17 replies
HI - What is the most effective cold calling script for SEO services? Please share it...
#calling #cold #script #seo
  • Profile picture of the author cchipster
    Im not an affiliate or anything, but go to the:


    Good scripts in there, just search around. I have one that seems to work alright that I tweeked into to be my own style. I like to call as if im inquiring about ther business and ask "is this abc plumbing?" Great! My name is _____ and I too run a business here locally...What i do is create leads for business owners like you...have you ever thought about generating business from the internet?

    You will get a good reaction with this. Tweek accordingly...

    No signature, I'm sure you will be ok.
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis

    You have come so far in such a short amount of time...

    That is a great opener, I like it.
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  • Profile picture of the author vfactor
    everyone has their own style and language for seo script so i would suggest see the benefit of customer first and then put real ideas into words and it will surely work
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    This is true...

    It really depends on the format in which you are cold calling as to what is going to be the best.

    But you cannot fail if you stick to Features and Benefits without ever saying the word SEO.

    Sell the sizzle and not the steak.
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    • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
      How about something like this...
      You "Hi, is that ABC plumbing?"

      Them "Yes"

      You "Is this a bad time" (everyone else asks if it's a good time so do the opposite)

      Them "no, it's ok carry on"

      You "Would it be ok if you gave me 30 seconds to tell you why i'm calling?" (Get permission).
      Them "Go ahead" (People rarely say no if you get the tonality right)

      Right at this moment, you now have an opportunity to give them a 30 second commercial. It's crucial that you get this right. You have taken the pressure off, so you can be fairly relaxed.

      The point of your 30 second commercial is to explain how you fix problems and highlight what problems they may have.

      This requires a shift in mindset that we don't have time for here, so just trust me.
      YOU "My name is _________, I work for _________ and we work with local businesses that are frustrated they aren't getting enough business off the Internet..... etc etc"
      Hope you get the idea.
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      • Profile picture of the author omurchu
        How about this:

        "hallo, is this abc plumbing?"


        "I wonder if you could help me out/ask your advice? I am setting up an internet consultancy business in the local area. I was wondering if you think this would be of any benefit to business such as yourself?"

        I think this will be a chance for them to give you an opinion and then they will ask exactly what you do. Then you can list all the benefits that will work for their business if they would like to consult with you.

        It is non pushy and non salesy - so you come across as a fellow business owner who is "just looking for some advice" (but you know different )

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        • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
          Originally Posted by omurchu View Post

          How about this:

          "hallo, is this abc plumbing?"


          "I wonder if you could help me out/ask your advice? I am setting up an internet consultancy business in the local area. I was wondering if you think this would be of any benefit to business such as yourself?"

          I think this will be a chance for them to give you an opinion and then they will ask exactly what you do. Then you can list all the benefits that will work for their business if they would like to consult with you.

          It is non pushy and non salesy - so you come across as a fellow business owner who is "just looking for some advice" (but you know different )

          What if they say no
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          • Profile picture of the author omurchu
            Originally Posted by iamchrisgreen View Post

            What if they say no
            No to what?

            "No,I don't want to help you out/give you advice?"
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            • Profile picture of the author LasseKohau
              Then, be emotional - like this.

              Giving a quick advice would really help me out (make target feel guilt ), dont you want to help out a fellow business owner (appeal to common interest again) ?

              I will be off the line in 30 seconds !!!

              regards, LASSE

              If still NO, thankyou for taking the call. Good bye.
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            • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
              Originally Posted by omurchu View Post

              No to what?

              "No,I don't want to help you out/give you advice?"

              Yeah. What if it's a really busy business director.
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            • Profile picture of the author The Kid
              Originally Posted by omurchu View Post

              No to what?

              "No,I don't want to help you out/give you advice?"
              They'd actually be saying no to the last question you asked: "I was wondering if you think this would be of any benefit to business such as yourself?"

              You initially ask them to help you out/give you advice, but then you follow up with a question that can be answered with a simple yes or no. Yes continues the conversation, no ends it.... either way, the question you're asking doesn't lead to someone giving you advice. It leads to them telling you whether or not they feel they have a need for your service.

              You say in your script:

              "I wonder if you could help me out/ask your advice? I am setting up an internet consultancy business in the local area. I was wondering if you think this would be of any benefit to business such as yourself?"

              Then mention: I think this will be a chance for them to give you an opinion and then they will ask exactly what you do. <--- Actually, no. This gives them a chance to say yes, or no. "What benefit do you think this would have for a business such as yourself?" would lead to discussion/an exchange of opinion.

              "Then you can list all the benefits that will work for their business if they would like to consult with you." <--- You should be throwing a couple out from the get go, thus increasing the chance they'll say "yes" to the question about your business benefiting them and allowing you to continue pitching to them.

              But hey, if this is working for you, I can't totally knock it. I just think it can be improved. Especially if you're simply telling them you have an internet consultancy business and not elaborating on what that means (What service do you provide? How does that sevice benefit businesses in general?). Cause to a lot of folks, especially the one's that own a brick & mortar business, they think simply having a website is enough. Sooo, if they already have a website, why would they need an internet consultant? Better yet, what the heck does an internet consultant do?
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      • Profile picture of the author omurchu
        Originally Posted by iamchrisgreen View Post

        Yeah. What if it's a really busy business director.
        Originally Posted by iamchrisgreen View Post

        You "Would it be ok if you gave me 30 seconds to tell you why i'm calling?" (Get permission).
        What if they say: "No"

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  • Profile picture of the author Ant Marshall
    Firstly, I wouldn't say there is a BEST script.

    It's simply what works for you, your voice and experience.

    But yeah, try the forum mentioned above it's an amazing place and is full of guys who are so helpful.

    Somebody else's best script may not necessarily be someone else's best.

    If you haven't made money online yet then just send me a PM and let's see what we can do together.

    Did my post help? Click thanks! ->

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    • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
      Originally Posted by Anti View Post

      Firstly, I wouldn't say there is a BEST script.

      It's simply what works for you, your voice and experience.

      But yeah, try the forum mentioned above it's an amazing place and is full of guys who are so helpful.

      Somebody else's best script may not necessarily be someone else's best.

      That's very true, you need to make it your own. Some people, because of their tonality can get away with more than others.
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      • Profile picture of the author jimbo13
        Answer this before you waste any more of your time and your prospects time.

        'What do you think you are selling?'

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