Offline success!!

120 replies
So I did my first ever offline flyers campaign 3 days ago after reading alot about it and buying a few WSO's on the topic. I targeted the movies niche with a CPA offer and set out putting them on car wipers outside movie theaters. Now I delivered 240 flyers just to test it out and I have not got 1 conversion. I was pretty optimistic about the idea beforehand and can see how it can work but just can't understand why I have not got at least 1 conversion.

Now the flyer design was pretty basic and I copied pretty much exactly the same from a WSO i bought (forgot which 1 now) where he claimed to make quite a bit of money from it.

Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do?? Or have you had success yourself in this method?? Please help!! Cheers

#flyersno #offline #success
  • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
    Originally Posted by big steve View Post

    So I did my first ever offline flyers campaign 3 days ago after reading alot about it and buying a few WSO's on the topic. I targeted the movies niche with a CPA offer and set out putting them on car wipers outside movie theaters. Now I delivered 240 flyers just to test it out and I have not got 1 conversion. I was pretty optimistic about the idea beforehand and can see how it can work but just can't understand why I have not got at least 1 conversion.

    Now the flyer design was pretty basic and I copied pretty much exactly the same from a WSO i bought (forgot which 1 now) where he claimed to make quite a bit of money from it.

    Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do?? Or have you had success yourself in this method?? Please help!! Cheers

    This is what I do when I get a flyer on my car similar to the one you got
    (outside a movie theater offering some discount on DVDs or whatever)...

    I throw it away.

    I can't speak for the rest of the world but my gut tells me that most people
    do the same.

    It's a form of unsolicited promotion and I think most folks just don't respond
    well to it. Maybe others have better results to share.

    Personally, I wouldn't waste my time with flyers but that's just me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Motion
    A friend of mine in Englands window cleaning customer base is based solely on flyer drops (that I designed!). The more he put out - the more customers he obtained.

    You just gotta hit the right market at the right time with the right message!
    Living in SE Asia.. BKK.. PM me for a beer!
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    • Profile picture of the author paologiannone
      I agree. You have to hit the right market at the right time. It is not just a matter of slapping a few word on a piece of paper make a thousand copy and expect conversion.

      I think you should treat the flyer marketing like advertising on the internet, you wouldn't advertise a sport related product on a lets say a knitting community.

      So, research your market, design the right flyer and i am sure you will get conversions

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      • Profile picture of the author VegasVince
        Originally Posted by paologiannone View Post

        I agree. You have to hit the right market at the right time. It is not just a matter of slapping a few word on a piece of paper make a thousand copy and expect conversion.

        I think you should treat the flyer marketing like advertising on the internet, you wouldn't advertise a sport related product on a lets say a knitting community.

        So, research your market, design the right flyer and i am sure you will get conversions


        excellent Paolo.....this thread is a classic example of peeps concentrating far too much on tactics rather then strategies. Most of the flyer examples described are terrible.

        It appears some people think strength in quanity will some how overcome lack of an offer.

        A flyer is just a medium....properly targeted with the right the right demographic and u can sell people **** on ugly wet cocktail long as it's SOMETHING THEY WANT TO BUY.

        To indict flyers is like those who buy a of those push button click bank products.......and find out the there is no magic formula.

        Some of the biggest time wasters when it comes to flyers are the hardcore...newbie MLM peeps who literally believe if they toss enough biz cards and paste enough flyers on cars (which frankly is rather intrusive) that something will stick.

        That's not marketing that's marketing's like mailing a list of a million knitters a book on bumble bees...what's the point.

        Stick the ugliest friggin sign in the dessert that says GOT WATER and I promise you no one will give a **** how crummy it looks.

        The reason I prefer ugly yellow neon signs in strategically placed intersections is the amount of traffic they can generate......but's not just the's the over all strategy....ugly equals desperate....location equals....I can actually sit at the red light long enough to write dudes phone number down.

        Twitter , Face Book , Flyers, they are all the same damn thing peeps....just mediums to get your message out to those most likely to buy.

        Unfortunately most newbies get the first part right and quit long before the understand the second part....and then u hear things like "it don't work."

        NO...YOU DIDN'T WORK IT. difference.

        Test , Target, and make your offer clear.

        That hot blonde at the end of the bar can write her number down on a brown paper bag and she's gonna close aint the medium I care about. Nor does your customer. It's the OFFER. SELL **** PEOPLE WANT.

        As I mentioned before you can toss a million flyers in the air...go home and think u did something or you can figure out what in the **** you are trying to sell...who they are (demographics 101) and I swear you would do far better with 3 fliers taped inside the local quickie mart or other high traffic long as the area matched the offer in terms of demographics.


        Here's hoping one of you look it's actually a 9 minute short film with subtitles.....and that should cause most of you to NOT BOTHER...but that's the point of it....and u will learn in a matter of seconds the power of "words" and "ugly signs" and why they work so much better then slick and polished "stuff" that literally tells your customer to run.

        Do NOT ever say something doesn't work cuz it don't work for YOU. Obviously flyers works well for many people...find out why. Model what they do. I can promise you the real players aint doing what I've read the sporadic good idea.

        Conversely.....who in the hell says you have to use flyers at all?

        Target, Test, and put your message in front of the crowd....aka...siphon points...places where traffic is constantly forced to see it.....but make damn sure that "traffic" represents those most likely to "buy what you'se be sellin" or you end up just another whiner saying tried it..."it don't work."

        peace, VV
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  • Profile picture of the author christopher jon
    I've never tried it but here is my experience with flyers...

    A flyer on my windshield is quickly trash on the ground. I don't even look at them.

    Judging from the parking lots where people flyer cars, I don't think anybody else reads them either.

    Here is where I see the problem with the whole offline flyer strategy,

    you're A) expecting somebody to read the flyer B) keep the flyer C) take the flyer inside with them, not leave it in the car to throw away later D) remember to check out the website mentioned on the flyer E) follow through with whatever it is they are suppose to do on that website

    That is expecting far too much from the average person.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    My gut feeling is also that this is not a great way to focus your efforts. I can see why you might try it but most people hate flyers on their cars and if they're out at the cinema then it's just an intrusion most people won't pay attention to.

    You would probably get a better response doing a mailshot with them because at least people get them where they're expecting them (in their mailbox).

    I'm not sure who told you to try that but I wouldn't just try such random stuff as it's possible that people are just giving you 'good ideas' rather than stuff that's worked. If someone told me to try that I wouldn't have done it since there are more effective ways to focus yourself.

    nothing to see here.

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    • Profile picture of the author Murt@gh
      Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

      My gut feeling is also that this is not a great way to focus your efforts. I can see why you might try it but most people hate flyers on their cars and if they're out at the cinema then it's just an intrusion most people won't pay attention to.

      You would probably get a better response doing a mailshot with them because at least people get them where they're expecting them (in their mailbox).

      I'm not sure who told you to try that but I wouldn't just try such random stuff as it's possible that people are just giving you 'good ideas' rather than stuff that's worked. If someone told me to try that I wouldn't have done it since there are more effective ways to focus yourself.
      I agree Andy. Flyers on cars are a bad idea I believe.

      Maybe pay someone to post them around your city, door to door? You will definitely have more success than putting them on cars.
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      • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
        I agree with others here that it's not likely to be much use unless it's targeted.

        Joe motion mentioned about his friends window cleaning business. If I had a window cleaning flyer through my door and my windows were dirty, I may use him. If I had a dog walking flyer put on my windscreen offering dog walking services and my dog had just been a nightmare on his walk, I may use them.

        If however I came out of a really good movie and found a flyer on my windscreen offering me some make money online product or buy viagra flyer, I wouldn't pay it the slightest bit of attention.

        The only thing that springs to mind that would tempt me after the cinema would be some kind of restaurant or drink deal.

        Was the CPA offer related to movies? If so you'd probably be better off dropping this on cars for people to find when they leave work, not necessarily after they've seen a film.

        Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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  • Profile picture of the author DustonMcGroarty
    Steve... there's a lot of variables that play into this...

    Your offer, your flyer, your audience, the time of day you drop them off, etc.

    What is the offer if you don't mind me asking? That could help distinguish the problem.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Originally Posted by big steve View Post

    So I did my first ever offline flyers campaign 3 days ago after reading alot about it and buying a few WSO's on the topic. I targeted the movies niche with a CPA offer and set out putting them on car wipers outside movie theaters. Now I delivered 240 flyers just to test it out and I have not got 1 conversion. I was pretty optimistic about the idea beforehand and can see how it can work but just can't understand why I have not got at least 1 conversion.

    Now the flyer design was pretty basic and I copied pretty much exactly the same from a WSO i bought (forgot which 1 now) where he claimed to make quite a bit of money from it.

    Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do?? Or have you had success yourself in this method?? Please help!! Cheers

    I think you will do well to also not believe everything you read in a WSO. There have been numerous WSO's focusing on some of these types of offline CPA methods using flyers on cars and in universities. I've also heard from many people who tried these methods exactly as outlined in the guides and never had any luck at all.

    Unless you have actually stood next to these guys whilst they do it then I would take it all with a grain of salt.

    I would have it a guess these guys are making more from the WSO itself than the methods they are promoting.

    Not to say it can't be done - I just don't think it's anywhere near as easy as they will lead you to believe.

    If you need further help then you are probably best off posting this is the Offline discussion forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author Charlotte Jay
    I too got a WSO when I first started out that advised putting flyers in college classrooms. Guess what? No hits, no sales, nada, zip, zilch. I learned, got a refund and moved on with it. CPA can be profitable, I just don't think offline is the way to go with it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Gijsbertus
      I agree with above members... I did follow through a WSO about this but never made a cent. I even changed the colour of the flyer to yellow like a Post-it note and tried several catchy headlines as regarding to the offer.
      I had/have put up a redirect to my domain but no conversions at all.
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    • Profile picture of the author Frank Ayres
      Originally Posted by Charlotte Jay View Post

      I too got a WSO when I first started out that advised putting flyers in college classrooms. Guess what? No hits, no sales, nada, zip, zilch. I learned, got a refund and moved on with it. CPA can be profitable, I just don't think offline is the way to go with it.

