What Are The Biggest Challenges in 2016?

25 replies
It's been a while since doing much posting here on the WF and it seems like the section has kind of died out a bit. Not exactly surprised.

Anyway, I figured I would try and stir up some activity here... What do you think are the biggest challenges in 2016?

The answer could be about yourself, your business or in general.

I have a few predictions here, feel free to add, take away, or criticize.

1.) Business owners will increasingly be wanting to get online, and boost their digital marketing spend.

A lot of them were skeptical, many have been sitting on the sidelines thinking they don't need to worry about the internet stuff. I think this year is the year we're going to see stubborn or unwilling business owners concede, and make an effort to have some visibility online.

I've also noticed that a TON of existing businesses that have been doing well online are wanting to spend more to achieve even better results. This is good news for pretty much everyone here that offers digital marketing services / web design, your existing clients are going to find other services if you're not staying in touch and letting them know other services you offer.

Existing clients for web design are likely looking to upgrade. It's pretty easy to sell redesigns to your existing clientele if the website you designed is older than 2 years.

2.) Local SEO is going to get more competitive

This should be a given. With more interest and dollars being focused in the digital realm, at the end of 2016 you will be hard pressed to find businesses ranking that don't have an experienced SEO company handling their listing and SEO.

This could be good and bad. Good for those that know what they're doing and can get results. Bad, because what used to be pretty easy pickings are going to be more difficult just due to the competition.

Then... you have all the big players to combat in local organic, along with Google doing their pay per call deal in select markets which almost eliminate local SEO altogether.

To put a cherry on the top of that, expect a few big shake ups with the algorithm.

3.) Digital Visibility services that aren't search engine based will likely see a big boost in revenue.

It's the future. SEO is always going to be getting more complicated, more competitive, and even less reliable even for the true experts.

Focusing on driving (or leaching) traffic to company owned or company claimed properties and nurturing those properties will be a big deal. Not just your standard social media properties, but directories and anything with a community behind it.

Think of it as the new SEO... in reality it is what SEO should really be about right now.

Pretend that you are building a real estate empire for your client. Except, it is digital real estate.

Anyway, those are a couple predictions...Last year I told a few people 2015 would be the death of mobile website services, due to the increase in need to have responsive design. I think I was right, but I'm sure there's a few left that will come in here on their dinosaurs and tell me it's alive and well.

I could come up a bunch more but would rather see what you all think. What are your thoughts? Any big predictions for 2016?
#2016 #biggest #challenges
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    oh my goodness... Where to even start with this? The biggest challenges... The further we get into the digital age the more it is becoming clear that the environment as a whole is becoming more complicated. SEO is very competitive. Social is competitive. PPC no matter the platform is more competitive.

    The greatest challenge is Authority / knowledge / understanding in all of these aspects of online business development. I think what we are starting to see much clearer now is that in the realm of online development.. the rich are getting richer and the poor are staying that way. Simply put the divide between success and what is deemed failure is widening by epic proportions. you can afford success, or you cant.

    What this means for providers of service... as we specialize in an area, our clients are needing further services ( that translates to expense ) in more areas to stay competitive in todays market. Big budgets are getting premium service and smaller business' are getting lack luster limited service and results. I think gone are the days of being good at say SEO, and getting your client good solid results. Yes, there can be positive results, but I think we can all agree there would be a lot left on the table.

    Its the firms that have a broad spectrum of talent and ability to deliver that are going to make it long term. By having the ability to go in and quote a single aspect, and then lay down the big dollar proposal that says we can do this this and this vs just that, we are saving you X per month and centeralizing your expense, becomes REAL attractive to many business'

    And then there is Mobile... Ah the great frontier! LOL With the domination of misinformation that is deemed "Responsive" there is HUGE opportunity in this sector. Think on this for a moment. Apple reported doing 2.2 BILLLION in sales for 2015... oh hold on, that's 2.2 BILLION in sales from MOBILE devices.. Sure specifically this number is from the iTunes APP.. but it cements the need for mobile specific applications and presentation.

