I'M SO EXCITED!!! (and I just can't hide it!) Got my first 3 offline client!!! Here's how...

by Preeti
343 replies
Hey fellow Warriors!

Okay, so confession time: I've been a lurker-WSO buyer-"I need to know everybody and anything about IM before I try anything" kind of gal. It's been about 2 years..yes 2 years of information overload and no action!

So, I finally decided that this year was going to be the year. I was going to stop being afraid and just take action. The one thing that really stopped in my tracks from doing offline was that I felt like I didn't have the credibility to offer my knowledge to local businesses.

Other than knowing that I'm a genuine, honest, good-hearted person--who was I to offer advice and services to REAL businesses?!? Even though in theory, I have a business degree with a major in marketing and have worked in B2B sales/project management for some big corporate organizations--I still didn't feel I was qualified to be doing offline...ever felt that way before??

Well, I finally decided that I just needed to give this a shot. I was tired of my corporate job (although I did very well, I wanted to make my own rules) and just wanted to play a bigger game.

After making that choice, I took action and GOT RESULTS!!! Sorry for the long blurb above but it's been 2 years of keeping this all inside! LOL

Honestly, I can't believe that this stuff works BUT it does! The one catch: TAKE ACTION, TAKE ACTION, TAKE ACTION!!!

Here's what I did, I hope it helps anybody else who was in the same position I was for the last 2 years:

1. Change your mindset: marketing is a service, what you're offering is HELP to business owners who need you, you are a much needed partner to their business--without you they can potentially miss out on extra sales/clients/profits and growth--they NEED your help! Go in with this mindset, not the mindset that you are pestering them and need them--it's the other way around!

2. Hang out where your target market is: looking for easy access to business owners? LINKEDIN is what worked for me!

3. Presentation: make sure your LinkedIn profile outlines the services you provide but even more importantly, include what it is that you can help them do--"get more phone calls from clients searching on Google for their product/service..", etc., include a picture (obviously) and I would even include any previous work you've done (corporate, education, etc.). If possible, get people that you have worked in the past with (friends, coworkers, managers, people you went to school with, etc.) to leave you recommendations on your profile

4. Build your credibility and connections: I joined certain groups where I knew I could get easy access to business owners AND made a post offering a free service. Offer something that will provide value to the business owners in exchange for a testimonial. For example, perhaps give them a review of them website and offer 5 tips on how they can make their website more attraction to clients (i.e. testimonials should be on the 1st page, include a video, before/after pictures, etc. etc.)

5. You will have business owners message you! I was so overwhelmed by the amount of response that I received! I was able to get about 33 interested "warm" business owners who were interested in my services over a 3 week period--I know it sounds crazy but once you put it out there about how you are able to help THEIR business (make it about them, not about you!) I was overwhelmed with the responses that I got!

6. Deliver the goods: the easiest way that I found to provide them the free service (I offered a one week PPC campaign at no charge to them) was by shooting a quick video to show them the results/recommendations.

7. Open dialogue: once you've made a report/video, pass it over to the business owner, I would even end off the video with a "next steps" slide where I would outline exactly what needed to be done if they wanted me to "fix" their website or continue on with their PPC campaign

8. Send a "Can you endorse me?" request: once you've provided a simple, quick service, delivered the goods and provided value to the business owner, now's the time to ask for an endorsement. Many of them are happy to provide feedback and this builds up your credibility on LinkedIn and I think just general confidence in yourself that HECK YES, you are providing value in the marketplace!

9. Using the above method, I was able to generate 8 recommendations (some clients are very slow to reply with recommendations, others are super fast), this all happened over a 3 week period, so now my LinkedIn profile looks credible with solid recommendations from happy business owners (acts as social proof for any future people I plan on doing business with).

10. From there, I then got 3 clients who CALLED ME, wanting to know how they could continue on with my services (I had one lady who said my campaign got her 3 phone calls and she booked 2/3 clients valued at $2000+ over a 6 day period--I was running a PPC campaign for her)

11. I even had one guy who hasn't signed up yet for my business but he already referred me to another business owner, how crazy is that!?!?

12. Business owners will want to call you (not all but some of them), you're already in a position of authority (and an expert in their minds) and they know you so it's not a cold conversation.

13. The most important lesson: business owners need your help, you'd be surprised that many know that they need the internet to grow their business but have been burned by other bad/shady vendors or just don't know where to start nor have the time: this is where you come in! I had a call this morning with my 3rd client and we were discussing email marketing, he's been in business for 21 years and does not email his list which is HUGE! He knew he should but.."I just don't have them time to do it and run the clinic..." THEY NEED YOU!!!

14. Believe in yourself, your abilities and the fact that as long as you're providing genuine value to people, they will work with you!!!

15. Your next steps: ACTION, ACTION, ACTION! Get on LinkedIn, create your profile, build up your recommendations, connect with business owners and offer value up front so they know that you're genuinely interested in helping them out and working with them in a true partnership.

I hope this helps..I know I tend to ramble sometimes but I really wanted to give back to the WF since this is where I got the bulk of my lessons and motivation to just go out there and give it a shot (and it WORKED!!!).
#client #excited #hide #offline
  • Profile picture of the author globalpro
    Congrats and job well done.

    Am just getting ready to bust out my linkedin profile (next on my to do list), so your steps will be a big help.


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  • Profile picture of the author sweetcrabhoney18
    Congrats on your new clients. I agree that taking action is the most important thing and that being motivated to try is also important. I'm not a social network person so I've never used Linkedin... maybe I'll try it later on. Your steps will be a big help if I ever do... Congrats again.

    keep moving forward

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    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by sweetcrabhoney18 View Post

      Congrats on your new clients. I agree that taking action is the most important thing and that being motivated to try is also important. I'm not a social network person so I've never used Linkedin... maybe I'll try it later on. Your steps will be a big help if I ever do... Congrats again.
      Thanks Sweetcrabhoney (cute name btw!). I honestly saw myself as an introvert (even though others may disagree) but it felt weird for me to cold call (even though I've done it in my corporate sales gig and I know it works) and say "hey i'm an offline consultant.." and if they were to ask me what have you done in the past..I'd have nothing to come back with.

      With this method, you can build up your portfolio, get experience with providing value, get some great recommendations and extra bonus: when somebody leaves you a recommendation on LinkedIn, it shows up on the right hand side on THEIR LinkedIn profile..so now not only are you building up your credibility but anybody who is connected to your client (and we all know business owners talk/mingle with other business owners) who views your client's profile will see that they left YOU a recommendation..one thing leads to another...
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      • Profile picture of the author anamikasingh
        Well done Preeti.
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        • Profile picture of the author JackScanlan
          Congrats on the success! You're right, LinkedIn is a goldmine. You just have to use it correctly. Its all about offering value to other people and not trying to just sell them. I've landed a couple of clients there myself and it works great.
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          • Profile picture of the author Preeti
            Originally Posted by jscanlan84 View Post

            Congrats on the success! You're right, LinkedIn is a goldmine. You just have to use it correctly. Its all about offering value to other people and not trying to just sell them. I've landed a couple of clients there myself and it works great.
            Hey JS! That's awesome to hear! LinkedIn is such an untapped resource, especially if you're looking to connect with clients from other cities/countries.

            And the awesome thing is--you can implement so many strategies to get yourself out there--whether you're posting in groups, answers, growing your network, etc. but you're right--it's all about giving value. You need to build that trust before you can even think about closing the deal!
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            • Profile picture of the author qu4rk
              Yes. This works. I haven't posted to offer my services for free. But once I updated my profile to completeness & then started connecting with old friends...

              I have a friend who's brother is VP of a company where they don't show up in google at all & they want to be #1 in the SE! I have 1 meeting for SEO on Monday with them!!!!!!!!!!!!

              And another friend who is now a lawyer (haven't talked in about 10 years) in a major metro area who is about to pay for some radio and/or TV spots. So he advertises & I'll give him mates rates & ask him for referrals.

              Preeti. Your the man...uh...the woman!
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              • Profile picture of the author Preeti
                Originally Posted by qu4rk View Post

                Yes. This works. I haven't posted to offer my services for free. But once I updated my profile to completeness & then started connecting with old friends...

                I have a friend who's brother is VP of a company where they don't show up in google at all & they want to be #1 in the SE! I have 1 meeting for SEO on Monday with them!!!!!!!!!!!!

                And another friend who is now a lawyer (haven't talked in about 10 years) in a major metro area who is about to pay for some radio and/or TV spots. So he advertises & I'll give him mates rates & ask him for referrals.

                Preeti. Your the man...uh...the woman!
                Qu4rk, thanks so much for your post..and LOL @ your last line..dang right!

                For your Monday meeting, do some research, clients love it when you show up and have something that will provide value/educate them. So perhaps, on your laptop showing the keyword tool or 1st page Google rankings? You can also pull up their website and show their site vs. another website with all the right elements (i.e. email opt-in box, testimonials on the first page, etc.). Many clients websites do nothing for lead generation.

                I only initially offered free services to build my credibility and recommendations. Now, I just ask my paying clients to leave a recommendation on LI and I've built it up to 18 endorsements, so I would say that looks pretty solid when compared to my profile about 2.5 months ago which had 0 recommendations.

                I just had a consulting call with a client (I know Friday evening before a weekend--nerd or what?!?) who sent me an email because he saw me posting on a LI group and said he needed help with marketing and wanted to speak with me--LOVE IT!!!

                Keep at it, trust me, you'll be amazed at the connections and opportunities that come out of LI if you JUST stay consistent and take action So far, it sounds like you're doing awesome!!!
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6272390].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author qu4rk
                  Originally Posted by Preeti View Post

                  Qu4rk, thanks so much for your post..and LOL @ your last line..dang right!

                  For your Monday meeting, do some research, clients love it when you show up and have something that will provide value/educate them. So perhaps, on your laptop showing the keyword tool or 1st page Google rankings? You can also pull up their website and show their site vs. another website with all the right elements (i.e. email opt-in box, testimonials on the first page, etc.). Many clients websites do nothing for lead generation.

                  I only initially offered free services to build my credibility and recommendations. Now, I just ask my paying clients to leave a recommendation on LI and I've built it up to 18 endorsements, so I would say that looks pretty solid when compared to my profile about 2.5 months ago which had 0 recommendations.

                  I just had a consulting call with a client (I know Friday evening before a weekend--nerd or what?!?) who sent me an email because he saw me posting on a LI group and said he needed help with marketing and wanted to speak with me--LOVE IT!!!

                  Keep at it, trust me, you'll be amazed at the connections and opportunities that come out of LI if you JUST stay consistent and take action So far, it sounds like you're doing awesome!!!
                  Ok so I rocked out the meeting & landed the client. The amazing part is they were asking me how much for SEO and I mentioned it would range from my "$x" (smallest package) to "$y". They looked at each other & said we would need at least the Biggest package. They CEO concurred "at minimum". BAM!!!

                  Then, I re-connected with an old buddy who is now a lawyer & basically the same thing happened with him. This time I was more confident & threw out the biggest package saying "for $x amount we could get you going". He said, "that's all?"

                  I got a verbal on both & I'm waiting for the contracts for both.

                  Preeti! Thank you for putting thank you for putting out that good energy & paying it forward to help everyone here on the boards. That will come back to you ten-fold!
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6334591].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Preeti
                    Originally Posted by qu4rk View Post

                    Ok so I rocked out the meeting & landed the client. The amazing part is they were asking me how much for SEO and I mentioned it would range from my "" (smallest package) to "". They looked at each other & said we would need at least the Biggest package. They CEO concurred "at minimum". BAM!!!

