The value is virtually gone

16 replies
When did this forum turn into a haven for spam and self promotion?

There was a time when virtually every thread contained some value for anyone who was interested in understanding offline marketing. Discussions were meaningful and robust even if once in a while there would be an outburst of anger.

It appears that people have started to use this thread as a "free" vehicle to promote their WSO or signature.

Some people who are normally in the WSO section show up here like clockwork in an obvious attempt to "bump" their WSO thread.

I used to recommend this forum to people who were looking for advice and information, I can't remember the last time I did that.

I see, or should say I don't see, many of the forum members who used to post threads, and contribute valuable insights are all but gone. The only time I see some of the names I'm talking about is when an old thread gets bumped.

There are many great things you can say about the internet, but there are tragic things as well. One of those tragic elements is that when a vehicle like a forum starts to go down the tubes, it's unlikely that it will ever get back to the value that once made it worth the time spent.

If there's a way to bring this back, it's only going to be through the action of members who are here because we understand the value of this forum. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Perhaps if we start ignoring the self-promoters and reporting the spammers in the right way, this forum can beat the odds. I hope so at least.
  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso

    The last bit of trash came when a guy used my offline bang WSO to create a free thread in here (offlineforum) to pitch HIS cloned offline wso.

    Done deal for me. Unless it's a very objective and truthful question, I don't bother to reply/help/share. And those douchebags posting like rabbits to pitch their offline siglinks/wso's are just killing this subforum.

    Maybe it's time for a closer moderation?
    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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    • Profile picture of the author criniit
      While I have not been around as long as a lot of you guys (only about 2 years) I have seen the down hill trend in quality as well.

      But instead of posting in threads like this and moping about it lets change it! I have been starting threads and case studies trying to add value and get this forum back to be proud of! If everyone with experience and knowledge does the same we can bring this place back to the level and standard it once was!
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      • Profile picture of the author David Miller
        @Rus Sells - I'm all for being a lot more vigilant about reporting threads/posts that are clearly in violation, but I have a feeling that anyone with a grudge will report another with a promotion in their signature.

        I also don't know the proper procedure for reporting someone. If you could share it that would be helpful as well.
        The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything.
        -- FRANK SINATRA, quoted in The Way You Wear Your Hat
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      • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
        Originally Posted by criniit View Post

        While I have not been around as long as a lot of you guys (only about 2 years) I have seen the down hill trend in quality as well.

        But instead of posting in threads like this and moping about it lets change it! I have been starting threads and case studies trying to add value and get this forum back to be proud of! If everyone with experience and knowledge does the same we can bring this place back to the level and standard it once was!
        Yeah at least you're offering value, even though 80% of your posts are from one thread. Now if you actually did what you claim in the threads you would be doing well.

        David, I agree. I'm kind of tired of it. I was just looking at the forum a few minutes ago.... every thread my reaction is like, uninterested, spam, spam, person attempting to build a following, spam, promoting WSO, leading to WSO, spam, attempting to build a following, stupid stuff, more stupid stuff, idiotic question, bait for more self promotion.

        There are some that are decent threads... I just really hate how things are becoming. Maybe not that... maybe I just hate how lazy people are.

        I think I have decided not to really care anymore, and why should I? These people talk about targeting their local markets, hell, some said there markets were dead and I have got 3 sales in a day or two just proving them wrong, AND I CHARGE TWICE AS MUCH.

        Right now, my marketing machine is going very well, and so well in fact that I need to really consider every single person out there offering similar services, my competition. I guess it is no harm done anyway since nobody wants to listen to advice LOL.

        People want to get into this because of the supposed freedom. Working less hours and other stupid crap. When you run your own business don't get used to the concept of a 4 hour work week. Its a lie. Ultimately you want your business to get to the point where it can run and be successful without you, but some of the most successful people are used to the 16 hour work days to get there 6-7 days out of the week.

        It makes sense though... these threads will continue to pop up because that is what people want to hear. They don't want to hear about the things they don't want to do. It isn't as sexy. There is nothing sexy about hitting the phones hard 8-10 hours out of the day. There is nothing sexy about an 80 page business plan. People think money is sexy, and they're trying to do it in sexy ways instead of things that have been proven to work. People worry about the dumbest things, in order to prolong them having to do things they don't want to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
    I agree but lets do keep in mind this is a marketing forum but with that said some of the posters here post stupid ass threads that have no value which is of course an obvious attempt to drive traffic to their dumb ass wso as well. Not acceptable and some of us who've been around here a bit longer need to start reporting those threads.

    Many times they try to disguise them as questions when they post but we should just report them as well. Why? Because 90% of the time they are the most stupid questions and again an obvious attempt to just drive traffic to a wso.

    In all honesty I've been sick of the worthless post's in this section of the forum for a long time, so much so I don't bother coming here on a consistent basis any longer.

    The forum clearly states that we are the MODERATORS! So if those of us who've become disappointed with the trash being posted here don't start reporting then we have no one else to blame for this section going downhill.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    My personal faves are the posts where someone shares a method and it's painfully obvious they've never used it in the real world--

    --and then the pile-on of high-fivers and leaping belly-bumpers "HUHH-AAH!" begins. "Great share!" "Keep it up!" "Rock on!" and so on.

    No value whatsoever.

    People, that's how you tell a thread is worthless. When that's the content.

