What is the best offline consulting WSO? (answer only if you made money)

45 replies
Looking through he multitudes of offline consulting WSO's almost every one of them has "positive reviews". Unfortunately almost all of the reviews say something like "one of the best WSO's I have ever bought...", etc.

What is hard to find are "real" reviews where an established warrior says he or she has implemented the WSO method and acquired new clients and paychecks. I am so tired of reading sugary reviews with no follow up of actual results.
#answer #consulting #made #money #offline #wso
  • Profile picture of the author V12
    Originally Posted by Michael William View Post

    Looking through he multitudes of offline consulting WSO's almost every one of them has "positive reviews". Unfortunately almost all of the reviews say something like "one of the best WSO's I have ever bought...", etc.

    What is hard to find are "real" reviews where an established warrior says he or she has implemented the WSO method and acquired new clients and paychecks. I am so tired of reading sugary reviews with no follow up of actual results.
    Unfortunately, this is true of most WSO reviews. There are some (rare) reviews which talk about making real money with the WSO in question but these are hard to find.

    I think there are three main reasons for this.

    One, review copies almost always get positive reviews - law of reciprocity?

    Two, reviews are mostly left very soon after downloading and skimming through the WSO, well before the buyer has had time to implement anything in it, so the review cannot be about anything but the quality of the product itself, not how it performs when put to the test.

    And three, most people buy WSOs in the hope of striking it rich by simply buying. They never follow up with consistent and concerted action, so again, any review left will be only about the product itself and not how it performs when put to use.
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  • Profile picture of the author redcell1
    See there really is no one size fits all for best offline consulting WSO.

    There are WSO's on how to get more business, on running the business with SEO and those with ones for certain type of services (Mobile,google places,etc)

    Just here to see the shenanigans.

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  • Profile picture of the author JayVance
    I really liked SEO Business Box by Daniel Tan, just do a search in google for it, should come up. I'm not sure if he runs the WSO anymore. It has around 15 or so different sections on how to start a SEO business, getting clients, maintaining clients, if you're a complete newb it shows you how to do SEO, where to outsource, and what pricing models you could go with.

    I haven't found anything that comes close to it. Your best bet is to get that package then find a couple other good ones that compliment it. Second opinions are always nice. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Quentin
    Have a look at our Mobile Marketing WSO to get you started and look at this discussions to get real reviews.


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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Clough
    @Michael Williams - Great topic!!!! ....there really aren't a lot of REAL reviews from people saying they've made a bunch of $$ with so and so's offline marketing system that I can see!

    Don't get me wrong, I love this forum, but I see a lot of "Smoke Blowing" up some of the seller's butts

    I also see some amazing and incredible Sales Text being written here! I mean, they are written soooooo well, that you think you're gonna make some serious dough!

    I've purchased many of them and after a while have realized that it's just a spin on someone else's stuff. The bottom line comes down to me - only, and my belief in myself.

    I do SEO for local businesses and have realized that after I got the first couple on the Big G page 1, the rest just seemed much easier to convert.

    PS......by my comments, I am not trying to undermine anyone selling anything on this forum at all......just sayin!!
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  • Profile picture of the author mr2monster
    Anyone ever take time to consider that maybe there aren't many real world "I made money" reviews because:

    A. No one got off their butt to actually DO anything
    B. The people that did are too busy making money to come back to a forum to post about how much they're making.

    People tend to take the stance of blaming the seller of a technique or method as not being effective, but many times, the buyer is at least as much at fault for not IMPLEMENTING.

    You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

    Besides, what do anyone else's earnings have to do with YOUR potential?

    Hell, you don't have to even buy a WSO.. look around this forum.. there's money making opportunity EVERYWHERE. It's still up to YOU to actually implement it.
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  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    I have a WSO, not for offline consulting but for SEO... and I gave away 2 review copies... thats all, and have had ALL positive reviews from people, so just because some are generic, and they are positive doesn't mean it isn't a good WSO. Mine has a hell of a lot of value, and not a single negative review and not a single IN DEPTH review either... not a good basis to judge it on.

    General tip for buying a WSO... make sure the member posting it, is respectable, or has been a contributing member to the site.

