How to Get Started? See How I Signed a $1500+/month Client as 1st Client

by link82
40 replies
Hey dudes and dudettes,

I'm sharing my story here for those people who think they can't make any money doing offline internet marketing, that it's a fluke, whatever the case may be-- for those people who are where I was about a month or two ago.

Like a lot of people here, I started building sites almost two years ago. As a beginner, I thought if anyone could make money online, then surely it would be me. Fast forward to October 2011, and I have probably made less than a $100 online.

All this defeat kind of piles on; week after week, month after month to the point where you feel like a giant pile of dung. It gets hard to step outside of your head and feel like you can get to a great point.

Anyways, about a couple of months ago or so, I remembered that I had registered for WF a while back but never used it. So I started reading about all these WSOs and eventually a lot of great threads in the Offline section. I ended up buying a couple of underwhelming WSOs but also a couple of really good ones.

Now, before I mention these WSOs, you should know that I paid for these products and that I haven't been asked to mention them. I am including them here in case you need that boost in knowledge and confidence: Voasi's Free Funnel System (the link is in his signature) and webmusntang's Offline Video Bazooka.

One thing I did right off the bat was experiment. Especially the video sections. There were moments of success... there were also moments of failure. I kept modifying keyphrases, testing and asking questions.

After a good 2-3 weeks of testing, I have several videos ranking in various local niches. So how did I take this and use it to my advantage?

I combined parts of Adam's and Jerome's video sections of their WSOs. I checked out dentists that were ranking on pages 2-4 for one of the local cities here. Also people who were using Adwords but not ranking on page 1.

I made highly personalized videos for about 7 dentist businesses. I didn't make a generic video and send it to 7 dentist offices. I did a bit of research for each company. Heck, I even sent them an email asking questions as a patient would. I had to make sure these emails were being checked; otherwise, it'd be a waste of time.

So yes, this took a little bit more time. However, the videos were highly personal to each dentists' business. After about video #3, my flow became a bit more natural and these became easy to do.

As the time came near to email all these seven videos, I became quite nervous. The thought of not one person responding back was mentally taxing. I'm glad I did!

It was within the hour that I received a phone message and an email by the same dentist. Turned out his current SEO company wasn't really doing much. I called him the next day and met him face to face.

Of course I was nervous about the meeting as well. But again, things took a natural turn after I started off with a couple of questions. (Like, 'So, what made you contact me?') Things just took off from there.

We corresponded through e-mails for over a week. Finally, I met with him last Wednesday. He signed the Echo Sign contract while I was sitting there and paid me through Paypal the next day.

There's a lot more to this: like how he didn't pay his invoice right away and I thought he had changed his mind. How his old SEO company conned him out of possibly $10k and ranked him for phrases noone really searches for when looking for a dentist. How I had to be honest with him, not look desperate and convince him to take a chance with me.

This all didn't happen on its own. I'm glad I paid for those WSOs. Even though I haven't purchased all the resources mentioned in them, I am adding them to my catalog as needed. For instance, I am using Basecamp (free) until I get more than one client. I am using Paypal & Freshbooks (free) to get paid until I get a few more clients. I am also using Echo Sign (up to 10 free signature if you allow Twitter access).

Did I mention I have no website set up yet? I gentle referred him to my LinkedIn profile which contains a couple of reviews from co workers at my last job. I was asked, on our first meeting, why he should hire me. Even though this question really threw me back, I countered with the fact I was local and how flexible my contract is... that I have as much on the line as he does because I'm building my client base as well.

I also had to give a bit more: like sending him a basic report of how he stands for relevant keyphrases with the videos his ex seo company uploaded. Not a big deal at all.

So, for all the seemingly scary steps I have taken, the pay-off is pretty cool. My rent is close to $1500 and my first client has hired me for over that amount per month.

I plan on getting him great exposure in his local space so he will have no problem paying me every month and he sees good growth in his business. In fact, he's already mentioned that if it all works out, then we will extend the contract to include another nearby area (more money).

