Non-Paid Offline Marketing Techniques

11 replies
Hi we are a start-up company, trying to make sale on our software products. Could anyone please recommend a highly effective non-paid offline marketing techniques to apply on our marketing strategy to become successful.

Thank you.
#marketing #nonpaid #offline #techniques
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  • Profile picture of the author tripples
    Email marketing is paid marketing, look out for a low budget paid marketing than a non-paid marketing if you are serious about your business
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  • Profile picture of the author SARubin
    Originally Posted by step2webmaster View Post

    Hi we are a start-up company, trying to make sale on our software products. Could anyone please recommend a highly effective non-paid offline marketing techniques to apply on our marketing strategy to become successful.

    Thank you.

    I'm not sure why you're trying to market a software product "offline" (just seems like your main target audience would be online?) But I do admire anybody that's willing to look at what others are doing... and then do something different.

    So I'm recommending a classic book for you called "Guerilla Marketing" by Jay Conrad Levinson.

    Here's a link (not an affiliate link) to an updated version of the original book. It might not be exactly what you need, but it should help get you started on your journey...

    Keep in mind, there is no such thing as "non-paid" marketing. You either pay for it with your money, or your time. So you'll need to decide which one is more precious to you, and which one you're willing to part with.

    P.S. If you can find the original Guerilla Marketing book from the 1980's it deals exclusively with offline marketing (the internet wasn't so big back then), where this updated version deals with a lot of online techniques.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ankitshah
    For offline marketing you have to distribute the template of your company with putting in newspaper or door to door.

    From my opinion if you want spend low cost so you can do a online marketing in organic way. without any pay, google provide most of free sites and tools to access the market.
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  • Profile picture of the author cearionmarie
    Offline marketing is something similar to traditional marketing where you will need to have a physical involvement and usually requires payment unless of course are will be the one doing the effort. Between online and offline marketing, online marketing is more effective and efficient when it comes to pricing and results.

    Cearion Uy - Marketing Advisor

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  • Profile picture of the author richardbettina
    There are some sites and blogs who gives free guest posting services to their sites. By searching on search engine you can find those sites and contact them for guest post.
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  • Profile picture of the author petersen123
    Do guest posting and write more and more content for third party. It will help to reach out more people and make your business popular.
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  • Profile picture of the author iphita
    Guest Posting, Q n A, Social Community or groups would be the effective non-paid offline marketing techniques, you can implement these techniques for your business and products.

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  • Profile picture of the author Medon
    Why, did you decide the off-line marketing route in this time and era? Shockingly, you are selling software which will need users to be online to activate or use. Even if you chose to do it the different way, I would recommend that you reconsider your strategy. If I were you I would combine the two. But obviously, off-line marketing is too slow for the modern world.
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  • Profile picture of the author Peter Prestipino
    Here's a crazy (crazy effective) way - I've done this and it works like a charm. Identify 50 businesses that could use your software and grab their phone number. Call them in the middle of the night when you know noone is in the office. Leave a message (ideally someone specific) that offers a freebie, a consultation, an audit, etc. Make sure that the message you leave includes a mention of your website (or a memorable phone number). You'll raise awareness and be able to track exactly how effective it is at driving response. It's a long shot but I've seen it work -#geurillamarketing at its finest.
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Hopefully you have some business cards! Place those business cards on the supermarkets bulliton boards and other places like your local pizza joint. If you do not have a budget then you need to get one. Advertising is part of business and you need to have a spending budget for your business.
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author eduwing UAE
    There are so many free email marketing tools are available.
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