165 replies
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#$500 #days #turn
  • Profile picture of the author dunkinbbb
    Hey Martin,

    I'm no computer wiz, and a fan of yours, but . .

    don't you need a separate Windows license for each install?

    And ethical issues aside, is it physically possible to do that with XP? One CD installed on 12 PCs?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6003134].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      Like I said this was the idea in a nutshell, but you would need a Windows XP OEM install CD, which allows you to install on an unlimted number of computers as long as you have a valid product key number, which when you buy a laptop from a computer recycling store there should be a product key sticker on the laptop.

      I hope this answers your question.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by dunkinbbb View Post

      Hey Martin,

      I'm no computer wiz, and a fan of yours, but . .

      don't you need a separate Windows license for each install?

      And ethical issues aside, is it physically possible to do that with XP? One CD installed on 12 PCs?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6003322].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dr Mukherjee
      Interesting and its good if you can tell where to buy OEM dirt cheap? Its an easy way. Thanks for sharing
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6007361].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Site87
    Interesting method. People think of all kinds of ways to make money now-a-days. Not my cup of tea but I'm sure a lot of people can reproduce this method and sell laptops like this on CL.
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    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      I just wanted to add that this idea works best with laptops, as they are the most wanted and desirable for a low price. I did try this method with desktops and found it hard to turn them over quick even at a low price, so i suggest just sticking with laptops if you impliment this idea.

      All the best,

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6006812].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Richard II
    Martin, you certainly have a Niche for Business Ideas! Absolutely Fantastic!! LOL
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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    My brother works for AT&T and they give him open source software he's allowed to install on any of his "clients" machines. So naturally what he does is install it on all his family members computers, and all his friends. I don't think its 100% legal, but he's been doing it for 20 years, and AT&T has never said a thing.

    There are other places where you can buy OEM software for dirt cheap, again not sure how legal it is, but its just something to look at.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6007282].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Quentin
    I would not answer the door as I think now that you have put it out there in public you may be getting a visit soon.

    A better way to do it would be to add one of the many lynix systems like Ubuntu and a few other programs like open office and then it would be fully legal.

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    • Profile picture of the author maricelu
      Originally Posted by Quentin View Post

      Linux .

      I have no signature.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6011626].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author XponentSYS
      Originally Posted by Quentin View Post

      I would not answer the door as I think now that you have put it out there in public you may be getting a visit soon.

      A better way to do it would be to add one of the many lynix systems like Ubuntu and a few other programs like open office and then it would be fully legal.

      Using the same Windows CD to install on 1 or 1,000 computers is completely legal IF each individule PC has its own license.
      "Hybrid Method" Gets 120,846 TARGETED VISITORS
      To Any Site in ANY NICHE!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7982096].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author swilliams09
    I have a friend who is a computer repair guy for a local school system. He does practically this same thing. He calls them "web machines". He gets old, refurbished or recycled desktops and laptops, cleans them up and sells them for $99 to $199 or more. He posts ads on craigslist and ebay and sells 1-2 a week. The main thing is, he markets them as a second home computer or a great starter laptop for the kids. Most of his clients are people who have a main machine but want an extra one for surfing the web, word processing or other simple tasks. He uses maintenance and upgrades for his upsells. It's a decent way to put extra money in his pocket.

    Learn how to make videos that sell. Special $1 Offer for Warriors Only.


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6009160].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      Thank you for sharing about your friend and proving that this idea is legit and that besides selling the laptops for a one time sale, that you can try and upsell other service for backend money and make even more profits.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by swilliams09 View Post

      I have a friend who is a computer repair guy for a local school system. He does practically this same thing. He calls them "web machines". He gets old, refurbished or recycled desktops and laptops, cleans them up and sells them for $99 to $199 or more. He posts ads on craigslist and ebay and sells 1-2 a week. The main thing is, he markets them as a second home computer or a great starter laptop for the kids. Most of his clients are people who have a main machine but want an extra one for surfing the web, word processing or other simple tasks. He uses maintenance and upgrades for his upsells. It's a decent way to put extra money in his pocket.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6080413].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author trevstar22
    Hi Martin. Fantastic IDEA! I usually just lurk on the forum but I had to congratulate you on this one. A simple doable down to earth money maker that would be difficult to satuate.
    My question do you buy the computers 10 at a time to get a bargain price or is just more convenient. Would I be able to buy just 2 or more laptops without programming for the same $50 to $60? Thanks
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6010212].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      I have a deal with my computer recycling store that if I buy certain laptops of 8 or more at a time, I get them for the price of $50, but If I buy less than 8 at a time I have to pay $70 a piece.

      My computer recycling store does offer laptops that are ready to go without programming, but you will be paying $100 to $150 a piece, so for what I'm trying to do, those prices don't work for me, but you can do what works for you, my goal is to at least double my money on each sale.

      I hope this helps,


      Originally Posted by trevstar22 View Post

      Hi Martin. Fantastic IDEA! I usually just lurk on the forum but I had to congratulate you on this one. A simple doable down to earth money maker that would be difficult to satuate.
      My question do you buy the computers 10 at a time to get a bargain price or is just more convenient. Would I be able to buy just 2 or more laptops without programming for the same $50 to $60? Thanks
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6016940].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mike3188
        Originally Posted by MartinBuckley View Post


        I have a deal with my computer recycling store that if I buy certain laptops of 8 or more at a time, I get them for the price of $50, but If I buy less than 8 at a time I have to pay $70 a piece.

        My computer recycling store does offer laptops that are ready to go without programming, but you will be paying $100 to $150 a piece, so for what I'm trying to do, those prices don't work for me, but you can do what works for you, my goal is to at least double my money on each sale.

        I hope this helps,

        what are some search terms or where to find these "computer recycling stores" I have tried searching: computer recycling "my city" and computer recycling store "my city" with no luck.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6018343].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author jasnlcas
          Originally Posted by mike3188 View Post

          what are some search terms or where to find these "computer recycling stores" I have tried searching: computer recycling "my city" and computer recycling store "my city" with no luck.
          also curious what a computer recycling store is?
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  • Profile picture of the author KyGunator
    What's a "computer recycling store"? example of one?
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  • Profile picture of the author stone2010
    $500 to make $1000 2 days, go to the casino one hand of black jack or put it on black LOL just kidding... that's a good idea

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  • Profile picture of the author snakez0r
    What you're doing with the windows installing is illegal.
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  • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
    Can't test in the store without OS, right? So, do they guarantee the laptop works?

    You must live in an unique place, because in North East OHIO, S. FL, San Diego, CA., North Carolina...and New Mexico...all places I've been in the past year...LOOKING for said computer recycling stores...

    And I haven't found ONE. OH, I've found a few...but NONE of them had a computer, a working computer...for under 100 bux.

    And recently I did buy a clean one and it took me a couple of hours to install a legally purchased Windows OS...the thought of doing 8 using ONE disk...well, it seems it would take forever.

    I've sold a few laptops on craigslist this past year...and I've met a handful of guys who routinely sell one or two a week...

    But, I've yet to meet someone like your friend, could you introduce him to me, we could write a special report, which you could sell.

    Not doubting you Marty, it just doesn't resonate with my experiences, perhaps you could shed some light on the supply...

    And give us all a little bit more information...

    from my perspective of buying and selling things, it seems like a LOT of work to make a very LITTLE bit amount of money.

    In the world of CHATTELING (buying and selling stuff)...this just seems to be a lot of work when there are so many things which are more profitable...heck, a ROOMBA or a Keurig could net you that per item without all the depending on a source, installing OS,...

    I think I could make more money recycling pallets or installing door peep holes, ya think???


    Originally Posted by MartinBuckley View Post

    The idea i'm about to share is one that I have done and a friend of mine does on a regular basis.

    I'm going to share this idea in a nutshell to keep it simple and to the point.

    This idea will require you to need the following:

    1) A Windows XP OS systems install CD
    2) Internet Access
    3) A Cell Phone
    3) A Computer Recycling Store
    4) $500 (which will be doubled to $1,000 in two days)

    Now, what you are going to do is simply go to the computer recycling store and make a deal to buy 8 wiped clean, but working laptops, such as a IBM thinkpads R51 for $50-$60 a piece, so with $500 you will be able to buy 8 laptops and cover taxes.

    Now what you are going to do is install the Windows XP OS on each laptop, which will make the laptops function, but they will be just basic bare bone working laptops, nothing fancy.

