45 replies
I'm going to be putting together a program on selling. And it's going to sell for probably $2,000. It will be in maybe 18 sessions of an hour each.

Are DVD and CDs no longer in use? Would most sales/marketing people want the information in that format, or just as a download?

I may put this content on a membership site, I don't know.
#cds #dead
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  • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
    Download is better - and faster. Not all laptops have a CD drive.
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  • Profile picture of the author SteeleReserve
    Yeah sadly CDs are a thing of yesteryear.
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      The last two laptops in my household came with no cd/dvd playing options.

      But I do have a radio/cd player.

      But I'd rather download a video or cd. I am, alas, not as one-of-a-kind person as my mother led me to believe.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11546041].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
      Originally Posted by SteeleReserve View Post

      Yeah sadly CDs are a thing of yesteryear.

      Yes, but so is Claude.

      But I'm still impressed that he even knows about things like CD's and DVD's.

      Like, they had nothing like them a hundred years ago when Claude was in his heydays!

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  • Profile picture of the author socialentry
    People still use CDs?

    I'm surprised I tried to find blank CD like 7 or 8 years ago.They were really hard to find even back then.

    There's just no advantages to them today. They're like floppy disks of the 2010s.
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

    I'm going to be putting together a program on selling. And it's going to sell for probably $2,000. It will be in maybe 18 sessions of an hour each.

    Are DVD and CDs no longer in use? Would most sales/marketing people want the information in that format, or just as a download?

    I may put this content on a membership site, I don't know.
    Why not... I mean why wouldn't... go mainstream with this and put it on iTunes and Google Play?

    Create a couple pod cast sessions as feeders/previews and make the last, your best man!
    Success is an ACT not an idea
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11546087].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

    I'm going to be putting together a program on selling. And it's going to sell for probably $2,000. It will be in maybe 18 sessions of an hour each.

    Are DVD and CDs no longer in use? Would most sales/marketing people want the information in that format, or just as a download?

    I may put this content on a membership site, I don't know.
    Well, it won't hurt to burn a set, to have them, in case you want to do a LICENSING deal, or something like that.

    Whitacre Selling Program. I mean, we have dozens already, a Billion bux industry...

    Dale Carneige, Janek Performance Group, DEI, Sandler, Sales Partners, etc.

    25k is a low cost entry point for those who want to train others to sell, why not consider a licensing program too? Have a Claude CERTIFICATE who is authorized to train others, especially the corporate market, very lucrative.

    As long as you're taking the time to make your program, leverage it beyond your time and create a program where your time is worth more, via licensing.

    A decent sales trainer, according to most of the opportunities, is a first year six figure income when selling training to corporate types. Some of those include coaching programs too...one of the hottest today is EOS, although not a SALES training, a model worthy of study.

    Gino Wickman wrote a book, then wrapped an industry around it, his Professional and Certified programs give people the tools to become high earners. What I like about this system, the "Coaches" meet with the client 5 times a year, and the cost is between 25k and 75k dollars, not bad for 5 days of actual meeting. A Certified EOS Implementer pays about 45k to become Certified.

    Just a thought. What is your training worth to the person who is motivated and actually dedicated to becoming a professional sales person? I'd wager, a hell of a lot more than 2k. Wouldn't you?


    PS. And an intensive weekend for the same 2k, makes it faster too.
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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

      25k is a low cost entry point for those who want to train others to sell, why not consider a licensing program too? Have a Claude CERTIFICATE who is authorized to train others, especially the corporate market, very lucrative.
      You gave me a lot to think about. The truth is, I'm probably not interested in licensing. My training isn't going to be a great match for corporate sales.

      I know it's lucrative, but I'm not that guy. This is going to be my last marketing effort. Part of it is just to get everything I know about selling out there, so it doesn't get lost when I die.

      But I may charge more than $2,000 for the right to deliver my material to a company's sales force.

      And I may do it in person as a sales trainer, over a weekend. I actually enjoy that kind of thing.

      Thank you.

      Originally Posted by Jeffery View Post

      Cd and DVD media are impractical for the majority of target markets. However, your target market may prefer CDs and DVDs. Digital downloads of the media may also be impractical for your target market owed to the size (megabytes/gigabytes). The end user will have barriers-to-entry either way being that CD/DVD required a CD/DVD player and large digital downloads require the end user's disc space and time to download.

