The Ultimate Offline Method - Make Sure to Thank For This One!

43 replies
OK, so I'm tired of reading all about how everyone is having such a hard time making money so they have gone to offline and still have no luck. If you want to easily build a monthly income promoting affiliate offers offline. Than this is the best way to do it. What you will need is a CPA network that offers the Net Flix offer, a printer, and email... Think we can all handle that? ha

Ok, so we are going to look at this Net Flix offer. They are going to give us $20 (approx - depending on the network, some as low as $16, but its trivial) for every free month trial offer we sell.

Now we need to start thinking who, and when are people intrigued with a free movie offer. Now at a mall... not so much, your best bet would be to sell gift certificates. But how about when they just ordered a pizza for a night in?

So we are going to target local pizza delivery places. Now selling this idea is freaking easy! Make a flyer, it says something like "Thanks for ordering from Joes Pizza! With every pizza this month you get a free month of Net Flix! Go to: 'your forwarding URL'" and a cool picture of Net Flix logo or whatever.

Now you can take the lazy rout, or the ambitious rout. You can send out an email to every Pizza Delivery place or go to each place. Now, right now I am going from place to place. I have 7 stores that are doing this for me and just want 3 more till im happy (I make about $300 a month from each place)

This is what your going to do- its rediculously easy, I've only had one place shoot me down so far. Walk in, ask to speak to the owner. Tell the straight up "I'm not selling anything! I'm just offering a suggestion to better monetize the delivery aspect of your business" Use words like monetize or merchandise or GP (Gross Profit) - it builds a litle credability to you. Now your going to tell them you are affiliated with Net Flix (you will be at this point) and tell them you would like them to give out one of these flyers to each of their customers, you will be adding value to your customers and we will be providing the flyers. And, with every person that signs up for a free month with Net Flix - we will pay you $6!! (baha) Tell them how you will be tracking through the link and will bring them a report at the end of the month and pay them cash yadda yada.

Just take a few mins and think about this...

You are printing 1/4 page flyers - for 10 bucks you have 2000 (enough for one place) you arnt even giving away 1/3 of your profit to someone, who is going to be doing all of the work for you! giving you every one of there clients! and now here is the best part of this whole thing - If one place isnt worth your time - offer them a buy out. Tell them they can buy the whole thing, changing what they get paid from $6 to $20, but all they have to do is make there own flyers, and oh ya, pay you $2000! Than all you do is set them up with an account at NetFlix. Its Brilliant.

Now like I said, I have 7 stores under me and I have done this buy out twice now. One was for $1500 (they were only making me $100 a month so I figured I may as well try something) And the other was for $3200 - Now they were making $400 dollars a month. You will notice there isnt a lot of math in how I sell to them. I just shoot for what I think I can get out of them. If they are REALLY enjoying the money, than aim high!!

OK, well I hope this helps a few of you out. This is my first offline endear and I have never been happier - Hit the thanks and show your support!
#cpa #make #method #net flix #netflix #offline #ultimate
  • Profile picture of the author BlueIndigo
    Now that is SMART!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author kimberly Aita
    I am wondering how do you track which pizza place is getting the order?

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    • Profile picture of the author zengetsu
      Originally Posted by kimberly Aita View Post

      I am wondering how do you track which pizza place is getting the order?

      I would use different affiliate codes to specify which pizza shop is selling the most. I have herd of this before and it is a really good idea but the thing is how do you expand on it, any ideas? What other affiliate offer could you offer to a different popular service? Not all pizza joints will let you offer Netflix to them especially if they are high chains. A good idea again, but its also a good idea to wonder what else you can do.
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    • Profile picture of the author robitn4
      Originally Posted by kimberly Aita View Post

      I am wondering how do you track which pizza place is getting the order?

      That's easy. Get a account. Use it to shorten your affiliate link. Since this depends on the customer typing in a url, it really ought to be shortened.

      You can add a sub id to the end of your affiliate link to differentiate the pizza joints.


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      • Profile picture of the author DrewC72
        I buy .infos and use different tracking codes through my cpa network. Buying the .info domains also helps the sale. If they see your domain is "" They love it because it has their name in it, your helping them brand. Not only does it look professional on your part.

        As for where else it can be applied is endless. Another little golden nugget here so listen up... Try an iPad email submit offer with little business cards and walk by and put it on every cash register in a food court at a mall.

        They way I used to do this was I didnt even ask.. Just walked by on a Saturday and dropped them off, didnt really pay attention to any of the workers. In my mind - a minimum wage student isnt going to ask you what your doing. And if later in the day they see them they arnt going to think anything of it. They are either going to think the mall put it there or their boss did earlier. Believe it or not this is how I got my start in offline marketing.