    Then what you are going to do is use Craigslist and sell each laptop by creating a for sale ad in the computer section and sell them for just $99 or $120 each which will double your money depending on weather you paid $50 or $60 for each laptop.

    Then you simply wait for people to call or email you wanting to buy a laptop and at the price of just $99 to $120 you will get plenty of calls and emails and should have no problem selling all 8 laptops in a day or two.

    My friend has sold as many as 14 laptops in one day and averages selling 6 laptops a day, so I know for fact this money making idea is gold and works.

    To your success,

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6021944].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      There have been a few who have made some negative comments on my laptop money making idea and that's fine I'm not going to dwell on it or call those people out who either don't have a clue what they are talking about or they just want to assume they do and have never really tried to make money with my laptop idea, so with that said let move on

      I can't say for sure that in ever area there is a computer recycling center, but I know of many areas that do and my area of Rochester, NY does have one and here is there website eWaste.com for those who would like to check it out.

      The idea I presented on making money with laptops was one that a good friend of mine does on a regular basis, so no I can't guarantee that you will have the same success as him, but you won't know unless you try and that goes for all my money making ideas, if you don't work them and put them into action, then you won't know if they will make you money or not, but the reality is what do you really have to lose, you won't really be any worse off then you already are now, so pick an idea that excites you and motivates you enough to take action and stick with it untill your making money.

      I share my money making ideas here, because I really do want to help others with ways to make extra money and I like to hear everyone's comments and success stories, so for those reasons I will keep sharing my ideas weather a select few approve of them or not.

      All the best,

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6031149].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author chemo38
        Perhaps another source of used laptops could be Facebook. A post to your friends list could result in NO COST laptops. Just a thought.

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    • Profile picture of the author ahlexis
      Originally Posted by gjabiz View Post

      Can't test in the store without OS, right? So, do they guarantee the laptop works?

      . . . And recently I did buy a clean one and it took me a couple of hours to install a legally purchased Windows OS...the thought of doing 8 using ONE disk...well, it seems it would take forever.
      The secret to why techs can install faster is, we don't use the CD except to boot up the machine . . . and then copy the installation directory onto the hard drive.

      Once you've copied the cab files in the installation directory over to the hard drive the install speeds up tremendously. Using a CD/DVD can take up to or over 1-1/2 hours. Copying the files to the hard drive, which spins faster than a CD or DVD drive, can cut anywhere from 20-40 minutes off the time, depending on the options and how you choose to install it.

      Another benefit of copying the installation files to the hard drive is, if ever one needs to install a peripheral device later, the install files make it so you don't need to hunt around for the CD/DVD because you just "browse" your way over to the directory where the install files are located. So if you only have the one disk to install from, your customers can still install device drivers without it if they need to in the future. (In corporate America that often reduced a tech support call to phone support instead of having to get a tech to take an elevator up 3 or more flights of stairs or walk halfway across a campus to do a device driver install. Phone support can just walk some callers through how to do it themselves. Especially handy when 3 out of 7 techs are out sick with the flu! That really happened one November day, believe it or not.)

      And once Microsoft and the hardware manufacturers realized this, that's why they stopped including the disks with the machines and then offered it to you as an upsell if you were determined to have it. They got to cut expenses of including the disk with every machine, and they got to make a profit if you ordered the disk from them upon realizing it wasn't included in the box . . .

      P.S. Now that I think about it, once you have copied the files to one hard drive, you can then take the disk out and move to the next machine and copy the files to it. And then so on and so on for 8 machines, and then launch the install process on the first, then the second, and then the third and on and on, so that it would probably take you about 2-3 hours or so (maybe even less time) for the installs to run on ALL the machines because they would all be running pretty much at the same time . . .
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6093594].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Marvin Johnston
        Originally Posted by ahlexis View Post

        The secret to why techs can install faster is, we don't use the CD except to boot up the machine . . . and then copy the installation directory onto the hard drive. .
        A much easier and faster way is to use a program like Ghost to copy the original installation from one machine to the others. I used to do this when preparing 20 - 30 machines at a time for a local business.

        It has been a while, and ISTR that the SID needs to be changed for each machine, and there is a program to do that.

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        • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
          Hi Warriors,

          Right now with Christmas right around the corner is the perfect time to implement this idea as parents are looking to buy their young kids and teenagers cheap laptops for X-mas and this is also the time people are
          selling their old laptops cheap, as they are planning on buying a new laptop or are planning on getting a newer one for Christmas, so take some
          action and make some holiday cash.

          To your success,

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8680051].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author g1ebe
            Originally Posted by MartinBuckley View Post

            Hi Warriors,

            Right now with Christmas right around the corner is the perfect time to implement this idea as parents are looking to buy their young kids and teenagers cheap laptops for X-mas and this is also the time people are
            selling their old laptops cheap, as they are planning on buying a new laptop or are planning on getting a newer one for Christmas, so take some
            action and make some holiday cash.

            To your success,

            Going to be trying this Martin! Hoping for the best. Thanks for the method.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8705537].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TheArticlePros
    It looks like Martin's starting to take a beating here...I just want to applaud his ideas and creativity. I normally don't even come into this forum as I like the online world better, but his headline was out in the main forum and I clicked it.

    I think this idea is absolutely brilliant! For those of you who don't have a "used computer store" or something similar in your area, here's another way to get cheap computers: Put an ad on Craigs List for them! You can actually become a laptop flipper, so to speak. I did this last year and got two nice laptops in one day for less than $100 total. It didn't occur to me to resell them as I was going to try to use them to create a home network, but I might go back to the idea and try it again using Martin's approach now.

    -- j

    Posting About Life & Video Games:

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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    I can see the percieved value of a functioning laptop being way beyond $120, so its easy to see how these would sell if you could buy them that cheaply. They may even sell for $150 like hot cakes.

    The trouble is; where would you find a consistent supplier to keep you up with 5 laptops per day? Lets say 100 per month. Otherwise, this could work just as easily on ebay, with which I have some experience.

    Sam Walton Always Said "A Deal Well Bought Is Half Sold...".

    This is a classic no brainer plan/model that would not be a hard sell. One could reasonably make multiple daily sales with this, although, unlike IM services, there aren't the back end advantages...

    For instance; this is a one time $99 sale, whereas, with an online directory listing you could sell it for $99 per MONTH and create a passive income stream instead of just a "sale".
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6031787].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bryson
    Sounds like a primer to a WSO.

    Used laptops search for used computer stores they are everywhere.
    Do You Do Local Lead Gen? Hate Cold Calling for New Clients? We Have the Solution.. Get Hot Offline Leads Today... These Leads WANT to hear from YOU!

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6033014].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      Sorry, no WSO in mind for this idea, I just wanted to share the idea for free as another possible way to make extra money.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by bryson View Post

      Sounds like a primer to a WSO.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6045219].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author John Durham
        Originally Posted by MartinBuckley View Post

        I just wanted to share the idea for free as another possible way to make extra money.
        Quote of the Year! Anybody who understands this guys mindset is on the right track. Not just with this specific post but his overall strategy for reaching out to the world.

        Brilliant! I always think Martin is brilliant everytime I see a new thread.

        If you dont think so its because you have some growing to do in your IM understanding.

        Ps. I notice he isnt moved by bashers either, and thats because he knows what he's doing....you are of no consequence.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6066007].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

          Thank you very much for the kind words and your support.

          I would also like to thank you for all your great posts and I also think you are brilliant as well.

          All the best,


          Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

          Quote of the Year! Anybody who understands this guys mindset is on the right track. Not just with this specific post but his overall strategy for reaching out to the world.

          Brilliant! I always think Martin is brilliant everytime I see a new thread.

          If you dont think so its because you have some growing to do in your IM understanding.

          Ps. I notice he isnt moved by bashers either, and thats because he knows what he's doing....you are of no consequence.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6070293].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
          Great point John, there are so many ways to make a living online, just need to find something you like to do and work it hard. There are no get rich quick schemes.

          Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

          Quote of the Year! Anybody who understands this guys mindset is on the right track. Not just with this specific post but his overall strategy for reaching out to the world.

          Brilliant! I always think Martin is brilliant everytime I see a new thread.

          If you dont think so its because you have some growing to do in your IM understanding.