      My suggestion is a paid membership site with focus on the end user's options to procure the CD/DVD media (snail mail) and the option to download the product as a whole and/or smaller files.

      The membership site gives you and your members a wide range of flexibility. You have the flexibility to offer all of the above to include upsales and and a private forum where paid members can interact with you as well as each other and stay up-to-date and more.
      I think I'll offer the CDs as an option. Personally, I like them...but I'm an old guy, and I also like physical books rather than reading books on a KIndle.

      I am going to use a membership site to sell my introductory $15 (or $20) a month weekly training. It will also store all the previous training videos. And I know how I'll get the people there too.

      My $2,000 course will be different from the weekly training. More all encompassing, to apply to most forms of selling and marketing.

      I think I can do this all from a membership site. A friend (who is doing something similar) is using Kajabi for everything.

      I'll have Youtube videos (snippets of training), interviews (of me by other sales gurus I know), And probably I'll use Itunes and Googleplay for the feeder podcasts.

      All of this will feed them to a free seminar (my first weekly seminar) where they can sign up for my weekly seminar series. (for $15-20 a month).

      And these members will be my market to sell my larger course, and maybe some associated materials. This may lead to some company training. I've done it before, and enjoy it. But I think I'm done calling event planners to get a speaking gig.

      My plan is just to get 500 people paying me a small monthly fee...and selling that group my course. So, I'm not looking to build an empire here. Although, ten years ago, I may have.
      One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11546262].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        I think I'll offer the CDs as an option. Personally, I like them...but I'm an old guy, and I also like physical books rather than reading books on a KIndle.

        I am going to use a membership site to sell my introductory $15 (or $20) a month weekly training. It will also store all the previous training videos. And I know how I'll get the people there too.

        My $2,000 course will be different from the weekly training. More all encompassing, to apply to most forms of selling and marketing.

        I think I can do this all from a membership site. A friend (who is doing something similar) is using Kajabi for everything.

        I'll have Youtube videos (snippets of training), interviews (of me by other sales gurus I know), And probably I'll use Itunes and Googleplay for the feeder podcasts.

        All of this will feed them to a free seminar (my first weekly seminar) where they can sign up for my weekly seminar series. (for $15-20 a month).

        And these members will be my market to sell my larger course, and maybe some associated materials. This may lead to some company training. I've done it before, and enjoy it. But I think I'm done calling event planners to get a speaking gig.

        My plan is just to get 500 people paying me a small monthly fee...and selling that group my course. So, I'm not looking to build an empire here. Although, ten years ago, I may have.
        For those heavy downloads I would suggest a 'dedicated server' with a dedicated I.P. and lots of fast bandwidth from SoftLayer | Cloud Servers, Storage, Big Data, & More IAAS Solutions

        Unless you are a server manager I would also suggest the 'managed dedicated server' option.
        In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11546307].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
    Cd and DVD media are impractical for the majority of target markets. However, your target market may prefer CDs and DVDs. Digital downloads of the media may also be impractical for your target market owed to the size (megabytes/gigabytes). The end user will have barriers-to-entry either way being that CD/DVD required a CD/DVD player and large digital downloads require the end user's disc space and time to download.

    My suggestion is a paid membership site with focus on the end user's options to procure the CD/DVD media (snail mail) and the option to download the product as a whole and/or smaller files.

    The membership site gives you and your members a wide range of flexibility. You have the flexibility to offer all of the above to include upsales and and a private forum where paid members can interact with you as well as each other and stay up-to-date and more.
    In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11546225].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Bjarne Eldhuset
    I'm not sure which company can do these, but there is also the option of preloaded mp3 players.

    Here are some examples:
    MP3 Player with Radio Show Classics
    Daily Meditation 1 NIV Audio Bible Player - New International Version Electronic Bible
    This company actually have a whole range of these:
    Daily Meditation Audible Bible Players
    Stress Relief MP3 Player, Preloaded with with 5 Hours of Music.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11546272].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author misterme
    What all the cool kids on the block are doing these days, nice and simple, is sell it as a download of audio files (mp3 format). You have your tech guy zip the files into one download file. You can sell them from your site. You host the content. You can have the customer click your buy link, make the payment (such as via PayPal), they're sent the download link. Done while you sleep.