      I have to ask just because it didn't work out for you when you tried why did you ask for a refund?

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      • Profile picture of the author Charlotte Jay
        Originally Posted by Frank Ayres View Post

        I have to ask just because it didn't work out for you when you tried why did you ask for a refund?
        Honestly, I didn't feel it was for me. I gave it 3 weeks, tweaked my approaches on flyers and worked with the person who created the WSO. Still no results, we came to a mutual agreement on a refund. I mean, it may work for some people, but for me it was a no go.
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Often, it is not the media channel that lets you down, rather it is the presentation of the content.

    I have not done a flyer campaign since the early 90's, but I had good success with it when I did use it.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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    • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      Often, it is not the media channel that lets you down, rather it is the presentation of the content.

      I have not done a flyer campaign since the early 90's, but I had good success with it when I did use it.
      Well said Bill.

      I don't think for one minute flyer dropping doesn't work so long as it's targeted and as you quite rightly said, well presented.

      Over here if you have a parcel that needs to be signed for and you're not in, they leave this red coloured "We called but you were out" flyers.

      It's impossible not to notice them and almost always the first thing you look at out of all your mail. Recently, some local business or something similar, has been reproducing these but as an advert for his/her product. Even though the flyer is twice the size and clearly on inspection an advert, people are hardwired to pick it up and read it.

      I've no idea how well it did for the company but I can tell you even now, when I get one, I still instinctively pick it up and look at it.

      I think the biggest problem people have with flyers, is they think it's a numbers game and focus on the quantity of flyers they put out and not on the quality of the flyer itself.

      Which is a problem in something else we often see discussed here.

      Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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      • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
        Originally Posted by Richard Van View Post

        Recently, some local business or something similar, has been reproducing these but as an advert for his/her product. Even though the flyer is twice the size and clearly on inspection an advert, people are hardwired to pick it up and read it.
        But again - there's a big difference between getting people to read something and getting a purchase/desired action.

        I find things all the time that are adverts pretending to be something else - my response - I think "those sneeky b$&$£!ds! - trying to trick me into reading their stuff" and they hit the bin before I've read anything about what they're trying to push.

        Making your stuff look like something else just to get it opened can backfire.


        nothing to see here.

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        • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
          Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

          But again - there's a big difference between getting people to read something and getting a purchase/desired action.

          I find things all the time that are adverts pretending to be something else - my response - I think "those sneeky b$&!ds! - trying to trick me into reading their stuff" and they hit the bin before I've read anything about what they're trying to push.

          Making your stuff look like something else just to get it opened can backfire.

          I agree Andy, I just thought it was quite clever as the person realised we would immediately look, whether we then thought "sneaky git" or not is then down to the individual. I personally thought it was clever from a psychological point of view but it didn't make me buy and I don't fully remember what it was for. So you are completely right, it is indeed one thing getting read/noticed, it doesn't necessarily mean it gets sales and I have no data at all, as to the results they got.

          Which goes back to a point I was making earlier - targeted traffic. It doesn't matter how clever or well presented the offer is, on a windscreen or on a computer, if the customer doesn't want, need or desire it, they probably won't give it another thought and if it's totally irrelevant like MLM or tarot card reading, like brucerby mentioned earlier, it'll probably p*** you off too.

          Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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          • Profile picture of the author Dan C. Rinnert
            Before you put the flyers under the windshield wipers, you fold them into paper airplanes. (They are flyers, after all!)

            If people are interested in what they see, they'll take the flyer home with them and check out the site.

            If not, they'll be compelled to fly the paper airplane to see how far they can get it to go rather than just throw it away.

            Which means you get a second chance at reaching someone with that same flyer!

            Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog:, following him on Twitter: or reading his fiction: but NOT by Clicking Here!

            Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
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            • Profile picture of the author VegasVince
              Originally Posted by Dan C. Rinnert View Post

              Before you put the flyers under the windshield wipers, you fold them into paper airplanes. (They are flyers, after all!)

              If people are interested in what they see, they'll take the flyer home with them and check out the site.

              If not, they'll be compelled to fly the paper airplane to see how far they can get it to go rather than just throw it away.

              Which means you get a second chance at reaching someone with that same flyer!

              Dan you are one of the smarter dudes here....WTF does a paper airplane do....if there is no target in offer....and I hear very very little about what it is these people are SELLING......or does that matter anymore? VV
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  • Profile picture of the author brobdingnagian
    I've been experimenting with coupon flyers for coffee and bagel places on college bulletin boards, using qr tags as the coupon POS. So far, so good.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      I think most people react the way Steve described - fliers on the windshield quickly turn to litter on the ground.

      You have to match your offer to the assumed audience perfectly, and you have to catch their attention before that reflex kicks in and your flier hits the ground.

      After a movie, you might have some luck with a club, bar, pizza joint, etc. - especially if it's very near the theater. Home video trials? Not so much...

      I'm dating myself, but I knew a guy that had a pretty decent business renting pagers by the day. He spread his fliers in hospital parking lots and in hotel lots, chain restaurants and other places near the hospital. This was back in the day, before everybody carried a cell and only doctors routinely carried beepers.

      If you still want to try this method with something more general, 240 fliers placed on cars in one lot on one occasion is not enough to give it a fair test.

      10,000 fliers, spread over multiple days and locations, might be a better test. Otherwise, it's like buying 240 banner impressions and saying that banners don't work...
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      • Profile picture of the author Qamar
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        If you still want to try this method with something more general, 240 fliers placed on cars in one lot on one occasion is not enough to give it a fair test.

        10,000 fliers, spread over multiple days and locations, might be a better test. Otherwise, it's like buying 240 banner impressions and saying that banners don't work...
        I agree with John. I think you must concentrate more on the product you chose to promote, the quality of the flyers' graphic and the quantity of the flyers distributed. 240 flyers are too little to expect any success from the campaign.

        I would say 10,000 flyers would be better.I am going to use this method to collect leads for my niche and yes I will be using 10,000 flyers to make sure that this thing works.

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        • Profile picture of the author presotto
          Originally Posted by Qamar View Post

          I agree with John. I think you must concentrate more on the product you chose to promote, the quality of the flyers' graphic and the quantity of the flyers distributed. 240 flyers are too little to expect any success from the campaign.

          I would say 10,000 flyers would be better.I am going to use this method to collect leads for my niche and yes I will be using 10,000 flyers to make sure that this thing works.

          I am fairly new to this so please forgive my ignorance.

          In my offline business, I have great success with flyers. I drop around 10,000 at a time and get anywhere between 25- 72 responses. I don't do this myself I pay someone and the whole thing costs me about $600 a go. My average client value is $600 a year so the ROI is great.

          I think 240 is not enough to getany response.
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          • Profile picture of the author paulie888
            Originally Posted by presotto View Post

            I am fairly new to this so please forgive my ignorance.

            In my offline business, I have great success with flyers. I drop around 10,000 at a time and get anywhere between 25- 72 responses. I don't do this myself I pay someone and the whole thing costs me about $600 a go. My average client value is $600 a year so the ROI is great.

            I think 240 is not enough to getany response.
            What type of services do you offer, and is there a specific demographic/physical location that you target with your flyers?
            >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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        • Profile picture of the author ND
          Originally Posted by Qamar View Post

          I agree with John. I think you must concentrate more on the product you chose to promote, the quality of the flyers' graphic and the quantity of the flyers distributed. 240 flyers are too little to expect any success from the campaign.

          I would say 10,000 flyers would be better.I am going to use this method to collect leads for my niche and yes I will be using 10,000 flyers to make sure that this thing works.


          I agree with Qamar here. I am an offline printer and have a lot of experience with promotion.

          5-10k is really the minimum in promoting handouts. It's a numbers game, but I have had success with handouts. You have to target the market, as in nightclub flyers for trance music at/outside a trance music club. PINPOINT, laser target, and don't put them somewhere. HAND TO HAND!

          Also dress like your audience. They will pay more attention to you, and be
          sociable and smile. It helps!

          Next time you do printing, let me know. I will hook you up.
          NOVA CUSTOM PRINTING- Graphic Design, Custom Printed Labels, Stickers, T Shirts & CD/DVD Manufacturing:
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      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        If you still want to try this method with something more general, 240 fliers placed on cars in one lot on one occasion is not enough to give it a fair test.

        10,000 fliers, spread over multiple days and locations, might be a better test. Otherwise, it's like buying 240 banner impressions and saying that banners don't work...
        Flyers in general have never been a marketing method that yields high conversions, and a paltry 240 flyers (especially on car windshields) are not going to be a fair test of whether or not they convert.

        From first-hand experience, I've found that personally handing them out will give you far better results. Flyers on windshields almost automatically get trashed (at least over here), and this is probably the lowest conversion form of flyer marketing around.

        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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    • Profile picture of the author TracyNeedham
      Originally Posted by brobdingnagian View Post

      I've been experimenting with coupon flyers for coffee and bagel places on college bulletin boards, using qr tags as the coupon POS. So far, so good.
      Now THIS is a decent flyer strategy. College kids + food + easy to redeem coupons they can toss in their backpack. I can see why you have a lot of success with this and the novelty of the QR code probably adds to the appeal as well.

      I don't know what the product is, but I just don't see the movie theater as a great place to paper cars with flyers. People are rarely alone when they go to the movies--and people with dates or screaming kids are never going to take the time to look at it.