          Ps. I notice he isnt moved by bashers either, and thats because he knows what he's doing....you are of no consequence.

          Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
          Click here to learn more - Digital and Social Media Marketing Training Course

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7172473].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ideabreaker
    I was giving this strategy for FREE ! but someone said me spammer without testing out and that got me pissed off,so I closed that thread.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6047650].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sandalwood

      I was gonna start a thread titled:

      How To Turn $1000 into $500 in less than two days

      and since I live in NV sell my how to play texas hold 'em book. But after reading yor post, I thought better of it.

      If anyone knows anything about the game you can look at the 50% in several ways. The most obvious is a guy still has 50% of his bankroll to start again. And, with this 50% he can use your idea to run it back to $1000.

      In other words even a loser can use your idea to make money.

      Keep smiling,

      Get 30% or More Retirement Income If you are serious about your retirement, you'll love this product.

      The Money Ferret Finance Article Directory
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6048934].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author PSinPS

    I bet those guys who are bashing your idea are little angels who have never done anything questionable in their lives... right!

    I thank you for sharing your idea.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6057022].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      Thank you for your positive comment and suport.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by PSinPS View Post


      I bet those guys who are bashing your idea are little angels who have never done anything questionable in their lives... right!

      I thank you for sharing your idea.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6063887].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      Thank you for you positve comment and for your support.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by PSinPS View Post


      I bet those guys who are bashing your idea are little angels who have never done anything questionable in their lives... right!

      I thank you for sharing your idea.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6063898].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JScoppa
    I love reading your ideas - they are easy to get started for anyone...It is also neat to read them since I am in VERY close proximity to you (east side of Rochester)! Sometime perhaps we can grab a beer and chat about some ideas!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6066190].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      Sounds good, PM me with your phone number and I will give you a call sometime, so we can talk and maybe figure out a time and place we can meet.


      Originally Posted by JScoppa View Post

      I love reading your ideas - they are easy to get started for anyone...It is also neat to read them since I am in VERY close proximity to you (east side of Rochester)! Sometime perhaps we can grab a beer and chat about some ideas!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6101744].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Muhammad Iqbal
    waw....great share...thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author WF99
    Very informative thread ..
    Clever one ..
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  • Profile picture of the author adam2526
    Sounds like it could work, its def not something i would due to not understanding how one cd can add the same program when its a one license deal, but thansk for the post gets the wheels turning either way
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    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      You will need a Windows OEM OS cd which will allow you to install windows on a unlimited amount of laptops as long as you have a valid product key for each laptop and the laptops I buy from my computer recycling center all come with their own windows product key sticker, so this is how it's done.

      I hope this helps,


      Originally Posted by adam2526 View Post

      Sounds like it could work, its def not something i would due to not understanding how one cd can add the same program when its a one license deal, but thansk for the post gets the wheels turning either way
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6092318].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author creck01
    Great share and a great idea could work
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  • Profile picture of the author ahlexis
    Those of you who are saying it's illegal or shady do not understand Microsoft's licensing. The way Microsoft sees it, a motherboard or hard drive is a PC or laptop for licensing purposes. Their position has always been one license number per motherboard or MACHINE, not per CD or DVD install disk. It's just that when you build your own machine, you don't get the license number because they did not authorize the equipment manufacturer that sold you the motherboard to give it to you (in other words, the motherboard manufacturer didn't pay Microsoft their "cut"), so when you buy their software they put the number in the CD or DVD package with the software.

    The laptops he is buying already have a license number on them that was there when they came from the factory new because the manufacturer of the machine had an agreement with Microsoft and paid them their "cut". But due to privacy and/or security issues, when a company sells a used machine or turns in a leased machine the IT department usually wipes it clean before handing it off to the recycling center to prevent company secrets from going out the door with the machine***. But each motherboard has its own hardware ID number, and the operating system latches onto that number, so even if the software were to "phone home" the hardware ID and the Microsoft number would match what is recorded in the licensing database and all would be well. The thing about XP is, it didn't matter how many times you installed it as long as these numbers matched up in the database. Microsoft has since gone to the point that their database counts how many times a number has been used/installed in OS software newer than XP and Windows 98.

    In a "previous lifetime" I was one of those who had to wipe the machines before they went out the door to the recycle center . . .

    *** By the way, this wipe of critical data is NOT always done with copier machines. So those of you who use public copy machines such as those at Office Depot or Office Max or other places such as a public library to photocopy your tax returns should inquire about what happens when the machine gets to the end of its life cycle, as there are unscrupulous individuals that go out and buy these used machines to steal identities because they know that the copy machines have hard drives in them these days and so the things you photocopied are still with the machine when the used machine buyer gets it. Or perhaps you should invest in an all-in-one printer copier fax machine for your home.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6092487].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Wulf2000
      That is great info that you gave because I never thought those copier machines at Office Depot or other public places record the copies on the hard drive. It never occurred to me the copier machines have a hard drive.
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  • Profile picture of the author andrewrasel
    Thanks for your informative post. I have no idea about it in past. i must try it. Thanks again.
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    • Profile picture of the author eguinan
      Thanks for the great idea! Not sure where I can get my hands on laptops at that price, but I am going to try Monday!
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  • Profile picture of the author AndikaBo
    This sound like a very nice idea to make some easy money.. i think i might give a try with this method only with some different product. Thank you.. so easy and simple.
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  • Profile picture of the author copy4wealth
    Thanks for posting the idea Martin. I see that you are a really creative entrepreneur. No doubt that you can come up with various ways of earning a profit.

    Everyone has the ability to create wealth, you just need to focus on your creativity and take massive action.

    Some ideas will not work out... BUT some will!

    Viral Traffic and Cash

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6108171].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      Thank you for the kinds words

      You are correct that some ideas will work and some won't, but the key is to take action and try or nothing will work and you will never know or make money with anything.

      I wish everyone much success in what ever venture you decide to take on.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by copy4wealth View Post

      Thanks for posting the idea Martin. I see that you are a really creative entrepreneur. No doubt that you can come up with various ways of earning a profit.

      Everyone has the ability to create wealth, you just need to focus on your creativity and take massive action.

      Some ideas will not work out... BUT some will!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6112619].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
        I was just wondering if anyone has implimented this idea or come up with a twist to it and made any money with it yet?

        Please share you ideas or results here.


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        • Profile picture of the author wesb
          I use to do this a few years back. You can place a ad on cl or your local classified ad paper (penny saver type of paper) offering cash for used laptops. Check eBay or amazon for the going price and then offer half to the seller of the laptop. Most owners of laptops are not eBay sellers and are just happy to get rid of the laptop for some extra money in their pockets. I found that the owners/seller already considered the laptops old or bought a new one.

          If you know how to repair laptops you can buy them off eBay, fix them and sell them on cl or back on eBay. Also, you can join freecycle and offer to recycle old laptops/computers. "Wanted old & unwanted laptops" . I am a A+ Certified so it was easy for me. I remember buying two laptops off eBay for around 50 - 70 dollars and reselling them on cl for around 150-200 apiece. I don't remember the exact price.

          This is a good money maker if you are into computers.

          I forgot to mention that you can contact small business in your area and see if they have old laptops they want to get rid of. Or pawnshops for that matter. Just remember before you buy the laptop to check the going prices on eBay or Amazon for that brand of laptop. Some of the laptops may still have Windows installed and may not need much work at all.

          Lastly, clean the laptops with magic eraser and clean the screen with a screen cleaner from walmart or some place like that. You want to make the laptops look good when the end buyer comes to check them out. You may even want to install open office and some type of free anti-virus software. Just to make your offer stand out. Mention to the end buyer all of the features of the laptops and make sure they are internet ready. That's all I can think of right now.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6136689].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

            There have been a few people who have made a comment that they would like a more detailed report or ebook about how to make money with laptops and computers, so maybe you should create that product and sell it here as a WSO, just something for you to think about if your interested.

            All the best,


            Originally Posted by wesb View Post

            I use to do this a few years back. You can place a ad on cl or your local classified ad paper (penny saver type of paper) offering cash for used laptops. Check eBay or amazon for the going price and then offer half to the seller of the laptop. Most owners of laptops are not eBay sellers and are just happy to get rid of the laptop for some extra money in their pockets. I found that the owners/seller already considered the laptops old or bought a new one.

