Bumper Stickers (effective or not)

23 replies
Hey warriors, I recently had a great idea come to mind, it took a lot of brainstorming but I am almost positive it will work. I don`t want to spill all my secrets but I need to know if anyone here has had any luck with bumper sticker advertising.

I need to know if it is effective. I know that billboards are effective and they cost a fortune, but what if the billboards were driving in front of everyone across the world?

Is there anyone who has had any luck with bumper stickers or decals, that can share their knowledge? I am looking at generating traffic to my website from bumper stickers.
#bumper #effective #stickers
  • Profile picture of the author Joshyybaxx
    In Aus there aern't many bumper sticker advertisements, however there are window advertisements where people put ads on their rear windows, they use a special type of sticker so that the image is fully visible from the outside yet they can still see out of the windows.

    There's companies that even organise ordinary people to rent their window space out for businesses to advertise on so when they drive around it's like a mobile bill board

    Bumper stickers would be pretty hard to read in traffic.


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    • Profile picture of the author MattyD
      I have the name of my side-line PC Repair company on my car. It works great and didn't cost me anything because I gave the guy running the vinyl sign-writing shop some marketing assistance.

      I have gained around £500 of business fixing a couple of computers in just 30 days or so from adding them to my car. So yes, I think it does work - as long as you're not stuck on motorways/freeways where you're driving too fast for people to be able to notice and take in your message. I'm based in a city and I tend to do most of my driving in and around the city, thus plenty of opportunity for people to see it.

      Oh and just remember - don't drive like an idiot if you get it done!
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      • Profile picture of the author HTNMedia
        Thanks MillionairePete, good thread !

        and thanks MattyD for sharing your knowledge
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        • Profile picture of the author myob
          Bumper stickers and window decals have been effective for quite a few years; long before the internet was invented.

          Recently though I've had my cars professionally wrapped which is extremely powerful in heavy traffic.
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          • Profile picture of the author MillionairePete
            Great!!! I needed some re-assurance... does anyone here know of any online decal stores where you can buy in bulk? I know vistaprint offers great service but they are pretty pricy.

            My Dating Website ---> Date In The USA

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            • Profile picture of the author Kay King
              Signs on your car or bumper might work - why do you need a lot of them? Would other people be willing to put bumper sticker on their car to advertise your website?

              Just asking because I knew an (idiot) marketer a few years ago who decided the best way to advertise his mlm was to put stickers on cars in shopping center parking lots. Big fine - big problem - really dumb guy.
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              • Profile picture of the author MillionairePete
                Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

                Signs on your car or bumper might work - why do you need a lot of them? Would other people be willing to put bumper sticker on their car to advertise your website?

                Just asking because I knew an (idiot) marketer a few years ago who decided the best way to advertise his mlm was to put stickers on cars in shopping center parking lots. Big fine - big problem - really dumb guy.
                Haha, I would never attempt something so stupid. I have 5 people interested and 2 reside in new york city so I can just imagine the traffic I can receive from them driving around in a busy city, my goals are much much bigger tho. I still have a lot of work to do before the launch but the pre-launch is somewhat ready. Wish I had the money to purchase a bunch of high quality stickers ready to ship. I am confident this will work.

                My Dating Website ---> Date In The USA

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                • Profile picture of the author myob
                  Originally Posted by MillionairePete View Post

                  Haha, I would never attempt something so stupid. I have 5 people interested and 2 reside in new york city so I can just imagine the traffic I can receive from them driving around in a busy city, my goals are much much bigger tho. I still have a lot of work to do before the launch but the pre-launch is somewhat ready. Wish I had the money to purchase a bunch of high quality stickers ready to ship. I am confident this will work.

                  You're saying you can't afford to buy the 7 stickers to test? They really are not very expensive.
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                  • Profile picture of the author MillionairePete
                    Originally Posted by myob View Post


                    You're saying you can't afford to buy the 7 stickers to test? They really are not very expensive.
                    I'm in debt at the moment, as much as I don't like throwing that word around due to bad energy, I am focusing on getting out of it and my priorities are somewhat different at the moment. My sticker program experiment is on hold for now, I chose stickers because they are least expensive but I was originally looking at window decals, and I am still thinking of going back to it. I believe people would much rather have a small sticker then take up their window for the price I will be charging them.

                    My Dating Website ---> Date In The USA

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                    • Profile picture of the author myob
                      Originally Posted by MillionairePete View Post

                      ... I don`t want to spill all my secrets ... I am looking at generating traffic to my website from bumper stickers.
                      Well, I can tell you that it ain't no big secret that bumper stickers and decals really do work. You can even print one for next to nothing from any word processor onto an inkjet printer and try it out yourself on your car bumper or rear window. Just use cardstock or clear adhesive sheets. I actually have done that.
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                      • Profile picture of the author MillionairePete
                        Originally Posted by myob View Post

                        Well, I can tell you that it ain't no big secret that bumper stickers and decals really do work. You can even print one for next to nothing from any word processor onto an inkjet printer and try it out yourself on your car bumper or rear window. Just use cardstock or clear adhesive sheets. I actually have done that.
                        I have done the same, used magnets but due to the cold winter here they fell off haha, proper printing paper to use as a sticker for outdoor use is also very hard to find, the water started dripping the ink - it was the best two options I found - purchased and tested from staples office store here in Canada.