    As for offline consulting, LOL @ only if you made money. I have made a lot offline, but never bought a WSO, never even looked. I think you could find a lot of info in THIS forum, that could be sold as a WSO, so research!
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  • Profile picture of the author Transcripts
    I actually bought Nameless's SEO guide, and found it very useful and it's saved me lots of time. So, there you go :-) I haven't had time to implement all that I would like, but know if I do I will be in great shape.
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    • Profile picture of the author Shane N
      Originally Posted by Transcripts View Post

      I actually bought your SEO guide, and found it very useful and it's saved me lots of time. So, there you go :-) I haven't had time to implement all that I would like, but know if I do I will be in great shape.
      Not only does my offline consulting WSO make Warriors money... It has also been making ME money for a long time... And I AM a Senior Warrior Member, so I can give myself a testimonial and that should speak for
      itself, LOL.

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      • Profile picture of the author LastWarrior
        Originally Posted by Shane Natan View Post

        Not only does my offline consulting WSO make Warriors money... It has also been making ME money for a long time... And I AM a Senior Warrior Member, so I can give myself a testimonial and that should speak for
        itself, LOL.

        I hear yah bro.


        Don't know why some are crying here when my WSO is the greatest thing since toilet paper. Took the leaf users from the stone age right to the industry's cutting edge by simply buying my WSO.

        It solves most problems people encounter with lack of making money on the internet. If people want a free 15 minute consultation, call me at 1-800-bull-chit.


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        • Profile picture of the author jeffrey73
          THIS is the WSO we've all been waiting for!

          LMFAO! Too funny... (9 times out of 10) voted WSO of the Year!

          Originally Posted by LastWarrior View Post

          I hear yah bro.


          Don't know why some are crying here when my WSO is the greatest thing since toilet paper. Took the leaf users from the stone age right to the industry's cutting edge by simply buying my WSO.

          It solves most problems people encounter with lack of making money on the internet. If people want a free 15 minute consultation, call me at 1-800-bull-chit.

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          • Profile picture of the author Chris Cho
            please answer his damn question and post up what has WORKED FOR YOU. I don't want to waste my time reading your opinions...


            John Durham's script def works. I'm not a cold caller but I found a script on his forum that I gave to my guy. He calls about 40 hours a week and he's been giving me tons of leads. From about 800 list he converted to 80+ leads. Some phone calls, emails, and face to face meeting. I've been lazy and busy with other work so I haven't had the chance to follow up with them all.

            Also, if the prospect wants more information (using John's script) I send them the "offline madman" script/picture and it didn't convert much as I thought. I believe from 60 emails I got 1 face to face meeting and we'll be closing the deal sometimes next week. 1k/mo
            -maybe it didn't convert because john's script was about a website and offline madness was about seo. it probably didn't make sense to the prospect. (oh well, we live and learn)

            I also made 300 brochures to have one of my guys go out and hand it out to all the small businesses in center city since my office is located in the city. Closing a deal for 18k (huge project) and getting a check for $800 for a simple website next week.

            Before all that I'm a big fan of direct mail which converts pretty well for me. I have a unique way of standing out.

            Also I even made a local niche facebook fanpage which I built 1500 fans within one months that brings me deal. Only did this to build authority. Spent $700ish for that 1500.

            I also went to seopro ($1500) last month in atl just to network with the players. I don't go to meetings to learn the so called "secrets" but to network and befriend the guys who are doing it. This is the fastest way to grow your business.

            Anyways, there are other **** that I do but this post isn't about me. It's about what products work and don't. I have 9 people on my team testing a lot of different things. I think all the wso gurus should be scared of me because I can expose all you guys because I TESTED EVERYTHING OUT! MUHAHAHAHAHAHHA (just kidding... well kinda)

            If I can give you some tips

            1. TRY OUT EVERYTHING... at least send out 1000 mails, 1000 emails, 1000 calls then talk ****. knock on doors till your knuckles bleed. if none of that **** works i'll fly out and treat you for a dinner. i can bet money on it that you'll close a deal. And if it doesnt, i guess this business is not for you because that's some sad conversion rate to live with. =X

            2. Find a mentor who can take you to the next level. there's no reason to be working out with a skinny friend if you can get pumped up in half that time by working out with a vin diesel.