Win-win. I haven't figured it all out yet. I will probably have some major hurdles. But this post is all about taking your first set of baby steps.

Thanks to this major victory, I don't have to use my savings any more. Better yet, I don't mind putting in a few hours of work to get my second client. Maybe I'll have to face 20 rejections before the next one but I know there are great clients waiting for my valuable service.

Anyway, if you want to learn, spend a little bit. And here's my personal thanks to Voasi (Adam) and webmustang (Jerome) for allowing me access to such valuable information in exchange for a few bucks.

I hope after all this typing, that you walk away with a bit of hope and inspiration.

Here's to building the base of my business, learning from people who have done what I'm trying to do and stacking the blocks to build my own business that will generate me more income than my previous job ever could have.
#beginner help #marketing #money #newb #offline #offline marketing #started
  • Profile picture of the author hydroboy18
    Great story...thanks for sharing very personal trials and tribulations!
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  • Profile picture of the author link82
    No problem, hydroboy18! I know this forum has helped me a lot in the short time that I've actually utilized it so I look forward to charting my journey here.
    Quietly Selling Powerful Links. Just a handful on clean domains, PM me for inquiry :D
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  • Profile picture of the author rachelle123
    Congratulations! Love hearing stories like this.. It won't happen unless you actually get out there and do something!

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    • Profile picture of the author JR Consulting
      Way to go rock star! Just keep rinsing and repeating.
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  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    Congrats to you link82!

    Now that you have him locked in, its time to not just get results, but to move forward and build your empire! The best time to get more clients is when you already have them! I don't mean for this to be negative, but to be prepared. Not all clients remain clients forever, so it is best to keep pursuing while you have them!

    I wish you the best, and keep us updated on your progress!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4972998].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KingsCreative
    Sounds like you are on the right track. I don't have one of those larger ones yet, but in talks to a company in the $3-5k mark. Waiting is a killer game. But all comes to those that Wait.
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  • Profile picture of the author Seantrepreneur
    Nice work for sure! Definitely keep the momentum up and get after new clients. $1,500 a month is nice, but $5,000 is better! Stay hungry!

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  • Profile picture of the author SUPER IM
    awesome story dude, I had a similar story but to do with web design. since then i have moved onto much bigger things. and mainly from that one client!

    Thanks for the story

    SEO is everything

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4973899].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Bennette
      Congrats on your 1st client. What I like about your story is that you tried even though you were scared and you didn't have everything figured out. Great inspiration and reminder to just do it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Nathan Alexander
    Thank you for sharing your story. It inspires others and motivates. Plus, we now get to hold you accountable for continued growth.

    Awesome job.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cyber Rankings
    Great story and well done my friend. I am glad the hard work has paid off for you
    Support/Contact Me:
    Page one of Google Guaranteed For Your Chosen Keyword
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  • Profile picture of the author jonnyq888
    This is an awesome post! Great job!

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    • Profile picture of the author Mike Putt
      Its the old story, if you dont climb the first hurdle, you'll never reach the top of the mountain, good luck and may your success continue
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  • Profile picture of the author sam m
    I really liked how you ask the question what made you contact me
    that is killer because now you know what to do tuget other clients

    Nice share and congrats to you
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4984556].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ronr
      Great job.

      Dentsits are tough to reach and get to respond.

      Smart to see which prospect was actually reading their emails. Too many WSO's claim send you can just send out emails and clients will be begging you to help them. So you send out a bunch of emails and you don't get any response.

      Or you invest your time to make a bunch of personalized videos send them out and no one replies.

      But you took the time to get results first, did research, see who read their emails, then created the personalized videos.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4984856].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author link82
        Originally Posted by KingsCreative View Post

        Sounds like you are on the right track. I don't have one of those larger ones yet, but in talks to a company in the $3-5k mark. Waiting is a killer game. But all comes to those that Wait.
        Thanks KingsCreative. I hope you get that company. Please keep me updated here, would love to hear success for another Offline Warrior!