    For example, I have digital stuff downloaded for sale from one of my sites. I have a widget that takes care of sending a protected link that I can set how many times the download can happen and the time period it's active.
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  • Profile picture of the author galaxyseo
    DVD are great to have as an alternative. There are 2 types of people out there who are interested in these programs... young people (under 25), who are looking to do something different, and who understand tech. They will prefer downloads or on-demand audio/video, podcasts, youtube/vimeo, etc. This is super simple, cheap, and easier to manage. Then there are people like me (over 40), looking for a 2nd, or changing careers. While I like the download / on-demand option, I also appreciate a physical item. Sure, we understand it may cost more, but having something physical feels better. So, as echoing what others have said about offering both.

    I would suggest a DVD and not CD, just because you can fit more onto it, and even have use of both sides. Plus the quality of the disc is better - CDs tend to breakdown over time or damage easily. DVDs, not as much (it does happen, but not as quickly like CDs). Plus you can now have a DVD mastered fairly simply. There is software you can download to DIY, or send it off to to get done elsewhere. Plus, there are no minimums like before. Yes, it will cost you less the more you produce, but if you just want to burn say 1 or 10, you are good.

    Good luck out there!
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Maxim
    The answer to this question depends on your target audience, but bear in mind that all the major film studios still release their offerings on DVD, and for good reason - the format has not been surpassed in terms of universality. Practically every household with a desktop PC or games console will have a DVD player, while 31% of households in the US still do not have broadband Internet (as of July 2019, https://uk.pcmag.com/news/121865/npd...lack-broadband).

    Plus, there is nothing like a beautifully-designed physical product for communicating prestige and value.

    Re: volume, if you want a DVD that is playable on all players, then you will need to have these replicated (note: not duplicated, which is not the same thing). The minimum volume for replication is 500 copies.

    Conversely, duplication can be done in pretty much any volume, but there may be playback issues on some hardware.
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  • Profile picture of the author jbuenavides
    Sad but true, I feel like everything is available through a digital platform. Two of the DVD stores nearby shut down for business as people prefer streaming online.
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  • Profile picture of the author nshep
    Pretty dead IMO. I recently went to an electronics store and browsed the classic-games section. You know, those offerings where they sell you 10-year old games for cheap? Anyway, in the middle of it, it occurred to me that my laptop does not have a disc drive of any kind anymore. The only device in my house able to read them is the PlayStation. So, if you are building an online course, I would make it streamable.
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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Because I'm going to use a membership site model, I think I'll just have the video course be a different level of membership with a one time fee.They will get a link so they can watch on site, or download the course.

    I'll offer a DVD option for a little more money

    But first I need to set up my sales webinar, selling my low cost membership. And then create all the feeder videos and podcasts (mostly interviews).

    Then I can create my all inclusive course.

    A lot of work.
    One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11546536].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author misterme
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      Because I'm going to use a membership site model, I think I'll just have the video course be a different level of membership with a one time fee.They will get a link so they can watch on site, or download the course.

      I'll offer a DVD option for a little more money

      But first I need to set up my sales webinar, selling my low cost membership. And then create all the feeder videos and podcasts (mostly interviews).

      Then I can create my all inclusive course.

      A lot of work.
      Is this the part when you go into a new town under an alias and recruit local people to help you build your new business?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11546599].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      Because I'm going to use a membership site model, I think I'll just have the video course be a different level of membership with a one time fee.They will get a link so they can watch on site, or download the course.

      I'll offer a DVD option for a little more money

      But first I need to set up my sales webinar, selling my low cost membership. And then create all the feeder videos and podcasts (mostly interviews).

      Then I can create my all inclusive course.

      A lot of work.
      No offense but you sit in a vaccum store all day sell like 2 vacuums and eat KFC.. Im sure you have the time LOL ( sorry had to )
      Success is an ACT not an idea
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11546629].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
        Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

        No offense but you sit in a vaccum store all day sell like 2 vacuums and eat KFC.. Im sure you have the time LOL ( sorry had to )
        I think we can all see how Claude came to this decision.

        Sitting in his vacuum cleaner store all day for the last fifty years, he has finally come to the conclusion that vacuum's just suck!

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        • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
          Originally Posted by LindyUK View Post

          I think we can all see how Claude came to this decision.

          Sitting in his vacuum cleaner store all day for the last fifty years, he has finally come to the conclusion that vacuum's just suck!

          We have one joke.
          Doctors have a million jokes, farmers have a million jokes. Heck, even scuba divers have a million jokes.

          Vacuum cleaner salesmen? One joke...one...lousy ...joke.