      They're probably not on their way home right after they get it either, which means it'll be even further from their mind when they get there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Evan-M
    personally flyers on my window just piss me off....half the time I don't notice until im in the car, then I have to get out to fire it on the ground for I can drive home. I don't think I have ever even taken the time to see whats on the flyer...and if I did, I would have a mental note not to deal with the company because they rubbed me the wrong way. Funny thing is, if the same person , with the same fliers stood by the door of the mall/theater etc and askedo me or mailed it to me, I would read it, and more than likely check it out if it interested me lol


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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    you need to focus on targeted customers and the copy on your flyer.

    If these are not up to speed you might as well go waist your time somewhere else.
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  • Profile picture of the author bcetin
    I will agree with everyone here, fliers on windshield is rubbish, even the ones that can take attention. You may have more chance with mailing them to people but don't do that randomly. A few days ago I had a flier in my mailbox about a nearby junior school but guess what? I don't have a child. Right message, right audience, right time
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    • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
      Originally Posted by bcetin View Post

      I will agree with everyone here, fliers on windshield is rubbish, even the ones that can take attention. You may have more chance with mailing them to people but don't do that randomly. A few days ago I had a flier in my mailbox about a nearby junior school but guess what? I don't have a child. Right message, right audience, right time
      Well that's not in agreement with me.

      If you came back to your car and it was the hottest day ever and there was a flyer on your windscreen for ice cold water from the shop across the carpark, would you not get any water on account of the fact you think all flyers on windscreens are rubbish?

      Incidentally when you mass mail (or should I say mass spam?) peoples mail boxes, how exactly are you supposed to know if they have children or not? In that case it's a numbers game and they're probably hoping next door will have and maybe you'll know someone that does.

      Also the fact you have a junior school nearby makes it fair game a lot of the local people might well have children.

      Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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      • Profile picture of the author Don Schenk
        Originally Posted by Richard Van View Post

        Incidentally when you mass mail (or should I say mass spam?) peoples mail boxes, how exactly are you supposed to know if they have children or not? In that case it's a numbers game and they're probably hoping next door will have and maybe you'll know someone that does.
        Hopefully when you rent your mailing list you (or your list broker) order a well targeted list, one that only has households with children. Then make the mail piece match the audience -in this case the parents.

        I did this for years with the photography business. Rent lists of brides, rent lists of mothers of newborns, rent lists of high school seniors (senior portraits is a BIG business here in the States), rent lists of business owners for business portraits.

        That is the advantage to direct mail. You can rent lists that are perfectly suited to the product.

        Just mailing to everyone in a neighborhood is about as useful as putting flyers on every windshield in a shopping mall. It is very inefficient.

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        • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
          Originally Posted by Don Schenk View Post

          Just mailing to everyone in a neighborhood is about as useful as putting flyers on every windshield in a shopping mall. It is very inefficient.


          Respectfully, you've misunderstood what I said. I mean't people that mass mail flyers through peoples doors, the ones that randomly put them in your mail box. I was under no circumstances refering to direct mail in any way. The guy I was responding to had had a flyer put in his mail box.

          I'm not a fan of flyers, the only reason I've spoken in this thread, is just to point out that in some cases I can see how it could work targeting the right people with the right and well presented offer. I've not done it myself, I was just expressing an opinion.

          Just so it's clear though, I was talking about flyers manually put through mailboxes not renting targeted mailing lists and posting them an offer they're interested in.

          Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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          • Profile picture of the author Don Schenk
            Originally Posted by Richard Van View Post

            Just so it's clear though, I was talking about flyers manually put through mailboxes not renting targeted mailing lists and posting them an offer they're interested in.
            [QUOTE]Incidentally when you mass mail (or should I say mass spam?) peoples mail boxes,[QUOTE]

            Okay, Richard. Sorry I missed your point, and thought you were talking about mail distribution. Around here it is illegal to put anything in someone's mailbox, and flyers get put in the door, left on the porch, or hung on door knobs.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3857957].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
              [quote=Don Schenk;3857957][QUOTE]Incidentally when you mass mail (or should I say mass spam?) peoples mail boxes,

              Okay, Richard. Sorry I missed your point, and thought you were talking about mail distribution. Around here it is illegal to put anything in someone's mailbox, and flyers get put in the door, left on the porch, or hung on door knobs.

              Sorry Don, I didn't realise that.

              Here we seem to have an army of people forever shoving things through the door and under the windscreens. Even Estate Agents will flyer the house once a month just in case you fancy selling. I was just refering to when they blanket drop a neighbourhood with a flyer. I can see why you thought I meant direct mail.

              All the best.

              Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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        • Profile picture of the author VegasVince
          Originally Posted by Don Schenk View Post

          Hopefully when you rent your mailing list you (or your list broker) order a well targeted list, one that only has households with children. Then make the mail piece match the audience -in this case the parents.

          I did this for years with the photography business. Rent lists of brides, rent lists of mothers of newborns, rent lists of high school seniors (senior portraits is a BIG business here in the States), rent lists of business owners for business portraits.

          That is the advantage to direct mail. You can rent lists that are perfectly suited to the product.

          Just mailing to everyone in a neighborhood is about as useful as putting flyers on every windshield in a shopping mall. It is very inefficient.


          One word that everyone should know: SRDS available in most major public libraries. Want a list of 55 year old men who buy Briney Spear Albums and play Poker in the nude?

          Trust me...there's a list and/or list broker in the SRDS (u want the latest hard copy and's around $700 bucks but worth 50 times that) who can get that list for you.

          Proximity marketing is another fascinating method....the lady who drops 50K on a diamond ring without blinking...WHAT ELSE DOES SHE BUY? Either ask her...or dig through her friggin' garbage...but that's how you often hook up monster JV's between two business owners who compliment each other but do not compete.

          A dating service and a floral service....where the connection?

          Once you think outside the box...the world is your friggin' oyster.

          peace, VV
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3925164].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author VegasVince
            Originally Posted by VegasVince View Post

            One word that everyone should know: SRDS available in most major public libraries. Want a list of 55 year old men who buy Briney Spear Albums and play Poker in the nude?

            Trust me...there's a list and/or list broker in the SRDS (u want the latest hard copy and's around $700 bucks but worth 50 times that) who can get that list for you.

            Proximity marketing is another fascinating method....the lady who drops 50K on a diamond ring without blinking...WHAT ELSE DOES SHE BUY? Either ask her...or dig through her friggin' garbage...but that's how you often hook up monster JV's between two business owners who compliment each other but do not compete.

            A dating service and a floral service....where the connection?

            Once you think outside the box...the world is your friggin' oyster.

            peace, VV

            Don....FYI....client wanted to be a photographer. Asked the magic question: Dear Bad ASS photographer...who are your biggest and best clients?

            Turned out to be corporate accounts. In exchange for getting him clients....the photographer taught him all he knew in terms of photography.

            Client got FREE TRAINING....and then went on and attacked corporate/convention clients and didn't waste his time on anyone he already KNEW WHERE THE MONEY WAS.

            PEACE, VV
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  • Profile picture of the author Claire Sharp
    On my own opinion, offline flyers these days doesn't really work. Especially now that the computer/online is very in-demand. So, you better set aside your offline flyers and do the online ways.
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    • Profile picture of the author tpw
      Originally Posted by Claire Sharp View Post

      On my own opinion, offline flyers these days doesn't really work. Especially now that the computer/online is very in-demand. So, you better set aside your offline flyers and do the online ways.

      So how do offline businesses get customers who are not online?

      Do you realize that some products don't sell well online? Take the vanilla shake I am drinking right now... It might be melted by the time the website can deliver it to me... :rolleyes:
      Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
      Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3852740].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Alex Peltonen
        I love the optimistic attitude towards using flyers but I don't really think this method works as long as it offers something that doesn't involve the internet.

        My point is that whenever we advertise something for our internet marketing agendas, I think we should do so with an audience that also uses the internet. Hence, just keep on advertising online. Because those who aren't, like those in the movie theater, are probably looking for something else. There's little chance in it. Or perhaps try to give it away in some places that usually have people talking about these kinds of stuffs. Like... IT universities I guess? Just a thought.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3852781].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author myob
          If you're advertising only online, you are missing a much larger potential market. Best marketing practices and techniques have never really changed all that much in centuries; only the media has. To dismiss offline marketing based on the failure of 240 flyers is myopic and unfounded.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3852831].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author tpw
          Originally Posted by Alex Peltonen View Post

          I love the optimistic attitude towards using flyers but I don't really think this method works as long as it offers something that doesn't involve the internet.

          My point is that whenever we advertise something for our internet marketing agendas, I think we should do so with an audience that also uses the internet. Hence, just keep on advertising online. Because those who aren't, like those in the movie theater, are probably looking for something else. There's little chance in it. Or perhaps try to give it away in some places that usually have people talking about these kinds of stuffs. Like... IT universities I guess? Just a thought.

          That is fine. You stick to advertising on the Internet.

          I will stick to putting my advertising in front of the people most likely to buy what I am selling, in places where they are likely to see it and take action.

          Paul described the idea of staying focused on online advertising as "myopic and unfounded". I think he was saying it nicely.
          Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
          Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3853879].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author myob
            Originally Posted by tpw View Post

            ...Paul described the idea of staying focused on online advertising as "myopic and unfounded". I think he was saying it nicely.
            I'm not so good with words myself. Some people can say things like that much better than me.

            "Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid."

            - John Wayne
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      • Profile picture of the author Tomkinsona

        Two suggestions:-

        1. Direct Mail. 2. Advertisements in movie magazines.

        Check out the books by Dan Kennedy and Michael Masterson on how to do this type of marketing effectively.

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  • Profile picture of the author Bruce NewMedia
    I saw the original wso about flyers in college lecture halls, and then the one about flyers in theater parking lots, ...and think there was even one about putting them in grocery store parking lots, featuring the "free food" cpa offers, etc.

    It all struck me as one of those "sounds like a great idea" things that would likely produce nothing. I love offline marketing, its how I make most of my income, but I've also found, context is everything.

    A flyer on a windshield, besides being very annoying to many, puts your offer in the lowest leagues imaginable. The last flyer on my windshield was for an MLM, and I think the one before that was for a fortune teller/psychic (you'd think she'd know which cars to put it on).....

