34 replies
Ok so I cracked the code on getting local businesses to actually respond to 100% email solicitations.

First let me say I do offline marketing. I'm full time online, I teach, do my own affiliate sites and help local businesses get their sites on page one.

I have a method that was getting me clients consistently but I want to charge more and this traffic stream isn't really into that.

So I went on a hunt....

I got a ton of WSO's.....then I threw up a few times and returned a ton off WSO's....

I tried each method, and got......wait for it......NOTHING

And I tried each method in MASS.

See my entire business is systemized and outsourced to my team. So I need something that is emailable, and can be done in mass and get MY phone ringing and email responses coming in without me actually being there to do it.

Let me just say it's been very freakin' frustrating. I've sent out God knows how many emails with NO response...well not NO exactly....

There were a few don't ever (filth flarn filth, blankety blank blank) email me again's, and two no thank you's.

I was so happy to get a kind let down I wrote them back and told them, lol.

So after all that, which was about a period of 3 weeks maybe?

I woke up....very pissed....and discouraged...and frustrated....aaaaaand I was black....how'd that happen?

See I'm trying to hit the 10k mark and If I can build this part up a little I'll be there ya dig?

So back to me waking up black.....

I got up and was trying to shake off the pissed offness before my workout...

So I figured I'd head to the mailbox see if maybe I got a check in the mail....because that would cheer me up.....but there was no check....just a bunch of freakin' junk mail!

I noticed one postcard....because we literally get it every week it seems like...

I was so pissed about it and the rest of this junk mail/waste of advertising dollars....that could and should be going to me, i hopped on my laptop and told everyone of those flyer pushing, postcard peddling, advert magazine advertising....in.....people.....about how much their marketing methods sucked!

And how we throw them away every time, and how my one roommate use to use one of the local mags for spit paper when he practices his trumpet, and how they have a trash can right beside my apartments mailbox because people needed somewhere to put the JUNK....mail.

And guess what....

Within ten minutes I got an email back, lol!

It was some lady.....she said please send me a list of your ideas and prices, lol!

She also said as a marketer you should know that you shouldn't offend people when talking about their marketing system.....but she still responded, offended and all.

Then I got another, and another, and another, and another, and a phone call (which turned into a meeting on monday)....then I got an angry response, lol.

Then I woke up this morning I had two more responses. And these were the presidents, and owners of these businesses that were responding to my EMAIL!

Even the people that were offended were responding to me, lol it was crazy.

3 weeks of well crafted "offline platinum" email solicitations that were suppose to have local businesses kidnapping me and making me their seo slave - got me NOTHING...but suicidal...

And all I did was tell the truth about how much these guys marketing methods sucked and boom....not even ten minutes goes by and I got a response back.

I couldn't believe it.

All I did was speak as someone that actually gets their advertising. i pointed out how "I" their targeted recipient dealt with their adverts, and then how I as a marketer know ways that will save them money, and then make them money.

My script was a blend between my pissed offness and David Preston's Stupidly Simple Cash Cow script.

And it worked like clock work! I didn't even go thru all of the junk mail cause I had to work out. And I have 3 drawers FULL!

I wanted to give this out for free because I know there are people just like me that don't wanna cold call, or do walk ins. And have been buying....or not buying (wink wink) a ton of not so not garbage WSOs. lol That double negative joke right there was clever, I don't care what you say.....that was good.

But yeah I gave it out for free so you wouldn't have to wonder if you'd be returning this one, or if you'd be wasting your money.

Now go.....go darnit.....get pissed off at your junk mail....then get some clients!

You know why these marketing methods don't work AS GOOD as yours. Just tell them why they don't work. They won't be able to ignore you in good conscience because they are actually spending money.

I'm sure this would work on PPC ads too.

BTW I did hone my script a little, but I still kept it real.

Questions? Comments?
#code #cracked
  • Profile picture of the author MsMotivation1
    LOL.... I laughed the whole time while reading your post!

    I totally understand where you are coming from... I use this method and it actually works (without the anger part though... LOL). But it does get frustrating sometimes and we have to just push through it to get to the "yes's.'

    Targeting businesses that are already advertising works... and so does email if you send enough - it's all a numbers game.
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  • Profile picture of the author redcell1
    Love the fact your sharing this with everyone lol. Just saved me some well earned cash from going to a WSO lol.

    Any pointers on what to do say / and not offend them at the same time ?

    Just here to see the shenanigans.

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    • Profile picture of the author Loopholemarketers
      Originally Posted by redcell1 View Post

      Love the fact your sharing this with everyone lol. Just saved me some well earned cash from going to a WSO lol.

