Getting over the fear of cold emailing

7 replies
I have a list of five emails all written out ready to email and oh man am I nervous about emailing the 135 email addresses I have spent the last few days qualifying.

My goal is to email 30 daily but I'm scared... and I don't even know why or what of!

Motivation/ kick in the butt to do it please!
#cold #emailing #fear
  • Profile picture of the author mojo1
    What are you hoping to accomplish with your email? Qualifying, selling or educating?

    Do you have email tracking in place that determines if, when and who opened each email?

    What happens if they don't respond, do you have a follow up email sequence?

    Will you pick up the phone and call if no response after x number of days?

    Will you pick up the phone if they do respond to your email?

    Why are you afraid?
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    iamnameless on the board use to be big into cold e-mailing. He has a guide about it, Not an affiliate but his other stuff is worth every penny. Here are some links to his site and product. I don't know if his WSO is available here or not anymore but is on his blog. Linked below.

    Profile -

    Note I'm not an affiliate.
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by sweetcrabhoney18 View Post

    I have a list of five emails all written out ready to email and oh man am I nervous about emailing the 135 email addresses I have spent the last few days qualifying.

    My goal is to email 30 daily but I'm scared... and I don't even know why or what of!

    Motivation/ kick in the butt to do it please!
    Cause, if, at the end of the day what you have to offer will be of value...

    IF their business or life improves or could, after they get what you got for them

    IF it could bring in more money, free up time, make things somehow easier

    IF your product, service or information can BENEFIT them greatly

    Then every day, every moment you keep it from them,
    every day you don't give them the chance to BENEFIT
    Every minute you don't allow them the choice...

    Every delay you make could be the delay that moves them closer to losing out

    and, that would simply make you a selfish jerk, wouldn't it?


    PS. Having belief in your offer being beneficial should be all the motivation you need
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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    When I first read the title of this thread, I thought it said "cold calling".

    But cold e-mailing? I cannot think of an easier or less stressful activity in marketing.

    Licking stamps takes more nerve.

    My guess, and it's just a guess, is that the OP has an imaginary outcome that out of these 135 e-mails, real business will emerge. And actually sending the e-mails threatens that image.

    Send the e-mails. it's the least stressful thing you can do, besides taking a nap.
    One Call Closing book

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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    • Profile picture of the author eccj
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      When I first read the title of this thread, I thought it said "cold calling".

      But cold e-mailing? I cannot think of an easier or less stressful activity in marketing.

      Licking stamps takes more nerve.

      My guess, and it's just a guess, is that the OP has an imaginary outcome that out of these 135 e-mails, real business will emerge. And actually sending the e-mails threatens that image.

      Send the e-mails. it's the least stressful thing you can do, besides taking a nap.
      I always have a little nervousness when sending something out I've spent a lot of time on.

      Along the lines of "welp here it goes."

      There is always a little something that creeps in that says "nobody wants this" or "last time was just a fluke and now I'm going to find out."

      Your advice is spot on. Send them out and get your feedback and tweak as needed.

      It's unlikely you are going to get business just off an email anyways so hurry up and get to stage two. Have the worst happen so you can realize it is not that bad.

      Imagined dragons are always worse than real dragons.
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  • Profile picture of the author sweetcrabhoney18
    Thanks for all the advice and motivation. I sent them out yesterday afternoon. Now it's just the waiting game to move onto the next step in my plan.

    Thanks again.

    keep moving forward

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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Bridgen
    So in the next 5 days you will have sent out the emails. But send the first days 30 get results then move to the next day Just do it. What is the worst that can happen If nothing happens you have not lost anything. But most people are scared if something happens like some one wants information. But just do it is the best way. Robert
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