    ...all the great copy in the world can't overcome the context in which the ad least that's what I've observed.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3852416].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tpw
      Originally Posted by brucerby View Post

      context is everything.
      Right on...

      Originally Posted by brucerby View Post

      A flyer on a windshield, besides being very annoying to many, puts your offer in the lowest leagues imaginable. The last flyer on my windshield was for an MLM, and I think the one before that was for a fortune teller/psychic (you'd think she'd know which cars to put it on).....


      She should also know what type of advertising would bring her the greatest returns...
      Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
      Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3852456].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author myob
        I've never seen the WSO mentioned by the OP, but that was some pretty piss-poor advice IMO. However, some very successful offline CPA promotions are being done by co-op mail such as Val-PaK. When Neflix for example was paying $21 for free trial offers (no longer offered) an affiliate banked nearly $60,000 in one week for a $5,000 mailing. Others are using post cards with some of the higher-paying CPA offers.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3852701].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Charlotte Jay
          Originally Posted by myob View Post

          I've never seen the WSO mentioned by the OP, but that was some pretty piss-poor advice IMO. However, some very successful offline CPA promotions are being done by co-op mail such as Val-PaK. When Neflix for example was paying $21 for free trial offers (no longer offered) an affiliate banked nearly $60,000 in one week for a $5,000 mailing. Others are using post cards with some of the higher-paying CPA offers.
          That's why I said it may work for some, but for me it doesn't because number one, I don't have time to oversee it, and two I have no budget to outsource or do direct mailings right now. If someone is set on doing offline CPA then they're going to have to ramp it up with their budget and flyers. For most of us, we don't have that $5k budget for direct mailings. Not saying it doesn't work, but just that they should attempt online methods first to raise the capital to do offline.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jakeneck
    I wonder if QR codes would make the call to action easier. Depending on the market and the tech savvyness of the demo.
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  • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
    I tried this once with an iPod CPA offer at a local school. I figured that everyone would want to get a free* iPod so I printed up a ton of fliers and distributed them on every damn car in the parking lot.

    And then I waited.... and waited.... and waited. Not one damn visit or conversion on the site advertised.

    I wasn't about to give up, though, and ended up taking out an advertisement in the monthly school paper. I paid $120 for the full color half-page advert. I had over 100 conversions the day that paper went out and many more as students read it later in the week.

    The kids were interested in the offer, but I didn't approach them correctly. The kids most likely viewed the offer on the car wind-shield as a waste of time, maybe as a scam. I also didn't realize that there were HUNDREDS of kids who went to the high school that didn't have a car--so I completely alienated those students.

    With that said the people you dropped the flyers on would probably give your offer the time of day if you approached them differently with it.
    You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3854183].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AshleyBolivar
    Originally Posted by big steve View Post

    So I did my first ever offline flyers campaign 3 days ago after reading alot about it and buying a few WSO's on the topic. I targeted the movies niche with a CPA offer and set out putting them on car wipers outside movie theaters. Now I delivered 240 flyers just to test it out and I have not got 1 conversion. I was pretty optimistic about the idea beforehand and can see how it can work but just can't understand why I have not got at least 1 conversion.

    Now the flyer design was pretty basic and I copied pretty much exactly the same from a WSO i bought (forgot which 1 now) where he claimed to make quite a bit of money from it.

    Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do?? Or have you had success yourself in this method?? Please help!! Cheers

    Flyers don't work. You need to find a target niche and focus on delivering the proper message to market match. Then chose the media in which you want to deliver it in.
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  • Profile picture of the author pmbrent
    Flyers on cars are a thing of the past, as most people have stated they quickly throw them away or it just becomes trash in their car. Try personally handing them out, atleast the person can put a face with the flyer so to speak.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jungle123
    Yeah, you all right! I also always trove those flyers out! It is kind of rubbish in my mind and I do not really know why
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  • Profile picture of the author royljestr
    Yeah I have tried it too with very little success.

    Ultimately you always have to try to connect the right customer with the right product. So use whatever method connects the best with the customer of your choice. For example if you are in the business of fixing cracked windshields and you placed flyers on windshields that are cracked you will probably do really good!!
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  • Profile picture of the author pcpupil
    And as another thought.Here in the states there are laws about soliciting.
    This is also called soliciting.

    When everyone throws your flyer on the ground,it is called littering.
    When the store owner,the cinema owner,the city dept who owns the street,the mall owner,the grocery store owner has to clean up all this litter,You might,or could receive a nice cleanup bill.

    And do not think they can not find you.
    Your name,address,phone number,or website are on the flyer.
    I think this has happened before.
    I will be your Digital Assistance for cheap.PM me.
    I can help relieve your work load.Pm me

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    • Profile picture of the author myob
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      • Profile picture of the author jrpt
        By far the best Flyer idea I've heard:

        Pick your local sporting arena...find appropriate CPA offer...create simple flyer asking a question about that night's game: ie. Who will score more points? Which team will win the game? Hire local college kids to hand them out within the legal boundaries...Direct the visitors to the offer website...they answer, signup (email/name form works best)...BINGO. Conversion.

        Its gotta be current and will work.

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  • Profile picture of the author aminur
    Flyers work excellent for me. i manage to make around $200 on my 1st campaign. It's not just about testing different locations. It's about the tricks and approaching right audience right way. The most powerfull tip i can give you are

    1)where ever you are going to leave the flyers make sure your flyers mentions the name of the place or location. If your are going to target a college in some city for example london college. your flyers should say " students of London college*** how would you like to win a free iPhone or iPad*** This flyer tells them that this offer is only for the students of their college which makes your flyer stand way up from the other street flyers. It's more personal to them.

    2nd tip: always use a redirect domain name so you can monetize the traffic. If you sent out 200 flyers to college and your traffic stat's tells you that you had 100 visitors but no conversion that means your offer is not good so you can try with different offer because you know traffic is there. If no traffic then you know your flyer is not good so you may try with different layout for the flyer. This way you can tweak both important things which going to make you money.

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    • Profile picture of the author VegasVince
      I have not attempted the flier/CPA method as I'm not a big fan of CPA and fliers have a built in perception of "intrusive junk mail" so basically it's a toss a bunch of linguini on on the wall and see what sticks tactic...and I prefer "strategies over tactics any day."

      I can tell you what has worked for me....along the same lines......with a hell of a lot less effort then flier canvassing .... and much larger payouts then the standard CPA.

      The model I'm going to describe was fine tuned by a a brilliant individual named Azam Meo who has literally used it so well the Wall Street Journal wrote an entire story about it....titled: CAN'T SELL YOUR HOUSE? MAYBE YOU DONT WANT TO.


      Notice the emphasis on "ugly hand written neon yellow signs written with a black sharpie" there is a reason this technique is so powerful. Slick and polished signs smack of salesmanship while the ugly yellow signs smacks of "bargain city"....this guy must be "desperate" etc etc. Get it?

      I'm going to use one example and and you'se peeps can figure out other applications on your own.

      What if I told you that there are people who place these strategically located "ugly bandit signs" in high traffic areas and make up to 50K a month? Would believe that?

      What if I told u that a couple in Boston have an ugly sign in front of their house....offering it for sale....and yet THEY HAVE NO INTENTION OF SELLING.....AND THEY MAKE MORE MONEY FROM THAT SINGLE UGLY SIGN THEN THE COST OF THEIR MORTGAGE.

      Sign reads: X Wife is a Whore! Must Sell! 3/2 xxx xxxx

      Yeppers....that's the sign copy used. And when I mean "high traffic dense areas"..... I'm talking about locations where vehicle traffic flows and generally has to stop.... and there is your sign.

      By the way, you don't even need to "own the house", capiche.

      Find a house in a perfect location (one where cars can't miss it) and offer the owner 100 cash simply to place the sign in his yard where the drive by traffic will see it.

      OK...cut to the chase: where's the money? I've mentioned on my BTR Show.... Sales and Marketing Behind The 8-Ball the past 3 years....rather then bitching about the "so-called recession"....find out who is getting beat up the most by it and market to them.

      In the case of real estate.....certain LEADS are worth a fortune....both on the front in....and the back end.

      Lenders will buy leads....and Lenders will attempt to qualify the buyer and then send them on to a real estate agent who let's just say will often cough up money on the sale or lease of said property.

      Ugly signs will out pull slick and polished ones by incredible margins because of the reasons mentioned.....and the leads generated ARE VERY VALUABLE.

      You warriors can figure out the well as other applications for this.

      I placed one sign on a busy intersection offering 17 houses for 50 cents on the dollar for serious cash buyers.

      Did I own the houses? NO. Did I generate a ton of leads? OH YEAH. And do you notice the subtle "qualifier" in my offer.

      Think it was hard selling those leads? Nope. 20 bucks a pop.....after I established a relationship with a couple RE lenders....and $250 if they qualified the prospect.

      I could have made a lot more had I chosen to shake down the real estate agent who managed to close any of 'em.....but the test proved it's point.

      There is not a business out there who doesn't want more BUYERS.....and almost all of them will pay you for providing them.

      Ugly Yellow signs are the most cost effective method of lead generation I've ever used and it's all about LOCATION. And the fact people feel like who ever put the ugly sign out is friggin' desperate to sale...equals I'm gonna get a bargain.

      On a side note......Azam Meo ran Donald Trump out of the Dubai real estate market using this method.... and when Trump asked him how he was doing it.....Meo replied "ugly yellow signs."

      The Donald replied..."well...if you are going to insult my intelligence why even bother...." LMAO That is a true story. Poor Trump....his slick and polished marketing material.....actually HURT HIS ABILITY TO SELL....get it?

      I don't care what high end offline business you approach.....positioning is the key: call up the local Ferrari Dealer and when the receptionist answers the phone tell her : "Hi there I have 17 clients interested in buying a Ferrari and I'm told you guys are the best dealer in the state....who do I talk to?"

