FREE Offline Marketing Methods to Promote Your Internet Business.

by team74
3 replies
All the talk these days seems to focus around ways to promote your Internet business. Most of them are excellent, offline methods you can use to promote your business, too.

And they're FREE!

Radio Talk Shows

There is practically an unlimited number of radio stations that bring experts in various fields into their studios. I'm sure you have heard some of these shows on your local radio stations.

The guest expert answers calls from listeners who phone into the radio station. You can be that expert!

During the show, you have ample opportunities to announce your Web address so listeners can visit your site.

You don't pay anything to be a guest. It's a win-win situation.

The radio station needs qualified guests to fill its airtime and you need the exposure. Everyone benefits.

Local Television Segments

Pay particular attention to the content offered on your local television stations. Do you notice shows, or segments of shows, where guests speak about various topics? If so, contact that station and offer to be a guest on their segment.

Chamber of Commerce Guest Speaker

Almost every city in the United States has a Chamber of Commerce. Although I don't have first-hand knowledge of such in other countries, I'll bet most have a similar organization.

Chambers of Commerce look for guest speakers. Most of them host weekly or monthly breakfasts or lunches to allow the business people who are members to network with one another.

During this time, they book guest speakers to offer a presentation to the Chamber members.

You have a captive audience that you can speak to, network with and direct to your Web site.
#business #free #internet #marketing #methods #offline #promote
  • Profile picture of the author barbling
    Nice! You forgot the other content that was after the page jump at

    Offline Marketing: A How-to Guide to Marketing Your Site Offline

    It includes ideas about:

    Local Business Magazines
    Association Newsletters
    Create A Promotion

    Good ideas!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5599136].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Zen Productions
      " Chamber of Commerce Guest Speaker"

      I love this, and also don't forget to hold an event yourself. Go on and set up a weekly informative group in your area talking about "how to get your restaurant(whichever niche) great sales online". Make it free for awhile then charge $5.

      I had a friend that literally went from 5 people a week to now 150 people a month that pay him $50 for his information.

      Toast Masters is always a good place to get your feet wet if you hate public speaking

      --Geoffrey Williams
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  • Profile picture of the author swilliams09
    I did a radio show yesterday for our video production company. I was very nervous but once it go going and I started talking about what we do, I got really comfortable. I'm used to being behind the camera/audio board not in front of it. These are great tips to get exposure. Thanks!

    Learn how to make videos that sell. Special $1 Offer for Warriors Only.

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