        Originally Posted by Seantrepreneur View Post

        Nice work for sure! Definitely keep the momentum up and get after new clients. $1,500 a month is nice, but $5,000 is better! Stay hungry!

        Thanks Sean! Yes, my main goal is to replace my former salary (~$57k-60k). I can see how I can obtain this goal--two more clients at $2k/month would hit that. Of course, it all depends on competitiveness and the work I am doing.

        What's funny is that the dentist client today already mentioned how he wants to upgrade once he starts seeing results because 1-2 patients from my efforts would easily pay for my marketing services. I'm glad he sees this whole point of view! He also said that in my first week I've probably done more work than his previous SEO company. And all I've done is gather all their IM related stuff

        I even held a quick 20 minute meeting today to update him so I think he appreciates how unlike I am compared to his ex-SEO company.

        Originally Posted by ronr View Post

        Great job.

        Dentsits are tough to reach and get to respond.

        Smart to see which prospect was actually reading their emails. Too many WSO's claim send you can just send out emails and clients will be begging you to help them. So you send out a bunch of emails and you don't get any response.

        Or you invest your time to make a bunch of personalized videos send them out and no one replies.

        But you took the time to get results first, did research, see who read their emails, then created the personalized videos.

        Yes Ron. Doing things this way is a bit longer but I finally get it. It's not about an "easy" paycheck. Building trust pays off. Show them things that educate them and teaches them a thing or two, then tell them what you can bring to the table and how it'll benefit their business.

        My current client's previous SEO company charged him a good amount of money yet they haven't done a decent job. He may end up hiring a lawyer. I know I can outshine most of these ****ty SEO companies who rank their clients for long keyphrases no one is looking for and then claiming they did their job.

        How is this beneficial to the client? A keyphrase that noone uses? So remember to offer them good exposure and they'll see the point in keeping you around.

        At least that's what it looks like right now, haha. I'll update this when I get another client (will be doing research and making videos starting tomorrow).

        And thanks everyone for such awesome support
        Quietly Selling Powerful Links. Just a handful on clean domains, PM me for inquiry :D
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        • Profile picture of the author StrategicCheetah
          Well done and thanks for sharing your method with us! Sounds like some hard work paid dividends. Great when that happens! I hadn't heard of those 2 WSO's and will be checking them both out.


          Precision beats power
          Timing beats speed

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  • Profile picture of the author link82
    Cool PositiveVibe (like your name btw).

    Just paid for Basecamp (to hold all the images/videos/client related stuff), posted job on Elance to design the WP sites etc. Videos for prospects def. this weekend. I want to build on this momentum.
    Quietly Selling Powerful Links. Just a handful on clean domains, PM me for inquiry :D
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4998380].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Tom Slipkus
    This story should be an inspiration to all of those who still doubt themselves and are afraid to stick their head out and actually try something!

    Only through trial and error can you reach anything in just about any area, life in general, really glad to see someone sticking through it and getting his reward. Congrats, mate!

    Offline marketing is just flooded with opportunities, esspecially for someone, who is still relatively inexperienced i the internet marketing scene.
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  • Profile picture of the author dms321
    Congratulations! I know how it feels to get your very first client.

    Keep the momentum, rinse and repeat as they say... iIt is great that from the beginning you started using your own method, made adjustments. It really helps since you think more about the details, not just repeat what is written in the reports you bought.

    Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author rcallaby
      Really nice story. There is something great about reading about someone else's success.

      What you have here is the making of another great WSO. i know you said you bought some crappy WSO's in the past and some really great WSO's so I am sure you know how to create a great WSO from this.

      It is this type of skill that is going to take you up to the next level.