            If you know how to repair laptops you can buy them off eBay, fix them and sell them on cl or back on eBay. Also, you can join freecycle and offer to recycle old laptops/computers. "Wanted old & unwanted laptops" . I am a A+ Certified so it was easy for me. I remember buying two laptops off eBay for around 50 - 70 dollars and reselling them on cl for around 150-200 apiece. I don't remember the exact price.

            This is a good money maker if you are into computers.

            I forgot to mention that you can contact small business in your area and see if they have old laptops they want to get rid of. Or pawnshops for that matter. Just remember before you buy the laptop to check the going prices on eBay or Amazon for that brand of laptop. Some of the laptops may still have Windows installed and may not need much work at all.

            Lastly, clean the laptops with magic eraser and clean the screen with a screen cleaner from walmart or some place like that. You want to make the laptops look good when the end buyer comes to check them out. You may even want to install open office and some type of free anti-virus software. Just to make your offer stand out. Mention to the end buyer all of the features of the laptops and make sure they are internet ready. That's all I can think of right now.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6140206].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author wesb
              Originally Posted by MartinBuckley View Post


              There have been a few people who have made a comment that they would like a more detailed report or ebook about how to make money with laptops and computers, so maybe you should create that product and sell it here as a WSO, just something for you to think about if your interested.

              All the best,

              Thanks Martin,

              That's a good ideal. I'll run through my notes and see what I can do. Any suggestions please send me a message. Thanks again.

              Jerome Wesb
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6140240].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author arenabacklink1
          Originally Posted by MartinBuckley View Post

          I was just wondering if anyone has implimented this idea or come up with a twist to it and made any money with it yet?

          Please share you ideas or results here.



          Wwowowwwwoow Awesome
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6137352].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
          Today around 11 am I bought off craigslist a Apple PowerBook G4 for $80 and a Toshiba c655 laptop for $75 and both were in good working order, they just needed to be cleaned up and tweaked a little to run better and I then re-listed them for sale and to make a long story short I sold both of them by around 8 pm for a profit of $205, so that made my day a little nicer

          All the best,

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6474401].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amsterdam81
    nice! will try to implement it soon

    #1 Cryptocurrency Booking Platform, 247 Travel Alert – Travel Deals – Last Minute Deals – Holiday Packages All Inclusive https://tripalert.net

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6129828].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author offline master
    The problem for me is that I feel personally I don't know/understand enough about the insides of computers to be able to do this easily. If someone made a WSO with a case study showing the basic steps a little more laid out, I think this could be done really easily. I will look more into this, thanks Martin.

    I was wondering what you look for when inspecting the computers before purchasing?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6129991].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      offline master,

      Anything that you need to learn about computer you can learn by doing a google search or by watching YouTube videos.

      What I'm doing with laptops is not hard to do and I'm not a computer geek.

      When I buy my laptops from the computer recycling center, I don't have to worry about getting bad laptops, as they check and guarantee they are in working order, other than the fact that they have been wiped clean and an OS and drivers will need to be installed to make them functioning, so the only thing I have to do is pick the laptops that are in the best condition.

      I hope this helps,


      Originally Posted by offline master View Post

      The problem for me is that I feel personally I don't know/understand enough about the insides of computers to be able to do this easily. If someone made a WSO with a case study showing the basic steps a little more laid out, I think this could be done really easily. I will look more into this, thanks Martin.

      I was wondering what you look for when inspecting the computers before purchasing?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6136562].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author charlbgoff
        I like it - if I had $500! Great idea though and would work well even without a Windows OP , I would be looking at Ubuntu and knock them out even cheaper and sell faster.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9063830].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author swd123
    would be interesting to find out if I can do this in the uk (all about getting the machines)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6147619].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wesb
      Originally Posted by swd123 View Post

      would be interesting to find out if I can do this in the uk (all about getting the machines)
      I believe this can be done anywhere, as long it's a free market system and you have the discipline, desire and determination to succeed. This is a simple business.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6151693].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author agkfl
    This run is totaly doable, Ive done this several times. To add to OP's original post, the CD dosn't have to be OEM, just make sure you have a copy of each version of XP handy not to run into issues with COA keys on the laptops.

    Keep 6 CD's handy

    Xp Home SP 1, 2, 3,
    XP Pro SP 1, 2,3

    Downloaded Versions of Windows work, just match it up to the keys on the bottom.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6151159].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cbean
    Yes, I agree with the OP....there is absolutely nothing wrong with re-installing Win XP on these machine as long as you use a Win XP CD from the same manufacturer....I manage several centres with a lot of computers and use any CD from the manufacturers...they are not machine specific but manufacturer specific....plus the Serial Numbers are usually stuck somewhere on the machines....

    Eg: A Dell machine CD will not work properly with an HP machine.....mostly because of Bios and Recovery partition issues....

    The poster "agkfl" above is spot on....however you only need SP 3 for each imho......the last Win XP SP.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6151589].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ketset
    I like it - if I had $500! Great idea though and would work well even without a Windows OP, I would be looking at Ubuntu and knock them out even cheaper and sell faster.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6151676].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wesb
      Originally Posted by ketset View Post

      I like it - if I had $500! Great idea though and would work well even without a Windows OP, I would be looking at Ubuntu and knock them out even cheaper and sell faster.
      It's possible to start with less money. Just start with one laptop and keep rolling your money over & over until you reach the $500 mark.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6151706].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author wesb
        I agree with both cbean & agkfl. I did the same thing when I was doing this business.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6151755].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      You can start small with just one laptop and scale things by reinvesting what you make from the sale of your first laptop and buying 2 laptops the second time and just keep building things up.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by ketset View Post

      I like it - if I had $500! Great idea though and would work well even without a Windows OP, I would be looking at Ubuntu and knock them out even cheaper and sell faster.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6155323].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    This reminds me of about 10 years ago when I use to go to At&t where my brother worked and we would jump into the dumpsters to scrounge for laptops and other electronics like it was a gold rush (which in a way it was).

    His boss knew we did this and jokes about it today. Although I'm not recommending anyone does this. At least ask them at the front desk if anything. There was one day we walked out of those dumpsters and everything we listed on ebay sold for $3 grand. At&t is a HUGE and I say HUGE business. Their offices alone are enormous. These people throw away things you would never imagine. I'm talking near brand new pcs and laptops I've found in their dumpsters, printers, scanners, fax, phones, all sorts of crazy stuff. They're probably throwing away mac book pros as we speak.

    WARNING! Like I said do NOT do this unless you get permission to do so. We never asked but we didn't have to ask as my brother worked in management (still is) just now he's higher up the chain (don't ask how lol). A lot of people don't really put this together but seriously next time you drive by an At&t building just take in how LARGE the offices really are. They are actually forced to throw away a lot of very valuable equipment because they work for some major businesses like Toys R Us, Kodak, etc. Once their equipment is more than 2 years old it all gets trashed (I could be wrong but I'm like 90% sure he said 2 years). My brother also told me they will throw away electronics for other, much more stupid reasons. If they get infected with a bad virus, and a couple of other things I don't remember.

    But if you can get permission to get into At&ts dumpsters, you will absolutely find valuable electronics the majority of the time (edit: I really shouldn't say that, as this was 10 years ago that we consistently did this, and I can not say how different things are now. Definitely worth looking into).

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6155582].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      I think it's law now for companies that all unwanted computer products be recycled or donated and that they can't just be put in the trash or they can be fined, but this might not apply to all states yet, so it's still worth looking into.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

      This reminds me of about 10 years ago when I use to go to At&t where my brother worked and we would jump into the dumpsters to scrounge for laptops and other electronics like it was a gold rush (which in a way it was).

      His boss knew we did this and jokes about it today. Although I'm not recommending anyone does this. At least ask them at the front desk if anything. There was one day we walked out of those dumpsters and everything we listed on ebay sold for $3 grand. At&t is a HUGE and I say HUGE business. Their offices alone are enormous. These people throw away things you would never imagine. I'm talking near brand new pcs and laptops I've found in their dumpsters, printers, scanners, fax, phones, all sorts of crazy stuff. They're probably throwing away mac book pros as we speak.