                    Then, I re-connected with an old buddy who is now a lawyer & basically the same thing happened with him. This time I was more confident & threw out the biggest package saying "for amount we could get you going". He said, "that's all?"

                    I got a verbal on both & I'm waiting for the contracts for both.

                    Preeti! Thank you for putting thank you for putting out that good energy & paying it forward to help everyone here on the boards. That will come back to you ten-fold!
                    You are SO very welcome! I love this kind of positive karma!!! Helping others who go out and help themselves!

                    I am so excited to hear about your success..isn't it awesome how when you take some action..momentum just builds (as does your confidence to put out bigger packages and prices) and good things just "happen"?

                    Definitely make sure you follow-up, especially when it's close to the end of month, I will let clients know that I would like to launch their campaign for the 1st of the month so that I need their payment and sign off on service agreements ASAP (btw, try using EchoSign, I've had agreements get "signed" in a matter of minutes with this awesome service).

                    Congrats on taking action and enjoy the results..you earned it!
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6342698].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author qu4rk
                      Originally Posted by Preeti View Post

                      You are SO very welcome! I love this kind of positive karma!!! Helping others who go out and help themselves!

                      I am so excited to hear about your success..isn't it awesome how when you take some action..momentum just builds (as does your confidence to put out bigger packages and prices) and good things just "happen"?

                      Definitely make sure you follow-up, especially when it's close to the end of month, I will let clients know that I would like to launch their campaign for the 1st of the month so that I need their payment and sign off on service agreements ASAP (btw, try using EchoSign, I've had agreements get "signed" in a matter of minutes with this awesome service).

                      Congrats on taking action and enjoy the results..you earned it!
                      Thanks Preeti. Yeah, I closed both deals. 2 sites, 1 SEO & waiting for the other SEO contract.

                      Thank you so much for posting your success. To anyone reading, JUST DO IT! Don't worry about fulfillment. That's a good problem to have. LOL.

                      I will check into Echosign, that looks better than the old scan & send a copy way I've been doing things.

                      Thanks for your inspiration again! Also, I like the name of your site. The name is very Deepak.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6372398].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Preeti
                        Originally Posted by qu4rk View Post

                        Thanks Preeti. Yeah, I closed both deals. 2 sites, 1 SEO & waiting for the other SEO contract.

                        Thank you so much for posting your success. To anyone reading, JUST DO IT! Don't worry about fulfillment. That's a good problem to have. LOL.

                        I will check into Echosign, that looks better than the old scan & send a copy way I've been doing things.

                        Thanks for your inspiration again! Also, I like the name of your site. The name is very Deepak.
                        AMAZING! Qu4rk, you are an inspiration!!! That is awesome stuff..like I mentioned in another post..I feel like a proud mama bear LOL

                        Thank you for sharing YOUR success..you've inspired others no doubt and I'm just so happy that I was able to have some type of itty, bitty positive impact on a fellow Warriors business

                        Btw, yes the name of the site LOL I actually did see Deepak live and he is SO amazing and everything he says..WOW, a-ha moments non stop!!!

                        For my blog's name, I was actually inspired by the Joseph Campbell and the following video--really speaks on many levels to entrepreneurs who are willing to take on that "heroic" role:

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        • Profile picture of the author Preeti
          Originally Posted by anamikasingh View Post

          Well done Preeti.
          Thanks Anamika!! Appreciate you taking the time to post! But what I truly wanted to share here: if I can do this, ANYBODY can do this!

          Why it worked for me? I came up with a strategy, took the action, stayed focused and was genuine in providing value to others!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6270803].message }}
          • Originally Posted by Preeti View Post

            Why it worked for me? I came up with a strategy, took the action, stayed focus(ed) and was genuine in providing value to others!
            Awesome! Here we are, watching the birth of a superstar right in front of us!

            She now has a free WSO (see her sig file) which is excellent, and the results that come from persistent action based on confidence in yourself.

            Oh yes, plus ability, humility, and that genuine focus on providing value.

            Her replies to the posts on this thread are outstanding.

            Preeti is a class act.

            Business advice from a bona fide Business Consultant

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6278037].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Preeti
              Originally Posted by The Offline Advisor View Post

              Awesome! Here we are, watching the birth of a superstar right in front of us!

              She now has a free WSO (see her sig file) which is excellent, and the results that come from persistent action based on confidence in yourself.

              Oh yes, plus ability, humility, and that genuine focus on providing value.

              Her replies to the posts on this thread are outstanding.

              Preeti is a class act.
              Ahh..I'm at a loss for words LOL (Yes, really!)

              I don't know what else to say Mike but thank you for your very, very kind and very, very humbling words.

              I honestly don't even know how to respond but with a very genuine thank you and to let you know that post put a big smile on my face (I actually said "awww" out loud when I read your comments LOL). I'm just blown away by Warriors who actually take the time out of their hectic day to send me an email/PM/post with their thanks--means a lot to me!

              Superstar? LOL Are we still referring to me?!? Too funny, I've been called that twice now and trust me, I'm just a regular, Canadian WYSIWYG kind of gal, who decided to take action, put the client before money, and help others along the way!

              This is why I love helping others--not only seeing the results that they get but to know that my itty, bitty little report or post or email is helping somebody else out there.

              Thank you so much, I feel blessed to have such great, supportive and positive Warriors in my life

              P.S. Thanks for editing my "stayed focus(ed) line" I went back and edited it LOL Sometimes my fingers can't keep up with my mind
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanmckinney
    Sweet. Amazing when you take action, the phone rings, people want to pay you money, all these awesome things.

    Keep it up!

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  • Profile picture of the author Adwizard
    WTG Pinkele... I am very happy for you Actually, I'm tickled Pink!!!
    Building Businesses Beyond their Four Walls by
    Thinking Outside the Box... since 1993.
    Is anyone capable of designing a mobile site for
    this e-commerce site for a fee:
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  • Profile picture of the author abookyent
    linkedin sucks for clients.. a bunch of tire kickers who dont want to spend money. Congrats on your sucess with linkedIn but its terrible.

    I recommended going out in PUBLIC get off the computer!!!!!!!!! When there was no facebook, linkedin. People were still selling the exact same service.

    I suggest going to Do something, Learn something, Share something, Change something - Meetup and find a business networking event . Get a shirt made that highlights your services. Wear it and BOMB! Business owners will want to talk!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5966520].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author junioreality
      Good report @pinkele

      When it comes to getting clients, the key thing is not to be a "one trick poney". Use several methods like LinkedIn, Business meetups, cold calling, direct mail, etc., and rank your methods based on results over and over.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5966623].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mojo1
      Originally Posted by abookyent View Post

      linkedin sucks for clients.. a bunch of tire kickers who dont want to spend money. Congrats on your sucess with linkedIn but its terrible.
      Are you serious? Man, your negative energy ****s

      This kind Warrior has shared what is working for her and is having much success to boot.

      Most client attraction methods ***k until they've been mastered.

      Congrats Pinkele...Continued success to ya!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5967043].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Patrick Batty
      Originally Posted by abookyent View Post

      linkedin sucks for clients.. a bunch of tire kickers who dont want to spend money. Congrats on your sucess with linkedIn but its terrible.

      I recommended going out in PUBLIC get off the computer!!!!!!!!! When there was no facebook, linkedin. People were still selling the exact same service.

      I suggest going to Do something, Learn something, Share something, Change something - Meetup and find a business networking event . Get a shirt made that highlights your services. Wear it and BOMB! Business owners will want to talk!
      You may have ideas about what works for you.. and that's absolutely fine.. but to start your post by trashing what's working for someone else? Come on!

      And Pinkele, Way to go. Congrats!!! Informative post.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5972132].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by abookyent View Post

      linkedin sucks for clients.. a bunch of tire kickers who dont want to spend money. Congrats on your sucess with linkedIn but its terrible.

      I recommended going out in PUBLIC get off the computer!!!!!!!!! When there was no facebook, linkedin. People were still selling the exact same service.

      I suggest going to Do something, Learn something, Share something, Change something - Meetup and find a business networking event . Get a shirt made that highlights your services. Wear it and BOMB! Business owners will want to talk!
      Ahhh...thanks...for..the negativity...? LOL I understand that going out is another way to meet clients but the truth is, I was able to get 3 clients in California, New Jersey and Ottawa (a city about 5 hrs from where I am) and this wouldn't have been possible without LinkedIn.

      Also, I was able to build up my credibility and portfolio so when I do go in person..I can confidently say.."hey check out my LinkedIn profile for recommendations.."

      I'm just putting an idea out there that worked for me, my schedule and helped to give me that much needed credibility. But yes, Meetup Groups are a great place to meet and connect with your target market...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5975016].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Bond Girl
      Originally Posted by abookyent View Post

      linkedin sucks for clients.. a bunch of tire kickers who dont want to spend money. Congrats on your sucess with linkedIn but its terrible.

      I recommended going out in PUBLIC get off the computer!!!!!!!!! When there was no facebook, linkedin. People were still selling the exact same service.

      I suggest going to Do something, Learn something, Share something, Change something - Meetup and find a business networking event . Get a shirt made that highlights your services. Wear it and BOMB! Business owners will want to talk!
      Maybe you're new, but your comment is TOTALLY NOT COOL!!, don't trash on someone else's success with this type of garbage...if you have something useful to add then feel free to share but don't come in and stomp on someone else just becaus they are having success where you are not.
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    • Profile picture of the author munneetree
      Originally Posted by abookyent View Post

      linkedin sucks for clients.. a bunch of tire kickers who dont want to spend money. Congrats on your sucess with linkedIn but its terrible.

      I recommended going out in PUBLIC get off the computer!!!!!!!!! When there was no facebook, linkedin. People were still selling the exact same service.

      I suggest going to Do something, Learn something, Share something, Change something - Meetup and find a business networking event . Get a shirt made that highlights your services. Wear it and BOMB! Business owners will want to talk!
      What a wet blanket you are! This young woman gets three brand new clients, in different places, and you tell her LI is no good. Put up, or shut up, I say! How many new clients did you get with your fancy shirt and fancy talk. C'mon be truthful! I'd wager it was none! This forum is about encouragement, giving others a 'leg up','not putting them down.

      Way to go, Preeti, keep it up, in my eyes you are a champion.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6196242].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Preeti
        Originally Posted by munneetree View Post

        What a wet blanket you are! This young woman gets three brand new clients, in different places, and you tell her LI is no good. Put up, or shut up, I say! How many new clients did you get with your fancy shirt and fancy talk. C'mon be truthful! I'd wager it was none! This forum is about encouragement, giving others a 'leg up','not putting them down.

        Way to go, Preeti, keep it up, in my eyes you are a champion.

        Leslie..who needs bodyguards when you get friends on WF? LOl

        Thanks so much for sticking up for me! I typically just ignore negativity (unless it's constructive criticism on how to improve) and just like to stay positive instead. Moreover, I know this stuff works..because..it actually worked for me! LOL

        This is also why I like WF--the positive, encouraging people definitely outnumber any negative ppl here..thanks so much Leslie, I so greatly appreciate your positive comments and taking the time to post!
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  • Profile picture of the author SkyeFWP
    I've been wanting to use linkedIn more but as I work full time and focus on offline consulting part time I'm worried about my work colleagues seeing my posts/endorsements and questioning what I'm up to?

    Is there anyway to keep interactions private apart from inMail?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5967107].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by SkyeFWP View Post

      I've been wanting to use linkedIn more but as I work full time and focus on offline consulting part time I'm worried about my work colleagues seeing my posts/endorsements and questioning what I'm up to?

      Is there anyway to keep interactions private apart from inMail?
      In terms of privacy...I don't believe there's a way to block them from seeing this. Another idea is creating a whole separate LinkedIn account but I think you have to be careful about what email address you use so they don't ban your account for having 2 accounts with 1 email address.