      Toots the receptionist is going to put you through to the head honcho faster then a back seat prom date......and before it's over you will have a finders fee set up even though you don't have a single buyer in place." Capiche? :confused:

      Once u have the deal in place...get your signs out.

      There are many website available that will show you exactly where the majority of drive by traffic hits....and that's where you target your signs. And use a google voice mail number.

      I currently pay a token 50 bucks a month to a couple who own a million dollar home just for the honor of placing a FOR SALE SIGN NEAR THEIR HOUSE.........MAKE IT CLEAR THAT IT'S CASH ONLY.

      Think those leads are valuable? Yeppers. A cash buyer is a wet dream lead especially a high end luxury home cash buyer and hello!

      You Warriors figure out the rest.......but remember...there's a big difference between a strategic sign campaign vs. a tactical flood the city with fliers that cure zits cpa offer.

      The difference is more money, less hassle, and those damn ugly signs produce a lot of calls......and will work for almost any business out there.


      xxx Vegas Vince
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      • Profile picture of the author bsnrjones
        VegasVince - Any clues on what type of lenders buy these leads? I assume they are not traditional banks - but not sure.

        Also what info did you get from the leads?

        I am about ready to rock this strategy - just gotta put the last little bits together!

        Originally Posted by VegasVince View Post

        I have not attempted the flier/CPA method as I'm not a big fan of CPA and fliers have a built in perception of "intrusive junk mail" so basically it's a toss a bunch of linguini on on the wall and see what sticks tactic...and I prefer "strategies over tactics any day."

        I can tell you what has worked for me....along the same lines......with a hell of a lot less effort then flier canvassing .... and much larger payouts then the standard CPA.

        The model I'm going to describe was fine tuned by a a brilliant individual named Azam Meo who has literally used it so well the Wall Street Journal wrote an entire story about it....titled: CAN'T SELL YOUR HOUSE? MAYBE YOU DONT WANT TO.


        Notice the emphasis on "ugly hand written neon yellow signs written with a black sharpie" there is a reason this technique is so powerful. Slick and polished signs smack of salesmanship while the ugly yellow signs smacks of "bargain city"....this guy must be "desperate" etc etc. Get it?

        I'm going to use one example and and you'se peeps can figure out other applications on your own.

        What if I told you that there are people who place these strategically located "ugly bandit signs" in high traffic areas and make up to 50K a month? Would believe that?

        What if I told u that a couple in Boston have an ugly sign in front of their house....offering it for sale....and yet THEY HAVE NO INTENTION OF SELLING.....AND THEY MAKE MORE MONEY FROM THAT SINGLE UGLY SIGN THEN THE COST OF THEIR MORTGAGE.

        Sign reads: X Wife is a Whore! Must Sell! 3/2 xxx xxxx

        Yeppers....that's the sign copy used. And when I mean "high traffic dense areas"..... I'm talking about locations where vehicle traffic flows and generally has to stop.... and there is your sign.

        By the way, you don't even need to "own the house", capiche.

        Find a house in a perfect location (one where cars can't miss it) and offer the owner 100 cash simply to place the sign in his yard where the drive by traffic will see it.

        OK...cut to the chase: where's the money? I've mentioned on my BTR Show.... Sales and Marketing Behind The 8-Ball the past 3 years....rather then bitching about the "so-called recession"....find out who is getting beat up the most by it and market to them.

        In the case of real estate.....certain LEADS are worth a fortune....both on the front in....and the back end.

        Lenders will buy leads....and Lenders will attempt to qualify the buyer and then send them on to a real estate agent who let's just say will often cough up money on the sale or lease of said property.

        Ugly signs will out pull slick and polished ones by incredible margins because of the reasons mentioned.....and the leads generated ARE VERY VALUABLE.

        You warriors can figure out the well as other applications for this.

        I placed one sign on a busy intersection offering 17 houses for 50 cents on the dollar for serious cash buyers.

        Did I own the houses? NO. Did I generate a ton of leads? OH YEAH. And do you notice the subtle "qualifier" in my offer.

        Think it was hard selling those leads? Nope. 20 bucks a pop.....after I established a relationship with a couple RE lenders....and $250 if they qualified the prospect.

        I could have made a lot more had I chosen to shake down the real estate agent who managed to close any of 'em.....but the test proved it's point.

        There is not a business out there who doesn't want more BUYERS.....and almost all of them will pay you for providing them.

        Ugly Yellow signs are the most cost effective method of lead generation I've ever used and it's all about LOCATION. And the fact people feel like who ever put the ugly sign out is friggin' desperate to sale...equals I'm gonna get a bargain.

        On a side note......Azam Meo ran Donald Trump out of the Dubai real estate market using this method.... and when Trump asked him how he was doing it.....Meo replied "ugly yellow signs."

        The Donald replied..."well...if you are going to insult my intelligence why even bother...." LMAO That is a true story. Poor Trump....his slick and polished marketing material.....actually HURT HIS ABILITY TO SELL....get it?

        I don't care what high end offline business you approach.....positioning is the key: call up the local Ferrari Dealer and when the receptionist answers the phone tell her : "Hi there I have 17 clients interested in buying a Ferrari and I'm told you guys are the best dealer in the state....who do I talk to?"

        Toots the receptionist is going to put you through to the head honcho faster then a back seat prom date......and before it's over you will have a finders fee set up even though you don't have a single buyer in place." Capiche? :confused:

        Once u have the deal in place...get your signs out.

        There are many website available that will show you exactly where the majority of drive by traffic hits....and that's where you target your signs. And use a google voice mail number.

        I currently pay a token 50 bucks a month to a couple who own a million dollar home just for the honor of placing a FOR SALE SIGN NEAR THEIR HOUSE.........MAKE IT CLEAR THAT IT'S CASH ONLY.

        Think those leads are valuable? Yeppers. A cash buyer is a wet dream lead especially a high end luxury home cash buyer and hello!

        You Warriors figure out the rest.......but remember...there's a big difference between a strategic sign campaign vs. a tactical flood the city with fliers that cure zits cpa offer.

        The difference is more money, less hassle, and those damn ugly signs produce a lot of calls......and will work for almost any business out there.


        xxx Vegas Vince

        *** Do you need leads for you insurance agency? We generated telemarketed leads all over the country. Shoot me a PM and we can from there! ****

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  • Profile picture of the author big steve
    Thanks everyone for there replies..Yea it was the first time I've tried it and I guess at least I can now say that I have and it has'nt worked for me. All it cost me was $12 in printing and 1 1/2 hours delivering them. So no biggie, I guess it's all part of being a newbie and trying out different methods to find one that I enjoy and can be profitable for me. Cheers guys.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3857408].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by big steve View Post

      Thanks everyone for there replies..Yea it was the first time I've tried it and I guess at least I can now say that I have and it has'nt worked for me. All it cost me was $12 in printing and 1 1/2 hours delivering them. So no biggie, I guess it's all part of being a newbie and trying out different methods to find one that I enjoy and can be profitable for me. Cheers guys.

      Steve, I'm sure your head is swimming with ideas now for offline marketing. Try to focus on the higher probability methods, and stay away from windshield flyers - as you're essentially placing unwanted material on the windshields, they'll be treated accordingly.

      If you're going the flyer route, you're almost always going to get better results by handing them out yourself, or having others do it for you.
      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author dagaul101
    It might help if you approached one of the regulars that visits the cinema, who you are sure saw the flyer, and ask what they didn't like about the flyer, or what you could improve about it
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Vegas Vince: I am thrilled to have read your post.

    Ugly Yellow Signs

    I have heard many of the advertising techniques you described with the Ugly Yellow Signs, but you put it all together for me on how to reach beyond what I have and reach what I could have.

    Thank you.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3858532].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author omk
    I'm not surprised. 240 is such a small number to put out, unless you have an extremely targeted market with other tests to back this up. The right audience that would respond to flyers is also crucial. Where you post them is also very important. In my experience, flyers put on cars always annoy the drivers. The first thing they do is grab it and crumble it up, toss it away. It's like getting violated, having someone put a flyer on your windshield.
    Try posting them up instead and increasing the number to 1,000 - with more testing in order to target your audience better.
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  • Profile picture of the author TriWin
    you can expect to get less than 1% response when leaving fliers, so congrats you got the expected results. Don't feel bad I got the expected results when I was fliering for an art gallery. To get a good response you need to target the audience better. Figure our who is likely to buy, and how to reach them directly. Get your flier in thier hand and follow up with a phone call if you have their contact info.
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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
    I revert to my sig in response to the whole flyering thing:

    The person with experience is never at the mercy of the person with a theory.

    Terrible idea. Not targeted. Illegal in most municipalities.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    We produce and our team delivers a bit of print advertising with good return - thats why we and our customers keep on doing it. But definitely NOT on car wipers.

    Ever considered other options? Like... weird marketing? Maybe a supa dupa blonde handing them outside theater? If she gets paid 100$ per 2 hours, I bet it will turn your campaign more profitable.

    Or yourself dressed like a old cowboy in a old bike handing them at people? This kind of techniques might sound insane BUT most of the time work very well. You need to break the ice with people and a weird tactic can turn into a very profitable campaign.

    Give it a try.
    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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  • Profile picture of the author WilliamLark
    I have to say for the most part I do the same if I find a flyer on my car throw it away however when I get a flyer on my mail box or front door I normally at least glance over it
    to at least see what the offer is. try residential.

    FREE Mobile Marketing Products at
    Top Selling WSO - See What Products Are Hot On The Warrior Forum:
    WP QRCodez - FREE Wordpress Plugin To Create QR Codes In Posts & Pages..Click Here!

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    • Profile picture of the author jeffrey73
      I agree 100%, I'd do the same thing. Also, someone might be convinced to keep the flyer and actually log into the website, since their home is so close to their computer.