          An outrage, I tell you...an outrage.
          One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

          “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11546829].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author savidge4
            Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

            An outrage, I tell you...an outrage.
            I was anticipating "It SUCKS, I tell you... It sucks."

            What about let me hepa you load that in the car?
            Success is an ACT not an idea
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11546880].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
              Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

              I was anticipating "It SUCKS, I tell you... It sucks."

              What about let me hepa you load that in the car?
              Good God!.

              There are now two...TWO vacuum cleaner jokes.

              Although...this really happened.

              When I fist met me wife's family, one sister owned a college with her husband. Very smart, very educated. Very cultured. Not like me at all.

              She asked me what I did. I said "I sell vacuum cleaners door to door".(added later: Part of the reason I say things like this is to gauge reaction. Frankly, I think what I do for a living is kind of funny)

              She asked "Why do you go door to door?"

              i said "I used to go window to window, but I got arrested".

              I thought it was hilarious. Nothing but crickets. It defined our relationship.
              One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

              “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11546883].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
            Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

            We have one joke.
            Doctors have a million jokes, farmers have a million jokes. Heck, even scuba divers have a million jokes.

            Vacuum cleaner salesmen? One joke...one...lousy ...joke.

            An outrage, I tell you...an outrage.

            Hello Claude

            Well, I'll try to write you a new joke then.

            So Claude decided to change his name, thought he needed something more posh to fit in with the social set. So he thought, Dyson Hoover sounds just right....but all his friends told him those names just suck!


            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11546900].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author misterme
            Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

            OK guys.

            What about printed newsletters?... Any thoughts?
            Look up Ben Settle.

            Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

            We have one joke.
            Doctors have a million jokes, farmers have a million jokes. Heck, even scuba divers have a million jokes.

            Vacuum cleaner salesmen? One joke...one...lousy ...joke.
            "I was going to drive the vacuum cleaner salesman over to your house but I couldn't fit the dirtbag into the car."
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11547927].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
              Originally Posted by misterme View Post

              Look up Ben Settle.
              I did. Brilliant model selling a $97 a month print newsletter ..on e-mailing. Lots of ideas to copy. Thank you very much.

              I would also like to say that your joke was hilarious.....I'd like to say it......

              A vacuum cleaner salesman is knocking on doors on a country road. He gets to the last house on the road...knocks on the door...and an old man comes to the door. The salesman asks "Sir, I sell vacuum cleaners. Is your daughter home?"

              The old man looks at the salesman and says "It's just me and my wife. No daughter".

              The salesman says "Sorry. I must be in the wrong joke".
              One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

              “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11547940].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    OK guys.

    What about printed newsletters?

    For four years I put out a monthly newsletter...between 8 and 24 pages, all me....for $39.95 a month. I had between 120 and 200 subscribers any one month. The average lifetime of a subscriber was 17 months. I also included a CD of me interviewing someone in business, to share their strategies.

    So...if you subscribed to a newsletter, would a print edition mailed to you give value?

    Dan Kennedy still has a print edition to his newsletter. I suspect most of those subscribers (at $59 a month) are old guys like me, that still read books that have bindings, and save the old newsletters as inspiration for subject matter.

    For every 1 print book I sell on Amazon, I sell 5 or 6 Kindle books. But most reviews (and all clients) come from the paperback buyers.

    Any thoughts?
    One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11546633].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      For every 1 print book I sell on Amazon, I sell 5 or 6 Kindle books. But most reviews (and all clients) come from the paperback buyers.

      Any thoughts?
      Forget opinion and look at the numbers you presented... data before anything else is what I say.. go with the printed version and cd if you like, but have a free download option available.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11546642].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      So...if you subscribed to a newsletter, would a print edition mailed to you give value?
      It would bring more value in my humble opinion. However the way everybody is trying to cut out paper and go green. It could have a reverse effect to a younger audience.

      I Use to get a newsletter sent to house and a email addition. The publisher changed to just a email addition about 3 years ago, after awhile never missed the print version. Still subscribe to the same service.

      You could offer a email version and a upgrade in price for a print addition with email and test it out.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Cracknell
    CD´s and DVD´s are dead. streaming is 21th century
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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    I think from a production/media point of view, as others have said above, create audio files and upload them as podcasts.

    Take the audio files and use Otter.ai to transcribe them and outsource someone to touch up the transcripts. Otter's versions will be really good, but still for a high-priced product they need a human touch.

    As text they can be converted to PDF and easily uploaded/downloaded/printed, etc.