      How about just adding it in and if anybody questions it..just say it's something you do on the side..to be honest, it's your business, not theirs.

      But I know what you mean about keeping it private..I didn't add any of my coworkers because I didn't want them to see it. I'll try to see if I can figure out a workaround for you...

      Inmail will allow you to send private messages but I think you only have 5 to start and then have to pay. However, I just got an email this morning that LI is offering 1 month free of a premium account so you message people using Inmail and there's no limit. Try to google it and you can enjoy that for 1 month free...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5975038].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author freeburd
      Originally Posted by SkyeFWP View Post

      I've been wanting to use linkedIn more but as I work full time and focus on offline consulting part time I'm worried about my work colleagues seeing my posts/endorsements and questioning what I'm up to?

      Is there anyway to keep interactions private apart from inMail?
      Join groups, start commenting, get connected with people and then offer advice privately.

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  • Profile picture of the author believemarketing
    result/success changes mindset/belief, but you need to guard it like that, because just a little setback could easily turn our mind back to where it was....
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  • Profile picture of the author iInvent
    Awesome!!!! Exactly what I needed to read tonight!
    I'm almost ready to go! Did a list of restaurants in my town (small town of 8,000) - did a checklist with the following:
    Google places?
    Facebook page?
    And wow... On my list of 20, 16 have unclaimed google listings, no Facebook page.
    2 of them don't even have a listing on Google! Right there is a big big big open market for me - just with Google Places!! And that's only restaurants.

    I have to get out there!! Thanks again for your post! I'll copy & paste it as a poster to read before my calls or meetings!!

    Thanks for reading!

    "Before you try to satisfy the client, understand and satisfy the person."

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5968096].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by iInvent View Post

      Awesome!!!! Exactly what I needed to read tonight!
      I'm almost ready to go! Did a list of restaurants in my town (small town of 8,000) - did a checklist with the following:
      Google places?
      Facebook page?
      And wow... On my list of 20, 16 have unclaimed google listings, no Facebook page.
      2 of them don't even have a listing on Google! Right there is a big big big open market for me - just with Google Places!! And that's only restaurants.

      I have to get out there!! Thanks again for your post! I'll copy & paste it as a poster to read before my calls or meetings!!
      That's awesome..honestly just taking action is the first step..don't get too ahead of yourself and figure out how you're going to execute just get out there and make it known that you're there to HELP these business owners...I think when you come across as a genuine person, they pick up on that and are open to dialogue.

      I have not had a single business owner reply back in a rude manner..even those who weren't interested were very polite about it and I think that has to do with my mindset when approaching them.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5975063].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dr Mukherjee
      Originally Posted by iInvent View Post

      Awesome!!!! Exactly what I needed to read tonight!
      I'm almost ready to go! Did a list of restaurants in my town (small town of 8,000) - did a checklist with the following:
      Google places?
      Facebook page?
      And wow... On my list of 20, 16 have unclaimed google listings, no Facebook page.
      2 of them don't even have a listing on Google! Right there is a big big big open market for me - just with Google Places!! And that's only restaurants.

      I have to get out there!! Thanks again for your post! I'll copy & paste it as a poster to read before my calls or meetings!!

      I was wondering of doing Facebook pages or Facebook page upgrading for the clients. If you could help me with this--facebook has limitation of One account for one IP I think. When you do FB for your clients, how do you use their account from your PC so that FB don't think you are using more then one account from the same IP address? I was creating a FB page for a friend and then another and then FB warned me about the account specially when I tried to create the iframe app. Could you tell me what you do? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5984472].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ryansjacket
      Good work iInvent. Let us know how those leads go !
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6160290].message }}
  • Congratulations, Pinkele- on taking action and following through! Keep up the good work!
    Every day of our lives we are on the verge of making those slight changes that would make all the difference. ~Mignon McLaughlin
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5968235].message }}
  • Good job, keep it up. Get those referrals and get rich.
    Marketing is not a battle of products. It is a battle of perceptions.
    - Jack Trout
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5971398].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dreadpiraterobby
    Congrats pink... very encouraging... Do you mind if i ask do you have a basic or premium linkedin subscription?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5974234].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author maricelu
      Originally Posted by dreadpiraterobby View Post

      Congrats pink... very encouraging... Do you mind if i ask do you have a basic or premium linkedin subscription?
      I'm interested in this too.

      What other services do you offer to them except PPC?

      Good job, really

      I have no signature.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5974657].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Frank Schwarz
    Awesome! I love that you hooked up on LinkedIn. I tell my clients to get on there and create profile to show that they are the go to company.

    Cheer for more clients in the future.

    Frank "at" SchwarzMediaGroup.com

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5975105].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cuttingedge
    General George Patton said " Courage is fear holding on a minute longer."

    Congratulations on taking action and over coming your fears.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5975323].message }}
  • congrats but sometime that depends on luck
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5975373].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Lori Kelly
    Wooooooooooooo whooooooooooooo! Congratulations! I'm very happy for you.

    You took action!

    I don't blame you for wanting to get out of the corporate world.

    I wish you the best success.

    You already know it's not easy.
    When you experience "down" days, just remember there are those same down days in the corporate world.

    Stay strong!

    Thanks for sharing this with us. -Lori
    Learn Website Tips, How to Do Keyword Research, & How to Write Killer Content.
    Stop Wasting Time.
    Start Living Your Dream.
    Click Here NOW to Get Your Hands on
    One of the Most Valuable Ebooks Ever!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5975777].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by Lori Kelly View Post

      Wooooooooooooo whooooooooooooo! Congratulations! I'm very happy for you.

      You took action!

      I don't blame you for wanting to get out of the corporate world.

      I wish you the best success.

      You already know it's not easy.
      When you experience "down" days, just remember there are those same down days in the corporate world.

      Stay strong!

      Thanks for sharing this with us. -Lori
      Hi Lori,

      Thanks so much for your AMAZING energy!!! I could feel that WOOOOOOOHOOOOO though my computer screen LOL

      Yes, corporate was great for me to learn the skills that I needed too..but after selling a quarter of a million dollars in my first year in sales for my company..kinda made me think.."hmm...so why I am doing this for somebody else..??"

      You're so right, there are good days and bad days, just gotta stick to taking action and stay focused!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5975903].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Preeti
    Okay, so I have had a lot of individuals message me asking for more details. Here's some of the answers and I hope this helps..but honestly this info is useless unless you do something with it!

    1. What groups did you join?
    First I determined--what kind of markets do I want to target? I knew I wanted to go after a group of business owners who have a high transaction value/client and since I have alot of girlfriends who are gearing up for their weddings, I hear how CRAZY expensive wedding vendors are. Also for these business owners, if I can help them get even 1 more client/month, their ROI is huge. So I joined a group that has wedding professionals as most of them are also business owners.

    Try to target a certain industry (i.e. healthcare such as chiropractors was another hot one for me) OR join a group that is related to a topic/hobby/industry that you're passionate about since it's easy to start a conversation, connect with people and then take an interest in the members of the group to learn more about what they do and then offer how you can help. You can also try to join groups that are you in local area (i.e. for me a good group could be Toronto Entrepreneurs)

    2. What "free" services did you provide?
    As long as you are providing some type of value to the business owner, it doesn't matter. I did PPC campaigns to drive traffic to their business website for a couple of days. You could offer to do a review of their website and offer a few ideas of how they can improve their website. Perhaps you can review their Google Places listing and compare their setup vs. a competitor who has good reviews, pictures, video, etc.

    Ask the business owner how you can help them...or what type of online marketing they've done, you'll be shocked by how open they can be (I had some business owners telling me about their revenues, company history, I even had one business owner tell me about her kids LOL)

    3. What should I ask for in return?
    Make sure to outline that you're happy to provide them some assistance if they are okay with providing you with an endorsement on LinkedIn. Just be upfront and honest and say that you are building up your portfolio by helping businesses in the ____ industry or ____ city and you think you can provide them with some honest feedback. TRUST ME they are more than happy with giving you a great reference in exchange for the marketing knowledge you pass over to them...

    4. Did you have to talk to the clients that you closed?

    Yes, for all 3 clients they actually ended up calling me (make sure to leave your number in any messages you send them, makes you look more credible and I think builds another level of trust). Honestly, because we were chatting back and forth on LinkedIn, it was a very comfortable conversation and my "review" video already outlined my fees and next steps on how they could work with me.

    It was actually fun speaking with them and learning more about their business...even hearing some stories of web designers/SEO people who had burned them in the past...so yes, sometimes they are abit anxious but so would I if I was giving away my hard earned money
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5975883].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dreadpiraterobby
      Originally Posted by Preeti View Post

      Okay, so I have had a lot of individuals message me asking for more details. Here's some of the answers and I hope this helps..but honestly this info is useless unless you do something with it!

      1. What groups did you join?
      First I determined--what kind of markets do I want to target? I knew I wanted to go after a group of business owners who have a high transaction value/client and since I have alot of girlfriends who are gearing up for their weddings, I hear how CRAZY expensive wedding vendors are. Also for these business owners, if I can help them get even 1 more client/month, their ROI is huge. So I joined a group that has wedding professionals as most of them are also business owners.

      Try to target a certain industry (i.e. healthcare such as chiropractors was another hot one for me) OR join a group that is related to a topic/hobby/industry that you're passionate about since it's easy to start a conversation, connect with people and then take an interest in the members of the group to learn more about what they do and then offer how you can help. You can also try to join groups that are you in local area (i.e. for me a good group could be Toronto Entrepreneurs)

      2. What "free" services did you provide?
      As long as you are providing some type of value to the business owner, it doesn't matter. I did PPC campaigns to drive traffic to their business website for a couple of days. You could offer to do a review of their website and offer a few ideas of how they can improve their website. Perhaps you can review their Google Places listing and compare their setup vs. a competitor who has good reviews, pictures, video, etc.

      Ask the business owner how you can help them...or what type of online marketing they've done, you'll be shocked by how open they can be (I had some business owners telling me about their revenues, company history, I even had one business owner tell me about her kids LOL)

      3. What should I ask for in return?
      Make sure to outline that you're happy to provide them some assistance if they are okay with providing you with an endorsement on LinkedIn. Just be upfront and honest and say that you are building up your portfolio by helping businesses in the ____ industry or ____ city and you think you can provide them with some honest feedback. TRUST ME they are more than happy with giving you a great reference in exchange for the marketing knowledge you pass over to them...

      4. Did you have to talk to the clients that you closed?

      Yes, for all 3 clients they actually ended up calling me (make sure to leave your number in any messages you send them, makes you look more credible and I think builds another level of trust). Honestly, because we were chatting back and forth on LinkedIn, it was a very comfortable conversation and my "review" video already outlined my fees and next steps on how they could work with me.

      It was actually fun speaking with them and learning more about their business...even hearing some stories of web designers/SEO people who had burned them in the past...so yes, sometimes they are abit anxious but so would I if I was giving away my hard earned money

      Hey thanks so much for filling in the details for some of us Do you mind if I ask did you pay for the clicks on the free ppc campaign or did you use their account?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5977513].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Preeti
        Originally Posted by dreadpiraterobby View Post

        Hey thanks so much for filling in the details for some of us Do you mind if I ask did you pay for the clicks on the free ppc campaign or did you use their account?
        Hey Robby,

        Some already had PPC campaigns so I offered to go in and tweak them to provide improved performance. Others didn't have a PPC campaign so I used a coupon to set up an account for them (didn't want to invest any money upfront from my pocket!).