                        My Dating Website ---> Date In The USA

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  • Profile picture of the author Cowley
    I have been trying this and have not found any thing from my car window yet
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  • Profile picture of the author Joshyybaxx
    I would suggest the window advertisement if you're putting it on others cars, effective and easily removable.

    Rear Window Graphics, Truck Window Graphics - Window Decals - Signazon

    First site on google for the search "Rear window advertising"


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  • Profile picture of the author joshril
    I've never done much with bumper stickers, but I have seen companies that focus on this. Essentially, they pay people a small amount per month to have a bumper sticker on their car, and then they sell the "advertising space" to business owners.

    I would suspect in a large enough metro and with enough bumper stickers, you (or a business) could get some results.
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    • Profile picture of the author MillionairePete
      Originally Posted by joshril View Post

      I've never done much with bumper stickers, but I have seen companies that focus on this. Essentially, they pay people a small amount per month to have a bumper sticker on their car, and then they sell the "advertising space" to business owners.

      I would suspect in a large enough metro and with enough bumper stickers, you (or a business) could get some results.

      My concept is pretty similar but it is one that I believe no one has attempted before. The operating costs are very low, people will pay me to be in the program and by them paying shows loyalty, also I will follow up with them to make sure they arent cheating

      My Dating Website ---> Date In The USA

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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    You can do the back windshield of your car with vinyl lettering for about $60. I have found success with this method. Today... I ride a motorcycle... So I have shirts with my company name.... offer.... contact info... and call to action across the back.

    So people behind me in traffic can't help but see it. Also.... people in line at starbucks... or where ever I may be....

    This has proven successful.

    As Paul said... it has been working since way before the internet.

    Bumper Stickers...... I don't know.... Unless you put them on Power Line Poles at busy intersections....

    I did a marketing campaign with small signs... 18x24 and zip tied them to signs and light poles near busy intersections.... Got a bunch of calls immediately..... made a few deals.... then code enforcement made me take them down.

    Was really worth the money though.... Even if you did it over the weekend.... when code enforcement is off work.... you can get some leads then take them down Monday morning before they come along and throw them away....

    Vehicle Wrapping looks great and really gives you a professional image. Unfortunately they average around $3,000 to have done.

    BUT.... it is totally worth it...
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  • Profile picture of the author Droopy Dawg
    Of course I can't speak for all motorists... but I see plenty of bumper stickers... magnets... door signs... everybody does it here in Dallas/Fort Worth. ALOT of them are pretty clever in how they display their information... but if I'm driving I will not remember the URL or phone number to this business even if I really need them... nor will I be able to write their information down.

    So my personal opinion is (and this is just me...) I don't think they're effective.

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    • Profile picture of the author MillionairePete
      Originally Posted by Droopy Dawg View Post

      Of course I can't speak for all motorists... but I see plenty of bumper stickers... magnets... door signs... everybody does it here in Dallas/Fort Worth. ALOT of them are pretty clever in how they display their information... but if I'm driving I will not remember the URL or phone number to this business even if I really need them... nor will I be able to write their information down.

      So my personal opinion is (and this is just me...) I don't think they're effective.
      Thank you for your opinion, I believe that if the message is targeted at the consumer the consumer will remember. There is a company already doing something similar called eyeearn.com check them out.

      My Dating Website ---> Date In The USA

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  • Profile picture of the author brandon2664
    I see a lot of bumper stickers with .com names. I am thinking of doing it for my websites as well. I think I'm gonna use magnets instead of stickers
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  • Profile picture of the author wanrom
    Originally Posted by MillionairePete View Post

    Hey warriors, I recently had a great idea come to mind, it took a lot of brainstorming but I am almost positive it will work. I don`t want to spill all my secrets but I need to know if anyone here has had any luck with bumper sticker advertising.

    I need to know if it is effective. I know that billboards are effective and they cost a fortune, but what if the billboards were driving in front of everyone across the world?

    Is there anyone who has had any luck with bumper stickers or decals, that can share their knowledge? I am looking at generating traffic to my website from bumper stickers.
    The thing is you need to have plan how much you want to spend on your advertising. If you think its a best option for bill board and you think you can afford it then yes why no Go for it. The only problem with that is your add will stay on 1 place .
    If you have low budget and want more traffic then i think stickers will be best for you.
    Check out our signature for vinyl white or clear stickers
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  • Bumper stickers are very effective. When I sit in traffic and when Im in parking lots I cant help but to look at bumper stickers. Just remember we are creatures of habit and we remember what we want to. So if your sticker is catchy and is offering something Im interested in. Im already partially sold.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Pala
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    • Profile picture of the author BrandyM
      Originally Posted by Mike Pala View Post

      I saw a car this morning with a sticker on the back that mimicked the 13.1 and 26.2 stickers that marathon runners put on their cars...except this one said 0.0. I couldn't help but laugh because that's totally how I feel since I loathe running. I've always thought those other stickers were a little obnoxious and I don't know why. Does anyone else feel this way? I know it's a big deal but who really cares? Hooray for you. I gave birth and had a heckuva labor but i don't need a sticker on my car stating so.

      I've seen that 0.0 and laughed at it too. I live San Antonio and I see those marathon stickers all the time. I think stickers would work. I was thinking about starting with a magnet for my car and then working up to maybe something in my back window.

      I knew a woman who put a nice image on the back of her window that said lose 3 inches in 3 minutes with her phone number and she got calls.
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  • Profile picture of the author sash024
    Not effective in my case...
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