yeah, I've been thinking about it." Then you go straight into pitching your service. If they're still engaged after the pitch then you ask if you can bring Starbucks by their office on X day at X time. Some will say "Yes! Please" Some will suggest another time. Some will say call me early next week so I have a better idea of what my calendar looks like.

        It really is as simple as John describes. You just need to get on the horn and talk to people.

        PS... the rudest person I've encountered in 617 dials hung up on me before I could say my company name. Everyone else has thanked me for the call and kindly disengaged.
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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    "Hi Bob, I'm John, with ABC web design. We are calling around today offering special deals to local business owners like yourself on our basic small business web design packages... Just wondered if you'd thought about doing any internet marketing projects for your business this year, that we could maybe help you out with..."

    Thanks John, just seems like the script you gave is a real mind twister with the words you use.

    Wonder is there's a reason for the words you use or if it could be simplified.

    Thanks for taking the time to post and offer ideas.
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  • Profile picture of the author jdcaro55
    Does any one have a script to ask for the email and offer their newsletter to this cold calls, even if they don't become a client right there in there?
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    • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
      Originally Posted by jdcaro55 View Post

      Does any one have a script to ask for the email and offer their newsletter to this cold calls, even if they don't become a client right there in there?
      That does not take a new script. Just ask them if they'd like to get your email newsletter after they give you the "No", "Not Interested", "Not for now", etc..., but don't use that as YOUR escape from the call, if there is any chance they are interested.

      Most of them are going to tell you "No", but it doesn't hurt to ask.
      Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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      • Profile picture of the author John Durham
        Originally Posted by Barry Unruh View Post

        That does not take a new script. Just ask them if they'd like to get your email newsletter after they give you the "No", "Not Interested", "Not for now", etc..., but don't use that as YOUR escape from the call, if there is any chance they are interested.

        Most of them are going to tell you "No", but it doesn't hurt to ask.
        Thank you.

        It could actually be effective, if, with your asking, you get permission (commitment) to call back later and discuss the contents of the email with them.

        Back when my room had a print advertising contract we did it with faxes.

        The print advertising was for a free employment rag , the kind you see in stands around town...

        We would call using classified ads for a list, and say to the business owner that we didnt mean to take a lot of their time, but we had noticed that they regularly use print advertising, and thought that they may be interested in seeing one of our special ad packages...

        We would inform them that there was a special discount, just for trying it out... Then we would say "I know I caught you off guard, so Im not going to hold you up on the phone right now with a full blown sales pitch or anything...but If I sent you a fax would you agree to look it over?"

        They would almost always say yes. Then we would throw in "Great, I will send that right over... Like I said, I know I caught you off guard, I will just call back a little later, once you have had a chance to check it out, and try to answer any questions you may have about it... Is around 1:00 usually a good time to catch you...?"

        Then we would proceed to nail down a time for a phone appointment.

        Upon calling back we would do a sales pitch, pointing out different features on the fax paper, while the business owner had it in hand on the other end. Powerful because it involved more senses for the prospect.

        In any event, it was really "phone appointment setting".

        Our quota was for each TM to sell a thousand dollars per day... Usually that was one to three ads. Sometimes we'd even get a full six month contract, to get "Grandfathered in at the discount price" for half a year...

        You wont get any where with a "hit and run" strategy. You can incorporate emails and things of that nature, to do what you are talking about, but you still have to know how to nail down a firm appointment and sell.

        Its about matching the right list with the right call strategy, there are a ton of ways that you can work with the phone.
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        • Profile picture of the author Bruce Fletcher
          Even though the numbers of calls needed seem like they might be increasing as the years pass by, it's encouraging to see that the old faithful polite phone introduction still works. It's been hard to convince my wife when she sees the numbers of "failed" calls. You really have to simply go through it, make several hundred calls to experience what happens.
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  • I was having such a great time reading the thread that was a bit disappointed when i ran out of posts to read.
    I will start doing this approach starting Monday. I will use it to sell Reputation Marketing services. hopefully I can get some good results as Milersir. although I would need to sell a few more than him since my price point will be lower. But at the end of the week all I need is 3 sales.
    but it looks like I Just have to take action and follow the simple process and I will get there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bruce Fletcher
    I have to say, after seeing a bunch of different approaches over the years, that I like this one (John D's) the best. It's just peaceful, no worry about what to say or whether I'm missing some magic key to a sale. And no leaving a bad taste in the callee's mouth after talking to me. Why would anyone want to leave a trail of bad reactions behind them? This way keeps it clean, and it's a surefire way to make sales. Even for a rank beginner like I was.
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  • Profile picture of the author tonejunkee
    wow, never really post on here but felt compelled. I've built a local business over the last 6 years entirely on cold calling. Meeting in person is quite the rush and I have closed with every single face-to-face meeting. Here are some other tips:

    1. Prospecting Linkedin is massively powerful. You can quickly get actual names and specific contacts. Also have found free smartphone apps that work wonders for prospecting new companies + contacts. It's called Hot Sales Leads. There are several out there, so please chime in with more!

    2. Inner Game This is the most important one. What's your internal state? Not all of us can be in beast-mode 24/7. Get inspired and find out what makes you win. This could be morning routines, certain brands of coffee, etc. I have a gym membership and find that sweating clears the mind and makes this stuff sooo easy. It's only hard when my mind is shite

    3. Read all the Books You should be constantly fishing for nuggets of wisdom. Like this thread, there are books on the subject. Read them. You may not agree with everything, but I promise there will be Aha! moments. I live for this stuff. Currently reading "Smart Calling" and "Predictable Revenue"

    Study the Law the Averages and you cannot fail. There are simply too many businesses out there. If you signed one account, you can sign 1000
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