        Lets keep this thread going and I will keep updating!
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        • Profile picture of the author kimberly Aita
          Maybe I missing something but do you buy the domains before you even ask? What if they say no? and if you go in without the fliers then you have to go around to everyone twice.

          This has nothing to do with the tracking but I checked with the few cpa networks I am in and only one had netflix offer which they said was not accepting new affiliates at this time so can you tell me which cpa network is still offering the netflix deal to new affiliates. Not a big deal if you can't but it never hurts to ask.:rolleyes:

          Thanks for this info no matter what it is a great idea that we should be able to figure something out for.


          Originally Posted by DrewC72 View Post

          I buy .infos and use different tracking codes through my cpa network. Buying the .info domains also helps the sale. If they see your domain is "" They love it because it has their name in it, your helping them brand. Not only does it look professional on your part.

          As for where else it can be applied is endless. Another little golden nugget here so listen up... Try an iPad email submit offer with little business cards and walk by and put it on every cash register in a food court at a mall.

          They way I used to do this was I didnt even ask.. Just walked by on a Saturday and dropped them off, didnt really pay attention to any of the workers. In my mind - a minimum wage student isnt going to ask you what your doing. And if later in the day they see them they arnt going to think anything of it. They are either going to think the mall put it there or their boss did earlier. Believe it or not this is how I got my start in offline marketing.

          Lets keep this thread going and I will keep updating!
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  • Profile picture of the author John Callaghan
    Great concept! I can't imagine too many small business owners turning down the chance to make some extra revenue in today's economy

    "I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul."
    from Invictus by William Ernest Henley

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  • Profile picture of the author morningdew
    Thank you DrewC72 for paying it forward.
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  • Profile picture of the author DrewC72
    Also, lets not forget about University and College students here, they are a hungry market! This is for a new post maybe...
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  • Profile picture of the author internetPro
    Originally Posted by DrewC72 View Post

    OK, so I'm tired of reading all about how everyone is having such a hard time making money so they have gone to offline and still have no luck. If you want to easily build a monthly income promoting affiliate offers offline. Than this is the best way to do it. What you will need is a CPA network that offers the Net Flix offer, a printer, and email... Think we can all handle that? ha

    Ok, so we are going to look at this Net Flix offer. They are going to give us $20 (approx - depending on the network, some as low as $16, but its trivial) for every free month trial offer we sell.

    Now we need to start thinking who, and when are people intrigued with a free movie offer. Now at a mall... not so much, your best bet would be to sell gift certificates. But how about when they just ordered a pizza for a night in?

    So we are going to target local pizza delivery places. Now selling this idea is freaking easy! Make a flyer, it says something like "Thanks for ordering from Joes Pizza! With every pizza this month you get a free month of Net Flix! Go to: 'your forwarding URL'" and a cool picture of Net Flix logo or whatever.

    Now you can take the lazy rout, or the ambitious rout. You can send out an email to every Pizza Delivery place or go to each place. Now, right now I am going from place to place. I have 7 stores that are doing this for me and just want 3 more till im happy (I make about $300 a month from each place)

    This is what your going to do- its rediculously easy, I've only had one place shoot me down so far. Walk in, ask to speak to the owner. Tell the straight up "I'm not selling anything! I'm just offering a suggestion to better monetize the delivery aspect of your business" Use words like monetize or merchandise or GP (Gross Profit) - it builds a litle credability to you. Now your going to tell them you are affiliated with Net Flix (you will be at this point) and tell them you would like them to give out one of these flyers to each of their customers, you will be adding value to your customers and we will be providing the flyers. And, with every person that signs up for a free month with Net Flix - we will pay you $6!! (baha) Tell them how you will be tracking through the link and will bring them a report at the end of the month and pay them cash yadda yada.

    Just take a few mins and think about this...

    You are printing 1/4 page flyers - for 10 bucks you have 2000 (enough for one place) you arnt even giving away 1/3 of your profit to someone, who is going to be doing all of the work for you! giving you every one of there clients! and now here is the best part of this whole thing - If one place isnt worth your time - offer them a buy out. Tell them they can buy the whole thing, changing what they get paid from $6 to $20, but all they have to do is make there own flyers, and oh ya, pay you $2000! Than all you do is set them up with an account at NetFlix. Its Brilliant.

    Now like I said, I have 7 stores under me and I have done this buy out twice now. One was for $1500 (they were only making me $100 a month so I figured I may as well try something) And the other was for $3200 - Now they were making $400 dollars a month. You will notice there isnt a lot of math in how I sell to them. I just shoot for what I think I can get out of them. If they are REALLY enjoying the money, than aim high!!

