Place Ad in Yellowpages

31 replies
I will place an ad in a telephone directory to target small/mid businesses.
i am looking few text ideas to place in this yearly directory similar to yellowpages.
i will buy half page.

one idea that is poping my mind is this

have a small business?
Need more customers?
Need a website?

call 1800
#place #yellowpages
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    • Profile picture of the author baronig
      well it's a small community phone book where i know many of the businesses are looking for webdesigner.
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      • Profile picture of the author caryduke
        I have to agree with Mgtarheels...what a waste of money

        If that's really the type of ad you are going to place you might as well send me the $$ you are spending on the ad. It will get you the same results.

        1. Why would a web designer use the yellowpages to advertise?
        2. No matter the cost of the "community" page ad, you can find a better use for it.
        3. If you insist on doing this ad, you need to have a compelling ad that stands out from the others with a good call to action.

        Good Luck
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      • Profile picture of the author IndigoJack
        Originally Posted by baronig View Post

        well it's a small community phone book where i know many of the businesses are looking for webdesigner.

        Use that phone book as your call list or direct mailing list - that is how you get orders.

        If you can afford print advertising go ahead but using the print ads as your contact list will gain you far more business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bronwyn and Keith
    Hey baronig

    Spend the MONEY.

    BUT not on YP.

    Create a local site, do a Google Places listing and promote like the "dickens".

    Let them come to you - that way you have control of the situation.

    Also, if you want to go and talk to people give them your website details.


    Bronwyn and Keith
    Originally Posted by baronig View Post

    I will place an ad in a telephone directory to target small/mid businesses.
    i am looking few text ideas to place in this yearly directory similar to yellowpages.
    i will buy half page.

    one idea that is poping my mind is this

    have a small business?
    Need more customers?
    Need a website?

    call 1800
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  • Profile picture of the author Debt Rx
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    • Profile picture of the author Hugh Thyer
      Nothing wrong with a YP ad if you think your prospects are going to go looking there.

      You know your community, so only you know the answer to that.

      If it makes you good money then you do the YPA as well as other forms. If it returns you 5x it's cost of course you'd do it.

      Don't go light on the copy. Despite what YP people tell you, make it copy intensive. Get as much in there as possible. At the end of the day it's a space ad. Get testimonials in there, a strong call to action, killer headline.

      Two great headlines are '7 Reasons To Call xyz Before Anyone Else' or 'WARNING:...'

      Ever wondered how copywriters work with their clients? I've answered that very question in detail->
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      • Profile picture of the author Big Daddy
        I agree. Major markets are not cost efficient but a small local can be fantastic with the right ad.
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  • Profile picture of the author Quentin
    Do a product release and invite a number of local businesses and the local newspapers.

    A few niblies and some drinks and a quick chat about what you offer and you will get more visibility and advertising than any YP.

    Plus then you can say as seen in whatever the paper is.

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  • Profile picture of the author attorneydavid
    I ran a couple of yp ads. (goes with being solo lawyer) my experience concurs with hugh - the more copy the better response

    I've lost 90 pounds(160+ overall) fasting since January 2016 after failing for years on diets that just made me sick and miserable. Check out where I'm writing about fasting and weight loss. Get a Brandable Domain Name at Name Perfection.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan Shaw
    Yeah, if you are going to spend the money on the ad, make sure it's direct response so you can track the results.

    For example: Visit this webpage and fill out the form.

    You set up a landing page just for the yellowpage ad.

    I ran some ads doing this and I got no leads, so I don't run the ads anymore
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  • Profile picture of the author Cathy Duncan
    Yeah guys, Hugh Thyer is so right and I totally agree with him, because of the fact that all of these things are of high value and are to be kept in mind while doing YPA.
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  • Profile picture of the author electronik69
    Who uses YP these days? you would have more of a chance sticking leaflets on cars
    If it doesn't sell, it isn't creative - David Ogilvy
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  • Profile picture of the author SophiaBontuna
    its really waste of time & money
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  • Profile picture of the author IndigoJack
    It's horses for courses. Why would a prospect look in YP for a webdesigner?

    The cost of print advertising far out weighs the orders it attracts.

    YP is your call list.
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    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by IndigoJack View Post

      It's horses for courses. Why would a prospect look in YP for a webdesigner?

      The cost of print advertising far out weighs the orders it attracts.

      YP is your call list.

      If your Ad costs a thousand dollars per month, and you get one customer who is worth $5,000 , then you profited $4,000

      I think its about ROI... It would take a hell of alot of emailing and internet marketing to produce a $5k customer. If you can spend $1,000, and walk away, and attract ONE such customer per month effortlessly by paying for a YP ad, then Do it.

      People who think YP is dead spend too much time talking to IM'rs and they are out of touch with the mindset of 98% of the small business people out there.

      To the IM'rs , they want to create an "Us or Them" perspective, but that general view doesnt extend very far beyond online marketing forums.

      Real business people still use the yellow pages AND they use online marketing, and they use their web addresses in their Yellow page ads... Their perspective isnt jaded by the need to prove a "point" about the internet being better...They can objectively look at their "Total" advertising strategy, and you lose credibility when you tell them something doesnt work, that historically has been their number one source of new customers, and probably still is at the point when you are talking to them.

