Just another scammer!
He's a contractor for parking lot maintenance. I go over there everyday after class (still in college) just to go bug him. I couldn't stop laughing once I found out exactly who called him... It was, you guessed it an SEO Consultant specializing in article marketing campaigns.
I just had to write this up for you guys.
Do not call yourselves "video marketers" or "Article Marketers"
it just sounds cheap... You are a media distribution company or a publishing company.
Sound like your business is worth something over the phone or email whatever.
Read alot of frank kern's stuff. He talks about this. same thing applies to an ebook... it's not an ebook, it's a digital report or downloadable diagram or what ever.
If a picture is worth a thousands words, than what kind of picture does your business paint?
Jason Zimmerman is an offline marketing and consulting professional. He has been developing web sites and digital marketing plans for local businesses since 2000.
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