      WARNING! Like I said do NOT do this unless you get permission to do so. We never asked but we didn't have to ask as my brother worked in management (still is) just now he's higher up the chain (don't ask how lol). A lot of people don't really put this together but seriously next time you drive by an At&t building just take in how LARGE the offices really are. They are actually forced to throw away a lot of very valuable equipment because they work for some major businesses like Toys R Us, Kodak, etc. Once their equipment is more than 2 years old it all gets trashed (I could be wrong but I'm like 90% sure he said 2 years). My brother also told me they will throw away electronics for other, much more stupid reasons. If they get infected with a bad virus, and a couple of other things I don't remember.

      But if you can get permission to get into At&ts dumpsters, you will absolutely find valuable electronics the majority of the time (edit: I really shouldn't say that, as this was 10 years ago that we consistently did this, and I can not say how different things are now. Definitely worth looking into).

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6160972].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Tiffany Carter
    Wow very interesting ideas.

    God,Family,Business. In that Order.
    .99 Cents Into A Million?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6195320].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ClarkKent
      If you're having trouble finding recycling centers in your area you can also try looking for "off-lease workstations".

      They're generally old office computers that are refurbished the same way and shipped out as new.

      Only buy dual cores. Nothing under 1-2GB of memory.
      HD's are fairly cheap if you want to replace them.

      I've thought about doing this before - I'm also A+ certified - the firm I used to work for had a recycling center. I'm not sure if the buy/sell margins are large enough for me to put the time into it though.

      I wouldn't recommend doing this unless you aren't VERY computer literate. Driver installs are generally easy for techs - finding the drivers for older units can be a pain for regular/power users though.

      Also, knowing enough to do your own in house diagnostics on the refurb units you're recieving would definitely be a plus as well. Usually the recycling places blow them out, turn them on, and then call that their "certified" refurbished.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6196941].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
        Ok, so today around 10 am I had to go to my local computer recycling center to get a hard drive for my personal laptop and while I was there I decided I would buy 2 used, wiped clean IBM R51 laptops, with DVD, CD-RW, WIFI, 1 GB Memory, etc. I was able to work out a deal and get them for $60 each, so $120 for both.

        So, when I got home I looked on Craigslist in my area to see what other IBM R51 sell for and found a few sellers selling them for between $100-$160, so I decided I would sell mine for $120, that way I can double my money.

        I then spent about 2 hours and installed Windows XP OS and all needed drivers on each of the laptops and checked to make sure WIFI worked and did a quick check over to make sure everything else seemed to work.

        Then around 1 pm I took a few pictures of the laptop and posted a few different ads on Craigslist to sell them.

        Long story short I sold both laptops by 6:30 pm, made a profit of $120 and have a 4 other people who are going to buy a IBM R51 laptop from me in the next few days, once I go back to the computer recycling center and buy them and get them ready for sale.

        I just wanted to share that if you do take action that money can be made with this idea, this is not what I normally do to make money, but I wanted to do something different today and this is what I decided to do and it was actually fun.

        All the best,

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6203393].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
          I wanted to provide another update and let everyone know who is following this that I was able to sell 3 more laptops to the 4 people who where leads from the first ad I placed on craigslist, so long story short I made a $300 profit in a weeks time, working less than 8 hours.

          All the best,

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6227465].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rogerbrookss
    That is an interesting thread. It looks like Martin is beaten here ... I just want to commend his ideas and creativity. I generally do not enter this forum, because I like the online world a better place, but his title is the main forum and I click on it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6474932].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      Thanks entering the offline forum to read my post and thanks for
      the kind words.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by rogerbrookss View Post

      That is an interesting thread. It looks like Martin is beaten here ... I just want to commend his ideas and creativity. I generally do not enter this forum, because I like the online world a better place, but his title is the main forum and I click on it.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6508676].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Luuk Terhorst
    Thanks for sharing this Martin, just shows there are LOADS of ways to make money.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6476085].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ooMARSoo
    Fundamentally, never look a gift horse in the mouth.

    ...which is a strange saying since most of us have never been given a horse as a gift in our entire lives...

    ...but the point is that picking apart what is actually a wonderful gift isn't wise. What is wise is taking this idea and using your own creativity to do something unique (perhaps similar, perhaps not) and hopefully you can be inspired to find your own success.

    Wonderful work. Turning over tech like this can give you some quick capital, and it can even be the beginning of a real business. It took me almost two years to finally get the simple concept of taking something lower quality but still valuable, improving its quality and then selling it intelligently for a profit. I applaud you helping others. That comes back to you in many, many, many great ways.

    Keep an Eye on Me. I'm about to do an impression of a rocket. The real question is: am I going to fly off to the stars of success or am I more like a Bottle Rocket - the kind that just fizzles and pops at the end? ;-)

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6508972].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bubbashrimp
    Hi Martin,

    I'm new to the forum but hope you will disregard any neg comments and continue to offer your ideas.

    Originally Posted by MartinBuckley View Post

    The idea i'm about to share is one that I have done and a friend of mine does on a regular basis.

    I'm going to share this idea in a nutshell to keep it simple and to the point.

    This idea will require you to need the following:

    1) A Windows XP OS systems install CD
    2) Internet Access
    3) A Cell Phone
    3) A Computer Recycling Store
    4) $500 (which will be doubled to $1,000 in two days)

    Now, what you are going to do is simply go to the computer recycling store and make a deal to buy 8 wiped clean, but working laptops, such as a IBM thinkpads R51 for $50-$60 a piece, so with $500 you will be able to buy 8 laptops and cover taxes.

    Now what you are going to do is install the Windows XP OS on each laptop, which will make the laptops function, but they will be just basic bare bone working laptops, nothing fancy.

    Then what you are going to do is use Craigslist and sell each laptop by creating a for sale ad in the computer section and sell them for just $99 or $120 each which will double your money depending on weather you paid $50 or $60 for each laptop.

    Then you simply wait for people to call or email you wanting to buy a laptop and at the price of just $99 to $120 you will get plenty of calls and emails and should have no problem selling all 8 laptops in a day or two.

    My friend has sold as many as 14 laptops in one day and averages selling 6 laptops a day, so I know for fact this money making idea is gold and works.

    To your success,

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6510814].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      I'm thinked skined and I don't let the negative comments of a few bother me. I will continue to share my money making ideas here for free, as I know there are many here who do appreciate reading them.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by bubbashrimp View Post

      Hi Martin,

      I'm new to the forum but hope you will disregard any neg comments and continue to offer your ideas.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6530581].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author theory expert
    Is your guy in brooklyn?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6531715].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      theory expert,

      I'm sorry I'm not sure what your asking? so can you please elaborate more.



      Originally Posted by theory expert View Post

      Is your guy in brooklyn?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6536304].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author theory expert
        Originally Posted by MartinBuckley View Post

        theory expert,

        I'm sorry I'm not sure what your asking? so can you please elaborate more.


        Your friend who sells 8 computers a day is he in brooklyn.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6538649].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
          No, sorry my friend who sells computers is based in Rochester, NY.

          All the best,


          Originally Posted by theory expert View Post

          Your friend who sells 8 computers a day is he in brooklyn.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6543983].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
            I was just wondering if any one has implimented this money making idea and if so can you please share your results or tips?


            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6593032].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author c.t.coburn
              Originally Posted by MartinBuckley View Post

              I was just wondering if any one has implimented this money making idea and if so can you please share your results or tips?


              bought a netbook for $200 bucks (brand new & retailed for $500) used for approx a year and sold it , with NO ads or effort , for ... ?? $200 bucks, so I got to use it for a year (and I really needed it) for free.

              got motivated, cleaned up a gateway laptop(??!!) and sold it at the same coffee shop for $90 bucks & a cup of coffee.

              my main job is with a national bank and they sell "cleaned" computers to the employees, got a nice one for $150, took it to my part time job at a grocery store and sold it for $200 (could have asked for more.)

              so, yes, there is a market for used laptops.

              thanks for the info Martin on reloading the software, computer recycling, etc. and the other tips. this idea is REAL and will be adding $$$ to MY pocket.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6608249].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

                Thank you very much for sharing your story and for making the point that making money selling used laptops is possible and profitable.