    I would go so far as to say that this falls into that gap or separation I spoke of above. You can afford to present your business in a mobile format, or you go with "Responsive" as a lack luster alternative. I will ask this.. when you goto your bank website is it mobile specific or responsive? When you goto any MAJOR online retailor... is it mobile specific or responsive? when you start looking you see the economic line between the haves and the have nots. Big budget vs shoestring.

    I was talking with a client the other day... and we got onto the topic of video... he just wasn't wrapping his head around the need for full HD and different file sizes etc. I then invited him over to the office at a time that my 7 yr old son would be available.

    I introduced my son to him as the future clients of this guys business. He looked puzzled. I then asked my son to go watch some videos.. he cranked up the xboxone, told the xboxone what he wanted to watch, and up came the video ( It was JackSepticEye for anyone wondering )

    Keep in mind he ( my son ) is in my office with 3 computers, a laptop, a smart screen, a tablet or 2, more than a few phones, and he chose the xbox on a 70" screen.

    I then pulled out my phone and brought up the exact same video ( that my son was watching ) in both cases it looked really good.

    I then asked my son to pull up the clients videos, and he selected one... it basically looked like arse on the big screen ( pixeled out and not full screen etc ). and my son said "Ewww, can I change this?" I then I said.. "but hey it looks good on my phone" pulled up the video... and my son came over and said "that's not to clear daddy"

    The client then looked at me, and said "the pair of you are either well rehearsed, or we have a lot of work to do" - I then brought in my video guy and we started hammering out a plan of attack.

    At this point in the game... platform specific presentation is becoming paramount, as screen size is increasing and decreasing at a feverish rate.

    Next thing someone is going to say is that Hey responsive works on watches too... LOL
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

    It's been a while since doing much posting here on the WF and it seems like the section has kind of died out a bit. Not exactly surprised.

    Anyway, I figured I would try and stir up some activity here... What do you think are the biggest challenges in 2016?
    Happy New Year Nathan....it's going to be a good one for you and the more proactive marketers out there.

    Your topic is so broad but that is what should cause one to reflect and to focus on what they want to achieve in 2016.

    From a big view the Ozzies are going to feel the contraction of China more and for Aussie importers they will feel the pinch of a falling AUD$ dollar and shrinking resources economy.

    It will be tough for many sectors in Australia but it is always a good time to have something to sell when there is a hungry market and the hunger for online continues.

    On the online front I suspect that the move from a generalist to a specialist will continue.

    Tourism for us is showing up as already spiking upwards as we see greater shortages of holiday accommodation.

    The more focussed and specialised providers will continue to land the better clients and make bigger profits.

    Being a better networker and being able to work flexibly with businesses that are used to employing a variety of specialists to meet the company's growth requirements online will become more important.

    Better businesses expect to use a variety of specialists who can collectively deliver sustainable results.

    Businesses don't expect someone to be an online guru in all aspects anymore. They understand there are distinct segments and they recognise much more that they need personalized solutions to meet each of their unique needs.

    Even though you may have expertise in a wide variety of areas it will pay to focus on "your one key thing"

    It will pay to become more unique...the old (USP)

    It will pay to acutely focus on solving one big problem for your target market.

    It will pay to guarantee to deliver results in your one unique ability.

    Sure you can provide a variety of services, web design, seo, ppc etc....

    ...but you should try to get known as the goto guy for one special thing.

    Make 2016 the year you become more specialised and the year you charge more for that uniqueness.


    ...same as normal....only.


    Do your main one thing better than than others and be sure to charge a premium for that uncanny thing you do.

    Best of fortune to everyone for this year and many to come.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    IMO the biggest problem is the focus on technology as a solution, THE solution, without an underlying understanding of basic business fundamentals.

    People seem to think if they get their tech puzzle hooked up just the right way, they'll make money.


    It isn't the autoresponder, stealth webinar, magic bullet that does the work. Those are window dressing items.

    Low tech processes in front of hungry buyers trump fancy tech in front of disinterested and unqualified prospects, EVERY DAY.

    But that's not what the newbie wants to hear.