        Hope this helps!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5980221].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author dreadpiraterobby
          Originally Posted by Preeti View Post

          Hey Robby,

          Some already had PPC campaigns so I offered to go in and tweak them to provide improved performance. Others didn't have a PPC campaign so I used a coupon to set up an account for them (didn't want to invest any money upfront from my pocket!).

          Hope this helps!

          yes very thank you !
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5980283].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author dreadpiraterobby
          Originally Posted by Preeti View Post

          Hey Robby,

          Some already had PPC campaigns so I offered to go in and tweak them to provide improved performance. Others didn't have a PPC campaign so I used a coupon to set up an account for them (didn't want to invest any money upfront from my pocket!).

          Hope this helps!
          Yes This helps! Thank You So Much! And I just got someone to let me do a free one week trial!!!!!!! I've had my profile sitting there never thought to utilize it..Thank you... One more question during the trial are you asking them to make any changes to their landing page to have a better score or are you just kind of rolling with it?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5980500].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Preeti
            Originally Posted by dreadpiraterobby View Post

            Yes This helps! Thank You So Much! And I just got someone to let me do a free one week trial!!!!!!! I've had my profile sitting there never thought to utilize it..Thank you... One more question during the trial are you asking them to make any changes to their landing page to have a better score or are you just kind of rolling with it?
            ROBBY! That's AWESOME!!!!! That is so cool, yay!! Okay, I'm sitting here with a big grin lol I'm so happy for you..congrats on taking action! Now remember, either way you come out as a winner: you get the confidence that you can do this, experience talking to prospects, get that testimonial too and potentially turn them into a long-term client!

            Nope, I didn't make any changes on their landing page it would be too much work on my end, I just wanted offer quick value upfront and then provide them with next steps!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5980724].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author dreadpiraterobby
              Originally Posted by Preeti View Post

              ROBBY! That's AWESOME!!!!! That is so cool, yay!! Okay, I'm sitting here with a big grin lol I'm so happy for you..congrats on taking action! Now remember, either way you come out as a winner: you get the confidence that you can do this, experience talking to prospects, get that testimonial too and potentially turn them into a long-term client!

              Nope, I didn't make any changes on their landing page it would be too much work on my end, I just wanted offer quick value upfront and then provide them with next steps!
              Thanks! I'm excited to deliver! Your right this ends up being pretty much win win.... Which I like about offline.... Either way experience and portfolio
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5980749].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Preeti
                Originally Posted by dreadpiraterobby View Post

                Thanks! I'm excited to deliver! Your right this ends up being pretty much win win.... Which I like about offline.... Either way experience and portfolio
                Exactly Robby, I went in to all my campaigns and contacting people with that mindset: How can I help them? AND I just want to provide something of value so it'll allow me to build up my confidence and credibility. I didn't even think about the sales part.

                Only after I delivered did we speak about "next steps" and often it was a very natural and "non-sales" type of discussion--so very relaxed and easy-going because now their guard is down and they trust that you know what you're doing and are looking to help them...

                To be honest, I actually had conversations with people from LinkedIn and was offered 3 different positions to help with their sales...LOL it's funny how when you take action, momentum builds and opportunities appear...
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5982206].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author dreadpiraterobby
                  Originally Posted by Preeti View Post

                  Exactly Robby, I went in to all my campaigns and contacting people with that mindset: How can I help them? AND I just want to provide something of value so it'll allow me to build up my confidence and credibility. I didn't even think about the sales part.

                  Only after I delivered did we speak about "next steps" and often it was a very natural and "non-sales" type of discussion--so very relaxed and easy-going because now their guard is down and they trust that you know what you're doing and are looking to help them...

                  To be honest, I actually had conversations with people from LinkedIn and was offered 3 different positions to help with their sales...LOL it's funny how when you take action, momentum builds and opportunities appear...
                  ha been away a day or so but yeah thanks... I like that about keeping your mindset about THEM NOT ON YOURSELF... I think that will be key for me
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6010700].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author bestrendz
          Originally Posted by Preeti View Post

          Hey Robby,

          Some already had PPC campaigns so I offered to go in and tweak them to provide improved performance. Others didn't have a PPC campaign so I used a coupon to set up an account for them (didn't want to invest any money upfront from my pocket!).

          Hope this helps!
          hi preeti.

          just a quick check, when you setup PPC campaigns using vouchers for new setups, what kind of results do you send these owners?

          Is it a video capture that they don't show up in google and then setup the campaign, afterward when the ad is approved get another screenshpt saying that they now show up in Google page 1?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6171831].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Benjam1n
            Originally Posted by bestrendz View Post

            hi preeti.

            just a quick check, when you setup PPC campaigns using vouchers for new setups, what kind of results do you send these owners?
            Maybe a pretty dumb question but where do you get the PPC vouchers from?

            "You become what you think about most of the time" - Think BIG!!

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6172604].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Preeti
            Originally Posted by bestrendz View Post

            hi preeti.

            just a quick check, when you setup PPC campaigns using vouchers for new setups, what kind of results do you send these owners?

            Is it a video capture that they don't show up in google and then setup the campaign, afterward when the ad is approved get another screenshpt saying that they now show up in Google page 1?
            Hi Bestrendz, I usually send a video capture showing the results of a PPC campaign. A smart to do (which I didn't do until I started doing more of these) is to shoot the video before the campaign ends and show their ad on the first page of Google.

            You can also just take a screenshot with Snagit and show them a picture of their ad position. Both video + screenshots have worked really well for me.

            Hope this helps!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6178962].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author socialmassmedia
    Awesome Preeti! Well done! Just goes to show what can be achieved if you just TAKE ACTION, a first step, something but doing with consistent effort and laser focus. Even with the knowledge many people right here on warrior forum have, they can help many businesses in one form or another but people fear they have lack of knowledge, skills, experience, money and even success. That comes from a conditioning of society, negative people they have around them.
    Whats stopping you from doing what you love or want to do in life?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5976152].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by socialmassmedia View Post

      Awesome Preeti! Well done! Just goes to show what can be achieved if you just TAKE ACTION, a first step, something but doing with consistent effort and laser focus. Even with the knowledge many people right here on warrior forum have, they can help many businesses in one form or another but people fear they have lack of knowledge, skills, experience, money and even success. That comes from a conditioning of society, negative people they have around them.
      Whats stopping you from doing what you love or want to do in life?
      Hamed, this is SO true..fear is often something we build up to be so big in our minds..when really if you're been on WF even for a short period of time you know 100X or even 1000X more than the average person out there...most of my friends, family members are smart, highly-educated, well rounded professionals--ask them if they know what an auto responder is...they have no idea!

      Nor do they understand the concept of how this can be implemented as a powerful marketing tool...it just goes to show offline/online marketing has nothing to do with your background/experience/age/location/education...its about 3 things: your mindset, dedicating yourself to take action (eve when scared) and delivering value to the end client.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5976417].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author gvnut
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5978250].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author YellowGreenMedia
    I have to agree with that linkedin is not my place to get clients, most businesses in the niche i work in (construction) aren't even on linkedin... i have gotten some clients but like sad before they where all tirekickers, really hard to work with... it was that i really needed the money or else i would have dumped them all (after refund of course)

    Great that it works for you and keep doing what your doing, if it gets you a good amount of clients who cares what other people think... you're filling your pockets with money, so who is right at the end of the day
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5981340].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by YellowGreenMedia View Post

      I have to agree with that linkedin is not my place to get clients, most businesses in the niche i work in (construction) aren't even on linkedin... i have gotten some clients but like sad before they where all tirekickers, really hard to work with... it was that i really needed the money or else i would have dumped them all (after refund of course)

      Great that it works for you and keep doing what your doing, if it gets you a good amount of clients who cares what other people think... you're filling your pockets with money, so who is right at the end of the day
      Hey Dave,
      Thanks for your message..I think it really depends on what target market you go after..and also how you position yourself on LinkedIn (there's plenty of groups on LinkedIn that are for business owners in the construction industry--you'd be suprised!).

      There are definitely tirekickers but at least here you get something out of them...a recommendation that just beefs up your profile and helps to position yourself as an authority. Also, another cool thing is that when people view the "tirekickers" profile they will see that they left YOU a recommendation which is pretty awesome that you in a way get access to the individuals who are viewing the "tirekickers" profile as well.

      Regardless, some things work for others and some not but just wanted to provide another avenue for those who are looking to grow their business..either way, I don't think the method really makes a difference--cold calling, direct mail, pounding the pavement, LinkedIn, email marketing, social media, etc. etc. it's just about taking action!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5982181].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TheBackLinksAngel
    Congratulations bud.

    Nice information too, thanks.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5983923].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author maricelu
    Hello, Have been contacting 15 owners from a group. Still no replies but I think they will come soon. Also, I think of an idea:
    1. Join a group where you can find business owners.
    2. Select profiles wich include company websites.
    3. Contact them saying you are willing to do a website analysis (include Cool features and possible tweaks on their website) and then post the analysis's link on the group's wall.
    Could this work?

    I have no signature.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5986613].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by maricelu View Post

      Hello, Have been contacting 15 owners from a group. Still no replies but I think they will come soon. Also, I think of an idea:
      1. Join a group where you can find business owners.
      2. Select profiles wich include company websites.
      3. Contact them saying you are willing to do a website analysis (include Cool features and possible tweaks on their website) and then post the analysis's link on the group's wall.
      Could this work?
      Hi Maricelu...just something to keep in mind, it's Good Friday here (not sure if it's a holiday in all other countries) and Easter Monday is coming up so business owners may be off and not be checking emails/LinkedIn.

      Also keep in mind, some people may be interested, some not but it's fine we're looking for those who are ready to put their hand up and say "yes, I need some help!". Also make sure your profile reflects that you do online marketing/internet marketing, etc.

      Your strategy is great too...you can even post a thread on the group's wall saying that you're offering this free analysis to any group member who is interested and people may contact you OR comment on the thread and you just follow up with them.

      You can then ask them if it's okay if you put the link to the video analysis on the group thread so perhaps other members can learn from it too..? Just make sure to ask the business owner if they're okay with that being out in the public..(some people prefer to keep it private).

      Maricelu, keep on taking action..people will respond back!!!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5987850].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author jacquic
        Preeti, what a great post (and follow up osts) to read! Well doen,a nd thanks for sharing.

        [QUOTE=abookyent;5966520]linkedin sucks for clients.. a bunch of tire kickers who dont want to spend money. Congrats on your sucess with linkedIn but its terrible. [QUOTE]

        Sorry you find it bad - maybe look at changing your strategy with them? There are many helpful people there. Some people are just looking and aren't tire kickers as such...and browsers and tire kickers, once they know you are there, can (and do) pass on one's details. LinkedIn is just one method that can be used as an integrated 'getting noticed by the right people' approach.
        See our great value publications - business, SEO, etc. Being added to weekly.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5988049].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Preeti
          [quote=jacquic;5988049]Preeti, what a great post (and follow up osts) to read! Well doen,a nd thanks for sharing.

          [QUOTE=abookyent;5966520]linkedin sucks for clients.. a bunch of tire kickers who dont want to spend money. Congrats on your sucess with linkedIn but its terrible.

          Sorry you find it bad - maybe look at changing your strategy with them? There are many helpful people there. Some people are just looking and aren't tire kickers as such...and browsers and tire kickers, once they know you are there, can (and do) pass on one's details. LinkedIn is just one method that can be used as an integrated 'getting noticed by the right people' approach.
          Thanks Jacquic, appreciate your kind words...I just want to give back because to be honest the WF has been my "coach" to help me launch my offline business
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5988113].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Steve Solem
    Hi Preeti - nice to see you posting here...I'd recognize that bike anywhere!