            You won't need another product if you follow all the things i just mentioned. maybe just spend a day to write some copy for your brochure and have your buddy design it. Go print 300 brochures and give it out to all the local business owners. (this won't convert good as you think but you'll at least land a client) i think it was only like $100 for 300 brochures. btw, i picked a logo print shop so I can do some JV with them.

            I'm not much of a writer... I've outsourced my writing ever since I was in high school and it's proibably the first time ever writing something this long. I really wish this can help a frurstated newbie.

            NOW GO GET EM!!!!!!!!!!!
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        • Profile picture of the author toilet25
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    • Profile picture of the author Adrian John
      I can vouch for Quentin's WSO 100%.I made money with it.I'm using what i've learned every day.
      I've bought several other WSO in the past but none got close to this one.
      Very easy to follow, great tutorials and you will learn plenty of things you could implement in anyone's mobile marketing.
      And Quentin, what can i say ... whenever you need anything from him, he's there for you helping you and not necessary talking only about mobile websites.
      I'm not gaining anything for telling you how happy i am with his course but i am recommending it to you with all the confidence.
      ARE YOU A CONSULTANT? Do you have clients who could use MORE LEADS?
      Get them a MOBILE WEBSITE PLATFORM built to stay up with their clients habits.
      More than 50% of their customers buys from their mobile devices now!

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  • Profile picture of the author Dr Dan
    Yes I agree with this. I have spent thousands of dollars not just on WSO's but info products online. Most of them never reveal any juice that can actually be used. they usually talk concepts and ideas. I had to take about 20 products to combine them before I really came up with something after alot of trial and error.

    But now I got something that works

    I think we should have a WSO request section where we can tell people what we want and dont want.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    Ive got 50 success reports on my site... but they are probably all too busy making money to post here...

    I vote for my own because I have made more money with my offline strategy's than anyone elses.

    Figures for how much Ive made with these strategies over the years ? Would be hard to say... but Its waaay past 7.
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  • Profile picture of the author kmalikis
    "True that"! meaning ... you took the words right out my mouth. I have read some of the larger threads from start to finish....and very few actual follow up posts that show "yeah i followed this WSO and made X amount of dollars in X amount of time.

    Although i do agree it's up to the individual to implement the WSO... BUT...taking into account what type of forum this is...i find it hard to believe that if a person was successful at implementing a WSO to their satisfaction that they would not come back to offer a proper testimonial. I guess what i mean to say it seams that it does not happen as often as it should..taking into account the amount of products for sale on here.

    As mentioned i have read some lengthy threads on the forum and do agree that John Durham seems to be a power house and many people have complimentary things to say about him and his products.
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  • Profile picture of the author zoro
    It's interesting to see all the people blowing their own trumpets about there own WSO's here .... what does that tell you?
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    • Profile picture of the author daveman
      Originally Posted by zoro View Post

      It's interesting to see all the people blowing their own trumpets about there own WSO's here .... what does that tell you?

      Always Be Closing
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      Originally Posted by zoro View Post

      It's interesting to see all the people blowing their own trumpets about there own WSO's here .... what does that tell you?
      If you can't even position your own WSO as being the best, why should anyone else buy it? :confused:
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  • Profile picture of the author Dexx
    What is the best WSO?

    The one that YOU find fits into your business model / personality-type, the one that YOU find provides enough information that you aren't confused about what to do next, and the one that YOU find MOTIVATES you to take action with it's information immediately.

    The best WSO for one person might not meet those same criteria for yourself...

    At the end of the day you'll need to do you own research to identify exactly what content out there has the information you need (that fits those three areas) while being within your budget.


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  • Profile picture of the author advinflud
    According to me, The best offline consulting WSO provide the latest and useful easy facilities to work with it. Internet is the best way to find this.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dr Dan
    The best WSO is my newest one called "$20,000 In 10 Days! Learn The Secrets To Making 2,000 People Send You $10 Each!" If you guys want it, buy it for $10 now! But I am capping it to only 2,000 people so hurry!