    They want to hear how the magic tech bullet is a business in a box (Ha!) and solves all their problems with one click.

    How 'bout some understanding of business basics??
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    • Profile picture of the author TCFKen
      There will be much more push for paid traffic in every area.

      What we're seeing from Facebook is only the beginning and they really seem to set the trend now when it comes to the structure of getting in front of users.

      We saw some of this with the 3 pack in Local, I think it will only continue from here. There's a lot of money to be made for these big companies when it comes to finding new ways to have advertisers pay for eyeballs. I think you'll see them get very creative much like facebook did with business/fan pages.
      Want to Bring On High Ticket, 5 Figure Clients Worth $20,000 & More?

      Watch How We Brought in 7 High Ticket Clients in 19 Days Using a Simple 2-Step Marketing Strategy...

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    • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
      Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      IMO the biggest problem is the focus on technology as a solution, THE solution, without an underlying understanding of basic business fundamentals.

      People seem to think if they get their tech puzzle hooked up just the right way, they'll make money.


      It isn't the autoresponder, stealth webinar, magic bullet that does the work. Those are window dressing items.

      Low tech processes in front of hungry buyers trump fancy tech in front of disinterested and unqualified prospects, EVERY DAY.

      But that's not what the newbie wants to hear.

      They want to hear how the magic tech bullet is a business in a box (Ha!) and solves all their problems with one click.

      How 'bout some understanding of business basics??
      Very good point Jason. It's easy to get caught up in what's new, what's hot and what's not, but if you don't have that solid foundation in the first place, it all comes crumbling down.

      I suspect that a lot of businesses are going to have an increasingly difficult time due to all the distractions, and misplaced focus instead of having that solid foundation.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeremiah Walsh
    I think we will have to focus much more on the solution that we provide rather than the means to providing it. Customers don't care as much about the nuts and bolts. They just want more leads and more customers.

    In Canada the economy is in the shitter at the moment so getting customers to spend the same as last year will be very tough... but selling to the States and in USD will give is an instant 30% bonus due to the exchange rate.

    My sales quota is in USD so I will need to sell 30% more just to stay afloat...
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  • Profile picture of the author bizgrower
    I saw a picture of a smart watch that had a selfie of a young couple on it. Looked pretty good. LOL

    Here is a company doing its marketing well, and matching with good products and customer service.
    42% increase in sales from 2013 to 2015.
    Workwear retailer Duluth Trading files to sell shares to the public

    Sportsman's Guide is another company I like. They call their customer service people:
    "Multimedia Customer Care Agent"

    SO, I guess I'm adding to the other comments by saying it's about getting growth and
    managing it well by having good products and services and maintaining good customer

    I'm guessing the Sportsman's Guide's customer care people have to be "multimedia"
    because they are helping people with "I bought this after seeing your YouTube (or whatever
    source out of several different marketing initiatives) and it was supposed to be....."

    As Duluth has done, I can't imagine 42% growth while coordinating over 800 employees.

    "If you think you're the smartest person in the room, then you're probably in the wrong room."

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  • Profile picture of the author mjbmedia
    Why don't we (marketers/tecchies) look at it from our other set of eyes/ears.

    We are consumers too ,buyers, users, what do we want, how do we want to be approached , pitched to , sold, cared for after the sale etc etc , chances are most others will appreciate the same

    I don't want to be bombarded with untargeted ads (hey You Tube Im talking to you amongst others ) , I dont want to watch any marketing type video that I don't have pause, rewind, fast forward control over and nor will I, if a pop up appears on a page before ive had a chance to read 60% of it I will pop off that page, etc

    Ok these are small things.

    UX user experience is gonna grow IMO , many businesses don't realise its all about the experience from first contact (the first time someone hears/sees your company name/brand/product) through each and every minor and major touchpoint, err on any one of them and it could be game over, though to be fair many people are more enduring and forgiving than that at the moment

    I hope there will be a competitor to Facebook this year, a real proper challenger emerging cos I hate FB

    I think ID theft, cyber crime services etc will go crazy

    Id like to see more retail outlets with Skype or similar screen in certain areas of their stores so the potential purchaser can gain immediate feedback on whether their bum looks big in this or not .