    OK, well I hope this helps a few of you out. This is my first offline endear and I have never been happier - Hit the thanks and show your support!
    wich cpa network offers this??
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  • Profile picture of the author Pete Egeler
    I think you can go to Commission Junction to get your Netflix affiliation.

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    • Profile picture of the author internetPro
      Originally Posted by Pete Egeler View Post

      I think you can go to Commission Junction to get your Netflix affiliation.


      i didnt see it any one else know where we can get the NetFlix
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  • Profile picture of the author Chad Heffelfinger
    I have not tried that method, but I can confirm that a lot of local non big chain pizza places are open to letting you add to or create their fliers on the boxes. Even without the income incentive a lot of them just like the idea of not having to pay for the printing of them themselves.

    Very nice idea by the way.
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  • Profile picture of the author DrewC72
    Just goto NetFlixs affiliate page. Its the easiest way and highest payout.
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    • Profile picture of the author Bronwyn and Keith
      Hi Drew

      Yeah you are right with this method - plus you also get a bit of exercise.

      BTW - it works in case anyone is wondering.


      Bronwyn and Keith
      Originally Posted by DrewC72 View Post

      Just goto NetFlixs affiliate page. Its the easiest way and highest payout.
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      • Profile picture of the author adriver38
        This is a really cool idea! I bet a lot of restaurants would work with the netflix offers (chinese, sub shops, sushi ect) Also, I bet weight loss offers would work with gyms and beauty products with salons or spas. Just go to and match an offer with an offline store. Not hard to expand on this really. I got out of IM because of all the heavy "scrubbing" they do on these offers though. Im curious to see how this pans out for everyone trying it, keep us updated!
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  • Profile picture of the author PrivateCitizen
    I'd like to know how you are getting $16-$20 for Netflix conversions. The highest offers on Offervault are Peerfly (no longer accepting new affiliates) and Dandingo (no replies to application to network after more than a month, no returned phone calls) at $15.75 and $15 respectively. To sign up directly with Netflix you have to use Google and have a well-developed website already. I am running the offer with flyers at a much lower payout, however, I have yet to see how many conversions I've made since Netflix does not pay per LEAD, they pay per SALE. So you have to wait one month before you can even see how successful your campaign was (since the trial is a one month offer.) Kind of frustrating.

    I'm cementing plans to work with other local businesses using much higher paying offers. Just working up the nerve to start calling owners, lol...
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  • Profile picture of the author Krieger
    ^ Good point.

    Plus, this may be a nice one-shot, but it is definitely not something you can build on in the long run. After 1-3 months pretty much everyone who orders in food in your neighborhood will have seen the flyer and either have signed up or decided it's not for them. If they figured it's not for them, showing them the same flyer another x times won't change the mind of many.

    So you'll get your market saturated pretty quickly. Esp. also since Netflix only pays for people who have never had the service so you don't get paid for re-subscribers. And I think by now most people have heard of Netflix and either tried it or made a decision to pass on it.
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  • Thank you for just adding an extra stream of income to my business with this suggestion.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sonomacats
    Doesn't just have to be Netflix, though. Could be any related CPA offer.

    In fact, you could start out with Netflix, then move on to something else. Maybe change it every month or two to something new.

    Writing as Kieran McKendrick
    You can find the first prequel to my Purgatory series (How Blended are Dust and Fire) on Amazon and Smashwords.

    Whether you think you can or think you cannot, you are right. -- Henry Ford

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  • Profile picture of the author Kirahster
    Hi Drew, Thanks for posting this method. It is definitely interesting and something that I am going to try out. As a matter of interest where do you get the flyers printed for that price. Also would you be interested in sharing the copy that you use on flyers?


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    • Profile picture of the author jcwinter
      Wow, this thread is awesome. Some great ideas here that would be super easy to try and setup with probably just a few hours of work to potentially get some nice long term residual income.

      You have got my mind spinning with different ideas.

      There is potential application if you are working with several different offline clients who you are doing pay per lead for, if you have them set up with an email list then you could cross promote the different businesses to the different lists if you set up an affiliate tracking system.

      You could very easily just set it up without the technical work if you just say "mention coupon code 'johnsplumbing' to get two free months at Sally's Storage".

      You could get a little more advanced if you set up some more advanced affiliate systems if you have control of the businesses websites.
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  • Profile picture of the author internetPro
    my cpa guy told me that netflix is no longer using cpa companies
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  • Profile picture of the author internetsweetie
    I love this idea of pairing!

    BTW, what does heavy scrubbing mean in IM terms?