    Disclaimer: That was a joke. Please do not send me $10 for this method.
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    • Profile picture of the author BrashImpact
      Warriors I want to Chime In here...

      I think so many warriors go about this the wrong way, We buy Tons of
      WSO's every month...Some months i spend over $1000 bucks. We never
      ask for a refund..and there is a Reason...


      Where else other than the warrior forum can you buy a Boat Load of
      Information for Pennies on the Dollar... No where. The prices we pay here
      are Ridiculous at best...

      Part of the challenge and someone else posted it up, Most Warriors, well
      hell most people, "FAIL TO TAKE ANY ACTION..."

      Everyone is looking to get rich quick, rather than building a Viable Long Term
      Business. We love WSO's and will continue to buy tons of them...The last one
      we just bought was from an SEO Expert or Proclaimed. Either way, i found one
      concept in there that we had not tried, within 2 hours we tested it..Immediate
      Results... Now the question is.. was it worth it?

      Based on what our business Model is...Keyword BUSINESS MODEL, i would have paid
      $1000.00 for that tip, as i expect to get a Huge Return on My Investment. I actually
      sent that WARRIOR an EXTRA $100 with a Thank You Note. It's all about your personal
      perception, value and TAKING ACTION!!!!!

      I for one, Love the WSO SECTION!!!!!!
      Thanks WF for making it so CHEAP!!!!

      To Your Continued Success,

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    • Profile picture of the author jeffrey73
      Hilarious! Best post yet! LMAO

      Originally Posted by Dr Dan View Post

      The best WSO is my newest one called "$20,000 In 10 Days! Learn The Secrets To Making 2,000 People Send You $10 Each!" If you guys want it, buy it for $10 now! But I am capping it to only 2,000 people so hurry!

      Disclaimer: That was a joke. Please do not send me $10 for this method.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael William
    I know that failing to take action is a major pitfall amoung WSO buyers but to blame your buyers for a lack of real testimonials is like putting a neon sign on your head that says my WSO sucks.

    I am making money from one I use (hint: Happy Warrior) but I would love to see some kind of honest discussion on which ones are the real money makers. "Offine consulting" started out as a part time gig for me but I am now seeing it has real full time potential.
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    • Profile picture of the author focusedmind
      My advice would be to buy several of them, take notes, start implementing, test and tweak your methods... Make your OWN method. That always has worked better for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jay Rhome
    Like posted many times above, what I think is the best WSO might not be for you.

    That being said, Quentin's tutorial is a really good one - but obviously only if you have an interest in Mobile marketing. I do so for me it rocks but for you, if you don't, it'd suck.

    For consulting, the infamous one by AP is golden and the one I've made the most money with. He turned out to be a fake, but gave some seriously good advice.

    I'm concentrating on an unrelated business venture at the moment, yet I bring to it a lot of stuff I learned here in the forum or from WSOs. Very few of them have been wasted money.
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    • Profile picture of the author ShayB
      Different methods appeal to different people.

      What one person thinks is a fantastic WSO may not appeal to someone else.

      Sometimes it takes looking at numerous methods and then finding one (or a combination) that suits you the best.
      "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships called Enterprise." ~Commander Riker
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  • Profile picture of the author Tina Williams
    Originally Posted by Michael William View Post

    Looking through he multitudes of offline consulting WSO's almost every one of them has "positive reviews". Unfortunately almost all of the reviews say something like "one of the best WSO's I have ever bought...", etc.

    What is hard to find are "real" reviews where an established warrior says he or she has implemented the WSO method and acquired new clients and paychecks. I am so tired of reading sugary reviews with no follow up of actual results.
    Hi Michael!

    My name is Tina Williams. I have done numerous WSOs with Maria Gudelis and have several of my own (including two going up today and tomorrow for Offline Consultants). I can tell you I have several students that ARE making money right now following exactly what we've put out in our WSOs and private coaching.

    I can also tell you I personally am doing pretty good and have a wait list for clients since I closed my doors to work on other projects. What's out there works but it isn't necessarily cookie cutter for the consultant to be, the location they are in, their skill or motivation level, the niches they are going after or even if they are coachable.