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    • Profile picture of the author bizgrower
      Originally Posted by mjbmedia View Post

      Why don't we (marketers/tecchies) look at it from our other set of eyes/ears.

      We are consumers too ,buyers, users, what do we want, how do we want to be approached , pitched to , sold, cared for after the sale etc etc , chances are most others will appreciate the same

      I don't want to be bombarded with untargeted ads (hey You Tube Im talking to you amongst others ) , I dont want to watch any marketing type video that I don't have pause, rewind, fast forward control over and nor will I, if a pop up appears on a page before ive had a chance to read 60% of it I will pop off that page, etc

      Ok these are small things.

      UX user experience is gonna grow IMO , many businesses don't realise its all about the experience from first contact (the first time someone hears/sees your company name/brand/product) through each and every minor and major touchpoint, err on any one of them and it could be game over, though to be fair many people are more enduring and forgiving than that at the moment

      I hope there will be a competitor to Facebook this year, a real proper challenger emerging cos I hate FB

      I think ID theft, cyber crime services etc will go crazy

      Id like to see more retail outlets with Skype or similar screen in certain areas of their stores so the potential purchaser can gain immediate feedback on whether their bum looks big in this or not .
      I agree with you on controlling video sales letters/presentations. I generally prefer the written
      version and often try to leave the page, then get the pop up that asks if I want to leave or stay,
      then click stay and read the text version. I did talk to someone at Ryan Deiss' office and they
      found much better conversion with the uncontrollable VSLs. Me, I'd test controllable versus
      uncontrollable, and offer a very visible click to read option.

      "If you think you're the smartest person in the room, then you're probably in the wrong room."

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      • Profile picture of the author DianaLaw
        taking the right action is still the biggest challenge.
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  • Profile picture of the author mamun311888
    What is the right action to incase google ranking.
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  • Profile picture of the author NEMESH
    use of video marketing , app marketing will more there in 2016. Like email marketing was in 2015. But as usual ranking depends upon content "content is the king".
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    • Profile picture of the author ShayB
      For me, it's letting go of some control and doing more outsourcing.

      I have 3 more things that I could hand over to someone else right now that would free me up considerably. My problem is that I am a control freak when it comes to my business. Even the stuff I already outsource was a struggle for me to do at first.

      So my challenge this year is making the move to be more of a "business owner" and less "self-employed." I want to focus on doing the parts of my business that I thoroughly love, and outsource all of the other tasks.
      "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships called Enterprise." ~Commander Riker
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      • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
        Still the same as last year, the year before and the decade before,
        only much more intense.

        Your prospects want to know...

        'Why should I do business with you over all other options I have,
        including doing nothing?"

        With more options available to hear, read, watch
        your ads, more advertisers jumping on to these new
        advertising platforms, the prospects have been bombarded with messages.

        Which means you must have a stronger why to that question
        than you did last year.

        Nothing stays the same, therefore you must get better at
        creating a why your prospects should do business with you over all other options,
        including doing nothing.

        Always back to basics Doctor E. Vile
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  • Profile picture of the author RealNinja
    i think the biggest challenge in 2016 is most people are lazy and don't want to get off their tush and take action lol

    And it's only getting harder with all these distractions (smart phones, tablets, etc)
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    • Profile picture of the author Wade Watson
      The constant challenge in this business is to stay on top of the trends and utilize every hot new service that you can apply to your market. There's no long term planning for what we do. Each year is full of new challenges and, thus, opportunities. The good news is that as confusing as it is for us, it's 10 times that confusing for the offline business operator who needs marketing. Your value lies in staying on top of the trends and making them accessible to your client.

      I think SEO is really yesterday's marketing method. I spend very little time on it these days. Today it's about social media, video and, most importantly, mobile delivery in all ways possible.
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  • Profile picture of the author DaniMc
    The economy is at a fake peak. The feverish printing of money has made success very easy. Every business owner I know, who is actually growth focused and pushing hard, is making a killing already in 2016.

