Seasoned salesman needs a little support

21 replies
[For 25 years I have sold advertising and consulting products to local business very successfully by appointment and in person.
Now because of health reasons and my location ( I live in Thailand) I am unable to travel any more.

Does anyone know how to sell local business by EMAIL , phone and website? Preferably I would like to prospect by email but I do not know how to get local business emails. I have extraordinary sales skills and very effective on the phone but the online digital movement has been my Achilles heel!
With very high medical bill it is time for me to push thru and get in the game digitally.
I just signed up today so I could post this message. So do not know if I will get an mail if I get a response?

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
#salesman #seasoned #support
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Originally Posted by RawbertM View Post

    [I just signed up today so I could post this message. So do not know if I will get an mail if I get a response?
    Interesting you say you signed up today. The system says you've been a member here for 11 years. Did you buy this account?

    You can set your account up to receive email notifications through your profile.

    Find User CP submenu under the black bar up top, click it and choose Edit Options, go down to Messaging & Notification and choose how you want to be notified by email (instant or daily).

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    • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
      Seems like so. I'll send you a PM about this.

      Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

      Interesting you say you signed up today. The system says you've been a member here for 11 years. Did you buy this account?

      You can set your account up to receive email notifications through your profile.

      Find User CP submenu under the black bar up top, click it and choose Edit Options, go down to Messaging & Notification and choose how you want to be notified by email (instant or daily).

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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
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    • Profile picture of the author animal44
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      "Prospecting" by e-mail is for people who don't know how to sell, or are afraid of talking to another human being.

      Getting people to respond to an email requires more skill than talking (selling) face to face...

      People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
      What I do for a living

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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by animal44 View Post


        Getting people to respond to an email requires more skill than talking (selling) face to face...
        says the guy that sells by e-mail... but yes, SO TRUE. The mechanics of selling by e-mail is at least half of infinitely harder.

        Still in shock Animal and I are agreeing on something... still have visions of a JCB and his latest super car hahaha
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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        • Profile picture of the author DABK
          Don't feel bad: it was bound to happen, law of probability and such.

          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          Still in shock Animal and I are agreeing on something...
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          • Profile picture of the author savidge4
            Originally Posted by DABK View Post

            Don't feel bad: it was bound to happen, law of probability and such.
            I dont feel "bad", Im just pretty sure I will never let it happen again!
            Success is an ACT not an idea
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      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Originally Posted by animal44 View Post


        Getting people to respond to an email requires more skill than talking (selling) face to face...
        This is my fault. I didn't explain fully.

        I agree with you. E-mails ...that get responses...are very hard to put together. And it takes skill in creating an e-mail campaign that gets results..

        But the vast majority of people on this forum (or "internet marketers" in general) are attracted to e-mail marketing....because it means they do not have to talk to people. And that is my sentence that you responded to.

        Getting someone to reply positively to an e-mail takes a different skill set than calling on the phone. Whether it takes more or less skill than calling on the phone is debatable. There are highly skilled people that do one or the other....and the majority that do either one poorly.

        Because the OP has no experience in e-mail prospecting (and extensive experience in personal selling), I told him to stick with what he knew, rather than take the time to learn a completely new, and less certain (for him) way of prospecting for local business.

        Of course, one approach is to send targeted e-mails and then call the people you sent the e-mail too.

        I used to send pre-approach letters to prospects, and then follow up with a phone call. But I got almost the same response with just the phone call.

        Added later; The fact that you responded to my post with the word "Rubbish' has caused me to lose several nights sleep.....and contemplate berating myself to death. Please let me know that you forgive me, so I can start the healing process...and crawl back from the edge.
        One Call Closing book

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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      • Profile picture of the author 1Bryan
        Originally Posted by animal44 View Post


        Getting people to respond to an email requires more skill than talking (selling) face to face...
        Not really. It's actually not that hard at all. 100 cold emails can easily book 10 calls that get 3-4 sales. And that can be a couple hrs to send out the emails.

        Way easier than me flying from NY to Cali.

        A ridiculous number of people have built million dollar business on cold email to phone call.

        Silicon Valley does that to the tune of billions of dollars.

        Cold email -- phone call.

        Pretty simple right?

        P.S. I should add this -- depends on the industry. Some industries are in their emails a lot and some are almost never.

        For a project, I was able to get California based interior decorators via cold email. Lol, I'm not flying from NY to Cali for that. Gotta life here I ain't leaving. But I can email.
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  • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
    I'm wondering why you can't carryon using the phone
    for closing and email to use for the deliverables?

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  • You can sell your local business with the help of social media. You can make people aware by putting an informative image and video of your business on social media.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by RawbertM View Post

    [For 25 years I have sold advertising and consulting products to local business very successfully by appointment and in person.
    Now because of health reasons and my location ( I live in Thailand) I am unable to travel any more.

