how do you keep your cool with the decision maker

11 replies
Hey guys, i litterally just got off the phone with a guy who i had an interested in digital marketing, i knew this prior before the call, i called and he picked up and i fumble and stuttered like a mother******, he told me has a seo contract he signed with 2 weeks ago, and in my head i say "what a liar".

Anyways, before i called this warm lead, i wasnt feeling good, i didnt feel like talking to anybody.

I find myself getting nervous like a mother****** when im talking to a decision maker and i just want it to go away. I built up a way to talk to gatekeepers(in fact i talk with the upmost confindencec when talking to them, one was able to get me through to the decision maker at one point, but i hanged up), when its time to talk to the decision maker i hang up or stutter and fumble, i just want to talk to them like i talk to the gatekeeper

I make about 110 calls a day, i set up an appointment for a guy yesterday, however he sounded rush or said that to get off the phone but i locked in a time though.

Any suggestions to not get nervous talking to decision makers ?
#cool #decision #maker
  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Originally Posted by Clautusoar View Post

    Hey guys, i litterally just got off the phone with a guy who i had an interested in digital marketing, i knew this prior before the call, i called and he picked up and i fumble and stuttered like a mother******, he told me has a seo contract he signed with 2 weeks ago, and in my head i say "what a liar".

    Anyways, before i called this warm lead, i wasnt feeling good, i didnt feel like talking to anybody.

    I find myself getting nervous like a mother****** when im talking to a decision maker and i just want it to go away. I built up a way to talk to gatekeepers(in fact i talk with the upmost confindencec when talking to them, one was able to get me through to the decision maker at one point, but i hanged up), when its time to talk to the decision maker i hang up or stutter and fumble, i just want to talk to them like i talk to the gatekeeper

    I make about 110 calls a day, i set up an appointment for a guy yesterday, however he sounded rush or said that to get off the phone but i locked in a time though.

    Any suggestions to not get nervous talking to decision makers ?
    I find that saying mother****** on a public forum, tends to make you nervous. Possibly not saying that, will make you feel more at ease.
    One Call Closing book

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Try this instead:

    Is your focus on uncovering the truth about what's going on in the prospect's world?

    If they won't tell you even a little bit about the truth, you don't have to continue playing their game.

    BTW I have explained this many times over the years:

    First callers are stopped by gatekeepers.

    Then after a couple weeks of consistent effort, this problem goes away.

    Then the caller becomes tongue-tied with decision makers.

    After awhile, this will go away as well.

    What's happening to you is normal.
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    • Profile picture of the author Clautusoar
      Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      Try this instead:

      Son of a Nutcracker - YouTube

      Is your focus on uncovering the truth about what's going on in the prospect's world?

      If they won't tell you even a little bit about the truth, you don't have to continue playing their game.

      BTW I have explained this many times over the years:

      First callers are stopped by gatekeepers.

      Then after a couple weeks of consistent effort, this problem goes away.

      Then the caller becomes tongue-tied with decision makers.

      After awhile, this will go away as well.

      What's happening to you is normal.
      Your right i saw your post about that a while ago, i thought you were being sarcastic but its so true. And if even i dont make it to the dm, i get their information. To follow up
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      • Profile picture of the author Michael Nguyen
        Do the following

        1. Write a script and know what you're going to say
        2. Be an equal with the DM. You're a business owner just like you but the only difference they are on a larger scale (most likely). This doesn't mean they're more important than you. If you don't feel you're an important person, the person on the line will agree with you = no conversation
        3. The more your practice the better you will get. Once you get that first say (if you haven't already), then it will create a breakthrough.

        The day I closed my first cold call over the phone WITHOUT a meeting was a breakthrough for me...

        I invite rejection.. try it
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        • Profile picture of the author Clautusoar
          Originally Posted by Michael Nguyen View Post

          Do the following

          1. Write a script and know what you're going to say
          2. Be an equal with the DM. You're a business owner just like you but the only difference they are on a larger scale (most likely). This doesn't mean they're more important than you. If you don't feel you're an important person, the person on the line will agree with you = no conversation
          3. The more your practice the better you will get. Once you get that first say (if you haven't already), then it will create a breakthrough.

          The day I closed my first cold call over the phone WITHOUT a meeting was a breakthrough for me...

          I invite rejection.. try it

          No i didnt get the first sale over the ohone yet, and to be on the same page guys, i have cold call for web design last year and gave up on the second day of making 90 calls, looking back, i just winged it on the phone, i didnt have a script, i just try to have a conversation and then make a sale. Now i learned alot, i cant wing it, tonaility is so important, scripts are to make you sound professional, 100 calls a day is necessary for me to start seeing results. Following up with appointments as well. So i learned a lot and progress better than i did last year.

          @Micheal thank you for helping me get past through gk their is like a 49% get through and like 51% i get the dm information.
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          • Profile picture of the author Michael Nguyen
            Originally Posted by Clautusoar View Post

            No i didnt get the first sale over the ohone yet, and to be on the same page guys, i have cold call for web design last year and gave up on the second day of making 90 calls, looking back, i just winged it on the phone, i didnt have a script, i just try to have a conversation and then make a sale. Now i learned alot, i cant wing it, tonaility is so important, scripts are to make you sound professional, 100 calls a day is necessary for me to start seeing results. Following up with appointments as well. So i learned a lot and progress better than i did last year.