      Stay hungry, stay motivated, and you will get there!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5009780].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ProScribe
    Nice Story, having spent my working life self employed or running businesses I can definitly relate to the sometimes gut wrenching feeling of whether that first client is actually going to sign up. Like they say though just keep working at it, do good work and you'll see more clients.
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  • Profile picture of the author link82
    Hey everyone,

    Thanks for all the great words. I kind of dropped the ball in December. My main reason was that people would be too distracted by the holidays so last week, I revisited Voasi's WSO & started again.

    I contacted 20 -30 businesses last week. Tough niches like derms + plumbers. I received only one response from a plumber and his budget was $100/month. I wished him well in his endeavours. I'm okay with passing on low budget clients. It's not just 'greed'. I want to be paid well for the work I am doing; there's a lot of value in it. My clients will understand this. I can wait for such clients. I also received a response from one of the doctors saying that she was impressed by what I had shown her. She said she would pass on the info to her partner who controls the finances.

    Haven't heard back despite the follow up email. I'll check in another week but I'm not slowing down!

    I hope to gain one new client a month, leading to $8000-$10k per month by June (my birthday). I'm not sure if this is a silly goal but if I hit half of that, I'll have replaced my previous full-time 8:00-4:30 job

    Of course, now I'm putting a twist on the original way. Since I'm already having success with my first client (a dentist), I am in the process of acquiring dentist domains in various areas near my city and another couple of cities where I used to reside on the east coast. EMDs (or closely related) are easy to rank so I will use Voasi's method once these sites are ranked and contact businesses.

    We will only know the results of that in mid-February.

    With the New Year, I am super excited to build my own business. I will keep this thread alive or perhaps start a new one defining my goals clearly.

    Thanks everyone and hope you all are having a fabulous new year
    Quietly Selling Powerful Links. Just a handful on clean domains, PM me for inquiry :D
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5431293].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Voasi
      Originally Posted by link82 View Post

      Of course, now I'm putting a twist on the original way. Since I'm already having success with my first client (a dentist), I am in the process of acquiring dentist domains in various areas near my city and another couple of cities where I used to reside on the east coast. EMDs (or closely related) are easy to rank so I will use Voasi's method once these sites are ranked and contact businesses.
      BTW, if you'd like, feel free to use my free EMD program at:
      Want $6,000/mo. SEO Clients? Watch My Free Video!
      We do WSO Designs TOO!!! Best on WF! - Click Here
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5431696].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Voasi
    Glad you liked my WSO and put into action! My WSO, like others, actually WORK... you just have to put them into action!

    If anyone is interested, the WSO is below.

    It really makes me happy to see action takers. SEO, along with internet marketing, is growing EXPONENTIALLY each and every year. More and more dollars are being spent online - you need to start getting your slice of that pie!

    Business owners need a good, reliable service provider for their internet marketing tasks. For most, all you need is 4 offline clients paying you $1500/mo., equaling $6,000 to completely change their financial situation. My company has grown to encompass all size clients, with some clients spending $10k/mo with me for services.

    Keep it up and grow!
    Want $6,000/mo. SEO Clients? Watch My Free Video!
    We do WSO Designs TOO!!! Best on WF! - Click Here
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5431625].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author syncjam
    @link82 When you made the videos you sent to the dentists, were they videos to show what you could do for them, or were they promotional videos for that dentist?
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    • Profile picture of the author link82
      Originally Posted by Voasi View Post

      BTW, if you'd like, feel free to use my free EMD program at:
      Oh I have been. Just bought bunch of dentist domains for various types of cities (small cities = low competition; medium cities = medium competition; big cities = high competition). Low & medium should be easy to rank

      Originally Posted by syncjam View Post

      @link82 When you made the videos you sent to the dentists, were they videos to show what you could do for them, or were they promotional videos for that dentist?
      Syncjam, I don't want to go into details of Adam's WSO here. Trust me when I say it's worth it. Surely one of the strategies will line up with how you're comfortable doing things. My videos are slightly different. I started off by offering promotional videos but now I've already ranked a few "example" videos (related to whatever niche I am targeting atm) and show those as an example of what I do towards the end. THe first half is about why they need to be on first page of Google amongst other details
      Quietly Selling Powerful Links. Just a handful on clean domains, PM me for inquiry :D
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5436751].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author amarketing
    How essential is meeting in person to landing these $1,000 per month clients? Would you be able to acquire these clients by calling them and closing only over the phone.