    Congrats on your successes and thanks for generously sharing your tips about what worked for you. I know I'm still not using Linkedin to its full potential, but after reading your post I know I need to dedicate more time to developing some relationships there and taking things to the next level.

    I hope to see you posting more success stories here and wish you all the best!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5988362].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by Steve Solem View Post

      Hi Preeti - nice to see you posting here...I'd recognize that bike anywhere!

      Congrats on your successes and thanks for generously sharing your tips about what worked for you. I know I'm still not using Linkedin to its full potential, but after reading your post I know I need to dedicate more time to developing some relationships there and taking things to the next level.

      I hope to see you posting more success stories here and wish you all the best!

      LOL Steve!!! So nice to hear from you! Funny how we're all connected in some way..started off with SOC (still use the system from time to time) and now I'm focused on offline and it's going great!

      Please do let me know if you have any questions, I love the feeling when you provide advice and others come back to say they're gotten something positive out of it!

      Hahaha..yes..that bike..I'm just waiting for some nicer weather here in Toronto and can't wait to break the Ninja out
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5988617].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author philipdwyer
    Good job! I love to read the stories of people who are doing it instead of whining naysayers that usually put in their two cents here.
    Philip Dwyer
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5988417].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author khut
    Awesome post, congratulations Preeti.

    I've been tinkering around with Linkedin as well and starting to see some results.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5990121].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kstavert
    Preeti... thank you soooooo very much for
    what you shared.

    I've been reading and learning and webinaring and
    buying/ studying programs for about a year now..

    When I listen to "experts", I think... "damn, I don't
    know crap"....

    But, when I talk with people, all kinds of useful stuffs
    come out of my mouth and I think "Wow... I didn't
    realize I knew so much"

    So, what i get is that I don't know as much as some
    and I know more than others and, it's the "others"
    that I can be useful to

    Thank you. you've given me a place to start and
    move forward .... Hugs to you and please say
    "hello" to Toronto for me
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5995537].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by kstavert View Post

      Preeti... thank you soooooo very much for
      what you shared.

      I've been reading and learning and webinaring and
      buying/ studying programs for about a year now..

      When I listen to "experts", I think... "damn, I don't
      know crap"....

      But, when I talk with people, all kinds of useful stuffs
      come out of my mouth and I think "Wow... I didn't
      realize I knew so much"

      So, what i get is that I don't know as much as some
      and I know more than others and, it's the "others"
      that I can be useful to

      Thank you. you've given me a place to start and
      move forward .... Hugs to you and please say
      "hello" to Toronto for me
      Karen, just LOVE your energy, thanks for such a great post!

      You're so right..often it's just our minds that hold us back and create self-limiting beliefs..that we don't know "everything and anything" about marketing online. Trust me when I say this, you know ALOT more than most of the general population especially business owners.

      I come from a family of entrepreneurs and I've seen it over and over...business owners are focused on their specialty and don't have time to brainstorm, develop and implement marketing campaigns (especially really good ones lol). They need our help.

      I was talking to my friend who owns a business and telling him about all this online marketing that he should be doing (starting with a very basic email autoresponder to email his list of patients) and his reply "...I know, I know but I just don't have the time..". These people need our help!!! (especially if you work on a high level of integrity and actually there to provide value and help them).

      Spring weather is starting to settle in here in T.O. and hopefully summer shows up even faster! lol
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  • Profile picture of the author paulmoney
    Congrats Preeti! I am definitely going to look at this, especially as the average salary for a LinkedIn member is over 100k.

    Thanks and keep us posted on further successes

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  • Profile picture of the author cnagaraj
    Awesome Preeti, Keep it Up! and the moral of this story is

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  • Profile picture of the author LoraLane
    Originally Posted by Preeti View Post

    Hey fellow Warriors!

    The one thing that really stopped in my tracks from doing offline was that I felt like I didn't have the credibility to offer my knowledge to local businesses.

    Other than knowing that I'm a genuine, honest, good-hearted person--who was I to offer advice and services to REAL businesses?!? Even though in theory, I have a business degree with a major in marketing and have worked in B2B sales/project management for some big corporate organizations--I still didn't feel I was qualified to be doing offline...ever felt that way before??
    OMG! it's like i am reading my own thoughts )) I have been an active learner since October 2011... time to start acting. Thank you for your post! It is really motivating!
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  • Profile picture of the author thebarksmeow
    Great thread. So you had success just making a post in the group? Did you message people in the group directly as well?

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    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by thebarksmeow View Post

      Great thread. So you had success just making a post in the group? Did you message people in the group directly as well?
      Thebarksmeow (love the name btw!) I did a bit of both, I posted in groups where I knew business owners were involved in (see my previous post #40 for more info).

      I also reached out to some members directly and that got a pretty good response as well..actually alot higher than I expected..I'd say off the top of my mind..for every 30 messages that I sent, I got at least 8-10 replies back (sometimes even greater!)

      The best part about LinkedIn: I get direct access to the decision maker! Often they have their personal emails attached to their LinkedIn account so it goes right into their email box and gets read.

      Good luck, give it a shot and see what happens!
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      • Profile picture of the author omurchu

        Interested to hear of your success on LI.

        Here is my experience:

        I offered a free service to business owners in certain groups - I got a 10 - 15% response. Then once I outlines the service and what I needed to get started there was no further response from anyone - nothing!! Even though they said: "yes, I'm interested"

        Did you have to follow up with them much? I mean did you have to phone them or email to close the deal? This is where I came to a full stop!

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        • Profile picture of the author Preeti
          Originally Posted by omurchu View Post


          Interested to hear of your success on LI.

          Here is my experience:

          I offered a free service to business owners in certain groups - I got a 10 - 15% response. Then once I outlines the service and what I needed to get started there was no further response from anyone - nothing!! Even though they said: "yes, I'm interested"

          Did you have to follow up with them much? I mean did you have to phone them or email to close the deal? This is where I came to a full stop!

          Frank, there's a few things you can do here. One, make sure that you are messaging them privately and not just posting follow up comments on your thread in the groups (not everybody comes back to check up on replies to a post they've made).

          Also, give it a couple days, these owners aren't always on LinkedIn so sometimes they will reply back after a week or so.

          Another idea: just give them a call! Most likely you'll have their name and company name/website. Look them up and give them a call..I've called a few clients off LinkedIn and when asked by the gatekeeper who I was I replied "..tell him it's Preeti from LinkedIn, he'll know who I am..". Got me through every time.

          My chats have been informal and very pleasant and they're usually very happy and surprised that I reached out via phone (just makes things more personal and re-confirms that you're an actual person and not some robot lol). Make sure that you use this time wisely..make it ABOUT them..not about you!

          I hope this helps! Keep on posting, keep on making contacts and reaching out to people, some will response, some won't but just take every 1 step, every day!
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        • Profile picture of the author thebarksmeow
          Originally Posted by omurchu View Post


          Interested to hear of your success on LI.

          Here is my experience:

          I offered a free service to business owners in certain groups - I got a 10 - 15% response. Then once I outlines the service and what I needed to get started there was no further response from anyone - nothing!! Even though they said: "yes, I'm interested"

          Did you have to follow up with them much? I mean did you have to phone them or email to close the deal? This is where I came to a full stop!

          Were they local groups or niche groups?

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  • Profile picture of the author dreadpiraterobby
    just got a lady pm me on linkedin asking me to call her! this works
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  • Profile picture of the author dreadpiraterobby
    Hey do you have any system you use that you find works well to keep track of your leads?
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    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by dreadpiraterobby View Post

      Hey do you have any system you use that you find works well to keep track of your leads?
      Robby, I was just using a spreadsheet to keep track but with the amount of people I've contacted, leads and converted clients it hasn't been the most efficient way to keep things organized, I'll be the first to admit it!

      One of my tasks this week was to better organize myself with a CRM system.
      I've heard good things about Highrise (same guys who created Basecamp) and I've used Salesforce in my old corporate job and it wasn't too bad.

      I'm liking how Highrise works, since it's especially made for small-businesses. You can check it out here: Highrise Tour

      Hope that helps!

      But yes, my ADVICE: start clean from the get-go, use some type of system to stay organized!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6032882].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author dreadpiraterobby
        Originally Posted by Preeti View Post

        Robby, I was just using a spreadsheet to keep track but with the amount of people I've contacted, leads and converted clients it hasn't been the most efficient way to keep things organized, I'll be the first to admit it!

        One of my tasks this week was to better organize myself with a CRM system.
        I've heard good things about Highrise (same guys who created Basecamp) and I've used Salesforce in my old corporate job and it wasn't too bad.

        I'm liking how Highrise works, since it's especially made for small-businesses. You can check it out here: Highrise Tour

        Hope that helps!

        But yes, my ADVICE: start clean from the get-go, use some type of system to stay organized!

        Great tips! yea I can see how this can get overwhelming fast. I was thinking about Google docs or something but I like your suggestions!
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  • Profile picture of the author DROIDM4STER
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  • Profile picture of the author maricelu
    I've got already 2 recommendations

    I have no signature.

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  • Profile picture of the author Scheherezade
    I'm new to the forums. I have to say this was a wonderful thread to read. Your enthusiasm and willingness to share and help are inspiring and infectious. I wish you continued success. I've been neglecting my LinkedIn account. I think I need to revisit it and see what I can stir up.

    Thank you for sharing.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6033471].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by Scheherezade View Post

      I'm new to the forums. I have to say this was a wonderful thread to read. Your enthusiasm and willingness to share and help are inspiring and infectious. I wish you continued success. I've been neglecting my LinkedIn account. I think I need to revisit it and see what I can stir up.

      Thank you for sharing.
      Scheherezade you're very welcome and I'm happy to share..its the same way that I learned from other warriors here, put my own twist on ideas shared here and just took action! You'll love this forum, lots of great, motivational marketers who help each other out! Just remember to push any doubt aside and just move forward.

      Along the way remember to pay it forward! Karma has a funny way of showing up when you least expect it! Thanks for your kind words, puts a smile on my face knowing that somebody else got value from my post!
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Lee
    Congrats on your new clients! The first couple are always a big deal. This should motivate you to ramp up your efforts on linkedin and other lead sources.

    2 years on the WF with no action? It must feel great now that all those WSO's and lurking finally is paying off =)
    "One of the Most Successful Offline WSO's Ever!
    Get More High $$$ Clients with this Small Business Marketing PLR Magazine
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6034700].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by Mr Marketer View Post

      Congrats on your new clients! The first couple are always a big deal. This should motivate you to ramp up your efforts on linkedin and other lead sources.

      2 years on the WF with no action? It must feel great now that all those WSO's and lurking finally is paying off =)
      Thanks Mr Marketer for your kind words!

      Most definitely, LinkedIn has worked really well with me but it's always great to try different lead sources and test to determine what yields the best results.

      Yes...2 years!! I know...so embarrassing to admit that lol but, hey it's the truth and I hope it resonated with any fellow lurkers out there
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      • Profile picture of the author mike12nv2
        Hi Preeti,

        Awesome post.
        You provided some great insight to what I had in mind.

        With the PPC and the Video reviews, did you do them yourself? Have you thought of outsourcing?

        Also, do you have any samples for each what you pointed to help your clients improve on? I would love to see your approach.

        Have you ever sent a cold email to prospective client? if so, how have you structured your emails?

        When people ask you "what do you do?", how do you normally respond? I have a hard find defining my identity as I can offer so much in terms of Internet Marketing, but don't really want to say that.. Sounds like a sales rep.

        Do you have a website?

        I'll just pick you brains a little for now

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        • Profile picture of the author Preeti
          Originally Posted by mike12nv2 View Post

          Hi Preeti,

          Awesome post.
          You provided some great insight to what I had in mind.

