Offline Marketing Techniques?????

7 replies
Hello, Everyone!
Is there anyone, who wants to share his/her experience in Offline Marketing. I want to know what offline marketing techniques you are using in this online world to promote your business.
#marketing #offline #techniques
  • Profile picture of the author rickylee
    Some of the best marketing ideas happen offline. The best marketing strategies are those that combine both online and offline ideas seamlessly, in one complete package. Most high schools and colleges have newspapers. If your product appeals to this demographic, these are excellent resources for low-cost advertising. Also, you can approach most widely read papers and offer to buy any advertising space they can not sell for a significantly reduced price.
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    • Profile picture of the author umc
      Yes! Another generic post inviting all of the stupid one line comments and sig spammers without any clear point.

      Simple "pay what you want" life coaching services online.
      Get out of your own way in business. It's personal. Click Here

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11211808].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
        Originally Posted by umc View Post

        Yes! Another generic post inviting all of the stupid one line comments and sig spammers without any clear point.
        Well, umc, I'll add my stupid comment, keep it brief; there is ALWAYS a point to these generic posts, wait for it, wait...ah, roll up banners.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jefay
    Do you use some promotional items for your offline marketing campaigns? I am going to try some for my online store. I think it is a really good option for every business. What are your thoughts on it, guys?
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    • Profile picture of the author nalbandian1
      Yes, I am using Modell's roll up banner stands and some of the ]tension fabric displays for offline marketing campaigns. But, according to you how much they can help me in marketing my business?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Figure out who your target market is. Make a list of them. Start with say 200 companies. They should have a similar industry, employee count, revenue level...because you know you can best help people in this position.

    They either consistently have one or more problems that you can fix, or you can help them get to the next revenue plateau.

    Now you are going to start sending batches of direct mail. I hear a lot of people whine at this point that they don't have a marketing budget to do this. Baloney. Start with 5 letters a week if that's all you can do...the cost of that will be very low. Your job is to experiment and start getting feedback.

    A 3-component direct mail package has been what I've seen be most effective. It has a sales letter and two other pieces driving the call to action. You work through your list, sending the packages and finding out what works. Each piece is adjusted and improved as you go.

    Remember, nobody knows how to do a thing until they've done it.

    I had a client start doing this on his own initiative several years ago, stick with it, figure it out, and use it to build up to selling $10K+ website packages. He built a large agency. Then he got sick of it (mostly the client stuff--it became silly for them to want him or his people to do a quick change because financially it no longer made sense) and moved into ecommerce.
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  • Profile picture of the author umc
    Yeah, I saw that coming. He and Jefay have themes to their posts.

    Simple "pay what you want" life coaching services online.
    Get out of your own way in business. It's personal. Click Here

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