      And there have been some really bad WSO's around offline flyering, that's a fact!

      Originally Posted by WilliamLark View Post

      I have to say for the most part I do the same if I find a flyer on my car throw it away however when I get a flyer on my mail box or front door I normally at least glance over it
      to at least see what the offer is. try residential.
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      • Profile picture of the author thriftgirl62
        Originally Posted by aminur View Post

        Flyers work excellent for me. i manage to make around $200 on my 1st campaign. It's not just about testing different locations. It's about the tricks and approaching right audience right way. The most powerfull tip i can give you are

        1)where ever you are going to leave the flyers make sure your flyers mentions the name of the place or location. If your are going to target a college in some city for example london college. your flyers should say " students of London college*** how would you like to win a free iPhone or iPad*** This flyer tells them that this offer is only for the students of their college which makes your flyer stand way up from the other street flyers. It's more personal to them.

        2nd tip: always use a redirect domain name so you can monetize the traffic. If you sent out 200 flyers to college and your traffic stat's tells you that you had 100 visitors but no conversion that means your offer is not good so you can try with different offer because you know traffic is there. If no traffic then you know your flyer is not good so you may try with different layout for the flyer. This way you can tweak both important things which going to make you money.

        Originally Posted by VegasVince View Post

        I have not attempted the flier/CPA method as I'm not a big fan of CPA and fliers have a built in perception of "intrusive junk mail" so basically it's a toss a bunch of linguini on on the wall and see what sticks tactic...and I prefer "strategies over tactics any day."

        I can tell you what has worked for me....along the same lines......with a hell of a lot less effort then flier canvassing .... and much larger payouts then the standard CPA.

        The model I'm going to describe was fine tuned by a a brilliant individual named Azam Meo who has literally used it so well the Wall Street Journal wrote an entire story about it....titled: CAN'T SELL YOUR HOUSE? MAYBE YOU DONT WANT TO.


        Notice the emphasis on "ugly hand written neon yellow signs written with a black sharpie" there is a reason this technique is so powerful. Slick and polished signs smack of salesmanship while the ugly yellow signs smacks of "bargain city"....this guy must be "desperate" etc etc. Get it?

        I'm going to use one example and and you'se peeps can figure out other applications on your own.

        What if I told you that there are people who place these strategically located "ugly bandit signs" in high traffic areas and make up to 50K a month? Would believe that?

        What if I told u that a couple in Boston have an ugly sign in front of their house....offering it for sale....and yet THEY HAVE NO INTENTION OF SELLING.....AND THEY MAKE MORE MONEY FROM THAT SINGLE UGLY SIGN THEN THE COST OF THEIR MORTGAGE.

        Sign reads: X Wife is a Whore! Must Sell! 3/2 xxx xxxx

        Yeppers....that's the sign copy used. And when I mean "high traffic dense areas"..... I'm talking about locations where vehicle traffic flows and generally has to stop.... and there is your sign.

        By the way, you don't even need to "own the house", capiche.

        Find a house in a perfect location (one where cars can't miss it) and offer the owner 100 cash simply to place the sign in his yard where the drive by traffic will see it.

        OK...cut to the chase: where's the money? I've mentioned on my BTR Show.... Sales and Marketing Behind The 8-Ball the past 3 years....rather then bitching about the "so-called recession"....find out who is getting beat up the most by it and market to them.

        In the case of real estate.....certain LEADS are worth a fortune....both on the front in....and the back end.

        Lenders will buy leads....and Lenders will attempt to qualify the buyer and then send them on to a real estate agent who let's just say will often cough up money on the sale or lease of said property.

        Ugly signs will out pull slick and polished ones by incredible margins because of the reasons mentioned.....and the leads generated ARE VERY VALUABLE.

        You warriors can figure out the well as other applications for this.

        I placed one sign on a busy intersection offering 17 houses for 50 cents on the dollar for serious cash buyers.

        Did I own the houses? NO. Did I generate a ton of leads? OH YEAH. And do you notice the subtle "qualifier" in my offer.

        Think it was hard selling those leads? Nope. 20 bucks a pop.....after I established a relationship with a couple RE lenders....and $250 if they qualified the prospect.

        I could have made a lot more had I chosen to shake down the real estate agent who managed to close any of 'em.....but the test proved it's point.

        There is not a business out there who doesn't want more BUYERS.....and almost all of them will pay you for providing them.

        Ugly Yellow signs are the most cost effective method of lead generation I've ever used and it's all about LOCATION. And the fact people feel like who ever put the ugly sign out is friggin' desperate to sale...equals I'm gonna get a bargain.

        On a side note......Azam Meo ran Donald Trump out of the Dubai real estate market using this method.... and when Trump asked him how he was doing it.....Meo replied "ugly yellow signs."

        The Donald replied..."well...if you are going to insult my intelligence why even bother...." LMAO That is a true story. Poor Trump....his slick and polished marketing material.....actually HURT HIS ABILITY TO SELL....get it?

        I don't care what high end offline business you approach.....positioning is the key: call up the local Ferrari Dealer and when the receptionist answers the phone tell her : "Hi there I have 17 clients interested in buying a Ferrari and I'm told you guys are the best dealer in the state....who do I talk to?"

        Toots the receptionist is going to put you through to the head honcho faster then a back seat prom date......and before it's over you will have a finders fee set up even though you don't have a single buyer in place." Capiche? :confused:

        Once u have the deal in place...get your signs out.

        There are many website available that will show you exactly where the majority of drive by traffic hits....and that's where you target your signs. And use a google voice mail number.

        I currently pay a token 50 bucks a month to a couple who own a million dollar home just for the honor of placing a FOR SALE SIGN NEAR THEIR HOUSE.........MAKE IT CLEAR THAT IT'S CASH ONLY.

        Think those leads are valuable? Yeppers. A cash buyer is a wet dream lead especially a high end luxury home cash buyer and hello!

        You Warriors figure out the rest.......but remember...there's a big difference between a strategic sign campaign vs. a tactical flood the city with fliers that cure zits cpa offer.

        The difference is more money, less hassle, and those damn ugly signs produce a lot of calls......and will work for almost any business out there.


        xxx Vegas Vince
        Originally Posted by Fernando Veloso View Post

        We produce and our team delivers a bit of print advertising with good return - thats why we and our customers keep on doing it. But definitely NOT on car wipers.

        Ever considered other options? Like... weird marketing? Maybe a supa dupa blonde handing them outside theater? If she gets paid 100$ per 2 hours, I bet it will turn your campaign more profitable.

        Or yourself dressed like a old cowboy in a old bike handing them at people? This kind of techniques might sound insane BUT most of the time work very well. You need to break the ice with people and a weird tactic can turn into a very profitable campaign.

        Give it a try.
        Originally Posted by snakeyes View Post

        add a QR code for smartphones.
        ALL these are worth posting AGAIN....worth the $7 x 6 WSO purchases all day long! Even Google went GAGA for a week with Lady GAGA in full costume. How many re-launches and how long has it taken Google to get local businesses to pay attention to the free advertising they're missing while they continue to pay the Yellow Pages year after year? 8 years going on 9 ??

        It's called being resourceful with "Interruption Marketing" and you better have something worth the interruption or your brand will be bad mouthed or worse. Completely ignored in the future, nobody will tell-a-friend either or Twitter about your product - ever. Big retailers don't even use brands with interruption marketing because of the high risk involved. Piss them off and they never forget the brand that did it.

        I retired in 2005 at 43 and now I give away websites like these for FREE [hosting excluded]

        When you make at least $100+ per month, we split the profit 80/20 and YOU get the 80% Until then, you keep 100% and I'll help you drive traffic, get backlinks and put the domain in your name too!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3862716].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author VegasVince
          Originally Posted by thriftgirl62 View Post

          ALL these are worth posting AGAIN....worth the $7 x 6 WSO purchases all day long! Even Google went GAGA for a week with Lady GAGA in full costume. How many re-launches and how long has it taken Google to get local businesses to pay attention to the free advertising they're missing while they continue to pay the Yellow Pages year after year? 8 years going on 9 ??

          It's called being resourceful with "Interruption Marketing" and you better have something worth the interruption or your brand will be bad mouthed or worse. Completely ignored in the future, nobody will tell-a-friend either or Twitter about your product - ever. Big retailers don't even use brands with interruption marketing because of the high risk involved. Piss them off and they never forget the brand that did it.
          Interesting how universally loathed the yellow pages are.....when in fact they remain a gold fact I place them right below the SRDS in terms of quickly finding out who the players are vs. the strokes, and mooches.

          The yellow pages provide some of the best market research on the planet....because it shows you WHO HAS THE MONEY AND WHO AINT.

          Look up Accountants in your local yellow pages....I don't care what city u live in. How many big giant space ads do them tight fisted peeps run? Ahhh....not many.

          Flip to Plumbers.....and tell me what the difference is?

          And while offline marketers bitch about the yellow much as the business owners who spend thousands on something he can't even track cuz he lacks the skill set----the very best flyer is often ripping out your targets over priced white bread ad.......and using it as positioning to explain to him that x amount of people are now searching his competition online....cuz he aint online. etc etc.

          Ask him his metrics? Ask him how much that 15K ad brought him in biz? Most don't have a clue.

          The Yellow pages are gold pages to me....because they are filled with business owners who you can easily target....and easily figure out what they spend.

          Rip that "flyer out of the book" and take a red sharpie to it.......and show them a better way.....a better marketing that's accountable.

          And the best part's already printed for you, baby!

          Flyers tossed around like like mailing fisherman an offer on silk makes little sense. A strategically placed flier inside a business where the owner gets a "kick back" for business referred is a whole different baby.

          I'm hearing a lot about tactics.....little about strategies. One flyer taped inside a quickie mart window with the right offer and the owners blessing can do some damage and make some serious money or generate serious leads. ....and online marketing is NOT a business's just another friggin' medium.