      The internet works, and so do yellow pages, and no matter how much internet advertising a guy has, he still isnt letting go of his YP ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author samual james
    its entirely waste of money and time . Promote on advertise your site through classifeds and you will get better results
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    • Profile picture of the author Hugh Thyer
      Well the jury's in. Looks like the yellow pages is a no go.

      Sorry. But then of course you have to listen to everyone who's told you it's a terrible idea.

      I mean, they've actually had experience of people who advertise web design services in the YP, or at least known people who have, haven't they?

      And of course they know your local market better than you, and how likely they are to use the YP too.

      Naturally, they've offered their unquestionable advice in full knowledge of how much it will cost you to advertise, haven't they? After all, it IS a numbers game.

      And they've certainly considered the advantages of being quite possibly the ONLY advertiser in the category in there too (unlike the internet where there are about a million web designers you can find in under a second).

      Great, well thought out constructive advice folks. Keep it coming.

      Ever wondered how copywriters work with their clients? I've answered that very question in detail->
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      • Profile picture of the author TommyG
        Here's the thing. More than 80% of people looking to buy something USE the internet. The remaining 20% or less use radio, tv, newspaper, or the yellow pages. Why would you spend so much money trying to get such a small number of prospects? Think about this, nearly every web marketer who is selling to local businesses is telling these businesses the same thing.

        Very few people actually use the yellow pages anymore and if they are looking for a web designer they are going to use the net because they want to see examples of websites. They won't see anything in the yellow pages. People who know they need a website are already using the web.

        Here's a better idea. Find out what people are searching for in your local area (i.e. web designer in phoenix), then set up web pages with that keyword. It can either be a free site like squidoo, hubpages, etc or go buy the domain for that keyword. When someone in your area searches for that keyword you will show up. Do some SEO and you will get a lot more traffic than you will with a yellow pages ad. If you know of any SEO experts in your area, partner up with them. They may need to find a web designer to work on their customer's sites.

        Originally Posted by Hugh Thyer View Post

        Well the jury's in. Looks like the yellow pages is a no go.

        Sorry. But then of course you have to listen to everyone who's told you it's a terrible idea.

        I mean, they've actually had experience of people who advertise web design services in the YP, or at least known people who have, haven't they?

        And of course they know your local market better than you, and how likely they are to use the YP too.

        Naturally, they've offered their unquestionable advice in full knowledge of how much it will cost you to advertise, haven't they? After all, it IS a numbers game.

        And they've certainly considered the advantages of being quite possibly the ONLY advertiser in the category in there too (unlike the internet where there are about a million web designers you can find in under a second).

        Great, well thought out constructive advice folks. Keep it coming.
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      • Profile picture of the author Mike Grant
        Don't feed the trolls.

        Originally Posted by Hugh Thyer View Post

        Well the jury's in. Looks like the yellow pages is a no go.

        Sorry. But then of course you have to listen to everyone who's told you it's a terrible idea.

        I mean, they've actually had experience of people who advertise web design services in the YP, or at least known people who have, haven't they?

        And of course they know your local market better than you, and how likely they are to use the YP too.

        Naturally, they've offered their unquestionable advice in full knowledge of how much it will cost you to advertise, haven't they? After all, it IS a numbers game.

        And they've certainly considered the advantages of being quite possibly the ONLY advertiser in the category in there too (unlike the internet where there are about a million web designers you can find in under a second).

        Great, well thought out constructive advice folks. Keep it coming.
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        • Profile picture of the author vanmed
          Actually, nation wide, the numbers are showing that unless you are a restaurant, a taxi company or a plumber, your advertising dollars are most likely being wasted by listing in the yellow pages. These stats are coming direct from Dex and RH Donnelly, the nations two largest publishers of phone directories and yellow page listings. I have worked with both and the resounding opinion is to make sure your phone number is listed in the white pages and in the business section if available in your local directory, otherwise, save your money.

          Web and Social Media Marketing Coordinator, Writer and Content Reviewer, Latest Reviews @: anastasia date anastasiadate review black dating sites

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          • Profile picture of the author wbinst2

            If you are an internet marketing consultant, would you suggest to your client that he places in ad in the yellow pages or use internet marketing.

            Then why are you?

            I think its called being your own customer.
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        • Profile picture of the author Hugh Thyer
          Originally Posted by mgtarheels View Post

          Don't feed the trolls.
          Sorry buddy, no troll here. I'd just like the discussion to raise to a level above people bagging an idea with one line comments, even though they don't really understand the problem they're discussing.

          Check my posts in this thread. I've given a number of different factors that need to be considered in this decision, a major tip for writing a yellow pages ad and 2 of the most successful headlines for them.

          Ever wondered how copywriters work with their clients? I've answered that very question in detail->
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        • Profile picture of the author J Bold
          Originally Posted by mgtarheels View Post

          Don't feed the trolls.
          yeah like those guys who give one sentence responses just to "rile people up."