    Here is a thought, if you are really serious about this business and are willing to be coachable, I will give you access to the WSOs I have, some of my current products for Offline Consulting and work with you for 30 days (time needed will be determined if you take me up on this and we determine you are truly into getting your Offline Business rocking and rolling.)

    Condition, you promise to give me 100% and you give me a "real" review on your implementation and the "real" results.

    You up for a challenge? Hmmmm....sounds like a WSO in the making?

    Just shoot me a pm and let me know.

    Tina, KLT Coach
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael William
      Hi Tina, sent you a PM. Your offer sounds interesting...

      Originally Posted by tina0827 View Post

      Hi Michael!

      My name is Tina Williams. I have done numerous WSOs with Maria Gudelis and have several of my own (including two going up today and tomorrow for Offline Consultants). I can tell you I have several students that ARE making money right now following exactly what we've put out in our WSOs and private coaching.

      I can also tell you I personally am doing pretty good and have a wait list for clients since I closed my doors to work on other projects. What's out there works but it isn't necessarily cookie cutter for the consultant to be, the location they are in, their skill or motivation level, the niches they are going after or even if they are coachable.

      Here is a thought, if you are really serious about this business and are willing to be coachable, I will give you access to the WSOs I have, some of my current products for Offline Consulting and work with you for 30 days (time needed will be determined if you take me up on this and we determine you are truly into getting your Offline Business rocking and rolling.)

      Condition, you promise to give me 100% and you give me a "real" review on your implementation and the "real" results.

      You up for a challenge? Hmmmm....sounds like a WSO in the making?

      Just shoot me a pm and let me know.

      Tina, KLT Coach
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  • Profile picture of the author rockyk
    Honestly, there are are lot of different experts in the industry and I have gotten many amazing Offline WSO's, but it's hard to pick the best. Here are a few I recommend:

    Mario Brown
    Maria Gudelis
    Tim Castleman

    These people all put out a lot of free content (blogs, webinars, etc.) too if you can sign up for their lists.

    Haven't bought many offline WSO's recently though and I know the niche has blown up big time, so there are probably many more experts I don't know about. Just make sure to read through the pages on whatever WSO you wanna buy and look at the feedback.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Rivers

    I feel your pain.

    As I am a certified WSO buying junkie, I feel like I can really relate to you.

    If you're like I was at the beginning, (and it sounds like you are) it took me breaking my business down into AT LEAST 4 different parts, in order for me to begin to buy "the best" wso.

    Here's what I mean:

    Part 1: Your Business Foudation - Main website, lead capture websites for specific niches, business cards, mailing address, business phone, fax number, contracts, what services you will offer, your marketing knowledge etc.

    Part 2: Credibility Building Tools - Books, reports, video's, autoresponders, workbooks, sample websites etc.

    Part 3: Getting Clients Techniques - Direct mail, online, cold-calling, face-to-face, underground cool ninja off-the-grid stuff

    Part 4: Servicing My Clients Techniques - Rolodex of outsourcers, setting up accounts, building backlinks, creating videos, writing sales copy, setting up referral systems etc. (essentially anything I'm doing online, offline and everything else in between.)

    Now, the reality is, you may find one big, huge,gi-normous offline package offered by warriors like Mario, Ryan Shaw etc. that may contain some or all of the four parts I've mentioned above...

    ...but more importantly, even after buying the so-called A-Z blueprints, you will start to see the areas that they're really strong in and then you will see other areas that they are weak in.

    So, the answer is: You should buy as many wso's as you can reasonably afford that give you, teach you how to do or tell you where to get, all of the parts above (and more that I didn't mention).

    So, here's the point:

    There are no best wso's that cover every single little iota about every little thing you will ever need to know about offline marketing for your business.

    There are just wso's with information you didn't know about, or a old strategy with a new tweak, or a new strategy with a old tweak, or information you knew but forgot about.

    Much like me, you will be better off breaking your business down into those four or more parts and buy wso's with good reviews and strategies you will likely use that fall into each category and over time you will build your own customized "best wso."

