NEWBIES READ THIS!!! How Y-O-U Can Make 50k From Nothing With ZERO HTML Knowledge
For all of you who are intimidated by all the big talk around here, and feel that you arent worthy to make money...listen up. John Boy is gonna share something with you.
Here's how you can make 50-100k this year right from where you are right now... starting this moment, even if you dont leave the chair you are sitting in for a week except to piss or get a coffee.
Even if you know nothing... and even if people start attacking this thread saying Im full of crap... if you do what I say and ignore them... you are going to make money and help business owners.
Trust me, people are gonna hate me for this, and try to discredit what I am about to share with you... but dont buy it.
Maybe they wont.
In either event this is for you, if you are new and feel intimidated. I did it myself starting out and still do.
When I started i knew nothing, had never even touched a "typewriter", and half the warrior forum members were all newbies like I was, and like you are now...who knew virtually nothing... and people right here on the wf were doing this kind of thing I am about to share and reporting success... and it still works. Dont let anyone lie to you.
There is a product that has been selling like mad since the internet began, and still does. It has been ranking on search engines just fine for 15 years now... and thats never gonna change, no matter how many new models come out... and it can be produced with any drag and drop "website for dummies" program... some of you may remember:
Its called an html website.
I want to tell you that if you know ZERO about building websites...you can sit where you are right now, and have one up in 3 hours, and you can also do it for others and make money... and YES you will be helping them get their online presence started...all you have to do is follow basic instructions.
A: Go to homestead.com
B: Order the $19.00 per month reseller Package
C: This will enable you to buy domain names for $5.00 apeice, and cost you 2.00 per month hosting on each new site you Build. yes you own the domains and yes you can transfer the sites whenever you want. Plus the domains are ready in 1 hour, not 72.
D: Follow their easy step by step drag and drop, copy and paste system for building a website with their Templates. you will get more advanced at using it with time, and there are tons of options you wont need... but they are nice to have. Trust me ANYONE can figure this out, I may even create a video to show you if I get time, but they provide video tutorials.
E: Follow their easy Optimization instructions, no technical knowledge required. You will be creating websites your first day.
F: Call local business owners and offer them a basic 3 page website for $199 plus 24.95 per month. It will take you all of 60 minutes to create their site.
At this price you can easily sell one site per day.
Thats $1,000 per week. But lets just say you only sell 3 per week.
$600 per week right off the bat.
3 customers per week times 52 weeks = 156 customers per year
Each customer cost you 24.per year, and they pay you $25.00 per month on top of the initial $199.
So , off of the intial $199 at 3 customers per week you make $31, 044 your first year making an easy sell and delivering a quality basic site.
Off of Hosting you make a profit of $299 per year per customer X 156 customers... = 46,706 per year from residuals...
So you have created 46k per year in residual income... so lets say half of them cancel the first year... you have still created 23k per year in residual income.
So lets lowball for the skeptics and say you lose half you customers the first year, and your residual is really 23k :rolleyes:
You now make about 55k per year...
You made at least 50k your very FIRST year... making simple HTML Websites ).
Now if you charge $399 instead of $199 you make over 100k your first year.
If you want to offer additional seo services... you can outsource it...and create upsells with a static html site just as well as any other kind of site...dont let people lie to you.
Experts might tell you that static HTML sites are passe, and that these programs dont work... but the truth is that half the sites on the internet are made with them... i have several and made $400 today ALONE off just one of them.
Experts might also tell you need to know this and that and this and that... but I promise if you offered them $1000 market your static html site they would not only take it, but probably assure over and over you of how well it was gonna work!
Yes. If you create a decent basic site with a program like homestead, you still provide plenty of value for your customer, and the design options arent as limited as some would lead you to think.
You can absolutely sit down and learn to build one of these sites in a day or so...even if you are starting with virtually ZERO knowledge, and have all the tools at your disposal that can create a very effective site for your client.
You can even use their templates if you want.
Do your clients benefit from the sites? Yes. do they get ranked? Yes. can they be marketed? Yes? Can you create backlinks for them? Yes. Are the pages optimized? Yes.
Just follow the tutorials.
Am I making money off affiliates links for telling you this?
Do I have a wso on it?
Am I just trying to help the little guy?
Yes. because I just saw a post of how some guy was saying "How do I make $10,000 per year...and realized how desperate some people are and they dont need rocket science answers, they need something they can learn and implement NOW.
Trust me...if you are one of those little guys... I need you, because this post isnt gonna make me real popular with anybody glamorous!
But its the truth.
Like I said , anyone who would tell you these kinds of sites are worthless... would still take your money and promise you they could market it.
And (theres that "and" Alexa) they would be RIGHT!!!!
Look at these templates... Templates Available to Build Easy Websites | Homestead they arent WAAAY extravagant, but you'll agree they dont look bad... Some are gonna disagree and say they look like crap because they dont like it that you can do this... but look with your own eyes without their opinions in the way and ask yourself? Are these bad looking sites?
Can you see someone paying you to design a site like that?
Well let me tell you they WILL and they will have a damn fine site too.
You dont even have to use templates as you will see its stupidly simple to design them yourself...
Does anyone think a basic tstatic html site wont rank?
Does anyone think basic templates wont rank?
You're wrong.
Do you need ANY html or programming knowledge to do this...?
That's the best part
ABSOLUTELY not...you can train yourself to do it in 3 hours...and day by day you will get better and better at it!
So there you go newby....theres a plan.
Now go make some money and dont let anybody intimidate you!