      Any pointers on what to do say / and not offend them at the same time ?
      I think telling them that you aren't saying: they don't know what they're doing or they're advertising doesn't work, because it does. If it didn't work somehow then they would have been out of business. You're just saying it doesn't work as good as what you know does, and that their ROI could be even higher with what you know.

      Point out that they do their business for a living but you do marketing for a living and it's your job to stay cutting edge. This way you're not taking away from their credibility as an expert in their trade or in business in general.

      That seemed to be what really ticked the one guy off.
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  • Profile picture of the author spesialis
    May I ask what was the title of the email you were using?
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  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    Dude... this is a great post, and there is more to it than what I think people are realizing, perhaps even what you're realizing.

    What you're doing is genius... really.

    What you're doing, is this:
    1. Getting attention
    2. Telling them what they do isn't working
    3. They no longer are in power, you have the power
    4. They want something effective, they call you
    5. You aren't just telling them they are doing things wrong, you're offering a solution.

    I'm going to use the same strategy, and test out just how effective it is.

    I do a lot of cold calling, and I get a lot of results in pretty much everything I do... but I think you're on to something here. I can't really outsource cold calling effectively without damaging image... but this is a gold nugget.

    While I don't believe it is 100% ready to go and efficient the way you're doing it. I think a slight modification would do amazing. Don't want to offend the decision makers, but you want to get a reaction out of them!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3701541].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Loopholemarketers
      Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

      Dude... this is a great post, and there is more to it than what I think people are realizing, perhaps even what you're realizing.

      What you're doing is genius... really.

      What you're doing, is this:
      1. Getting attention
      2. Telling them what they do isn't working
      3. They no longer are in power, you have the power
      4. They want something effective, they call you
      5. You aren't just telling them they are doing things wrong, you're offering a solution.

      I'm going to use the same strategy, and test out just how effective it is.

      I do a lot of cold calling, and I get a lot of results in pretty much everything I do... but I think you're on to something here. I can't really outsource cold calling effectively without damaging image... but this is a gold nugget.

      While I don't believe it is 100% ready to go and efficient the way you're doing it. I think a slight modification would do amazing. Don't want to offend the decision makers, but you want to get a reaction out of them!
      Thanks yeah i've added a tweak that will tend to the wound after slap some sense into em.
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  • Profile picture of the author cchipster
    Love the realness. WSO's are a crock. All playing into peoples fears and weaknesses. I love the 'businesses will kidnap me and hold me as their seo slave' line. Couldnt be more TRUE!

    *edit* WSO's are a crock IN MY OPINION thus far. Who knows, maybe some good ones out there. I like to always pose this question to the people who write back with rave reviews "So...how much have you made thus far implementing this 'foolproof' tactic?"
    No signature, I'm sure you will be ok.
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    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by cchipster View Post

      Love the realness. WSO's are a crock. All playing into peoples fears and weaknesses. I love the 'businesses will kidnap me and hold me as their seo slave' line. Couldnt be more TRUE!
      That is awesome... I don't know who said that... but it's hella funny...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3701728].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
      Originally Posted by cchipster View Post

      Love the realness. WSO's are a crock. All playing into peoples fears and weaknesses. I love the 'businesses will kidnap me and hold me as their seo slave' line. Couldnt be more TRUE!

      *edit* WSO's are a crock IN MY OPINION thus far. Who knows, maybe some good ones out there. I like to always pose this question to the people who write back with rave reviews "So...how much have you made thus far implementing this 'foolproof' tactic?"
      I have bought a few WSO's just to see other tactics and strategies people claim to work wonders. I have ALWAYS made money when I try it out. PEople just hype things up to make it seem like there is no work. There is always work. I released a WSO and I truly believe it will help anyone who is looking to learn about SEO, new and advanced users, and there is a whole lot of value in it. Haven't had a single complaint or refund. Was my first WSO, and I know there are quite a few out there that are great. If you don't put things into practice, the knowledge alone isn't going to help you!

      WSO's can speed up a long learning curve for certain areas.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3702471].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author jeffrey73
        I agree. I'll vouch for your WSO 110%! $12 is a STEAL..

        And yes, I'll be implementing ALL of the techniques taught in the report.

        Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

        I have bought a few WSO's just to see other tactics and strategies people claim to work wonders. I have ALWAYS made money when I try it out. PEople just hype things up to make it seem like there is no work. There is always work. I released a WSO and I truly believe it will help anyone who is looking to learn about SEO, new and advanced users, and there is a whole lot of value in it. Haven't had a single complaint or refund. Was my first WSO, and I know there are quite a few out there that are great. If you don't put things into practice, the knowledge alone isn't going to help you!