    Internet Sweetie

    Freedom from the 9 to 5 can be so sweet.

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  • Profile picture of the author PrivateCitizen
    Scrubbing is when an advertiser declares that your leads are invalid and doesn't pay you for them.
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  • Profile picture of the author yoyo
    does anyone know anything simular to netflix in the UK, there is lovefilm but they are not offering payouts for trials.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jordan Godbey
      This is an incredible idea. Pushing the traffic through a super simple squeeze page might drop off some leads up front but you could make it up in the end with back end email marketing of new CPA offers as the current ones die out.
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  • Profile picture of the author adriver38
    I just checked (which is great way to find what networks are paying per offer) Looks like Peerfly is the highest paying offer at 15.75 per sale. Also offering Netflix are: Dandingo, PointClicktrack and YeahCPA. Id try to think outside the box on this though guys...match different offers with corresponding stores. Beauty offers with Salons and spas, weight loss products with gyms or personal trainers ect. Hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author KD Partners
    The only problem that I see with this is that you would eventually run out of people to sign up for Netflix. Most local pizza places depend on repeat business. There are some new customers coming in but a large majority of the business is the same people over and over again.

    Once they order netflix once they can't order again.

    The pizza place would hit a peak at a certain time and then the income will steadily decline from that point on. Remember, you aren't getting paid per rental, you are getting paid per account.

    Is there a way around this?
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    • Profile picture of the author Geoffrey Freedom
      Once it the offer starts to decline just put a different one up, like Gamefly, etc...
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  • Profile picture of the author startup
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  • Profile picture of the author marketingstatic
    I think people are really missing the point here also. It reminds me of a lesson I was trying to teach my son about my auto detailing business. He said Dad why do you agree to take on these jobs for 25.00 to renew their headlights. I took him with me a few times and he quickly saw many times they just needed that service. almost every time it was like a test of my services and they said hey can you detail my wife's car now or get a stain out all which gave me larger up sell opportunities.
    This is an excellent way to START as said by JOBID and Addriver38

    Happy new Year 2019

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    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by mgtarheels View Post

      This was posted on OFG a whiiiile ago.
      Yeah it amazes me how this idea gets around, and how many people discovered it, but hey, as Randy Gage Says (Kind of) , "anything can happen in a forum where 1000 people can prove, by merit of their resume that they are the #1 preiminent offline success teacher on the planet!"

      Gotta say though, it does seem brilliant.

      Also gotta agree with adriver38 you could take this alot of different directions.
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    I remember readjng this idea from a WSO I bought penned by Kenster.

    NeverBlue is.. was... a CPA network that was doing Netflix back then...
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  • Profile picture of the author Westin Thompson
    It's possible this method would also work with health and fitness clubs. I'm considering trying this at a couple of the local gyms. Possibly see if they would let me leave fliers or something along those lines. Doesn't work quite as well the netflix on the pizza box, but it's a possibility.
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    • Profile picture of the author SamyE
      Re Health Clubs,

      Any thing Vanity and Fitness Related.
      Coupon for the local hair salon for the gals, Coupon for free shave with haircut from the local barber shop.

      Samy Elashmawy Simple Sales Training
      Personal One on One Coaching, Training, and Consulting. Phone 201-467-4929 or Cell 201-926-9412. And Yes, I answer my own phone. If I am on a call, please leave a message and I will personally get back to you!

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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    Good thinking...

    You get offline marketing customers where?


    Most people seem to try to hide behind their computers. But if you take a proactive marketing approach and go where your target demographic is....

    You cannot fail.

    I have never lost money on marketing. I have always seen a ROI on marketing... doesn't matter the medium.

    Of course... I have never done PPC either.... so maybe that and a little common sense followed by research....

    Never not made my money back
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  • Profile picture of the author fvandy
    That is brilliant!
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  • Profile picture of the author reno
    Lets not forget to thank "Kenster" for this method. It works very well ! Just get creative and like he says "Think Outside the Box ! The pizza box that is...

    Good luck all,
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  • Profile picture of the author earvin.anderson
    Perfectly said! Affiliates can try and join CPA networks while still holding on to their affiliations.
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  • Profile picture of the author gregbanks
    Hey this would work for TakeAways as well!!!! I'm trying it this week
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    I would totally have to give Kenster props on this one too.

    I think I read this idea in one of his WSO's like a year ago or something....

    The concept works... No let's "think outside the box" even more...

    what if you were to create a flyer for your web design and seo services?

    Do you think it would work?

    Of course it would... if you had the right design and the right Tagline, WIIFM, Benefits, Offer, Guarantee, and multiple calls to action that create urgency.
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