    Then I'd outsource having someone add the text versions and add them the audio to create videos. I actually like reading along with spoken text. There's music lyrics software that makes it pretty easy for people to sync text on screen with the spoken audio.

    This will give you audio, video and text versions. If someone wants them on CD or printed, then can burn and print them themselves.
    Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
    Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11546899].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

      I think from a production/media point of view, as others have said above, create audio files and upload them as podcasts.

      Take the audio files and use Otter.ai to transcribe them and outsource someone to touch up the transcripts. Otter's versions will be really good, but still for a high-priced product they need a human touch.

      As text they can be converted to PDF and easily uploaded/downloaded/printed, etc.

      Then I'd outsource having someone add the text versions and add them the audio to create videos. I actually like reading along with spoken text. There's music lyrics software that makes it pretty easy for people to sync text on screen with the spoken audio.

      This will give you audio, video and text versions. If someone wants them on CD or printed, then can burn and print them themselves.
      I like the idea of text in video. These can be feeder videos, probably on Youtube.

      One 45-60 minute session can be converted to a podcast, printed as a short book, and...as you suggest, be made into a video. In fact, pieces of the video can be used as feeder videos on Youtube. Maybe 5-10 minutes each.

      The weekly videos should be done in person, not just podcasts. But they can be converted to podcasts, leading back to my squeeze page, selling my entry subscription.

      The actual course will be separate from all the other material. I won't be chopping it up, using it as additional content. But the ideas in it may be used to create other content.

      The main course will be video. Some of the material requires charts and graphs.

      After all this is done, I suspect that most of my sales will come from either speaking to groups of salespeople, and trading interviews with other sales gurus.
      One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11546906].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kurt
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        I like the idea of text in video. These can be feeder videos, probably on Youtube.

        One 45-60 minute session can be converted to a podcast, printed as a short book, and...as you suggest, be made into a video. In fact, pieces of the video can be used as feeder videos on Youtube. Maybe 5-10 minutes each.

        The weekly videos should be done in person, not just podcasts. But they can be converted to podcasts, leading back to my squeeze page, selling my entry subscription.

        The actual course will be separate from all the other material. I won't be chopping it up, using it as additional content. But the ideas in it may be used to create other content.

        The main course will be video. Some of the material requires charts and graphs.

        After all this is done, I suspect that most of my sales will come from either speaking to groups of salespeople, and trading interviews with other sales gurus.

        Be sure to check out Otter. It's free/cheap and much better at speech to text than Google, Dragon Naturally Speaking, Windows Voice to Text, etc. and that's without any voice training.

        Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
        Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11547020].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SamMarlos1989
    How dead are MJ and Elvis?
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  • Does all this mean cassettes have also bitten the dust?

    Blimey, I've got Halbert and Carltons courses on them.

    Trouble with downloads - despite exceptional content - it can be a touch difficult to bump the costs up to reflect it (a personalised presentation case, crammed full of phenomenal DVD's, CD's, brimming with "wow, "wow" and more wow" material, an easy to grasp superbly written workbook and "can't go wrong - put whatever you need into action instantly" checklists. Add "carry with you" laminated reminder cards makes it all seem much more valuable).

    But it has to be said - digital is the in thing.

    However, a wow x3 plus, no fluff, entertaining and enthralling newsletter could greatly help solve the dilemma (and I think the chances of them being read and the techniques applied are much higher than a supposed to save /print with a zillion others...and... oops forgot all about it online pdf).

    Always a highlight of the day for me when the post arrived with the latest esteemed newsletter issues.

    Also you'll see off most of the pirates - of course if you want - you can have links on the printed page to the streaming wonderstuff - and hopefully still reduce the cyber blaggards, crooks and thieves.

    Newsletters did/do great business and revenues for many - Makepeace, Carlton. Halbert, Kennedy, Settle et al...

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11547129].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by Steve The Copywriter View Post

      an easy to grasp superbly written workbook and "can't go wrong - put whatever you need into action instantly" checklists. Add "carry with you" laminated reminder cards makes it all seem much more valuable).
      But it has to be said - digital is the in thing.
      What I am about to share... I use in my personal business. I use for my hired partner help, and I use for my clients.

      https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/37082?hl=en A shared Google calendar.. and you can literally drip feed your clients en mass or individually.

      You can drip content reminders. you can drip event reminders. you can drip encouraging words. New updated checklists. easy to read reminders.