    Does anyone know how to sell local business by EMAIL , phone and website? Preferably I would like to prospect by email but I do not know how to get local business emails. I have extraordinary sales skills and very effective on the phone but the online digital movement has been my Achilles heel!
    With very high medical bill it is time for me to push thru and get in the game digitally.
    I just signed up today so I could post this message. So do not know if I will get an mail if I get a response?

    any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    I've done some local sales years ago.
    I think that if you have an established
    business and customer base that you
    should be able to manage things with
    a well-developed website, e-mails and
    phone calls. And since you are unable
    to meet with people in person perhaps
    you can hire a representative, someone
    who could go in person to close your
    deals, if that is necessary.

    You will probably need to do some local
    advertising and you might setup a couple
    of social media accounts just to cover all
    your bases. You don't need to do this all
    at once and you can hire virtual assistants
    to help you manage some of this.

    Anything is possible, you just need to
    figure it out and implement it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Serene Carmen
    Hi there

    Welcome to the forum! See below my previous post which think will be useful to you. You will need to push through on the technical stuff, as with anything new it is simply a learning curve.
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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Originally Posted by RawbertM View Post

    Preferably I would like to prospect by email but I do not know how to get local business emails.
    As someone has already mentioned, I'd prefer to start the initial conversation using other ways besides email...

    but, having said that, here is a chrome extension I've used before.

    Not affiliated with it, but it has done what it said it would do. I only use the free part.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Originally Posted by RawbertM View Post

    [For 25 years I have sold advertising and consulting products to local business very successfully by appointment and in person.
    Now because of health reasons and my location ( I live in Thailand) I am unable to travel any more.

    Does anyone know how to sell local business by EMAIL , phone and website? Preferably I would like to prospect by email but I do not know how to get local business emails. I have extraordinary sales skills and very effective on the phone but the online digital movement has been my Achilles heel!
    With very high medical bill it is time for me to push thru and get in the game digitally.
    I just signed up today so I could post this message. So do not know if I will get an mail if I get a response?

    any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    1) Experienced salespeople tend to HATE prospecting. Closing and prospecting are two different skill sets. The salesperson typically feels that prospecting is a huge timewaster, and a misuse of their abilities. They would rather be spending time in conversations with qualified prospects than putting their ego on the line with every outbound message.

    I am not going to recommend any specific prospecting method: they each have plusses and minuses. But you need to get this prospecting step of your funnel taken care of somehow. Otherwise you will never have enough sales calls to make the money target that I hope you have specifically set.

    Prospect >> Qualify >> Close

    Unqualified Leads >> Qualified Leads >> Sales.

    Get these process steps handled. Don't leave them to chance or some magical fairy to come along and fix for you. Be specific in your choices.

    What I would do since you need speed is find someone else with a list of buyers, and give them a percentage of sales. This jv partner should have an overlap with your target market, ie. they sell something that is strongly related to the services you offer. Note I said "buyers", not "people". Identified buyers (people who take out their credit card and BUY) take care of much of the first two steps of the three step process above.

    You should be able to convince the jv partner list owner of the value of this "extra revenue" without requiring any sort of down payment from you since you have sales experience and can be counted on to produce results. The time and effort they will save you from having already identified buyers is incredibly important: if your temptation is to keep your eye on the money you'll be giving them, I'll say you're looking at the wrong thing.

    2) Claude who has already responded in this thread has an excellent Kindle book on Selling Local Advertising. And other relevant books.
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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      What I would do since you need speed is find someone else with a list of buyers, and give them a percentage of sales. This jv partner should have an overlap with your target market, ie. they sell something that is strongly related to the services you offer. Note I said "buyers", not "people". Identified buyers (people who take out their credit card and BUY) take care of much of the first two steps of the three step process above.
      Of course, a JV is the best way to prospect. You are only seeing people that have already proven, beyond doubt , that they are highly likely to see you and buy from you. As strong as a personal referral from one of your buyers, in many cases.

      I forgot that the OP is selling advertising and marketing to local business owners.

      If I were going to do that, I would concentrate on advertisers . Local merchants (or service providers) that already invest in marketing and advertising.

      The bigger the ads, the better the prospect. Concentrate on people that are already spending money in your niche.

      If I were going to sell shoes, I wouldn't talk to people in bare feet...I would talk to people who already own 30 pairs of shoes...because they buy shoes.

      And with advertising prospects, it's really easy...because the prospects are cannot miss them.

      My biggest sales runs came from getting lists of people who bought what I sell from someone else, and just calling them.

      In fact, if you found a few other top salespeople who sold to the same clients you do, you could all make a great living just selling to each other's customers, and the referrals that spin off from that.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew North
    I've structured my business to use cold email as my primary prospecting method and have a 7 percent response rate on average.

    The key is to prequalify your list first before sending emails. I've found that people who were likely to be thinking about buying already are the best targets.

    For instance many startups have a need for marketing and PR services and its not hard to find a list of these companies online.

    Ive tested sending direct offers, appointment requests and other emails in the first email but what I found to work best is this.

    Create a really informative blog post that delivers real actionable value first that relates to your niche. It should be very comprehensive. It took me a week to write mine. At the minimum it should solve a common problem your prospects have and leans heavily on the how instead of simply describing the issue or why its important. Think models, principles, and frameworks aimed at business owners over tactical step by step instructions

    After you've written your post you can then email business owners a link to the post. How you phrase your email is very important and doing actual research on the lead first is vital.