    Now, obviously, a one-call close probably isn't too realistic at these price-points, but you could probably just call them several times until you close.

    Oh, and thanks for posting such an inspirational thread!
    Each Article is 300+ to 500+ (MOSTLY 500+) WORDS
    **** -----> Only Selling This Pack to 4 PEOPLE <----- ****
    Only $80 PER PACK ...That's $8 an article! PM Me Before They're GONE!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5438648].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Voasi
      Originally Posted by amarketing View Post

      How essential is meeting in person to landing these $1,000 per month clients? Would you be able to acquire these clients by calling them and closing only over the phone.

      Now, obviously, a one-call close probably isn't too realistic at these price-points, but you could probably just call them several times until you close.

      Oh, and thanks for posting such an inspirational thread!
      It's not essential at all! We close most of our deals over the phone, never meeting the client and our smallest deals are $1k/mo. And to be honest, when we meet with prospects face-to-face and close them, it's typically a lot more. We just signed someone up for $12k setup and $4500/mo. last week - that was a face-to-face meeting.
      Want $6,000/mo. SEO Clients? Watch My Free Video!
      We do WSO Designs TOO!!! Best on WF! - Click Here
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5438662].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author saras
    OK I promised myself no more WSO but I think I will have to invest in the two that you mention that helped to get you started!
    This is very inspirational, I know that I can do this too, I just have to make it happen
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    • Profile picture of the author Tess D
      This is a great thread. Congratulations in your getting into action!

      Something you mentioned is key when dealing with offline clients, and I hope others pick up on it:
      " I did a bit of research for each company. Heck, I even sent them an email asking questions as a patient would. I had to make sure these emails were being checked; otherwise, it'd be a waste of time."

      When you do your research before contacting them, and ask questions like a customer (or even go use the business if you can) it becomes 100 times easier to put together services that are perfect for their business.
      I really think that makes the difference between being a professional or not.

      I hope you reach your goals !!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5439438].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author run2win
    Great post!! This should give us all pause to check our inventory of WSO's, courses, resources, etc. and actually read and apply them. Hint: It's not these specific courses that matter... like Link82, you probably already have what it takes to succeed already in your possession. Just begin/keep experimenting. I'm off to check my inventory.
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  • Profile picture of the author link82
    Thanks for the responses everyone.

    I thought I'd document some of this 'live' because noone talks about the 'tough' times. Especially when they are starting out.

    I've sent out 30 videos and only had one response and nothing else. So this week, upon Skyping Adam, I realized maybe it's a good idea to do follow-up calls 24-48 hours after reaching out to these businesses through email.

    I've recorded 6 videos today, hoping to do 4 more by tonight. My goal is to create 10 videos a day for 5 days. I'm hoping to expand by 1-2 clients a month so hopefully this can get me there.

    By creating the videos now, I'm going to 'pile 'em up' and blast them out on Monday and Tuesday and start following up. Starting on Thursday again, I'll record videos for the upcoming week.

    Hope this makes sense. Even though I have my current client, I really need at least two to have replace my old salary. I'm determined not to give up even though I'm feeling a bit 'down-sy'.

    Anyway Warriors, keep atruckin'. Let's make it happen!
    Quietly Selling Powerful Links. Just a handful on clean domains, PM me for inquiry :D
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  • Profile picture of the author chrisjenva
    Great post and great job. I say don't give up. If you got one, you can get another one.

