Offline Marketer's Wordpress Plugin #1 (free)
So now instead of manually adding these one by one, you can add them all at once. The plugin even allows you to create your own customized source files. Once created you can install these new files on any of your future client sites very quickly.
Check it out here: Offline Marketing Tools
You don't need to optin to download and use it, but all I ask is that if you like it, please optin to my notification list.
I'm releasing a lot of great tools in the next couple of months, and I promise that if you build websites and/or sell seo/marketing services to offline businesses, you are going to really love what I have coming out!
#3 - Seminar Presentation | #4 - Offline Sales "Poster" | #5 - Offline Postcards
FREE Offline Consulting Video Series (No Opt-In)
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- The AC Assassin
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