    In my mind, the biggest challenges are more philosophical. The last 8 years have seen a furious growth strategy with banks printing money.

    This year will be a year when business owners can pack their bank accounts. Like taking buckets to the ocean of money. At some point, in the next 18 months, it will crumble.

    So - the big challenges you can solve for small business owners? Help them make AS MUCH money as possible while money is still floating around.

    Help them make hay while the sun is shining. Over the past 5 years, I have seen a clear trend happening. The business owners with the old "grow 5% per year" mindset are being crushed by entrepreneurs who think in terms of multiplication.

    Sure, the old way buys them a nice house and car now. But the old way will not survive these next 10 years. I had many, many clients (when I was still consulting) who are making a living, but are bewildered by their more nimble competition.

    If you are selling marketing services, seek out the multipliers - they will gladly pay you thousands and thousands of dollars per month to explode their business. If you can do it for them - they will give you unlimited money.

    If you seek out the "old way" business owners, be prepared to deal with small budgets, cheap owners, stingy customer service, lack of systems, and over-worked and poorly led staff. Even if you were able to bring them more business, their company will not be able to deal with it. Avoid these people. Avoid these jobs. They will suck you dry. Just my experience.

    The next crash will be brutal and bigger than anything anyone has ever seen. This is partly because of fiscal policy. I believe the main cause is that nimble, fast growth companies are trashing everyone else. If you get clients who think "multiplication" they will pay you much better for real results.

    You should also be thinking in terms of "multiplication" or you will be crushed. Just the reality of 2016. Now more than ever, this will accelerate.
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy

      That is one of the clearest, cleanest, most insightful posts, about the current economy, that I've read.

      No axe to grind. No hyping a product. No trolling for PM's.

      Just a hands-on report from your "battlefield observations".

      Thanks for the clarity.

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  • Profile picture of the author turbojarhead1
    I have to agree, Dani, you summarized in one paragraph what I have been discussing with several potential employers/clients in the last few weeks, thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    I think the biggest thing is, things are always changing. Adapt or die.

    I've seen many people come and go in this industry.

    The people who are smart about things and keep trying to learn and are well grounded are normally the ones that stick around.

    One potential challenge for me (and others in my situation), I am from Canada, and our dollar isn't doing too well, I'm just hoping it starts to get better instead of keep getting worse.
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  • Profile picture of the author bizgrower
    I think the small web design companies are going to face more challenges from
    bigger companies offering websites that are not difficult, kluge, or proprietary.

    I can get a WP based website and mobile website for my hotel from a company
    that specializes in hotel marketing. $121 a month and it is month to month. I own
    the content and can transfer to another host if I want. The $121 per month includes
    hosting, support, and marketing support. Guests can book from the mobile site
    or the PC site.

    The rep is asking for $400 for set up, but their website is offering 30 days free with
    no set up fee.

    I see that kind of offering as a trend.

    "If you think you're the smartest person in the room, then you're probably in the wrong room."

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  • Profile picture of the author nsserve
    Increased digital marketing competition, more and more competitors joining the market, Google playing its cards to test SEOs even more. It will be a challenging year for sure.
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  • Profile picture of the author trader99
    Ok OP...it's all very interesting but like you say. It's your opinion. I don't go off opinions, hunches, intuition I go off what is happening/ facts etc.. But thx anyway. Maybe it work out your way..maybe not.
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    • Originally Posted by trader99 View Post

      Ok OP...it's all very interesting but like you say. It's your opinion. I don't go off opinions, hunches, intuition I go off what is happening/ facts etc.. But thx anyway. Maybe it work out your way..maybe not.
      Have at it new member!

      1 fact you probably dont realize, is iamnameless carries alot of weight here.
      He has earned it.
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  • Profile picture of the author bashca03
    This year's biggest challenge for me is to earn big. At the same time, losing weight is also a thing I have been forcing myself to. I guess it is hard to go on a diet when you have so much to eat. But seriously, I am on the process of achieving both this year and I am really looking forward to it.
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