    Following up will make a difference. Sometimes people need to know there is a real person behind that email.
    ==>Founders Needed! Only 2 more Positions Available!<==
    Get 100% back on your WSO Purchases. Earn when others buy WSOs. Share in a special BONUS POOL that pays for 12 months! New Concept!
    Email chrisjenva @ or PM me for details...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5465882].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Voasi
    I guarantee if you put in the work, you'll definitely see the results. And I don't mean work one day, but consistent work for 30 days and you'll get results.

    One of the biggest faults I see with new offline marketers is lack of consistency. I have to even train my own staff on that. If you stay consistent and perform your tasks day-in and day-out, you'll get paid. If you are always jumping ship or trying to do something new each day, then you'll never know which method actually performs for you.

    Link82 has been definitely doing that.
    Want $6,000/mo. SEO Clients? Watch My Free Video!
    We do WSO Designs TOO!!! Best on WF! - Click Here
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5474342].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author link82
    I plan on creating about 10 videos today. I should have about 20 to email out today.

    Voasi is right; consistency has been hard to deliver. Part of this is that I'm training my partner on how to generate the leads. There are always questions to answer, some businesses don't have emails displaying, etc. But it's all for the better. It cuts my work in half (not having to generate the potential list of customers) and I can focus on videos and emailing them out.

    I'm still not giving up on January. I plan on doing follow-ups tomorrow and Thursday and we'll see what happens. Also, I bought a few exact match domains and hopefully I can rank them by the 2nd week of February. February might end up being better because I can add this angle into the videos (i.e. most of the work is done, come & get it!) Hopefully when prospects see a domain already ranking, they'll want to sign up asap.

    Voasi--I'm a bit nervous about the follow-ups. I know I'll start by asking 'Did you get a chance to see the video critique I made regarding your business website?' but... then what? What's the next set of natural questions? 'Do you have any questions?' or 'Do you have time for a meeting early next week to see how we can help you grow your business?' Don't want to come off as salesy or cheesy. I like natural, I do like to prepare however.

    Thanks for the encouragement.
    Quietly Selling Powerful Links. Just a handful on clean domains, PM me for inquiry :D
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    • Profile picture of the author indata7800
      Any new updates here?
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  • Profile picture of the author ToryBorysewicz
    Thank you for sharing such inspirational pieces of information. There were some real nuggets I picked up. Do you face any problems with stability? Do you worry about not getting enough clients one month or any one cancelling a contract? Most businesses face the problem of going through ups and downs. Slow periods as they say.

    Also isn't it amazing how the dentist didn't understand there were keywords that were useless but would have paid them $10k. Till you scooped in and landed the great job. Good going!

    All in all great post. Thanks.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8395652].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
    Great stuff.

    For many people here the biggest thing they could learn
    from your post is to take the time to really customize
    your approach to each business.

    That's probably what made the biggest difference for you.

    Instead of sending out 100 or 200 crappy emails or letters
    and hoping for the best you really got to know and understand
    the businesses you contacted and customized an approach for

    And you were willing to follow up over and over and give the
    business owner the information he needed to move forward.

    As was also mentioned in this post consistency is important.

    Or perhaps to be more accurate doing enough in one month
    so you actually start seeing some results.

    That doesn't mean blindly doing a pile of stuff and hoping it
    will work but doing a lot of work with the attitude that you'll
    think through what's required with each prospect so you can
    actually get hired.

    Kindest regards,
    Andrew Cavanagh
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  • Profile picture of the author jaudet
    I know it is an old thread, but still good inspiration. I am in video marketing ranking service too for offline business.

    If you are still around, I would like to know what make you decided to go for a pricing of 1500? Why 1500, and not 1000, or 2000?

    I guess that since you charge 1500 per month for a customer, you won't be targetting any kind of business. Like a small restaurant in a small city will probably not see the use of paying 1500 per month for their ROI they might get, but a lawyer, dentist, real estate and many others will.
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