Selling repeat services to households? This envelope may be worth studying.
The humble business owner is hardworking and delivers a good service.
Here is an example of "How they bill me" - see envelope at bottom of post.
This is what gets put in my mailbox every 6 pick-ups.
(you could vary depending on the service)
It is a simple envelope with an extra fold that you can tuck into the envelope if you are going to post a check or send cash.
Not that I expect many people would pay via these methods but perhaps the older clients and maybe business owners might still send a check.
That is not the point of my post.
The point is the subtle and necessary things that this envelope does for this business.
Firstly it serves as an Invoice.
Then it does the following.
It brands the service.
It shows the "Standard Terms of Credit"
- - - including the Order, Payment, Default, Costs, Warranty, Delivery and Acceptance.
It shows the collection dates
It shows the "Conditions of Service"
It reminds people several times about notifying them if the bag is empty they won't charge you.
It provides a website.
It provides an email address.
It provides a phone number.
It provides banking details for EFT payments.
This is biggie that many would overlook
It ASKS --->
"Please put any Unwanted Council Tip Vouchers in the envelope"
Disposing of garden waste costs a resident where I live about $15 a load to the council dump.
The local councils provide a few vouchers each quarter or every 6 months or so that can be used for "Hard Waste" and for "Green waste"
These vouchers are equivalent to getting the $50 or so rebated from your local authority.
Unless you are moving home or an avid deposed of junk around your home you rarely use your vouchers.
This service has to pay for the tonnage they dispose of.
Even if they only get a small percentage of their customers putting their vouchers in the envelope they are leveraging this untapped resource which lowers their business running costs.
I have a different guy who "Mows my lawn".
He doesn't ask for my spare vouchers yet he has to dispose of the grass clippings.
What coupons or benefits could you ask your customers to GIVE you?
This may not suit all home service businesses but it is a good reminder of how a small business who I've used for over 20 years has refined their simple envelope to do a multitude of things.
I hope it provides some study and thoughts for how you can use something similar.
Best regards,
Oh----> here is the picture of both sides of his envelope