                I wish you much more success,


                Originally Posted by c.t.coburn View Post

                bought a netbook for $200 bucks (brand new & retailed for $500) used for approx a year and sold it , with NO ads or effort , for ... ?? $200 bucks, so I got to use it for a year (and I really needed it) for free.

                got motivated, cleaned up a gateway laptop(??!!) and sold it at the same coffee shop for $90 bucks & a cup of coffee.

                my main job is with a national bank and they sell "cleaned" computers to the employees, got a nice one for $150, took it to my part time job at a grocery store and sold it for $200 (could have asked for more.)

                so, yes, there is a market for used laptops.

                thanks for the info Martin on reloading the software, computer recycling, etc. and the other tips. this idea is REAL and will be adding $$$ to MY pocket.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6609183].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author llacour
    Awesome post Martin.Good things come back to those who are selfless enough to share.Thanx a million for idea.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6599288].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      That's what the Warrior Forum is all about people helping people to succeed.

      I truly enjoy helping other and sharing my money making ideas here and hearing what other have to say and the twist they can add to my ideas to make them even better.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by llacour View Post

      Awesome post Martin.Good things come back to those who are selfless enough to share.Thanx a million for idea.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6684900].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Madridista
    Martin has good idea
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  • Profile picture of the author kabir5800
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6622295].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      My used laptop idea is not a made up or untested idea. I actually make money with it on a regular basis, so it is a practical and real life money making idea that will work for anyone who does impliment it and takes action on it. I make more money selling used laptops working only a few hours, 1-2 days a week than some people make working a full-time for a week, so this idea is not created from my imagination, but from me doing it.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by kabir5800 View Post

      This is interesting but tell me about it practically which i can apply practically and increase it .Real life and imagination is not the same thing .So please advice which is really true
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6630586].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
        Hi Warriors,

        On Saturday I worked out a deal and bought 2 Dell D600 laptops from a seller on Craigslist for $65 each and then went in and updated each of them to Windows 7 and installed anti-virus and did all the Window update and cleaned them up with some wipes and re-listed them on craigslist for $120 each and sold one Sunday for $120 and sold the second one this afternoon for $100, so ended up making a profit of $110 for a few hours work.

        Making money buying and selling used laptops is so easy and very profitable, so give it a try and see what happens and post back here with your results.

        To your success,

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6665163].message }}
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6665514].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      I just wanted to point out that this idea can also be implimented with other popular electronics, such as the: iPod Touch, iPhone, MP4 Video/Music Players, etc.

      I personally focus on laptops, but I have purchased a few iPod Touches off Craigslist from people who really needed some money and were selling them dirt cheap. I remember buying one for just $40 and was able to turn around and sell it for $100, so point being there are many great deals on Craigslist that can be bought and re-sold on Craigslist for a nice profit.

      All the best,

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6678646].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Andrew Davis
    Hey Martin, very nice ideas! Thanks for sharing.

    I probably won't do this idea myself, because I'm busy with several other businesses of my own, but I would be happy to teach this to a friend or family who is trying to make a start in business.

    I just have one question: Do you offer any Warranty or Guarantee to your customers?

    If not, do they ever ask or complain about the fact that there is no Warranty?

    Thanks and best regards!
    Owner of: TrinSite, iOrbix, DesignCoverPhoto, KeywordCompetition ...and other Businesses

    Only $20! - >> Get your own PROFESSIONAL Facebook Timeline Cover << - Best Price - Best Quality
    (We are the #1 Facebook Cover Design Team in the WORLD!)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6686393].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      Yes, I offer a 14-30 day warranty on the laptops I sell, but not a cash back guarantee, only that if they get a virus or software issues, etc. I will fix it.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by Andrew Davis View Post

      Hey Martin, very nice ideas! Thanks for sharing.

      I probably won't do this idea myself, because I'm busy with several other businesses of my own, but I would be happy to teach this to a friend or family who is trying to make a start in business.

      I just have one question: Do you offer any Warranty or Guarantee to your customers?

      If not, do they ever ask or complain about the fact that there is no Warranty?

      Thanks and best regards!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6691488].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Andrew Davis
        That's a pretty good idea you've got there for your Warranty offer.
        Thanks for letting me know!

        Virus/Software issues are usually not very hard to fix, and it's not likely that they would run into that in the first 30 days.

        That's a good and safe substitute offer compared to a Cash-back Guarantee, which would be more risky for you, especially since these computers are not 100% brand new.

        Best wishes!

        Originally Posted by MartinBuckley View Post


        Yes, I offer a 14-30 day warranty on the laptops I sell, but not a cash back guarantee, only that if they get a virus or software issues, etc. I will fix it.

        All the best,

        Owner of: TrinSite, iOrbix, DesignCoverPhoto, KeywordCompetition ...and other Businesses

        Only $20! - >> Get your own PROFESSIONAL Facebook Timeline Cover << - Best Price - Best Quality
        (We are the #1 Facebook Cover Design Team in the WORLD!)
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6697157].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jon Martin
    I have a techy friend who "flips" laptops and makes a killing. He goes on craigslist / other classifieds and purchases broken laptops, fixes them, and sells them on eBay for a huge mark-up. I guess it's relevant to this thread considering it's the same concept. If people have computer recycling stores near them, I'd suggest giving this a try. It's proven to be profitable.

    Thanks for sharing this!
    "Be the hero of your own movie."
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6694611].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author c.t.coburn
      Originally Posted by Alanis Morissette View Post

      I have a techy friend who "flips" laptops and makes a killing. He goes on craigslist / other classifieds and purchases broken laptops, fixes them, and sells them on eBay for a huge mark-up. I guess it's relevant to this thread considering it's the same concept. If people have computer recycling stores near them, I'd suggest giving this a try. It's proven to be profitable.

      Thanks for sharing this!
      glad you posted about this! I just mentioned to a "techie" friend of mine that I had sold all my old computers and bought one from my employers' recycling program and was now out of inventory (lol).

      he's in Austin ( home of Dell, etc.) said he goes to the Goodwill store there which gets TONS of great stuff but now he's switched up a bit and buys ONLY broken stuff (or tries to get it free off Craigslist or Freecycle).

      he's telling me to focus on laptops and playstations (and xbox) but stay away from phones (said when they're broke , sometimes they're BROKE and the parts are not as cheap or common.) said the repairs on laptops and game players are pretty easy to do, manuals or simple instructions are available online (and on youtube.)

      sorry, didn't mean to hijack your thread Martin!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6698544].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author wagsgraphx
        Martin, I am enjoying this thread. I like the way you think. My twins (10 years old) would love to make their own money and this might be something that they could do. They love computers and are mechanically inclined.

        "Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons." Woody Allen

        Help People Save money while your Earn money. Just giveaway our discount cards.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6998514].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

          I have 5 kids and my oldest son 13 and my second yougest son 7 come up with there own ways to make money and I enjoy helping them with their business skills and ideas, so by all mean work with your kids and help them to learn how to make money on their own.

          All the best,


          Originally Posted by wagsgraphx View Post

          Martin, I am enjoying this thread. I like the way you think. My twins (10 years old) would love to make their own money and this might be something that they could do. They love computers and are mechanically inclined.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7003303].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author FrankWellington
    Thanks for the great information.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6700418].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Freedom66K

    I'm looking into this (I've done similar things with other types of electronics and made a killing).

    What would you suggest as far as suppliers go? Nothing in my area that I can find, any online distributors I should check out?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6712350].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Andres1986
    Interesting idea... on theory it does sound good. The question is if the practical side is as easy as you make it sound. It's a matter of trying out I guess. Already came up with a few twists. Thanks.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6741625].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      Would you be willing to share the few twists you came up with?



      Originally Posted by Andres1986 View Post

      Interesting idea... on theory it does sound good. The question is if the practical side is as easy as you make it sound. It's a matter of trying out I guess. Already came up with a few twists. Thanks.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6745498].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      Would you be willing to share the few twists you came up with?



      Originally Posted by Andres1986 View Post

      Interesting idea... on theory it does sound good. The question is if the practical side is as easy as you make it sound. It's a matter of trying out I guess. Already came up with a few twists. Thanks.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6810157].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
        I wanted to let everyone know that school is now back in session, so now is the best time ever to work this idea and make money with it.

        I myself have already sold 11 used laptop in the past 3 days to parents getting laptops for their kids for school.

        To your success,

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6958030].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AceMarketing1574
    I just started doing this and got 2 places in a week. One actually is a franchise place who has 5 locations in the area. I used Store.Factorymart.com to print 30 Mil plastic cards. $50 for 500 and will hold up much better and look better for people. I will have my first cards next week. Location is Papa Murphy's. Deal he offered is Buy a LArge Specialty Pizza and Get a Free 1 Topping Medium Pizza. Upgrade Freebie to a Large 1-Topping for $2, which will cover his costs almost of the freebie.