          Sales mediums have changed over the years...but people still Buy for the same reason they did 100 years ago......and it's not your bell or's your OFFER.

          Firing a cannon full of flyers into space makes little sense. Handing flyers to people leaving the local foot ball game offering a two for one pizza and half off the next game ticket is called siphoning the crowd etc etc....that's a targeted flyer....and those will work.

          p.s. Flyers placed on pizza box covers in a certain famous gym owned by a certain famous MMA family literally doubled their 60 days.

          Let's see why....geo targeted zipcodes near the no waste. The target was at least in the vicinity.
          2. Pizza. Dude eats a triple supreme with a side of cheesy bread...that gut looks even bigger...ugggg

          3. Damn...I know if I get in shape I can kick most of them dudes ass I see on tv....and the first month is FREE etc. But the owner knows his metrics....knows home boy will probably last 4 months so he can afford to do it.....and that's how you use flyers....examples like those above.

          peace, Vegas Vince
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          • Profile picture of the author oleskool
            I have used fliers in the past with success, it did require a disturbution of 1,000's to get the desired results. You may not have passed out enough to get a response.
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          • Profile picture of the author tpw
            Originally Posted by Sabrina178 View Post

            I also tried offline marketing, and received only one sale, and from someone I know

            Im still not good at it, I think it takes a good PR skill also and not just hand over flyers...I saw people doing offline campaigns and they really make their audience/ or a passerby stay put and listen to them

            If you want to make an impact with your prospects, you must present your marketing message to them utilizing a method that actually reaches them, gets their attention, and convinces them to call you.

            Once they have called you, they want you to be competent and confident in what you can do for them. If you seem to be competent and confident, they will give you their money.

            When you work for them, you must repeat for them what you did for yourself. You must present their marketing message to the people most likely to buy their products or services, the marketing message must get their attention, and the marketing message must move them to take the desired action.

            If you do for them what you have done for yourself, you will have more customers than you can shake a stick at, because your name will be shared with others.

            Originally Posted by VegasVince View Post

            ....and online marketing is NOT a business's just another friggin' medium.

            Sales mediums have changed over the years...but people still Buy for the same reason they did 100 years ago......and it's not your bell or's your OFFER.

            peace, Vegas Vince

            Exactly!! It is an advertising medium and nothing more.

            The thinking that the Internet is the only way is "fool's thinking".

            You cannot sell a milkshake on the Internet!!

            People must deliver the right marketing message to the people most likely to purchase, get their attention, and lead them to take action.

            Since milkshakes are an impulse purchase, you must market that item in the local market where people can drive across town to get one. If you try to sell it on the Internet, it will be melted long before it reaches the customer.

            Since the milkshake is an impulse purchase and requires someone to drive to get one, probably the best medium to advertise it is radio, TV or SMS message.

            Before deciding the medium to use for advertising, one must consider the OFFER and how to reach the people most likely to purchase that OFFER. Then one needs to decide how to stand out from the crowd and get the prospect's attention, then lead the prospect to take the desired action.

            It really is simply, if people are willing to think outside of their preconceived notions.
            Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
            Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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            • Profile picture of the author Vincent1988
              I too used flyer to do my offline business, but never got success, therefore I quit ^^
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  • Profile picture of the author sensiv
    As an experiment I bought 6 WSO's all about using flyers offline. I followed the information in all 6 WSO's to the letter and have made $0.00

    After the 6th WSO I gave up and am now concentrating online.

    I am in the process of reporting 3 of the WSO sellers to the FTC after I discovered they were lying on their sales pages after reading the reports.
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    • Profile picture of the author LastWarrior
      Originally Posted by sensiv View Post

      I am in the process of reporting 3 of the WSO sellers to the FTC...
      Good to know, sensive.

      Oh, and one other thing, what is your PayPal eMail? Just curious as I'm most
      certain you'll not like my future WSO, so having it is good to reference from later.


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      • Profile picture of the author Your Brand Ebooks
        Yes, I too throw away 99% of the windshield flyers.....
        but a few good ones stick...

        Got at a windshield flyer for $5 Haircuts "TODAY ONLY" (reg $14) for the grand opening of a Great Clips new location (or maybe it was Super Cuts) in huge strip mall. So I walked over but there was already a mini crowd sitting in waiting area. (noticed that they too were there because of the $5 flyers)

        So the windshield flyers, done right, worked exceptionally well.

        They had an irresistible offer, targeted (to people who were close by), limited time offer, coupon looking ish, large potential customer base (virtually everyone, except bald guys, gets haircuts, right?) ...and they have a continuity program! (i.e. where they sell you $9 haircuts if you buy ten in advance, so you gotta keep going to them ; - )
        ONCE UPON A TIME there was a Warrior named Bob. He was sad. And frustrated. You see, Warrior Bob spent every last nickel on Internet Marketing e-books. But nothing panned out. No traffic. No sales. He was one sad Bob. Then one day Bob found a bottle. He rubbed it and out came a Genie who granted him 3 wishes. For Wish #1 Bob asked for a pet Dragon. Wish Granted. For Wish #2, Bob wanted Warriors' websites seen by 53 million TV viewers, for under $5 per broadcast. The Genie said... (click here)
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        • Profile picture of the author jeffrey73
          BINGO! And that's how the flyer method is done!

          Irresistable offer = NOT some ****ty continuity rebill or email submit for an I-Pad

          I've also seen Little Caesars do this with very much success. Why? Because people actually like cheap pizza! The haircut deal is equally as good of an offer.

          Originally Posted by Your Brand Ebooks View Post

          So the windshield flyers, done right, worked exceptionally well.

          They had an irresistible offer, targeted (to people who were close by), limited time offer, coupon looking ish, large potential customer base (virtually everyone, except bald guys, gets haircuts, right?) ...and they have a continuity program! (i.e. where they sell you $9 haircuts if you buy ten in advance, so you gotta keep going to them ; - )
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        • Profile picture of the author VegasVince
          Originally Posted by Your Brand Ebooks View Post

          Yes, I too throw away 99% of the windshield flyers.....
          but a few good ones stick...

          Got at a windshield flyer for $5 Haircuts "TODAY ONLY" (reg $14) for the grand opening of a Great Clips new location (or maybe it was Super Cuts) in huge strip mall. So I walked over but there was already a mini crowd sitting in waiting area. (noticed that they too were there because of the $5 flyers)

          So the windshield flyers, done right, worked exceptionally well.

          They had an irresistible offer, targeted (to people who were close by), limited time offer, coupon looking ish, large potential customer base (virtually everyone, except bald guys, gets haircuts, right?) ...and they have a continuity program! (i.e. where they sell you $9 haircuts if you buy ten in advance, so you gotta keep going to them ; - )

          YES....the flyer was just the messenger....the offer contained on it...the strategy employed...that is what delivered the results. Great example. Yet I fear people look at flyers as entities unto themselves when they are nothing more then simple offline billboards...just a hell of a lot smaller. Great example...and that's how it's done peeps. VV
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  • Profile picture of the author Alan Petersen
    You posted this thread in the wrong windshield as well since there is an offline section to the forum.

    Offline Marketing Discussions

    It wasn't for CPA or anything like that but I tried the flyers in windshields about 7 years ago and I had one contact... The movie theater manager threatening to charge me for the cost of having his staff clean up my flyers littering his parking lot. True story.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3861268].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author big steve
      Originally Posted by Alan Petersen View Post

      You posted this thread in the wrong windshield as well since there is an offline section to the forum.

      Offline Marketing Discussions

      It wasn't for CPA or anything like that but I tried the flyers in windshields about 7 years ago and I had one contact... The movie theater manager threatening to charge me for the cost of having his staff clean up my flyers littering his parking lot. True story.
      Yeah I actually first posted this in the Offline section and got about the same response as my I posted it again here and got 40 responses by the next morning.

      Also I did'nt have much start up cash so that's why I thought I'd try this method out, but have learned alot from all the posts.
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  • Profile picture of the author sodevious
    Movies don't fill a need. Movies are easily available for download or can be gotten for $1 at a movie rental box. Promote something thats irresistible that people NEED!
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  • Profile picture of the author snakeyes
    Originally Posted by big steve View Post

    So I did my first ever offline flyers campaign 3 days ago after reading alot about it and buying a few WSO's on the topic. I targeted the movies niche with a CPA offer and set out putting them on car wipers outside movie theaters. Now I delivered 240 flyers just to test it out and I have not got 1 conversion. I was pretty optimistic about the idea beforehand and can see how it can work but just can't understand why I have not got at least 1 conversion.

    Now the flyer design was pretty basic and I copied pretty much exactly the same from a WSO i bought (forgot which 1 now) where he claimed to make quite a bit of money from it.

    Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do?? Or have you had success yourself in this method?? Please help!! Cheers

    add a QR code for smartphones.
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  • Profile picture of the author LastWarrior
    "Offline success!!"

    That's totally absurd.

    I remember one day, I was outside talking to a client in his yard who got one of my flyers, when all of a sudden a piece of paper came blowing in with the wind and stuck against my ankle.

    It was another one of my flyers! So they work.


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  • Profile picture of the author DonaldXSmiley
    My gut also tells me that this is not a good way to focus your efforts. I can see why you may be concerned, but most people hate flyers on their cars and when out in the movie below is only an intrusion most people will not pay attention. Probably would get a better response doing a mailing to them because at least people get to where they are waiting
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  • Profile picture of the author Qamar
    At the place I am staying, flyers marketing is very very common and popular. I have seen flyers being distributed everywhere including on windscreens, doorsteps, mailboxes, by hand at entrances of big shopping malls almost everyday.

    If this method is a failure, businesses would not be spending lots of money on them. So I what I intend to do is to follow this method in a bigger scale withing a span of a week. I plan to print about 10,000 or more flyers of A5 sizes to be distributed in a span of 7 days. This is just to collect leads for my new niche.