    Because some of the stuff you buy will be pure gold and others will be fool's gold.

    You are building a business and having a mindset of CANI (Constant And Never-ending Improvement) is the mindset of the successful business owner's that I've studied, model my business after and continue to work with.

    That's what I did to find the best wso.

    Want to target Chiropractors? Grab this FREE DFY Chiropractic Back Pain Funnel
    and generate new patient leads for your trial or recurring Chiropractor clients!
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  • Profile picture of the author redlegrich
    Quentin's is really excellent. I have recommended to my friends in town that do local marketing. The value is two part, one is the script he provides. Without it doing mobile sites is a real pain. The other is the wealth of videos, links and advice.

    I've made money and I will make more. I've downloaded lots of marginal stuff, a few useful ideas but nothing to jump up and down about, but Quentin's was the best.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael William
      That is the kind of review I was looking for. Thanks, and you have probably made Quentin a few more sales. Not that other WSO's do not work, but it is the time and effort investment I am concerned about, not the initial cost.

      Originally Posted by redlegrich View Post

      Quentin's is really excellent. I have recommended to my friends in town that do local marketing. The value is two part, one is the script he provides. Without it doing mobile sites is a real pain. The other is the wealth of videos, links and advice.

      I've made money and I will make more. I've downloaded lots of marginal stuff, a few useful ideas but nothing to jump up and down about, but Quentin's was the best.
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  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    I only bought Dexx's WSO, very great information. I have been full time Internet Marketing since 2007. I was making Myspace Pages and Google Adwords for clients in 2008. The whole world has changed with Internet Marketing since then, Facebook, Twitter, Blogging, Video Marketing, Google Places and traditional SEO.
    All the WSO's in the world can't change the fact you need a ground game, excellent resume and expert Internet Marketing skills.
    You can also become a client of yourself. Get your services on Google Page One, SEO, Social Media, Google Places....let people find you when they are looking for Interent Marketing.

    Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
    Click here to learn more - Digital and Social Media Marketing Training Course

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    • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
      You're probably asking the wrong question to begin with.

      If you really want to make money selling your internet marketing or consulting services then you can start simply by taking some action.

      Specifically find a way to get face to face with some business owners...start asking questions, listening and then come up with some ideas that can genuinely help them.

      Suggest those ideas till you hit on one they get excited with.

      Establish the potential dollar value of that idea and get paid a substantial fee upfront to implement it.

      There are a whole range of WSOs trying to sell you one secret or another but there really are no secrets.

      It's about you developing the skills so you can interact effectively with business owners and get hired.

      A WSO won't do that for you.

      You have to do it by getting face to face with business owners and experiencing the process...developing your skills.

      Kindest regards,
      Andrew Cavanagh
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      • Profile picture of the author Joseph Ratliff
        Here is the best WSO on offline marketing IMO, well said Andrew:

        Originally Posted by AndrewCavanagh View Post

        You have to do it by getting face to face with business owners and experiencing the process...developing your skills.

        Kindest regards,
        Andrew Cavanagh
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      • Profile picture of the author tpw
        Originally Posted by AndrewCavanagh View Post

        You're probably asking the wrong question to begin with.

        If you really want to make money selling your internet marketing or consulting services then you can start simply by taking some action.

        Specifically find a way to get face to face with some business owners...start asking questions, listening and then come up with some ideas that can genuinely help them.

        Suggest those ideas till you hit on one they get excited with.

        Establish the potential dollar value of that idea and get paid a substantial fee upfront to implement it.

        There are a whole range of WSOs trying to sell you one secret or another but there really are no secrets.

        It's about you developing the skills so you can interact effectively with business owners and get hired.

        A WSO won't do that for you.

        You have to do it by getting face to face with business owners and experiencing the process...developing your skills.

        Kindest regards,
        Andrew Cavanagh

        I am with Andrew on this one.

        Success in any type of marketing -- online or offline -- requires taking the action that leads to the sale.

        While buying a WSO is an action, it is an action that will only initiate an opportunity to be educated.

        But an education can only get you so far... You need at some point to take action on what you have learned.

