7 replies
Had a web design meeting this morning about 30 minute drive away, got there and the guy was not around. Spoke to him on the phone, he told me he'd forgotten and that he wouldn't be able to get there as he had been called out on a job. He said, call me back at 2.30 and we'll arrange it for later on today.

OK!! Spoke to him at half two.. Np np, we'll do the meeting at 4-4.30 (i was heading to this one straight after another meeting I had at 3.

SO... Arriving a couple of streets away from his house at 4.25 and the phone rings!! Who could this be? "Sorry I'm going to have to GO OUT, ANOTHER CALL HAS COME IN"... "OK, so seriously, are you telling me this is the second time I'm driving out to your house today and your gonna stand me up again?"... (no apology) "Well theres not much I can do about it, I won't be able to meet you"... "Unbelievable" After saying that I hung up the phone.


I understand that sometimes people forget about meetings and occasionally, you will get stood up. Its happened to me a couple of times before today and it makes my blood boil.

But to be stood up twice in the space of a few hours by the same person.

Ridiculous behaviour.

What is one to do?

a) Call back later on try to establish if he is happy with his behaviour today.
b) Call back later on and give him a peice of my mind.
c) Give this insect a free pass, without telling him what a prize ASS he is because lets face it, its not gonna change anything.

Answers on a postcard.
#advice #rage
  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    Its like paying tithes... Or giving... You know when you do that whether you believe in religion or karma... that you are taken care of. So you sacrifice it or offer it with confidence, abundantly. You arent afraid to "let go", and that does something to you. That "makes" you something.

    You can afford to let some things go, because you know the TOTALLY universal (Concrete) laws are working on your behalf. Now, whether thats true or not, its YOUR reality, and it causes you to walk, talk act, and think more confidently, like its true, and that makes it true.

    On that note: Faking confidence energy doesnt work very well...and theres no reason to fake it when you can do things that actually "change" it.

    You can shift your energy in a real way by setting standards... We all struggle with these things, but smart people nip them in the bud and get back on the horse. I have to do it all the time, and I intentionally do things to shift my energy... deliberately.

    You demonstrate your confidence by being willing "let go" of finances , because you refuse to be anything less than an abundant person, and you convince yourself that you mean it by your actions.

    Letting go when something doesnt serve you and being able to sacrifice it without any negativity tells self "I am not a slave to anyone. I make my own choices. I choose who I will do business with, and I choose when I want to give money... my circumstances do not dominate the person that I am...its the other way around. I affect my circumstances, not the other way around"".

    Im making a point here:

    Now you need to do that with this guy and sacrifice him to make a point to yourself "I dont beg for business, Im too abundant, I can let go of undesirable business people because I have standards..." and let him go.

    That does something to you.

    He is a type.... you will see more like him, and you should establish a habit NOW, of letting them go, and setting your standard TODAY.

    He is bsing, he isnt getting called out of the office, he is taking you for granted, and you effort is worth more than that.

    So instead of anger, this is an opportunity to establish to yourself more of what you are. You might need business but you arent gonna behave desperately for ANYONE... and that attitude will command better prospects for you.

    I would never call him again personally, and you will make more sales as your confidence says "I have standards, and I can afford to let go of undesirable prospects who take me for granted".

    Another note: This guy would be a pain to do business with, he has already shown you how he will regard your time and effort. He doesnt deserve it.

    Sacrifice that piece of potential business, and tell yourself I can afford to do business only with people who are good to me and respect my time and energy. Dont call him even once more. Thats what I would do.

    You can sit around convincing yourself that there was a legit reason, but his responses sound like he was just blowing smoke... He was disrespecting your efforts.

    Sacrifice him and let go and move on to a prospect that deserves your co creation.

    Hope this helps. I would feel more sympathy for his pathetic-ness in being that way than anger, and I would feel prosperous for being better myself.

    There's my two cents. Im a bit philosophical today. Still every word is true and has deep, profound empowering truths that can seriously affect your life, if you can get past the fact that it sounds philosophical.

    PV, you know this. Im saying it more for others benefit than yours.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    Ps. A more practical peice of advice is "Use it in your pitches". When you talk about how disgraceful this guy was about this you can create an "us and them" scenario in the minds of your prospects "Boy Im sure glad we arent like him"...or "I can tell that YOU (mr prospect) have alot more integrity than the last guy..., finally glad to be talking to a real business person...".

    Im real off the cuff about this stuff but there are some ideas... Use this story of this disgraceful business person to inflate the ego of your next prospect and ingratiate them, and also practically guarantee that they will honor their appointment and not waste your time.lol.

    Thats what I would do. Off the cuff I would make money off him anyway and use his story to pitch my other prospects.
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  • Profile picture of the author AppsFromHome
    John...can you post an auction for a dinner with you that I can bid on eBay? I regularly benefit from your input, experience, and expertise. Thank you.

    And yes, I have been stood up before....I send one e-mail stating how they never showed and best of luck in the future...most times they respond and then I pick a date and time to meet.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jagged
    Me personally...I would do as John stated. But your circumstances may differ greatly from mine....this may be your one of your first clients and can't afford to lose them....still, due to his actions, the playing field has to change. Next time, set the appointment so he has to come to you....at a nearby starbucks maybe. He may think about it differently if it was his time on the line.....If he complains, let it be clearly known that time is money and you spent enough time already with no guarantees. It's not personal....it's business.

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    • Profile picture of the author StrategicCheetah
      This deal was dead in the water the very second he told me he wasn't going to be there for the second time. **** that.

      Its not about the money, my residual income alone is paying all my bills and mortgage at this stage and I've been making alot of website sales over the past few months, cash flow is good!

      This is about the principle. Its about common decency.

      Your totally right though John, I am the better man and as such, shouldn't let this individuals ineptitude impact me in any way.

      Precision beats power
      Timing beats speed

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  • Profile picture of the author DaniMc
    I hate when this happens with phone appointments or in person.

    I feel like you sometimes and want to tell them what an ass they are or tell them how it's its not good business.

    But...in the end it isn't my job to change their behavior and in fact...I can't change it. My personal rule is that I will always smile and be more professional than them. If the guy calls you back just say "Thank you but I can't waste more time. I hope you have a great day and I am glad your business is doing so well." Then hang up and move on.

    If you wanna play dirty, tell them you are too busy and refer them to your main competitor so he can waste his time too. LOL...just joking.
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Cho
    When i first got started I drove 1-2 hours couple times a day. I drove from PA to NJ to NY back to PA for 3-4 different appointments.

    Now I "only" go on an appointment when I know they they REALLLLY want it. After a good conversation, i might send them a video showing that what I can do for them, just to reconfirm how interested they are.

    But yea for you being stood up... best thing is to have your assistant call them an hour or two before to reconfirm.

    I had a salon guy tell me "hey, i'm busy i cant get the phone right now since i'm speaking to a internet marketing specialist."

    haha he called me a internet marketing specialist. i thought that was so funny. =X

    anyways, if you don't have an assistant, ask a friend to call in maybe? It seems desperate when you're keep calling them. that's just my two cents.
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