    I love this idea. Second Place is doing a card with 5 keychai/tabs that breakaway from the cards. Using 4 of them for coupons to promote winks and apps and keychian to use as an all the time deal, 2 free drinks with any large specialty pizza.

    I am scared to ask people to sell them because I dont want someone to steal it. I have snt hundreds of messages to teachers, booster leaders and club leaders at local high schools with nothing yet. That really is the market I want to use.

    I am trying to mostly do this from computer at night at home. I have a designer to lay out the cards for me. I worked a deal with him to do any project I need for $50 flat. May do some stuff with Menus and Ads on them and he is going to do some marketing flyers and materials for me. Flyers for the clubs and schools and such.

    I even offer schools who do at least 500 cards awesome electronic prizes for top sellers. Computers, Nooks, Tablets, Kindles, Ipods and so on. They will have to sell 500 and costs them $3 each.

    I give the pizza owner hole punchers. They are a buck at wal mart.

    Planning on doing a sub card as well and want to figure out a way to do a golf card. Any idea on deals for them that make sense?

    What other types of cards have people done with this type of deal. Not discount cards. Dont want to go door to door yet. I like the freebie deal and perceived value concept of the freebies.

    I could not make card fit, so if you want to see it just e-mail me. AcePizzaCard at aol com
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6759571].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      Congrats on taking action and on your success.

      If I can be of any help to you please feel free to PM here or email me at:


      To your success,


      Originally Posted by AceMarketing1574 View Post

      I just started doing this and got 2 places in a week. One actually is a franchise place who has 5 locations in the area. I used Store.Factorymart.com to print 30 Mil plastic cards. $50 for 500 and will hold up much better and look better for people. I will have my first cards next week. Location is Papa Murphy's. Deal he offered is Buy a LArge Specialty Pizza and Get a Free 1 Topping Medium Pizza. Upgrade Freebie to a Large 1-Topping for $2, which will cover his costs almost of the freebie.

      I love this idea. Second Place is doing a card with 5 keychai/tabs that breakaway from the cards. Using 4 of them for coupons to promote winks and apps and keychian to use as an all the time deal, 2 free drinks with any large specialty pizza.

      I am scared to ask people to sell them because I dont want someone to steal it. I have snt hundreds of messages to teachers, booster leaders and club leaders at local high schools with nothing yet. That really is the market I want to use.

      I am trying to mostly do this from computer at night at home. I have a designer to lay out the cards for me. I worked a deal with him to do any project I need for $50 flat. May do some stuff with Menus and Ads on them and he is going to do some marketing flyers and materials for me. Flyers for the clubs and schools and such.

      I even offer schools who do at least 500 cards awesome electronic prizes for top sellers. Computers, Nooks, Tablets, Kindles, Ipods and so on. They will have to sell 500 and costs them $3 each.

      I give the pizza owner hole punchers. They are a buck at wal mart.

      Planning on doing a sub card as well and want to figure out a way to do a golf card. Any idea on deals for them that make sense?

      What other types of cards have people done with this type of deal. Not discount cards. Dont want to go door to door yet. I like the freebie deal and perceived value concept of the freebies.

      I could not make card fit, so if you want to see it just e-mail me. AcePizzaCard at aol com
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6771056].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bamitabh
    Good Idea- but the question is whether a computer recycling store would agree to sell a old laptop at $50-60. You need at least a visible margin of 50 bucks to proceed with the idea.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6759591].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author writerofniger
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6771314].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      Thanks for the kind words.

      I really like helping other learn new ways to make extra money and enjoy sharing them here and hearing what other have to say.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by writerofniger View Post

      Interesting Method! you are a master in produce buissness Ideas.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6783160].message }}
  • Here's another source. Here in LA Goodwill has a small "computer store" at the regional office. They clean up and sell desktops, monitors, and laptops people have donated for dirt cheap.

    I'll bet other large markets have the same thing.

    There is also a Goodwill online store that sells everything including computers.
    Marketing is not a battle of products. It is a battle of perceptions.
    - Jack Trout
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6958443].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      You are correct you can get some good deals on computers at the Goowill and there are also sometimes good deals at the VOA and other thrift stores, but lately I have been getting the best deals right on Craigslist.

      Yesterday, I bought a working dell mini laptop for $50 and resold it today back on Craigslist as is for $80, so I made $30 profits and I didn't even have to leave my house as I had the seller deliver the mini laptop to me at my house and the buyer picked up the mini laptop at my house.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by Joe Ditzel View Post

      Here's another source. Here in LA Goodwill has a small "computer store" at the regional office. They clean up and sell desktops, monitors, and laptops people have donated for dirt cheap.

      I'll bet other large markets have the same thing.

      There is also a Goodwill online store that sells everything including computers.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7271422].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SJJPFTW
    What about drivers? I know if I wipe my toshiba clean and then install XP off a OEM CD it takes me forever to get the Ethernet, Sound, Wifi etc working.

    Good idea but to actually get the laptops functioning might require a little more than what was written.

    If you want to learn more about making money with small business owners for FREE click here to be notified when review copies of my new offline course are available.

    Please remember if something I do helps you, the thanks button helps me :-) ------------------>

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6961915].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author chrisuchi
      Hi Martin, i just bought your easy ads profits program but have not gotten the program in my email box yet, this is the Transaction ID: 8S543801CH5092221

      please reply fast

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6971482].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author biz2mob
        Wow, that's good stuff thanks man.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6971665].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

        Sorry about that, but I have just sent you an email and a PM here with the details to downlaod the Easy Ad Profits system.

        To your success,


        Originally Posted by chrisuchi View Post

        Hi Martin, i just bought your easy ads profits program but have not gotten the program in my email box yet, this is the Transaction ID: 8S543801CH5092221

        please reply fast

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6973273].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley

      You make a good point if your doing things old school, but I use a universal driver installer software that I bought off eBay for $10 and after I wipe the computer clean I just install the driver software and it installs all the basic drivers, such as wifi, sound, etc. so I hope this makes things more clear how I easily do things.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by SJJPFTW View Post

      What about drivers? I know if I wipe my toshiba clean and then install XP off a OEM CD it takes me forever to get the Ethernet, Sound, Wifi etc working.

      Good idea but to actually get the laptops functioning might require a little more than what was written.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6998021].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kavada
    Thanks for the tip!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6973292].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Matt Lee
    Nice concept Martin - You found a nice little niche, and a demand for it. Good work!
    "One of the Most Successful Offline WSO's Ever!
    Get More High $$$ Clients with this Small Business Marketing PLR Magazine
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6998811].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mohamed Buhari
    Its really sounds good. You can have your own spin in this. You can also use other Electronics such as Cell phones, ipad,etc. If you know how to repair electronics, you can able to get more money by buying things with little problems for more cheap and repair them, then sell them for more profit.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6999098].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      Besides laptops, I buy iPod Touches and iPhones as cheap as I can and resell them on Craigslist for between a $20-$100 profit from what I paid for them.

      To your success,


      Originally Posted by buhari4u View Post

      Its really sounds good. You can have your own spin in this. You can also use other Electronics such as Cell phones, ipad,etc. If you know how to repair electronics, you can able to get more money by buying things with little problems for more cheap and repair them, then sell them for more profit.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7167399].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author squadron
    You would probably find that most laptops would have a valid Windows XP licence code stuck on the base of the machine so licencing is less of an issue. If it is, then install Ubuntu Linux and sell it as a "low virus risk" machine.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7030919].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      It's true 95% of all the laptops I purchase to resell have a valid Window product key code already on the bottom and for the ones that don't I transfer one from a broken laptop and validate it on the new laptop or in some cases I have installed Ubuntu Linux.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by squadron View Post

      You would probably find that most laptops would have a valid Windows XP licence code stuck on the base of the machine so licencing is less of an issue. If it is, then install Ubuntu Linux and sell it as a "low virus risk" machine.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7044942].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Morningwalker
    i dont think it is possible to double money in 2 days...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7277322].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      I'm sorry you think it's not possible, but I do it all the time and sometimes I'm even able to double my money in one day, depending how early and fast I do things, so honestly it is possible if you actually try it and not just think about it.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by Morningwalker View Post

      i dont think it is possible to double money in 2 days...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7281813].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kazim
    You have given a very beautiful idea.
    It is very easy eafrning system for new. I will try it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7302126].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author maddyy
    Hmmmm not sure about this one... Is there a REAL market for this? Lots of things to conider here
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7332023].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Seantrepreneur
    As a serious Craigslist seller (gave myself that title) I could see how this would work. When you break it down it's as easy as selling a computer on CL. How you get that computer is up to you.