          Oops, looks like I fed you, my bad.
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          • Profile picture of the author S3Ware
            I would just have a hard time telling a client who found me in the YP that they should do as I say, not as I do ...

            Me: Thanks for calling, how did you hear about me?

            Client: I saw your ad in the yellow pages.

            Me: Oh, great! Now, let me tell you why you should promote your business online instead of using traditional advertising, like the yellow pages ...

            Client: :confused:

            But hey, if you have the money to test it, go for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author mr2monster
    Coming from someone that sold yellowpage ads for a long time, I'd say don't bother unless you get a screaming deal on the ad.

    If you're in one of the top 10 categories (which you're not) then it's worth it... nearly everyone else has a really hard time getting a break even ROI on their placements.

    EDIT: nevermind... didn't read the whole thread. See you decided against it.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Neale
    Over the last two years we have moved some clients (home repair etc.) into a trackable Yellow Page program. Trackable phone numbers and URls etc.

    We offer every form of online marketing but would never walk into any client and suggest that they simply "pull" their YP budget without knowing what we are talking about.

    Surprisingly YP still generates a very significant number of leads and those who claim that it's a waste of time really have no idea if that is true or not. Not unless they have actually tracked the YP effectiveness at lead gen.

    In many industries and regions YP is still a big factor. Telling clients to dump YP could be a very big mistake for them... and for you (legal problems).

    David Neale

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    • Profile picture of the author enterpryzman
      Originally Posted by David Neale View Post

      Over the last two years we have moved some clients (home repair etc.) into a trackable Yellow Page program. Trackable phone numbers and URls etc.

      We offer every form of online marketing but would never walk into any client and suggest that they simply "pull" their YP budget without knowing what we are talking about.

      Surprisingly YP still generates a very significant number of leads and those who claim that it's a waste of time really have no idea if that is true or not. Not unless they have actually tracked the YP effectiveness at lead gen.

      In many industries and regions YP is still a big factor. Telling clients to dump YP could be a very big mistake for them... and for you (legal problems).

      You are COMPLETELY CORRECT, which you already know. Anyone who says YP are a waste as a general statement, quite obviously has no idea what they are talking about. I have debated this for quite a while now and unfortunately, many more who do not know are posting responses which leads some posters to think they are being told by someone who is smarter than them......not always the case here on WF.

      I promise you that YP ( the book, not the website ) is a viable and in some cases REQUIRED form of advertising some small businessventures.

      I have reduced my ads to what they are now and am paying $ 379. monthly for my very basic YP listing. If you offer a service rather than a product ( some products also ) you should have a listing in the book. I will never eliminate my listing as it would be about the dumbest thing I ever did and would impact my company in a bad way.

      You can certainly listen to whom ever you wish but, I own a very successful service business and I am speaking from what I know first hand, not what I think or have read in a WSO.

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  • Profile picture of the author dann12
    I doubt anybody sees the ads in yellow pages, specifically when it is related to online.
    Did you find any advantage or ROI ?
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  • Profile picture of the author Doran Peck
    Spend the money on direct mail...saturation mailers are only 15 cents postage and you hit everybody....and all for near the same money your going to spend to sit in that yellowpages...which will be closed 99% of the time.

    So you have to ask you want to sit around with your thumbs tied and wait for people to go looking for you in a book or on google?

    ..or do you want to get right in front of their face and let them know you them how you make life better for them, educating them....creating customers now that otherwise will take 5 years to get around to you when they finally figure out on their own that they need you?

    I live by a simple rule....Never let your prospect move at his own pace. Motivate him, or your competition will do it for you.

    Good Luck
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  • Profile picture of the author JezH
    Yellow Pages might have changed dramatically, but they aren't dead yet - I'm still getting significant response for clients who do advertise there!

    As has already been said in this thread, if your target customers look in YP, then it should be considered as an option to get your message in front of them.

    John's right, it's about ROI NOT response numbers.

    How many new clients would it take to make a profit? Is it feasible to get that many new customers? If it's a handful, then it might be worth considering - if it's a few thousand, then you may be better looking at other options.

    Two important things:

    1) As Hugh says - build the copy, even though you are likely to get shouted down by the YP Rep.
    2) Track and measure your response - this depends on the method of contact your prospective customers prefer - but you can use unique webpages, phone numbers and email addresses.

    If you are getting response and the Ad is making you money, keep doing it. If you get poor or no response, maybe look at alternative places you can get your offer in front of the right audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author cuttingedge
    Might consider a yellow page ad that tells a story as it will add impact.

    Something like

    Are You Frustrated and Intimidated by all the BS That Salespeople are shouting at You?

    Want to deal with someone who can speak your language and make recommendations and have ideas that you can relate to?

    We at ____ have the experience, knowledge, and passion to create the website you want with the results you desire.

    Our 5 years of experience listening to our clients needs has been the key to your success.

    Call us at ____ for a free consultation and let us help you.

    I saw an ad like this years ago in a newspaper. It had me picking up the phone and calling the business mostly because it wasn't like all the look- a- like -ads that were in the newspaper or in the yellow pages.

    Think of telling a story about the problems your customers are having and how you solved that problem.

    It will add impact.

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