          With the PPC and the Video reviews, did you do them yourself? Have you thought of outsourcing?

          Also, do you have any samples for each what you pointed to help your clients improve on? I would love to see your approach.

          Have you ever sent a cold email to prospective client? if so, how have you structured your emails?

          When people ask you "what do you do?", how do you normally respond? I have a hard find defining my identity as I can offer so much in terms of Internet Marketing, but don't really want to say that.. Sounds like a sales rep.

          Do you have a website?

          I'll just pick you brains a little for now

          LOL Mike, lots of questions and I'm glad to help!

          Let me get this answered for Tuesday (I have a bunch of tasks to do and I'm being distracted by WF lol) I just wanted to quickly check in and don't want to rush my response so I'll respond back shortly.
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  • Profile picture of the author link82
    Hi Preeti, sweet post! I've PMed you with a few questions, hope you can respond soon

    I'm gonna fix up my LI profile in the meantime ...
    Quietly Selling Powerful Links. Just a handful on clean domains, PM me for inquiry :D
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6039540].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by link82 View Post

      Hi Preeti, sweet post! I've PMed you with a few questions, hope you can respond soon

      I'm gonna fix up my LI profile in the meantime ...
      Link, I received your PM and don't want to rush my response so I'm hoping it's okay if I reply back by Tuesday--going to Oprah's Lifeclass Tour tomorrow in Toronto--SOOOO EXCITED!!!!! : )

      Definitely work on fixing up the profile, add a picture, make sure people know that you're an online marketing genius! Be in touch shortly...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6050891].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author link82
        Originally Posted by Preeti View Post

        Link, I received your PM and don't want to rush my response so I'm hoping it's okay if I reply back by Tuesday--going to Oprah's Lifeclass Tour tomorrow in Toronto--SOOOO EXCITED!!!!! : )

        Definitely work on fixing up the profile, add a picture, make sure people know that you're an online marketing genius! Be in touch shortly...
        Thanks Preeti. Thought you were ignoring PMs but I see you're probably overloaded. Enjoy that Lifeclass Tour and I will wait patiently. Thanks.
        Quietly Selling Powerful Links. Just a handful on clean domains, PM me for inquiry :D
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  • Profile picture of the author mike12nv2
    Hey Preeti,
    Awesome job.
    Quick questions though.
    How do you word your conversation/pitch to business owners and tell them about your services?

    I meet so many different business owners, but not sure how to bring it up and OFFER the service to them.


    By the way, how is business nowadays?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6040106].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by mike12nv2 View Post

      Hey Preeti,
      Awesome job.
      Quick questions though.
      How do you word your conversation/pitch to business owners and tell them about your services?

      I meet so many different business owners, but not sure how to bring it up and OFFER the service to them.


      By the way, how is business nowadays?
      Thanks Mike for your kind words!

      Keep the conversation informal...write in your own tone, the way I write is different than how you would so use your own words. But the general theme--tell them how YOU can help them.

      What types of problems that they may be facing (i.e. getting more clients, more visits to their website, staying in touch with clients via email, creating a professional video, etc.) can you fix? Once again, keep your expertise/introduction short, focus on them in the bulk of your message.

      I hope this helps. If you can want, send me a PM with your message and I can provide some feedback.

      Business is good--growing!!! I'm in talks with another lead from LinkedIn who is looking for somebody to take over everything related to his website/online marketing and wants to target US+Canada, so it's going to be a biggie and I'm excited! I also had 2 other prospects tell me they are looking at their budget to bring me on-board. My target: 6 clients in about 2 months of doing this.
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  • Profile picture of the author franchine
    That's good to hear. Implement more strategies to drive in clients and land more deals.
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  • Profile picture of the author IMHunter
    Congratulations Preeti! It is a very motivational post. Thank you for posting and Good Luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author lossman29
    Stories like these always motivate me. A big thanks to the OP.

    "There is light at the end of the tunnel. Have some faith and work hard. ALWAYS."

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  • Profile picture of the author Quattro
    Amazing and very inspirational. I'm from Toronto as well... so I'm curious as to what niche you are targeting
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    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by Quattro View Post

      Amazing and very inspirational. I'm from Toronto as well... so I'm curious as to what niche you are targeting
      Hey, very cool Quattro that you're also from Toronto (Oprah's here tomorrow for the Lifeclass Tour--sooo excited to see her live!!!)

      For niches, I didn't really target any one in particular, I just tried to brainstorm of prospects who have a high transaction value for a client (and lifetime value). I did well with chiropractors for some reason lol
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      • Profile picture of the author Dr Mukherjee
        Hi Preeti
        Very much inspired by your thread. Have a few questions if you can help in any way.
        Can you suggest any good place to learn CPA and some good CPA advertising network list? Also how do you get and use the coupons to use? If it does not work I mean CPA I offer for free does not work for them, then they wont come back ans continue the work. Do you think is there a possibility of this?
        Really very inspired and thinking also some other thing to offer for free as well.
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        • Profile picture of the author Preeti
          Originally Posted by Tina2012 View Post

          Hi Preeti
          Very much inspired by your thread. Have a few questions if you can help in any way.
          Can you suggest any good place to learn CPA and some good CPA advertising network list? Also how do you get and use the coupons to use? If it does not work I mean CPA I offer for free does not work for them, then they wont come back ans continue the work. Do you think is there a possibility of this?
          Really very inspired and thinking also some other thing to offer for free as well.
          Hi Tina,
          To be honest I don't do CPA offers, I'm working solely with offline clients at the moment. If you're interested in some CPA info perhaps check out the free ebook by Kenster (it's on the forum, I believe called Rags to Riches?), I hear it's a good place to start! Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance!
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  • Profile picture of the author mayankgangwal
    Now want i am going to do is open my linkedin a/c and will surely follow what u said.
    Thanks again you are wonderfull.
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  • Profile picture of the author huwagkukurap
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  • Profile picture of the author mike3188
    You rock Preeti, I have gotten 12 replies from 1 group in a week

    I'm offering:
    30 second video (animoto)
    Web Analysis (IBP) or Webgrader
    Electronic Press Release
    Social Media Setup
    Directory listing

    All of these are free except IBP
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  • Profile picture of the author cosgrove13
    Feel like doing a "happy dance" for you Preeti! Sometimes it is good to be lurking in the background and absorbing as much as you can. This obviously worked for you with all what you saw and then taking massive ACTION!

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  • Profile picture of the author abigaill
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  • Profile picture of the author netmondon
    Hi Preeti! I'm very happy to hear about your positive results.... Possibly the best thing to do is take action even when you feel uneasy and unsure about the type of results you might get... You did it and it worked
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  • Profile picture of the author DoWhatWorks
    Congratulations on your success. I've been on the fence with regard to using LinkedIn in my business, but your post has convinced me to invest some time into growing my presence there. Thanks again!


    Originally Posted by Preeti View Post

    Hey fellow Warriors!

    Okay, so confession time: I've been a lurker-WSO buyer-"I need to know everybody and anything about IM before I try anything" kind of gal. It's been about 2 years..yes 2 years of information overload and no action!

    So, I finally decided that this year was going to be the year. I was going to stop being afraid and just take action. The one thing that really stopped in my tracks from doing offline was that I felt like I didn't have the credibility to offer my knowledge to local businesses.

    Other than knowing that I'm a genuine, honest, good-hearted person--who was I to offer advice and services to REAL businesses?!? Even though in theory, I have a business degree with a major in marketing and have worked in B2B sales/project management for some big corporate organizations--I still didn't feel I was qualified to be doing offline...ever felt that way before??

    Well, I finally decided that I just needed to give this a shot. I was tired of my corporate job (although I did very well, I wanted to make my own rules) and just wanted to play a bigger game.

    After making that choice, I took action and GOT RESULTS!!! Sorry for the long blurb above but it's been 2 years of keeping this all inside! LOL

    Honestly, I can't believe that this stuff works BUT it does! The one catch: TAKE ACTION, TAKE ACTION, TAKE ACTION!!!

    Here's what I did, I hope it helps anybody else who was in the same position I was for the last 2 years:

    1. Change your mindset: marketing is a service, what you're offering is HELP to business owners who need you, you are a much needed partner to their business--without you they can potentially miss out on extra sales/clients/profits and growth--they NEED your help! Go in with this mindset, not the mindset that you are pestering them and need them--it's the other way around!

    2. Hang out where your target market is: looking for easy access to business owners? LINKEDIN is what worked for me!

    3. Presentation: make sure your LinkedIn profile outlines the services you provide but even more importantly, include what it is that you can help them do--"get more phone calls from clients searching on Google for their product/service..", etc., include a picture (obviously) and I would even include any previous work you've done (corporate, education, etc.). If possible, get people that you have worked in the past with (friends, coworkers, managers, people you went to school with, etc.) to leave you recommendations on your profile

    4. Build your credibility and connections: I joined certain groups where I knew I could get easy access to business owners AND made a post offering a free service. Offer something that will provide value to the business owners in exchange for a testimonial. For example, perhaps give them a review of them website and offer 5 tips on how they can make their website more attraction to clients (i.e. testimonials should be on the 1st page, include a video, before/after pictures, etc. etc.)

    5. You will have business owners message you! I was so overwhelmed by the amount of response that I received! I was able to get about 33 interested "warm" business owners who were interested in my services over a 3 week period--I know it sounds crazy but once you put it out there about how you are able to help THEIR business (make it about them, not about you!) I was overwhelmed with the responses that I got!

    6. Deliver the goods: the easiest way that I found to provide them the free service (I offered a one week PPC campaign at no charge to them) was by shooting a quick video to show them the results/recommendations.

    7. Open dialogue: once you've made a report/video, pass it over to the business owner, I would even end off the video with a "next steps" slide where I would outline exactly what needed to be done if they wanted me to "fix" their website or continue on with their PPC campaign

    8. Send a "Can you endorse me?" request: once you've provided a simple, quick service, delivered the goods and provided value to the business owner, now's the time to ask for an endorsement. Many of them are happy to provide feedback and this builds up your credibility on LinkedIn and I think just general confidence in yourself that HECK YES, you are providing value in the marketplace!

    9. Using the above method, I was able to generate 8 recommendations (some clients are very slow to reply with recommendations, others are super fast), this all happened over a 3 week period, so now my LinkedIn profile looks credible with solid recommendations from happy business owners (acts as social proof for any future people I plan on doing business with).

    10. From there, I then got 3 clients who CALLED ME, wanting to know how they could continue on with my services (I had one lady who said my campaign got her 3 phone calls and she booked 2/3 clients valued at $2000+ over a 6 day period--I was running a PPC campaign for her)

    11. I even had one guy who hasn't signed up yet for my business but he already referred me to another business owner, how crazy is that!?!?

    12. Business owners will want to call you (not all but some of them), you're already in a position of authority (and an expert in their minds) and they know you so it's not a cold conversation.

    13. The most important lesson: business owners need your help, you'd be surprised that many know that they need the internet to grow their business but have been burned by other bad/shady vendors or just don't know where to start nor have the time: this is where you come in! I had a call this morning with my 3rd client and we were discussing email marketing, he's been in business for 21 years and does not email his list which is HUGE! He knew he should but.."I just don't have them time to do it and run the clinic..." THEY NEED YOU!!!

    14. Believe in yourself, your abilities and the fact that as long as you're providing genuine value to people, they will work with you!!!

    15. Your next steps: ACTION, ACTION, ACTION! Get on LinkedIn, create your profile, build up your recommendations, connect with business owners and offer value up front so they know that you're genuinely interested in helping them out and working with them in a true partnership.