    I believe, car windscreen is the worse way to advertise your business because I personally would throw them away if I have one on my windscreen. However, the door to door marketing with flyers is a better idea because that's how I got my property agent who is doing marketing for my property now.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3864647].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author LastWarrior
      Originally Posted by Qamar View Post

      I have seen flyers being distributed everywhere including on windscreens, doorsteps, mailboxes, by hand at entrances of big shopping malls almost everyday.

      If this method is a failure, businesses would not be spending lots of money on them.
      Important Note:

      Businesses have a 95%+ failure rate after the 3rd year. Just because a business is doing something, doesn't make it right. Many start out companies do use flyers as it's a common and easy method to get going. Whether it's effective or not is another thing. If renting advertising space on a blimp was effective, I'm sure we'd be seeing more of it. lol

      There are too many factors in determining what makes a flyer campaign successful or not. So many in fact that the business may not know how to initiate the simple metrics of how to determine whether it's working or not... until it's too late!


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  • Profile picture of the author KenB
    I don't think Flyers is the best way to make an advertisement approach .

    I prefer business cards. People always throw away or rip up flyers, business cards in the other hand, small little cards that people put in there pocket or wallet.

    When they get home, they'll be cleaning out there pockets and they'll find your card.

    It's worked wonders for my business(s). Good luck !
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  • Profile picture of the author danielkanuck
    Whenever someone leaves a flyer on my car window, i look at it for 3 seconds and then throw it away. I'm assuming that people are doing the same to your flyers.

    Instead, focus your efforts on techniques that attract people to you. Run an ad, offer a free report, send them your followup materials, and keep in contact with these people.

    Flyers remind me of doing cold direct mail - where you just mail out a bunch of letters to people in your local area. Not only are the majority of people that you're mailing to won't respond, you'll waste alot of time and money with this technique.

    I'm willing to bet that you can get more qualified leads on the internet than from doing flyers. If i were you, i'd start my campaign online - just to test the market out.
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  • Profile picture of the author Phillip Lambert
    Attach a nickel to the flyer weave a message around the nickel or any other attention grabber and you've just turned a worthless flyer into something of value.

    Tried it, Tested it.

    It works.

    10% Response rate.

    Use your bloody brains.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3869057].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Sabrina178
    I also tried offline marketing, and received only one sale, and from someone I know
    Im still not good at it, I think it takes a good PR skill also and not just hand over flyers...I saw people doing offline campaigns and they really make their audience/ or a passerby stay put and listen to them
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3869820].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thriftgirl62
      Originally Posted by Phillip Lambert View Post

      Attach a nickel to the flyer weave a message around the nickel or any other attention grabber and you've just turned a worthless flyer into something of value.

      Tried it, Tested it.

      It works.

      10% Response rate.

      Use your bloody brains.
      Originally Posted by jeffrey73 View Post

      And they are much less "intrusive". A business card is also much easier for someone to put in their wallet/purse, assuming they are attracted to your offer, or may be in the future.
      It's a nickel romance when business cards marry nickels and yes, then definitely your business card will be snuggled up in purses or tucked in pockets.
      Tell people to call you with the date on their nickel to see what gift they've already won. Then proceed to explain why they need to log into your website to register if they get a busy signal because the overwhelming response and sheer volume of calls has your call center going crazy.
      Now when they login be sure to have audio and pictures of your busy call center in the background too. Then make them answer a couple of questions to get on the VIP list for an even better gift when they order. Look what I did here for a test! I haven't finished the second page yet but the idea is make it FUN and memorable like you care or why should they bother looking at what you have?

      I retired in 2005 at 43 and now I give away websites like these for FREE [hosting excluded]

      When you make at least $100+ per month, we split the profit 80/20 and YOU get the 80% Until then, you keep 100% and I'll help you drive traffic, get backlinks and put the domain in your name too!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3870781].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author danielkanuck
    Most of the flyers that i get on my windshields are for clubs. I suppose the flyer could be deemed relevant if i was at a concert and i saw the flyer on my windshield. Other than that, straight to the trash.
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    • Profile picture of the author jrobconsult
      Originally Posted by danielkanuck View Post

      Most of the flyers that i get on my windshields are for clubs. I suppose the flyer could be deemed relevant if i was at a concert and i saw the flyer on my windshield. Other than that, straight to the trash.
      I agree with this also. Most flyers on windshields are not even looked at. You would have better success handing out to people, even though it would take more time and effort.
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  • Profile picture of the author davidlieder
    I know an offline business that makes all their money from putting flyers on doorsteps, but not on cars. They put a handwritten quote for painting the house, and get so much business through that one method that it fills up their company schedule completely.

    I think what makes it more acceptable is the fact that they put a handwritten quote of a few words and a dollar amount, it gives it a bit of personalization. But their product sells for about $2,000, so one conversion is a good sale.

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  • Profile picture of the author Workaholic1
    I did also do the same as you did big steve for 3 week directly but hell stress up and never look back and just join internet biz.
    conversion from flyer is zero
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  • Profile picture of the author MaxReferrals
    LOL, was waiting for someone to jump in and say,

    "Hey Vince, what about adding QR codes to those ugly yellow signs...."

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  • Profile picture of the author V Michael Santoro
    With all the incredible posts, I can only echo the comments that the returns are usually low.

    In our business, we work with a lot of clients that try direct marketing and the results are usually the same - expensive with a low return. The return on direct mail is about 1/10 of 1% if you're lucky.

    As was mentioned, its a targeting issue. Having tons of people see your ad does not mean they are interested in your offer. Take the movie example. Offering a movie deal on a flier doesn't mean someone is interested just because they went to a movie.

    Its a numbers game that is usually expensive, time consuming and produces little results.

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  • Profile picture of the author Headfirst
    My mother built her business on flyer drops. She owned a home cleaning service and two or three days a week she would drop my brother and me in a neighborhood with our bikes and we would ride every street and put her flyers on the flags of the mailboxes (you cant put them in the boxes)

    It worked, but then again, these were homes in areas where there were no renters and were affluent enough to require a housecleaning service.

    She built that business up to around 20 employees and provided a good life for us, all around flyers she typed on her typewriter, had photocopied and had delivered by a couple of kids on bikes.

    Flyers work, but you must have a message to market match. People in movie theaters is too broad of a demographic to target with fliers, plus 240 isn't enough to get a sample from. We would put out thousands of fliers a week for my mothers housecleaning business.

    Good luck and think about your offer. It sounds like you're pushing a CPA offer via a flier which doesn't sound like a great plan to me.
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    • Profile picture of the author High Horsepower
      I'll put in my two cents at to why that method worked. People who place flyers are generally low-cost services and people expect this type of marketing. If a lawyer, dentist, chiro, website designer, etc... did the same thing the most likely scenario is to toss it in the garbage. Positioning is critical to marketing.

      Originally Posted by Headfirst View Post

      My mother built her business on flyer drops. She owned a home cleaning service and two or three days a week she would drop my brother and me in a neighborhood with our bikes and we would ride every street and put her flyers on the flags of the mailboxes (you cant put them in the boxes)

      It worked, but then again, these were homes in areas where there were no renters and were affluent enough to require a housecleaning service.

      She built that business up to around 20 employees and provided a good life for us, all around flyers she typed on her typewriter, had photocopied and had delivered by a couple of kids on bikes.

      Flyers work, but you must have a message to market match. People in movie theaters is too broad of a demographic to target with fliers, plus 240 isn't enough to get a sample from. We would put out thousands of fliers a week for my mothers housecleaning business.

      Good luck and think about your offer. It sounds like you're pushing a CPA offer via a flier which doesn't sound like a great plan to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Transcripts
    I can attest that fliers (nka flyers) CAN work. I helped a lawn service get their start this way and it was their only marketing. But, as was mentioned prior in this thread by Vegas and others, any "media" CAN work, but it matters how you implement it and WHAT you put on it.
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  • Profile picture of the author officepirate
    Forget flyers. You must overcome your fear of talking to business owners. Afraid to sell? Don't try. Educate. Go into businesses that the owner is available to speak with, not too busy, no gatekeeper,etc. And just go in and ask to see the owner because you wanted to tell them that they were very hard to find on the internet. ...take it from there

    Jeff Smith
    Local Mobile Social, LLC
    Medical Marketing Mastery System
    Earn $4000+ Setup + up to $5000 per month Helping Doctors Get New Patients!
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  • Profile picture of the author sinister
    I've been wanting to try offline stuff, this thread has helped
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  • Profile picture of the author blueberries
    I have came to found out that it has to be targeted traffic to get a better conversion rate.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dhira
    Number 1 problem is 240 is a terrible sample size.

    Conversion rate will be at best 1% right? Let's assume that
    What's 1% of 240?
    Howm many leads did you get?

    Now How about trying 2,000 flyers..
    1% of that is?????
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  • Profile picture of the author IsGabeW
    Here is the method a client of mine uses in a major US city for a house service (note: this is done in high density suburban sprawl neighborhoods)...he makes up 10,000 1.5"x3" refrigerator magnets with his pertinent info on one side. He then gets a scooter under 49cc, drives on the left side walk throws the magnet onto their drive way. Why the left side? So that the delivery people can use the throttle with their right and throw with their left. The goal is throw very fast!

    The average is 500 houses an hour and his people usually go out for 4-5 hours at a time. Don't know exact conversion rates, but this is the only method he uses to advertise and employs 4 full time people.

    Not sure about all cities, but in this city, as long as the scooter is under 49cc, you can ride it on the sidewalk. People might give you dirty looks or yell at you, but its not illegal.
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  • Profile picture of the author joseff
    Flyers work only on local prospected clients, of course aside from this flyer's layout matters. Something that will catch the reader's attention.
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  • Profile picture of the author cchipster
    Flyers have always had a poor response rate regardless of what someone is pitching in a WSO. Find other means of advertising your business that work!
    No signature, I'm sure you will be ok.
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