            @Micheal thank you for helping me get past through gk their is like a 49% get through and like 51% i get the dm information.
            You can do it but it takes guts and sheer determination to get the job done. If you get this right, cold calling can turn your business around. It has for me. Cold calling has actually saved my business, I don't want too be reliant on it forever but sometimes you just gotta do the dirty work to get stuff done. Be all in. Consume yourself on cold calling eg study Stan Billue. Master at cold calling. He's since passed away, and I was lucky to even speak to him on the phone. Privileged to have spoken to a legend.

            What you find on this page will turn your cold calling skills around if you want to. This is old material but 95% can still be applied today on the phone, in fact I've used many of his ideas to be a better caller.

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            • Profile picture of the author bigdawg69
              My confidence comes from confidence in my product and my own abilities. I know that the business owner I'm talking to needs me more than I need him, so I feel no pressure.

              No advice anyone in here gives you is going to help because your problem is coming from within
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            • Profile picture of the author mojo1
              Originally Posted by Michael Nguyen View Post

              Consume yourself on cold calling eg study Stan Billue. Master at cold calling. He's since passed away, and I was lucky to even speak to him on the phone. Privileged to have spoken to a legend.

              What you find on this page will turn your cold calling skills around if you want to. This is old material but 95% can still be applied today on the phone, in fact I've used many of his ideas to be a better caller.

              Thanks for this reminder Michael. Mr. Billue was one smooth teacher and I mean that with the utmost respect. I came across his information via Mike Brooks last year. Stan had one of the smoothest, most comforting voices that keeps a listener locked in to his every word.

              Mike did a tribute and interview with Stan earlier this year.
              5 Things I learned from Stan Billue |
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  • Originally Posted by Clautusoar View Post

    Any suggestions to not get nervous talking to decision makers ?
    You gotta ask why their decisions always gonna be more important than your decisions.

    You gotta ask why their thing is more important than your thing.

    Gonna take time, so you gonna be stuck in the void of uncertainty for a while, an' no shade of this place is good on nerves.

    But the more you ask instead of gettin' got, an ' the more you have courage to stick up for your thing, the less you gonna get nervous, the more you gonna flourish.

    An' if you have been so small you gonna be crushed, mebbe the decisions you make gonna matter to way more people.

    What is a decision after all?

    A chance to tip the balance of chaos in the direction of positive change.

    We all 'decide' jus for ourselves, then we are the agents of chaos.

    That is the sublime irony of diggin' thru the hierarchy of decision.

    Top switches to bottom, round an' round.

    So we are all equally in the loop.

    So I figure you gotta chance a step out into the unknown, feed your nerves with more info.

    Or they are jus' chimin' in time to their own unringin'.

    If it helps, I am kinda stuck on sumthin' right now an' I am vampin' on you like a selfish bitch queen.

    Feels like decisive power, but it kinda ain't.

    Yeah, so tomorrow, go make sumthin', I guess.

    Invent into being an unmade decision.

    I will do so also.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author eccj
    You know sometimes we try so hard to reach these people that we start to build them up in our minds. They are no longer just a person like you and me, they become special.

    I don't know what your background is or what kind of people you hangout with but do this; go somewhere nice, somewhere where generally wealthy people are, and start talking to people just for fun. Talk about sports or movies, whatever. Eventually you will find out what they do and you will be amazed that these normal people are the same people you are trying to reach and they are not that different from you or anyone else.

    Maybe English is your second language but you write like the kid who is afraid to talk to adults. Maybe I am wrong. I would try to make friends with some older people.

    I'll share a short story.

    My dad used to be a partner in a few car dealerships. I used to, sometimes still do, go on appointments with him. We would go see these business people and talk business and my job was to be funny and make things light.

    When he put me out on to the floor to learn sales and hangout with the sales team I learned something. The sales guys thought the people, that I would sit in on appointments with from the time I was 5, were like kings or the president or something important. When the CEO or CFO or whatever would walk by they would all get silent and then whisper something about how rich he was or how big his house was or some rumor. Any of those sales guys could have walked right up to the "big guy" and started a conversation and it would've been no big deal. Like really no big deal at all.

    When I used to cold call I made the same mistake as them, I thought the owner of some company with ten employees was a big deal, yet I knew people that were way richer than that guy. But for whatever reason talking to someones gatekeeper and looking at their information and their company revenue made the owner seem like the president. Me knowing his name but him not knowing me made him seem like a celebrity. Stupid. The guy could be my neighbor for all I know.

    So go meet some well to do OLDER people. That is really who you want to do business with anyways. And you might just get some business from the people you meet with a lot less price resistance too.
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  • Profile picture of the author bizgrower
    When you SELL to a small business owner you're helping them:

    "If you think you're the smartest person in the room, then you're probably in the wrong room."

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