5 replies
Someone i know is currently trying to decide on a two word phrase for an SEO campaign and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or good places to research keywords.

He has used the Google Keyword tool but is lost with the results.

Just thought I would put it on here for some advice.
#keywords #seo
  • Profile picture of the author E-supreme
    Lost with the results?! How could he be lost its not very difficult. Make sure they are selecting exact and then sort by number of results. Use market samurai and tell them to look through the videos.
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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelParsons
    Market Samurai is the tool of choice and has a 7-day trial.

    Also, you can do a KEI evaluation of the keywords
    (Searches*searches)/competition=KEI, I would focus on a KEI of 300+

    OR, more simply, searches per month 3000+ and competition less than 30K results on Google SERP.
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    • Profile picture of the author ColdFire123
      Originally Posted by MichaelParsons View Post

      Market Samurai is the tool of choice and has a 7-day trial.

      Also, you can do a KEI evaluation of the keywords
      (Searches*searches)/competition=KEI, I would focus on a KEI of 300+

      OR, more simply, searches per month 3000+ and competition less than 30K results on Google SERP.
      Yeah, I agree on that. And If you use market samurai, your SEO keyword research work will be easier and efficient.
      Affiliate Marketing Season Special: Earn Commissions as much as 70%. More Stuff Get Sold and Still More Stuff To Sell.
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  • Profile picture of the author Viderna
    Keyword density is important because search engines use this information to categorize a site's theme, and to determine which terms the site is relevant to. The perfect keyword density will help achieve higher search engine positions. Keyword density needs to be balanced correctly (too low and you will not get the optimum benefit, too high and your page might get flagged for "keyword spamming").
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  • yes too much
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