    I personally have a friend on my Faceobook who basically does this with his computer repair business. He is always advertising for a computer he's got for sale in the $100-$149 range.

    You have to keep in mind our good buddy Martin is just giving out ideas on how to make some extra cash. He isn't necessarily guaranteeing six figure profits, but there are a lot of ppl out there that could really use an extra few hundred bucks a month.

    Take the post for what it's worth and make it work for you.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7332122].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      Thanks Sean for stepping in here and sharing about your friend who sells computers on craigslist.

      I do my best to keep my money making ideas simple and to the point and it's hard for me to understand why people try and make a simple idea complicated or try and tells themself it won't work because it sounds to easy, without even giving the idea a try.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by Seantrepreneur View Post

      As a serious Craigslist seller (gave myself that title) I could see how this would work. When you break it down it's as easy as selling a computer on CL. How you get that computer is up to you.

      I personally have a friend on my Faceobook who basically does this with his computer repair business. He is always advertising for a computer he's got for sale in the $100-$149 range.

      You have to keep in mind our good buddy Martin is just giving out ideas on how to make some extra cash. He isn't necessarily guaranteeing six figure profits, but there are a lot of ppl out there that could really use an extra few hundred bucks a month.

      Take the post for what it's worth and make it work for you.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7345395].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author johnnyblaze1009
    Man this got to be the craziest thing I ever heard of
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8226936].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author x0r
    That actually is a trick i used to do in EUROPE which worked perfectly for couple years, made some good money while there was no competition )
    and i know it still works and YES is a great idea for people who have limited budget to make money . SO GUYS IF NO COMPETITION IN YOUR LOCAL AREA, SH00T WITH THE IDEA
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8235125].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kilobytestech
    This should be new trends for those who believe in earning the way they want. . .
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8705636].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HappyComputer
    Actually, windows XP Support has been discontinued, which means they don't regulate that software anymore.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8706902].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HappyComputer
    In my City it's almost impossible to sell laptops due to saturated CL ads and spam.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8706910].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      I live in a big city and I here people all the time say the same thing there are to many people selling laptops and it will be hard for me to sell mine, well I never have a hard time selling my laptops because my market is used low priced laptops which I sell for between $100 and $150 and I buy them for under $80 normally, so make $20-$80 profit for every laptop I sell and I have already sold 3 laptops this week and made a profit of $210 for less than 4 hours work, so no you don't make a fortune, but it's still good easy extra money.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by HappyComputer View Post

      In my City it's almost impossible to sell laptops due to saturated CL ads and spam.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9602864].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author adamnassar
    Interesting thread!

    Please do not use affiliate/MLM links in signatures

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8712285].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author infamous dave
    Could maybe use Google Chromium OS and turn them into a Chromebook of sorts?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9064158].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author fatchap
    why would the 'computer recycling store' sell them to you for $50 when with a bit of effort they could sell them for $99 or $119?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9411165].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jsniemeyer
      Originally Posted by fatchap View Post

      why would the 'computer recycling store' sell them to you for $50 when with a bit of effort they could sell them for $99 or $119?
      Why? Because it's not their business model. This is just another form of retail arbitrage, something I do with Amazon all day long, it's a tried and true business method that has been around for probably about as long as the concept of "sales" has existed.

      Of course, as with all things, YMMV.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9587028].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author PaulMeyer
    Sounds like a good idea
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9603029].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author azizuz
    very interesting idea


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9605233].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author stan farrier
    Nice method Martin,thank you to sharing this idea!
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  • Profile picture of the author charlesc2015
    Originally Posted by MartinBuckley View Post

    The idea i'm about to share is one that I have done and a friend of mine does on a regular basis.

    I'm going to share this idea in a nutshell to keep it simple and to the point.

    This idea will require you to need the following:

    1) A Windows XP OS systems install CD
    2) Internet Access
    3) A Cell Phone
    3) A Computer Recycling Store
    4) $500 (which will be doubled to $1,000 in two days)

    Now, what you are going to do is simply go to the computer recycling store and make a deal to buy 8 wiped clean, but working laptops, such as a IBM thinkpads R51 for $50-$60 a piece, so with $500 you will be able to buy 8 laptops and cover taxes.

    Now what you are going to do is install the Windows XP OS on each laptop, which will make the laptops function, but they will be just basic bare bone working laptops, nothing fancy.

    Then what you are going to do is use Craigslist and sell each laptop by creating a for sale ad in the computer section and sell them for just $99 or $120 each which will double your money depending on weather you paid $50 or $60 for each laptop.

    Then you simply wait for people to call or email you wanting to buy a laptop and at the price of just $99 to $120 you will get plenty of calls and emails and should have no problem selling all 8 laptops in a day or two.

    My friend has sold as many as 14 laptops in one day and averages selling 6 laptops a day, so I know for fact this money making idea is gold and works.

    To your success,

    I've actually done this on smaller scale. I ended up buying a pallet (wholesale) laptops from ebay when it avg out I paid $35 per laptop fixed them up put about 1-2 hours in each laptop sold them from anywhere from $95-$145 it took me longer than 2 days but it was worth the purchase.
    Charles Comer
    1-on-1 Coaching Provided
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9606190].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Freebiequeen1999
    I don't understand.....this post was from 2012...would you still install xp? or windows 7 or 8> or?

    How do you get the software that allows multiple installs...is this even legal or what?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9607182].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hometutor
    Okay great idea, but

    DO NOT “Upgrade” Your XP Computer

    Install the Ubunutu operating system instead. Windows xp is no longer supported by MS. I'd be surprised if someone didn't turn around and sue you when their system got hacked for installing an out of license OS.

    I'm an in home computer tutor and virus removal specialist here in Honolulu Hawaii. Most people just want to surf the internet and check email. Ubuntu will do all that for them,

    it's a free operating system,
    it hasn't drawn attention from hackers yet
    it has a smaller footprint than xp so makes older computers run faster.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9608668].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Billionairy
    This is a great idea..if it works.

    I tried something similar a year ago. I purchased 6 laptops from a bulk supplier that did refurbishing. Probably someone who is doing the same as you. They had everything already installed. I purchased them cheap and resold on craigslist. I kept one and sold the rest. Everything worked out until my laptop went dark and wouldn't reboot after about a month. Someone I sold one to, called the next day and said it wouldn't boot up also. Another call about a month later.

    I know my experience is a little different because I didn't do the work myself but it's not something I would attempt again. It wasn't fun having people yelling.."I want my money back."

    The good thing was, I did purchase a Square Trade warranty for the bulk lot and they came through with refunding me for each laptop that died.

    Like I said, great idea but didn't work for me. There was no shortage of buyers wanting them. If anyone does it, get a warranty on it (if the company will cover it.). My warranty was really cheap and it was worth it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9625722].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AskMsD
    Hey Martin, does this still work today, 10/29/2014

    Business loans for business owners of 5k - 2 Mill with no traditional personal guarantees or assets as collateral with highly competitive rates, visit: www.smallbizloans.us or Call Us! 1-(866) 304-2253

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9631113].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bugattyboy
    its kind of a way of cheating...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9636489].message }}
  • Since Microsoft doesn't support XP any longer are you have issues selling the computers with this outdated OS?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9638165].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NewParadigm
    you have to be full on computer repair person for this to work. most used/recycled stuff needs boards, power supplies, battery, hard drive, screen etc....tough to find good working condition cheap enough. plenty of auctions around, also craigslist recycling etc...but you have to have a good cheap source of parts and be efficient w/your time in repairs.

    In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9669444].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author unidentified
    Interesting method. People think of all kinds of ways to make money now-a-days. Not my cup of tea but I'm sure a lot of people can reproduce this method and sell laptops like this on CL.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9670197].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author markiz
    Exactly right - great idea if it works [or still works].
    The best way in anything you do - find creative online business ideas that are unique and simply follow them. Think outside the box and go against the flow.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9670744].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author daveski

    Is this the type of laptops I should purchase? Install XP / Win 7 & sell them??
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9672372].message }}

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