What Are The Biggest Challenges in 2016?
Anyway, I figured I would try and stir up some activity here... What do you think are the biggest challenges in 2016?
The answer could be about yourself, your business or in general.
I have a few predictions here, feel free to add, take away, or criticize.
1.) Business owners will increasingly be wanting to get online, and boost their digital marketing spend.
A lot of them were skeptical, many have been sitting on the sidelines thinking they don't need to worry about the internet stuff. I think this year is the year we're going to see stubborn or unwilling business owners concede, and make an effort to have some visibility online.
I've also noticed that a TON of existing businesses that have been doing well online are wanting to spend more to achieve even better results. This is good news for pretty much everyone here that offers digital marketing services / web design, your existing clients are going to find other services if you're not staying in touch and letting them know other services you offer.
Existing clients for web design are likely looking to upgrade. It's pretty easy to sell redesigns to your existing clientele if the website you designed is older than 2 years.
2.) Local SEO is going to get more competitive
This should be a given. With more interest and dollars being focused in the digital realm, at the end of 2016 you will be hard pressed to find businesses ranking that don't have an experienced SEO company handling their listing and SEO.
This could be good and bad. Good for those that know what they're doing and can get results. Bad, because what used to be pretty easy pickings are going to be more difficult just due to the competition.
Then... you have all the big players to combat in local organic, along with Google doing their pay per call deal in select markets which almost eliminate local SEO altogether.
To put a cherry on the top of that, expect a few big shake ups with the algorithm.
3.) Digital Visibility services that aren't search engine based will likely see a big boost in revenue.
It's the future. SEO is always going to be getting more complicated, more competitive, and even less reliable even for the true experts.
Focusing on driving (or leaching) traffic to company owned or company claimed properties and nurturing those properties will be a big deal. Not just your standard social media properties, but directories and anything with a community behind it.
Think of it as the new SEO... in reality it is what SEO should really be about right now.
Pretend that you are building a real estate empire for your client. Except, it is digital real estate.
Anyway, those are a couple predictions...Last year I told a few people 2015 would be the death of mobile website services, due to the increase in need to have responsive design. I think I was right, but I'm sure there's a few left that will come in here on their dinosaurs and tell me it's alive and well.
I could come up a bunch more but would rather see what you all think. What are your thoughts? Any big predictions for 2016?
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