        WSO's can speed up a long learning curve for certain areas.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3702651].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
        Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

        I have bought a few WSO's just to see other tactics and strategies people claim to work wonders. I have ALWAYS made money when I try it out. PEople just hype things up to make it seem like there is no work. There is always work. I released a WSO and I truly believe it will help anyone who is looking to learn about SEO, new and advanced users, and there is a whole lot of value in it. Haven't had a single complaint or refund. Was my first WSO, and I know there are quite a few out there that are great. If you don't put things into practice, the knowledge alone isn't going to help you!

        WSO's can speed up a long learning curve for certain areas.
        I was kinda biting my tongue on this one... because I respect Chip... and I didn't want to offend. BUT....

        I first met John Durham through the purchase of one of his WSO's. Now we talk A LOT. Also, I am the lead moderator of the forum he owns.

        Buying that WSO changed my life.

        It was through that WSO that I changed my perception on certain aspects of my business. It was through that forum that people held my hand until I made some money.

        Ever since... I have made a FULL TIME income from offline marketing.

        I have also helped A LOT of people do exactly what it was that I did. Succeed.

        Anytime that I put out a WSO it is because I want to help people. Not make money. I make a LOT more money from my offline sales than I could with a WSO.

        Really... I sell WSO's to compensate my time that I FREELY give at all hours of the day and night. Either here on this forum or the other forum TMF.

        I also don't sell a WSO unless I am actually doing it with success or have done it.

        So there is no HYPEY BS.

        So to say all WSO's are bad.... kinda hurt my feelings.... :p

        Either way... once you have something you have decided you want to do. DO IT. Don't think about it... JUST DO IT.

        DoN"T ThinK...


        And if you want to learn some quality knowledge about offline marketing I know a guy that puts out some killer WSO's...
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  • Profile picture of the author AdFocus
    I like the cut of your jib.

    Good job man!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jake Gray
    Stop spending money on WSO's.

    That's one of your issues. Find something that works and stick with it. Don't continue buying WSO's.
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  • Profile picture of the author zoro
    I laughed all the way through reading your post. I can totally relate to it.

    I've sent out many emails with NIL results. Your method creates attention and offers them advantages, plus a solution to wastefull advertising if they contact you.

    Care to share your email subject title, and did you have your website URL in the email footer?
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  • Profile picture of the author rolltide
    I would love to see what the email looked like you were sending out.

    Make $150 everytime someone backs up their computer!

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  • Profile picture of the author Stewart Alexander
    Very clever approach. Lots of useful lessons embedded between the lines. Appreciate the share.

    Sent you a pm.


    Loophole Marketer
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  • Profile picture of the author IMUniversity
    Competitive Analysis is the best hands down. Glad you found the secret sauce ;D
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  • Great post... really enjoyed reading it!

    The only problem that I can see with this method is that most of the junk mail that comes through my door is from pizza houses and various take-aways etc. These types of business have a low customer value and therefore are not the sorts of clients that I am targeting.

    It might be different in the US or elsewhere (I live in the UK) but over here solicitors, dentists and even plumbers (which are the sort of clients I look for) don't seem to use the junk mail approach.

    Still if it works for you then the best of luck.


    Tap into the Video Gold Mine with my Free 4 Part Offline Cash Secrets video course.

    If you want to FINALLY start making money online then check out Instant Internet Lifestyle blog.

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    • Profile picture of the author Pat Ordenes
      Well done!

      I use pretty much the same strategy week in, week out.
      I allocate one evening of the week to go though my local papers and any flyers/postcards we receive. I cut out the ads/postcards, scribble on them, make notes, etc...

      Then email them out to the businesses.

      Works a treat!

      As longs as you respect the work done and offer a reasonable solution, it's always well received. I think I've only gotten one negative response.

      good stuff...
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  • Profile picture of the author jtlucas2511
    Best thread on WF, hands down. I think I am gonna send out an email titled something like: **** you and your stupid ******* advertising.....I will post results soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author jacquic
    Love the post, Loopholemarketers!

    It might be different in the US or elsewhere (I live in the UK) but over here solicitors, dentists and even plumbers (which are the sort of clients I look for) don't seem to use the junk mail approach.

    Back to the YP/BT/Thompsons directories, then - comment on the ads in there and in local papers and on local online directories as if you were getting the ads through the door. Also, ask if they've seen how small these directories are getting...
    See our great value publications - business, SEO, etc. Being added to weekly.
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  • Profile picture of the author rodelu
    Thank you For sharing i loved your story. I was laughing all through the story, I understand your frustration. I'm glad you found a great way to get clients and thanks again for sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author lingo
    Thanks for the share mate.
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  • Profile picture of the author cnagaraj
    Grandmas secret recipe, thanks for sharing.
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    • Profile picture of the author I_AM
      I definitely need to do more email marketing. It's my belief that you have to send 100's to 1000's of emails to find success.
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