    Often, I don't want to say straight out what I really believe about someone's post, because it might get me banned. I rarely initiate threads because I want to respond to the problems of others. That way my advice can be relevant to their situation. Once in awhile I think of a sort of universal point that should be shared. When I've asked for suggestions of what I should post on, I've been greeted with dead silence. Doesn't mean that when I do post, people don't have a look. Just a little background on my M-O.

    I too am getting tired of the people who want a magic push-button solution to sales, and as soon as it begins to look like they might have to get off their butts and learn something, they lose interest. Get real, people. You're not going to become a world class chef, scuba diver, horse jockey, mining engineer, accountant, doctor, ship's captain, veterinarian or salesperson over-freaking-night.

    It's going to take effort, persistence and commitment. If you don't understand that, you're NEVER going to make any money--on or offline. ...well, I should say you're never going to ETHICALLY make money.

    And thank you, David, for standing up and saying something.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
      As long as you don't directly name call and attack the poster you can feel free to comment however you like about the content of the post. Of course one must remain civil at all times.

      Originally Posted by kaniganj View Post

      My personal faves are the posts where someone shares a method and it's painfully obvious they've never used it in the real world--

      --and then the pile-on of high-fivers and leaping belly-bumpers "HUHH-AAH!" begins. "Great share!" "Keep it up!" "Rock on!" and so on.

      No value whatsoever.

      Often, I don't want to say straight out what I really believe about someone's post, because it might get me banned. I rarely initiate threads because I want to respond to the problems of others. That way my advice can be relevant to their situation. Once in awhile I think of a sort of universal point that should be shared. When I've asked for suggestions of what I should post on, I've been greeted with dead silence. Doesn't mean that when I do post, people don't have a look. Just a little background on my M-O.
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  • Profile picture of the author almiller
    Lots of the same group grandstanding and praising the same WSO's from the same sellers, in an attempt to share the love. It is painfully obvious they are not trying the product, or getting results, yet it seems soon as a new WSO by the same click appears, the same cheerleaders swear it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Pretty amazing they see results in hours huh!!!!

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  • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
    I remember a couple of guys just a few short months ago that came into the offline section of the forums.

    One was posting only for the purpose of driving traffic to his CRAPPY supposedly indepth free videos about local marketing and EVERY SINGLE product link on his site was an affiliate link. Needless to say I think I effectively chased him off as he hasn't posted for ages now. There was also another one that hasn't returned either.

    I cant' remember the forum ID's now but I'm sure I can find them so you can see exactly why this thread has been started.
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    • Profile picture of the author David Miller
      @Rus Sells - I'm not sure of anyone in particular, there have been so many lately. There have been a few that bring their own alter egos with them to trumpet their own wisdom and offers.

      I know that I am not alone in calling these trolls out for their blatant attempts but, it often devolves to looking like the schoolyard bully.

      As I've said earlier, I'm not aware of the "official" method of reporting posts or threads that are clearly against forum rules. If anyone knows how to do it, this thread would be an appropriate place to note them.
      The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything.
      -- FRANK SINATRA, quoted in The Way You Wear Your Hat
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      • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
        Originally Posted by David Miller View Post

        I know that I am not alone in calling these trolls out for their blatant attempts but, it often devolves to looking like the schoolyard bully.
        Yep... I think I get that perception often. Really though, who cares? Think of me as the schoolyard bully taking your lunch money, because that IS what I am. People scared to pick up the phones, scared to have a real marketing plan and a real business? Not able to get results? Damn right, I'm fine with being the bully taking your clients. LOL
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        • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells

          Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

          Yep... I think I get that perception often. Really though, who cares? Think of me as the schoolyard bully taking your lunch money, because that IS what I am. People scared to pick up the phones, scared to have a real marketing plan and a real business? Not able to get results? Damn right, I'm fine with being the bully taking your clients. LOL
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  • Profile picture of the author Justin Lavoie
    Ive fallen in soo many traps since I joined this forum its not even funny. But on the other hand Ive learned so much that a couple 100$ dollars wasted wasnt a big price to pay. Last time it was so obvious it was a trap but still, I needed the info... you know when a guy starts a thread about how he suceeded , let 3-4 pages go by with people asking tons of question and then bam 2-3 days later he's got a wso out (very professional with all the fireworks) just to help people of this particular thread... yea right `
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  • Profile picture of the author swilliams09
    I say if you have a problem with someone's post, call it out. If nothing else it will spark a debate and let the other users be able to decide for themselves how they feel about it. A lot of us are learning from the ground up and are looking for good solid information. And some of us like myself can't afford to buy every wso that promises the moon and stars. In fact, I've committed to not buying ANY wso's in 2012. I will learn from what I have on my hard drive, what I can find in the forums and what I can learn from recommended books.

    All it takes for evil to win is for good men to do nothing.

    Learn how to make videos that sell. Special $1 Offer for Warriors Only.

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    • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
      Originally Posted by swilliams09 View Post

      I say if you have a problem with someone's post, call it out.
      If i did that, i would not have any time left for work. 99% of the the posts
      in here nowadays are complete BS.

      Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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      • Profile picture of the author David Miller
        Maybe banning signatures for a few weeks would weed out the garbage.
        The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything.
        -- FRANK SINATRA, quoted in The Way You Wear Your Hat
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