        How many people here have purchased dozens of WSO's and never taken action beyond getting the education? Why?

        Do people lack a good education? Or do they simply lack the confidence or desire to put their education to work?

        I have bought dozens of WSO's. I learned a lot from many of them, and I have put a lot of what I had learned to work for me in my business.

        I have probably only purchased 4 or 5 dog-WSO's, but I may be a little more selective with what I buy. That is hard to decide.

        I agree with Andrew that you may be asking the wrong question here.

        The effectiveness of the WSO will seldom be determined in the material provided within it, but more often, in the willingness of the WSO-buyer to put that education to work for them.

        If no one takes the action to put their education to work, then you not see the proof of "I made $10,000 last month using the information in this WSO."

        The reality is that a lot of people within the Warrior Forum are not here to learn how to build a business, but rather they are here trying to figure out how to make a quick buck.

        That is the reality of the Warrior Forum marketplace.

        Are you looking to build a business or make a quick buck?

        If the latter, then you are likely one who will also not take action on what you have learned.

        Is that the fault of the WSO seller? Is that something that can be controlled by the seller?

        No and no.

        If you are an exception to the rule and you are looking to build a real business, then realize the WSO-forum is about getting an education.

        Then go into the WSO-forum with the right mindset -- to find products that will let you learn from people who have found success and to see if their techniques are something that you can incorporate into your own business.

        Approach WSO's as an opportunity to get an education from successful people, and then put to work the education you have received. If you do, you will find many WSO's worth your money.

        But if you do not follow your education with action to bring your business to life, you will find yourself in here a year from now, asking the same skeptical questions you are asking today.
        Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
        Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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        • Profile picture of the author Zach Crawford
          My vote is anything from John Durham or Daniel Tan.

          I started reading the forums roughly year ago. Around 3-4 months in I started following John and was impressed by all of his free info. I bought couple of his courses and that got me to take action.

          I started off giving sites away for free and charging hosting to establish myself, and now I sell sites pretty easy for $500-1000. I keep raising my rates as I go. I gave so many sites away free I don't even really pick up a phone now. I gave away some sites to people I knew who had connections and friends with businesses. I built them a great site now they refer everyone that asks about their site to me. If you make good connections and reach out to help someone they feel they owe it to you to send you referrals. I listened to Johns course a few times and forced myself to take action even though I was scared.

          As far as Daniel Tan he has an amazing SEO course that taught me a lot.

          The key to any wso is getting off your butt and taking action as soon as you read it. I think 9/10 people read it then before trying what is outlined they either A.) say they will do it later or B.) fluff it off and go buy something else.

          There is enough free information on Johns forum to make anyone a killing if they take action.

          If I had only $50 to buy one wso it would be whatever John is offering. He not only over delivers, but gives out tons of free info and has a forum to answer all of your questions.
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          • Profile picture of the author KenB
            I'll suggest to you my very own WSO. It's proven to work every time for every buyer within any area. I highly recommend it if you know the basics of SEO. You can check it out in my signature.

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  • Brian Anderson's Google Places Cheat Sheet is without doubt one of the best WSOs I have ever bought. He really knows his stuff and gives free updates so that you always get the latest take on Google changes etc.

    Holly Cutter's Consulting Classroom is also great and has helped me make a ton of money through the use of video to get clients.

    Hope this helps.


    Tap into the Video Gold Mine with my Free 4 Part Offline Cash Secrets video course.

    If you want to FINALLY start making money online then check out Instant Internet Lifestyle blog.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan Shaw
    I have asked the people that have bought my offline products and I have gotten real world results back from them. Some were a few hundred dollars. Some are thousands. I'm guessing that some are making quite a bit of money and not sharing it with me because they are too busy for writing a review.

    Most people won't make money. That's a fact no matter how good your WSO or product is.

    People need to take action. I didn't have success until I took action. I use to buy WSO's like crazy, but until I stopped and went to work, I never made a penny.
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  • Profile picture of the author majestictaxis
    The Most Successful Google Maps Consultants Secrets. ... What is the best offline consulting WSO? videomarketingtopageone pdf · Video Template of Google
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