    I hope this helps..I know I tend to ramble sometimes but I really wanted to give back to the WF since this is where I got the bulk of my lessons and motivation to just go out there and give it a shot (and it WORKED!!!).
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  • Profile picture of the author Hard Boiled Greg
    Preeti (or anyone else), what is LinkedIn's approach to "spam"? Are you allowed to freely message other members to offer business services or is there a proper ettiquette to ensure you don't get kicked off the network?
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    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by Hard Boiled Greg View Post

      Preeti (or anyone else), what is LinkedIn's approach to "spam"? Are you allowed to freely message other members to offer business services or is there a proper ettiquette to ensure you don't get kicked off the network?
      Hi Hard Boiled (although I prefer scrambled LOL sorry couldn't resist!). To be honest Greg, I haven't come across this issue prsonally ALTHOUGH I have been spammed on LinkedIn. I have a bunch of people just send me generic messages about a white label SEO service which was really annoying. There was no "Hi Preeti" or an intro paragraph, nothing that made it seem like a real, genuine person wrote the message, you can tell it was copy and pasted.

      Here's some tips & tricks that have helped me increase my reply rate:

      1. Use the person's name in the opening line of the message, this shows you're not just copying and pasting a mass mail
      2. Introduce yourself, keep it short and sweet
      3. Tell them how you came across them "I was looking at your XYZ company website" or "I saw your reply in the Answers section" etc.
      4. Keep the tone of the message, personal yet professional (so it sounds like you actually wrote it out not a robot)
      5. Leave your phone number at the end of your message, this just re-confirms that you're a real person and allows them to contact you (which is the whole point of this--communicating with clients)

      Following those 5 rules, I haven't had any issues. Yes, there will be people who don't reply back but LinkedIn is all about communicating in a professional, business setting. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Are you selling SEO? Thread doesn't say or I missed it. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author InVizion
    Great Job Preeti!!!

    I have to agree, LinkedIn is a Goldmine! It's a great way to talk to the right person and skip the gatekeeper. Thanks for sharing, to your success!
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  • Profile picture of the author Bond Girl

    WOW!! Fantastic Job!! Way to get out there and Get it done! What an inspiration your story is!!! And it sounds to me like it's just the beginning! You deserve it after all the hard work! YAAAAY!! Just love it when someone get's to taste sweeet success. Congratulations!
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  • Profile picture of the author sultantamara
    I never use LINKEDIN before.... but i think it's a good time to try a new way to connect with a new client !

    Thanks for your share and brilliant idea Preeti
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  • Profile picture of the author winnerman
    thanks for the feedback and your findings

    If a man can conceive , believe he will therefore achieve

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  • Profile picture of the author winnerman
    Jus small question did you get your business license?

    If a man can conceive , believe he will therefore achieve

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  • Profile picture of the author winnerman
    thanks for the feedback and your findings

    If a man can conceive , believe he will therefore achieve

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  • Profile picture of the author 919492
    This is so inspiring.. Got to start working on my linkedin profile..
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    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by 919492 View Post

      This is so inspiring.. Got to start working on my linkedin profile..
      Thanks so much 919492 for sharing!! And definitely get started on your profile..it's such an awesome marketing tool for us! If you need with setting up your guide just check out my signature file, I put all the info in there, saves me from typing it up for each PM that I get lol

      Good luck!!!
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      • Profile picture of the author ish
        Love your report and I will definitely use it to update my linkedin profile.

        Hopefully by offering some of my services for FREE initially, I can get business owners to work with me and then recommend me to their friends...like you said, it's all about networking and helping local businesses who maybe looking for your services right now!

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        • Profile picture of the author Preeti
          Originally Posted by ish View Post

          Love your report and I will definitely use it to update my linkedin profile.

          Hopefully by offering some of my services for FREE initially, I can get business owners to work with me and then recommend me to their friends...like you said, it's all about networking and helping local businesses who maybe looking for your services right now!

          Hi Ish, thanks so much for your positive feedback! Glad you liked it!

          Remember, the free factor is not ongoing. I only did it initially to build up my portfolio and confidence that I could actually deliver services that business owners were interested in.

          After you've established yourself, word starts spreading and you'd be surprised at what you can learn once you start building a relationship with your clients (I know how many kids they have, what degree their kids are studying at university, the history of how they got into business, what they've paid for past marketing work, where they're going on vacation, etc. etc.) they start to open up and trust you. That's what you're aiming to do here!
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  • Profile picture of the author jrodriguez315

    Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing your experience on LinkedIn. I have a question regarding the free PPC offer. Doesn't that cost money? Are you always able to get a voucher? I got to page 3 of the thread and for some reason I can't get past message #100.

    I have seen many WSOs outlining LinkedIn strategies and have ignored them, but now that I have read your thread, I am thinking that I need to re-think my perspective.

    I have been trying to generate leads in several ways with limited success. I will definitely give this LinkedIn method a try.

    By the say, you could probably create a pretty great WSO from your experience. I for one would probably buy it.

    Thanks again!

    I'm saving 50% to 90% off all marketing tools & software tools at The Daily Gangster!

    Real people. Trusted Warriors, Making real money online, now reveal their Best Online Business Blueprint! Click here to learn more . . .

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    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by jrodriguez315 View Post


      Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing your experience on LinkedIn. I have a question regarding the free PPC offer. Doesn't that cost money? Are you always able to get a voucher? I got to page 3 of the thread and for some reason I can't get past message #100.

      I have seen many WSOs outlining LinkedIn strategies and have ignored them, but now that I have read your thread, I am thinking that I need to re-think my perspective.

      I have been trying to generate leads in several ways with limited success. I will definitely give this LinkedIn method a try.

      By the say, you could probably create a pretty great WSO from your experience. I for one would probably buy it.

      Thanks again!
      Thank so you much for your encouraging words--honestly receiving this type of feedback has been amazing!

      Yes, I do use the free vouchers to do a campaign via Adwords. However you don't have to focus on this. There are so many other "ice breaker" type of conversation starters that you offer to a business owner such as:

      1. Look at their website and spot 3 areas they need correction immediately (i.e. no opt-in form, don't display phone number/address on 1st page--you'd be surprised how many do this, no testimonials on first page, don't outline what service/product/problem they solve on the first page, etc.)

      2. Look at their rankings and show them visually where they are compared to their competitors

      3. Look at the Google Places page and offer recommendations on how they can improve

      4. Show them a video of a competitor and tell them they can have one made as well AND get ranked on the first page

      I find that the more you try to offer help upfront, they value your feedback and now instantly trust you. It opens a flood gate for more questions and that's what we're aiming at doing..creating a conversation with our clients, figuring out their problems and offering them our solutions.

      I hope this helps!!!

      P.S. Shoot this with a video, business owners I've contacted have gone GAH-GAH over the video!!
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      • Profile picture of the author Yogini
        Originally Posted by Preeti View Post

        Thank so you much for your encouraging words--honestly receiving this type of feedback has been amazing!

        Yes, I do use the free vouchers to do a campaign via Adwords. However you don't have to focus on this. There are so many other "ice breaker" type of conversation starters that you offer to a business owner such as:

        1. Look at their website and spot 3 areas they need correction immediately (i.e. no opt-in form, don't display phone number/address on 1st page--you'd be surprised how many do this, no testimonials on first page, don't outline what service/product/problem they solve on the first page, etc.)

        2. Look at their rankings and show them visually where they are compared to their competitors

        3. Look at the Google Places page and offer recommendations on how they can improve

        4. Show them a video of a competitor and tell them they can have one made as well AND get ranked on the first page

        I find that the more you try to offer help upfront, they value your feedback and now instantly trust you. It opens a flood gate for more questions and that's what we're aiming at doing..creating a conversation with our clients, figuring out their problems and offering them our solutions.

        I hope this helps!!!

        P.S. Shoot this with a video, business owners I've contacted have gone GAH-GAH over the video!!

        I like your suggestions in this post and some of the ice breakers you suggested. I can see making a video for them that can help their ranking or suggestions 1-3 you made. How would you then make a transition into the paid services you offer from there? I know if I did a video for them I could suggest other keywords we could target. How do you transition to mentioning prices?

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        • Profile picture of the author Preeti
          Originally Posted by Yogini View Post


          I like your suggestions in this post and some of the ice breakers you suggested. I can see making a video for them that can help their ranking or suggestions 1-3 you made. How would you then make a transition into the paid services you offer from there? I know if I did a video for them I could suggest other keywords we could target. How do you transition to mentioning prices?

          Hey Debbie..just speak to them in a natural, conversational flow and at the end of your video after you've highlighted all the "problems" they have..let them know that you offer the "solution" to fix these problems and here's how you work <insert packages, pricing, bonuses with deadlines>. As long as you position yourself as a problem solver NOT a sleazy sales person, the conversation should be natural. The last sentence has to do more with your mindset and positioning than anything related to the client.

          Does that help?

          Also, remember--if they don't go for it, it's OKAY! All that means..they weren't meant to work with you (at least not yet).
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  • Profile picture of the author youngmoneystars
    thanks for the tips im from toronto to , scarborough
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  • Profile picture of the author marys
    Great for you! Very happy to hear about other fellow ex-corporate's on here
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  • Profile picture of the author Bond Girl
    Fantastic information in your free report Preeti, just implementing it now, Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author Preeti
    Originally Posted by Angel Warrior View Post

    Congratulations for your new clients.
    Thanks so much Angel Warrior..always amazed at the support and encouragement of fellow Warriors!
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  • Profile picture of the author Yogini
    Hi Preeti,

    Yes, that helped. I know you did some free ppc campaigns for a few days. Do you think doing a free video, or offering to put an opt-in box on site for free or working on some of their google places setup is more effective than a free analysis as it is actually giving something tangible?

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    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by Yogini View Post

      Hi Preeti,

      Yes, that helped. I know you did some free ppc campaigns for a few days. Do you think doing a free video, or offering to put an opt-in box on site for free or working on some of their google places setup is more effective than a free analysis as it is actually giving something tangible?

      Hi Debbie,

      I think it really depends on how much time you want to invest upfront. Shooting a quick 5-7 min video doesn't take too long however, working on their Google Places may take a lot longer. So this depends on you but I'd start off with a consultation--you can even put a value on it (i.e. typically I charge $XXX amount of dollars) and present that as cost savings upfront for the client.

      The video is quite powerful (once they actually watch it! LOL) and it can act as a tangible that you've passed over to the client. Once again, you can always put your own tweak onto my methods..I'm just sharing what worked for me but there's always unique methods and tactics..so don't shy away from trying something different!
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  • Profile picture of the author wb_man
    Hi Preeti,

    Congratulations on your success! I'm just a lurker here, joined about 3 years ago. I'm not on this forum a lot but your thread caught my attention.

    Got a few questions for you:
    1) You said you got 3 clients for $3,815. Is it one-time or monthly? So that's like $1,300 for each client?
    2) Did you sign a contract with them?
    3) How did they pay you? Paypal, check, merchant account, etc?
    4) What services are you doing for your 3 clients? Web design, Google Places, PPC, etc.? Do you find some services to be easier to sell than others?
    5) I'm not a business start-up expert but do you need a business license for this? Or is an LLC good enough? This is kind of like freelancing so not sure if a business license is needed.
    6) Are you doing the work yourself or do you outsource?
    7) I'm new to Linkedin. Can you just send a message to anyone offering your services? Or do you need to join a group / become a connection first before you send them a message? They have a limit on InMail for free accounts so I guess you can't just message people without being in the same group, are connections or in OpenLink network, right?

    Thank you in advance for answering my questions.
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    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Hi WB Man, thanks for posting! Here's my replies!