    I typically lead in with the fact that XX competitor of theirs is using a similar service as to what the post covers and gets YY results.

    From there as a sign off you then offer to give them a complete strategy and consultation over the phone which is where you also qualify and sell them on the service of implementing it for them.

    Being helpful and offering real value is vital over email. Here's another tip: Record qualified leads a personalized video and send it to them if you haven't heard back. Even a minute or so of you talking into the camera is enough for them to book a time with you if you focus on what they'll get out of the conversation (actionable steps and insights)

    you cant hold no groove if you ain't got no pocket.

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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by Matthew North View Post

      I've structured my business to use cold email as my primary prospecting method and have a 7 percent response rate on average.

      The key is to prequalify your list first before sending emails. I've found that people who were likely to be thinking about buying already are the best targets.

      For instance many startups have a need for marketing and PR services and its not hard to find a list of these companies online.

      Ive tested sending direct offers, appointment requests and other emails in the first email but what I found to work best is this.

      Create a really informative blog post that delivers real actionable value first that relates to your niche. It should be very comprehensive. It took me a week to write mine. At the minimum it should solve a common problem your prospects have and leans heavily on the how instead of simply describing the issue or why its important. Think models, principles, and frameworks aimed at business owners over tactical step by step instructions

      After you've written your post you can then email business owners a link to the post. How you phrase your email is very important and doing actual research on the lead first is vital.

      I typically lead in with the fact that XX competitor of theirs is using a similar service as to what the post covers and gets YY results.

      From there as a sign off you then offer to give them a complete strategy and consultation over the phone which is where you also qualify and sell them on the service of implementing it for them.

      Being helpful and offering real value is vital over email. Here's another tip: Record qualified leads a personalized video and send it to them if you haven't heard back. Even a minute or so of you talking into the camera is enough for them to book a time with you if you focus on what they'll get out of the conversation (actionable steps and insights)

      Pure gold. The whole post.

      In fact, a guy that briefly met me at a marketing event sent me an e-mail and a video that night. It was the only time ever that I actually bought from a person at one of these events. t struck me as so inventive and professional.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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    • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
      Originally Posted by Matthew North View Post

      I've structured my business to use cold email as my primary prospecting method and have a 7 percent response rate on average.

      The key is to prequalify your list first before sending emails. I've found that people who were likely to be thinking about buying already are the best targets.

      For instance many startups have a need for marketing and PR services and its not hard to find a list of these companies online.

      Ive tested sending direct offers, appointment requests and other emails in the first email but what I found to work best is this.

      Create a really informative blog post that delivers real actionable value first that relates to your niche. It should be very comprehensive. It took me a week to write mine. At the minimum it should solve a common problem your prospects have and leans heavily on the how instead of simply describing the issue or why its important. Think models, principles, and frameworks aimed at business owners over tactical step by step instructions

      After you've written your post you can then email business owners a link to the post. How you phrase your email is very important and doing actual research on the lead first is vital.

      I typically lead in with the fact that XX competitor of theirs is using a similar service as to what the post covers and gets YY results.

      From there as a sign off you then offer to give them a complete strategy and consultation over the phone which is where you also qualify and sell them on the service of implementing it for them.

      Being helpful and offering real value is vital over email. Here's another tip: Record qualified leads a personalized video and send it to them if you haven't heard back. Even a minute or so of you talking into the camera is enough for them to book a time with you if you focus on what they'll get out of the conversation (actionable steps and insights)
      I've witnessed your growth from the beginning. It's impressive and you have a real future ahead of you. Congratulations.

      With that said, it's time for you to grow some more by taking your method and
      aiming it towards books.

      Write a book or booklet and charge money for it.

      The people who buy it, will be the best leads you will ever taste.

      More than 60% will be easy laydowns, regardless of price and industry.

      If possible, try to make the book price the same as your COCA.

      Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Originally Posted by kenmichaels View Post

        I've witnessed your growth from the beginning. It's impressive and you have a real future ahead of you. Congratulations.

        With that said, it's time for you to grow some more by taking your method and
        aiming it towards books.

        Write a book or booklet and charge money for it.

        The people who buy it, will be the best leads you will ever taste.

        More than 60% will be easy laydowns, regardless of price and industry.

        If possible, try to make the book price the same as your COCA.
        And make sure it's a print book, not an e-book.

        75% of the books I sell are Kindle books. Only 25% are the printed versions. But all my clients that bought from me came from the printed books. None came from the E-books.
        One Call Closing book

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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  • Profile picture of the author Sebulba
    " Write a book or booklet and charge money for it.

    The people who buy it, will be the best leads you will ever taste.

    More than 60% will be easy laydowns, regardless of price and industry.

    If possible, try to make the book price the same as your COCA. "

    Concisely said and a very good strategy. Now to implement...

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  • Profile picture of the author securcam
    Great thread and its given me a light bulb moment. Thanks a lot guys your the dogs danglies. Claude I bought one of your printed books and loved it
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