      THIS is how I do all of this in the new digital era, and I believe it works REALLY well.

      *** Added *** actually had about cold sweats letting this go.. you dont read this nowhere about this stuff anywheres.. the best thing I ever did to be honest. Put some amount of accountability on the other side once they figured out if I knew the saw it or not. A program is only as successful as the follow thru, and to some extent see the level of interaction with the Calendar gives a good indication of this.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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      • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
        Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

        What I am about to share... I use in my personal business. I use for my hired partner help, and I use for my clients.

        https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/37082?hl=en A shared Google calendar.. and you can literally drip feed your clients en mass or individually.

        You can drip content reminders. you can drip event reminders. you can drip encouraging words. New updated checklists. easy to read reminders.

        THIS is how I do all of this in the new digital era, and I believe it works REALLY well.

        *** Added *** actually had about cold sweats letting this go.. you dont read this nowhere about this stuff anywheres.. the best thing I ever did to be honest. Put some amount of accountability on the other side once they figured out if I knew the saw it or not. A program is only as successful as the follow thru, and to some extent see the level of interaction with the Calendar gives a good indication of this.
        THANKS. Will dive in deep today. As I think you know, I want to test a local "brainery", somewhat based on Brooklynbrainery and RochesterBrainery but more of an ON DEMAND center as well as scheduled workshops.

        My big hangup, is getting bogged down with the instructors/teachers and their scheduling. I'm using a co-op office space with a dedicated office inside, so they have both big conference rooms, small and private.

        So, do you think (and I'll check it out today), that a shared calendar will allow them to book time and spaces and post their own courses up without me or an assistant involved. I'm trying to automate this as much as I can.

        THANKS again, you are a gemstone in this mining pit known as Warrior.

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        • Profile picture of the author savidge4
          Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

          So, do you think (and I'll check it out today), that a shared calendar will allow them to book time and spaces and post their own courses up without me or an assistant involved. I'm trying to automate this as much as I can.
          Oh yeah absolutely. We use it internally across 16 people and the "public" one is used across 1400? users I believe.

          Just remember the is a whole suite of Google products MADE to do what it is you are doing. and just a smidge of programming can extract the data in snippet form and place it on a website ( just sayin LOL )
          Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • tbh Claude, I so sad you ain't makin' alla your superpowah sweetness exclusive to Moi in the form of a Morse Code castanet routine, live in my apartment.

    Gotta say, digital has major firepowah.

    Now we got castin' to TV from REAL EASY TO USE mobile ... an' most noo compooters don't got CD ... an' CDs consoom the Earth's finite resources in exchange for demands for increasingly obsolete tech ...

    I would wanna see sum srs Claude ... accessible easy as the wisdom flows* ... rtg on all my devices ... cool to tap as I DILIGENTLY STUDY ON MY PC or INFUSE MAXIMALLY WHILE SOAKIN' UP THE COSMETICALLY JUICY IN THE TUB.

    Digital gotta be the most effective means of transmission, an' it don't mean limited CD stuffs featurin' bonus material can't be prodooced for anywan ain't no airhead.

    * my Headline Trooper course starts Toosday.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author NickNilchenko09
    No one as know use it anymore. okay, maybe some old-fashioned dudes. For example my computer is not supporting CD and DVD because I simply do not have a place to put it in. I prefer use Drive 9for example google) It is faster and much more safer in my opinion
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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    >How Dead Are CDs?

    Since you're feeling nostalgic, why not offer 8 tracks and paint the transcripts on cave walls too?

    We have one joke.
    Doctors have a million jokes, farmers have a million jokes. Heck, even scuba divers have a million jokes.

    Vacuum cleaner salesmen? One joke...one...lousy ...joke.

    An outrage, I tell you...an outrage.
    Yes, you're an easy target for your peers.

    Here's another...whatever you do, don't ask Claude about the "beats as it sweeps" feature he offers on all his vacuums. He'll give a response you can't unhear.
    Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
    Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11548190].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

      >How Dead Are CDs?

      Since you're feeling nostalgic, why not offer 8 tracks and paint the transcripts on cave walls too?


      Yes, you're an easy target for your peers.

      Here's another...whatever you do, don't ask Claude about the "beats as it sweeps" feature. He'll give a response you can't unhear.
      Have to admit, it was clever...and I've never heard it before.

      I hate you.
      One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
    Personally, I would love the recorded pod casts and audio files.

    The long periods of silence and the snoring may be best part.
    In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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