Is there a definite way to find out if a business has a Google Places page?

2 replies
I am trying to find out if a business has a Google place s page, without asking them! . I have checked by putting in some keywords and their address, in a Google search and they've have not come up. But is there a definite way to check?

Also some niches do not not have any Google Places pages at all. Is Google Places targeted to services like plumbers and restaurants rather than all businesses?
#adefinate #business #definite #find #google #page #places #whay
  • Profile picture of the author SoCalMarketing
    Google places is for all businesses for the most part, businesses that would have a location so most of the places that have already been created by google have an address. You can put any kind of business on GP as long as you give it an address.

    If the business you are targeting does not show when you search "sample business, sample town" it is likely they do not have a places listings: KA-CHING! If for some odd reason they do have a listing, and don't show up... KA-CHING!! that's when you put'm selling shoes on, let them know that you did a simple search, like thousands of local customers are doing, and their business does not show up.. do they want to continue to exist in obscurity?
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  • Profile picture of the author tigerbait
    Go into google places, and pretend you're setting up a new places page. When it prompts you for phone number, use the business' phone. Google will check to see if there are any current matching listings already set up and list them for you. If not, then it will allow you to proceed setting up the listing, but instead, just close out.

    Back out of the process at the end regardless, but this is a definite way to find out if a business has a places page or not.
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