Back 10 or 12 years ago when I found the warriors secret forum... posts like this were what it was all about, and thats why I make money today!
Thanks Allen!
Here's how you can make 50-100k this year right from where you are right now... starting this moment, even if you dont leave the chair you are sitting in for a week except to piss or get a coffee.
Even if you know nothing... and even if people start attacking this thread saying Im full of crap... if you do what I say and ignore them... you are going to make money and help business owners.
Trust me, people are gonna hate me for this, and try to discredit what I am about to share with you... but dont buy it.
Maybe they wont.
In either event this is for you, if you are new and feel intimidated. I did it myself starting out and still do.
When I started i knew nothing, had never even touched a "typewriter", and half the warrior forum members were all newbies like I was, and like you are now...who knew virtually nothing... and people right here on the wf were doing this kind of thing I am about to share and reporting success... and it still works. Dont let anyone lie to you.
There is a product that has been selling like mad since the internet began, and still does. It has been ranking on search engines just fine for 15 years now... and thats never gonna change, no matter how many new models come out... and it can be produced with any drag and drop "website for dummies" program... some of you may remember:
Its called an html website.
I want to tell you that if you know ZERO about building websites...you can sit where you are right now, and have one up in 3 hours, and you can also do it for others and make money... and YES you will be helping them get their online presence started...all you have to do is follow basic instructions.
A: Go to homestead.com
B: Order the $19.00 per month reseller Package
C: This will enable you to buy domain names for $5.00 apeice, and cost you 2.00 per month hosting on each new site you Build. yes you own the domains and yes you can transfer the sites whenever you want. Plus the domains are ready in 1 hour, not 72.
D: Follow their easy step by step drag and drop, copy and paste system for building a website with their Templates. you will get more advanced at using it with time, and there are tons of options you wont need... but they are nice to have. Trust me ANYONE can figure this out, I may even create a video to show you if I get time, but they provide video tutorials.
E: Follow their easy Optimization instructions, no technical knowledge required. You will be creating websites your first day.
F: Call local business owners and offer them a basic 3 page website for $199 plus 24.95 per month. It will take you all of 60 minutes to create their site.
At this price you can easily sell one site per day.
Thats $1,000 per week. But lets just say you only sell 3 per week.
$600 per week right off the bat.
3 customers per week times 52 weeks = 156 customers per year
Each customer cost you 24.per year, and they pay you $25.00 per month on top of the initial $199.
So , off of the intial $199 at 3 customers per week you make $31, 044 your first year making an easy sell and delivering a quality basic site.
Off of Hosting you make a profit of $299 per year per customer X 156 customers... = 46,706 per year from residuals...
So you have created 46k per year in residual income... so lets say half of them cancel the first year... you have still created 23k per year in residual income.
So lets lowball for the skeptics and say you lose half you customers the first year, and your residual is really 23k :rolleyes:
You now make about 55k per year...
You made at least 50k your very FIRST year... making simple HTML Websites ).
Now if you charge $399 instead of $199 you make over 100k your first year.
If you want to offer additional seo services... you can outsource it...and create upsells with a static html site just as well as any other kind of site...dont let people lie to you.
Experts might tell you that static HTML sites are passe, and that these programs dont work... but the truth is that half the sites on the internet are made with them... i have several and made $400 today ALONE off just one of them.
Experts might also tell you need to know this and that and this and that... but I promise if you offered them $1000 market your static html site they would not only take it, but probably assure over and over you of how well it was gonna work!
Yes. If you create a decent basic site with a program like homestead, you still provide plenty of value for your customer, and the design options arent as limited as some would lead you to think.
You can absolutely sit down and learn to build one of these sites in a day or so...even if you are starting with virtually ZERO knowledge, and have all the tools at your disposal that can create a very effective site for your client.
You can even use their templates if you want.
Do your clients benefit from the sites? Yes. do they get ranked? Yes. can they be marketed? Yes? Can you create backlinks for them? Yes. Are the pages optimized? Yes.
Just follow the tutorials.
Am I making money off affiliates links for telling you this?
Do I have a wso on it?
Am I just trying to help the little guy?
Yes. because I just saw a post of how some guy was saying "How do I make $10,000 per year...and realized how desperate some people are and they dont need rocket science answers, they need something they can learn and implement NOW.
Trust me...if you are one of those little guys... I need you, because this post isnt gonna make me real popular with anybody glamorous!
But its the truth.
Like I said , anyone who would tell you these kinds of sites are worthless... would still take your money and promise you they could market it.
And (theres that "and" Alexa) they would be RIGHT!!!!
Look at these templates... Templates Available to Build Easy Websites | Homestead they arent WAAAY extravagant, but you'll agree they dont look bad... Some are gonna disagree and say they look like crap because they dont like it that you can do this... but look with your own eyes without their opinions in the way and ask yourself? Are these bad looking sites?
Can you see someone paying you to design a site like that?
Well let me tell you they WILL and they will have a damn fine site too.
You dont even have to use templates as you will see its stupidly simple to design them yourself...
Does anyone think a basic tstatic html site wont rank?
Does anyone think basic templates wont rank?
You're wrong.
Do you need ANY html or programming knowledge to do this...?
That's the best part
ABSOLUTELY not...you can train yourself to do it in 3 hours...and day by day you will get better and better at it!
So there you go newby....theres a plan.
Now go make some money and dont let anybody intimidate you!

Back 10 or 12 years ago when I found the warriors secret forum... posts like this were what it was all about, and thats why I make money today!
Thanks Allen!
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