      Originally Posted by wb_man View Post

      Hi Preeti,

      Congratulations on your success! I'm just a lurker here, joined about 3 years ago. I'm not on this forum a lot but your thread caught my attention.

      Got a few questions for you:
      1) You said you got 3 clients for $3,815. Is it one-time or monthly? So that's like $1,300 for each client?

      For my first client, I made the mistake of offering month-to-month. I now ONLY offer packages either a 3, 6 or 12 month. Too much volatility with this income stream offering month-to-month so it's now only packages.

      The pricing for the first 3 all varied, but the first client was month-to-month (so only I only counted the first month of the revenue I collected and totally underpriced lol) and for the last 2 of the 3, I added up the value of their contracts to come up to that sum. Hope that's not too confusing! Main point: do packages if that makes sense for your business model!

      2) Did you sign a contract with them?

      Yes for the last 2, no for the first one. However, I did send out a service agreement to all of them outlining my services and what they would be receiving.

      3) How did they pay you? Paypal, check, merchant account, etc?

      I used Paypal.

      4) What services are you doing for your 3 clients? Web design, Google Places, PPC, etc.? Do you find some services to be easier to sell than others?

      I'm doing a variety of services: PPC, SEO, video, email marketing, alterations to existing websites. Figure out what the clients needs help in and position yourself as a problem solver who can assist them.

      It's not about one service being easier than another to sell..it's about figuring out what their problem is and using the appropriate tool (PPC, SEO, Video, email, etc.) to fix it.

      5) I'm not a business start-up expert but do you need a business license for this? Or is an LLC good enough? This is kind of like freelancing so not sure if a business license is needed.

      You'd have to check with your state/province to confirm if an extra business license is required but from MY knowledge (not a lawyer), I don't believe you need a license other than registration of your company as a sole-proprietorship, partnership or corporation. However, we're most likely in different countries (or provinces) so please do your due-diligence with this and make sure you are setup correctly from the get go.

      Also, find out if you have to collect and submit any retail taxes.

      6) Are you doing the work yourself or do you outsource?

      Right now, I do the work myself but outsource some parts of it (i.e. video, SEO). I actually enjoy PPC , email marketing and web design (I know my nerd-side is showing lol) and it's allowed me to learn quite a bit about how it all works.

      This have given me reconfirmation that 1. this stuff really works 2. I can talk about intelligently with a client so that gives me the confidence that I know what I'm doing 3. I want to eventually be able to teach this stuff to others/biz owners (workshops?) so I like to be hands-on and I really enjoy learning

      That being said--if you like the sales/customer service part and DON'T want to worry about the implementation, definitely consider outsourcing. It's a great biz model and eventually when I plan on moving to that model too.

      7) I'm new to Linkedin. Can you just send a message to anyone offering your services? Or do you need to join a group / become a connection first before you send them a message? They have a limit on InMail for free accounts so I guess you can't just message people without being in the same group, are connections or in OpenLink network, right?

      Yes, I believe each account starts off with 5 inmail messages so you should use those wisely. Also, LinkedIn will run campaigns sometimes where you can use the premium account free for 30 days, if that comes your way--get focused and really make the best of those 30 days. But yes, you're right, you can't message people first w/o being in a group/connection.

      Try to get into groups and start making conversation. Also, another great place to make connections: answers!! Contribute and start connecting with people--trust me, it works

      Thank you in advance for answering my questions.
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      • Profile picture of the author mike3188
        Hey Preeti,

        How would you suggest I upsell my free services to something recurring?

        Most of my contact has been through email and I think I should email them and ask if we could talk. I have just finished services for a lawyer that has a barebones website that I I could upsell. The lawyer stated "If there is anything more that I may do for you, please let me know." So I think that would be a great opening for finishing his website.

        Thanks Preeti
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        • Profile picture of the author Preeti
          Originally Posted by mike3188 View Post

          Hey Preeti,

          How would you suggest I upsell my free services to something recurring?

          Most of my contact has been through email and I think I should email them and ask if we could talk. I have just finished services for a lawyer that has a barebones website that I I could upsell. The lawyer stated "If there is anything more that I may do for you, please let me know." So I think that would be a great opening for finishing his website.

          Thanks Preeti
          Hi Mike,

          Well, if you've completed a service and did a good job--why not show the lawyer another area where you can help him/her?

          I would sit down with the lawyer, take a solid 30 minutes, and really start asking questions about his/her practice and what types of problems or marketing/growth goals s/he has.

          From there, I'd make some recommendations and then present them as solutions to HIS/HER problems.

          If you already have their trust, that's the first step. Now, present a service (and that can be setup as a residual). At the same time, once you've done that and they're happy--ask for referrals.

          I would even start approaching other lawyers in other cities/states and show the work you've done and then offer how you can help them too. Now, you're the "specialist" when it comes to marketing for lawyers or <insert whatever niche you have experience in>.

          Hope this helps!

          Happy Friday!!
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  • Profile picture of the author VikkiB
    Congrats! I need to take action, and your post has inspired me. Thanks!
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    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by VikkiB View Post

      Congrats! I need to take action, and your post has inspired me. Thanks!
      Hey Vikki, thanks for your positive reply!

      Definitely take the action..trust me this stuff works..but only if you put some action in and create that momentum! I'm glad you're inspired!!

      I see you're from Central IL, I've been to Champaign quite a few times (not sure if that's close to you?), my cousin went to UofI and I've hung out on campus a few times
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      • Profile picture of the author VikkiB
        Originally Posted by Preeti View Post

        ... I see you're from Central IL, I've been to Champaign quite a few times (not sure if that's close to you?), my cousin went to UofI and I've hung out on campus a few times
        I'm about an hour away. I love Champaign/Urbana!
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        • Profile picture of the author abbot
          Good stuff here. I signed up an account with Linkedin about a week ago. I'm now connected with half of my city totaling over 500 connections.

          Landed 2 jobs from it so far. Doing exactly what you said. Got a call from the owner of a huge law firm here in town wanting to meet. I never imagined that 'little ol me' would ever get a call from this guy....amazing what happens when you put a little effort into positioning yourself as an expert BEFORE selling.
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          • Profile picture of the author Preeti
            Originally Posted by abbot View Post

            Good stuff here. I signed up an account with Linkedin about a week ago. I'm now connected with half of my city totaling over 500 connections.

            Landed 2 jobs from it so far. Doing exactly what you said. Got a call from the owner of a huge law firm here in town wanting to meet. I never imagined that 'little ol me' would ever get a call from this guy....amazing what happens when you put a little effort into positioning yourself as an expert BEFORE selling.
            Abbot, you're so right! It's taking the time and effort to "seed" yourself as an expert/problem solver/marketing guru before actually going in for the sale.

            Personally, I like it A WHOLE LOT BETTER when I have people calling/emailing/messaging me asking for help rather than having to chase and convince business owners.

            Congrats on the awesome success so far--2 jobs and a call from a huge law firm, that is absolutely AMAZING! You should be very proud of yourself and keep on going..sometimes we gain some momentum and then think it's okay to take a "breath". Even if you just reduce your activity, that's fine but keep on going..don't lose that momentum!!!

            Love your story, thanks for sharing!
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  • Profile picture of the author InVizion
    LinkedIn is amazing, I can't agree with you more! This is one of the tools I use to add new subscribers every single day!
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  • Profile picture of the author star007
    Thank you for confirming what I know so well but needed to see/hear again!
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  • Profile picture of the author Hard Boiled Greg
    Hi Preeti,

    Any advice for searching for and finding ACTIVE groups. It appears to me that many of the LinkedIn groups do not have much in the way of recent activity or engaged discussion. Am I over-thinking this?
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  • Profile picture of the author Preeti
    Hey Greg,

    Great question..I've been asked that quite a few times..so I created a video about it! I hope this helps..just make sure to check out group statistics before you join so you can see the activity, types of members (executives vs owners) and other important demographics which can be helpful in determining what groups to join vs. ones to avoid.

    Here's the video:
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  • Profile picture of the author Hard Boiled Greg
    Thank you Preeti, that is exactly what I was looking for. I never noticed the group stats area before. Don't know how I missed it, but I did.
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  • Profile picture of the author TimD
    Wow Preeti, that's terrific. I'm inspired by every part of your story.
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    • Profile picture of the author Bennette
      Congrats on your continued success Preeti. Thanks for making the video and sharing powerful tip. I've overlooked it!
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      • Profile picture of the author Preeti
        Originally Posted by Bennette View Post

        Congrats on your continued success Preeti. Thanks for making the video and sharing powerful tip. I've overlooked it!
        Bennette, not a problem and thank you for your encouragement!

        LinkedIn is very, very powerful and continues to awe me! More so, it's not just a "lucky" break as some may think--just takes action!

        I posted my story in the beginning of April, it's now the end of May and I just got my first five figure client! All thanks to my connections and work on LinkedIn..trust me--it works (...and not just for me!)
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        • Profile picture of the author Bennette
          Originally Posted by Preeti View Post

          Bennette, not a problem and thank you for your encouragement!

          LinkedIn is very, very powerful and continues to awe me! More so, it's not just a "lucky" break as some may think--just takes action!

          I posted my story in the beginning of April, it's now the end of May and I just got my first five figure client! All thanks to my connections and work on LinkedIn..trust me--it works (...and not just for me!)
          Awesome you're on fire and I'm happy for you. I got my 1st client for a new website 2 months ago after answering a question in the answers section, but I would like to get more.
          I will try your strategy .
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          • Profile picture of the author Preeti
            Originally Posted by Bennette View Post

            Awesome you're on fire and I'm happy for you. I got my 1st client for a new website 2 months ago after answering a question in the answers section, but I would like to get more.
            I will try your strategy .
            That is AWESOME Bennette, congrats on your success!!! I've definitely found that the quality of individuals that I've been able to connect with on LinkedIn is much higher than some other methods that I originally tried. Stay consistent with making connections, being involved in the community and helping others and no doubt you will attract clients to you.

            Because they see your profile, read your recommendations, see your network and contribution via Answers or Groups, that trust factor has been increased dramatically in a very short time frame.

            Believe it or not, I quoted this client a five figure package (never met him before, he's in Texas, I'm in Canada and we've only spoken once on the phone) and without any hesitation he wanted to move forward.

            And it's these types of clients that I'm looking to build my business with--those who value and will pay for your efforts and what you bring to the table to help grow their business.

            Keep at it!!! Make sure that the client you're working with leaves you a glowing review on LinkedIn! Remember, not only does YOUR network see it but his/her network will see that review too! Double whammy
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            • Profile picture of the author Bennette
              Originally Posted by Preeti View Post

              Believe it or not, I quoted this client a five figure package (never met him before, he's in Texas, I'm in Canada and we've only spoken once on the phone) and without any hesitation he wanted to move forward.

              And it's these types of clients that I'm looking to build my business with--those who value and will pay for your efforts and what you bring to the table to help grow their business.
              I believe it Preeti. The client was in Australia and we only communicated using email and never chatted via voice.
              Keep at it!!! Make sure that the client you're working with leaves you a glowing review on LinkedIn! Remember, not only does YOUR network see it but his/her network will see that review too! Double whammy
              He did
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    • Profile picture of the author Preeti
      Originally Posted by TimD View Post

      Wow Preeti, that's terrific. I'm inspired by every part of your story.
      Tim, thank so much for your kind words! I've read some of your posts on the forum and have found them to be inspirational as well!
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  • Profile picture of the author daddykool
    We are really pretty pleased for pretty preeti and her new found IMsuperstar status!

    3 will become 10, 10 will become 100, 100 will become 1000, hard work, listening, learning and watching is WHY Preeti is on the way to IM riches

    n00bs take note!

    Well done and spend some of the profit on yourself P!
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