How to become a Webmaster

12 replies
Greetings fellow Warriors,

I've been into the SEO/social media marketing game for quite a while now. I have a few clients that earn me money and some AdSense revenue on the side so I can't complain.

I have recently been approached by big companies who would like to hire me but they would also prefer if I can do complete maintenance of their websites (these websites hardly change at all).

My problem is I don't know the first thing about coding or webmastering in general. Those websites that I own are Wordpress blogs which require little to no knowledge of the matter.
Does anyone know a good guide that would give me the basics of what I need to know in order to become more competitive?

Thanks in advance
  • Profile picture of the author massiveray
    This is the best guide in my opinion Google: HTML, CSS, and Javascript from the Ground Up - Google Code University - Google Code

    However it's not something you will be able to master in 2 weeks, it will take months to get to any level of proficiency, if I were you I'd consider hiring somebody to do this for you while you're learning.

    Join my private strategy group on Facebook or find out how I made £2000 recurring in 2 weeks.

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  • Profile picture of the author msu
    Why not switch the websites to use WordPress? You could sell on the idea that anyone in the company can then update the site. Plus, you could then offer WordPress training
    New to WordPress? Save time with my beginner's guide:
    WordPress Step-by-Step
    (for Kindle & Kindle Apps)

    I'm a top-notch WordPress developer: hire me
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  • Profile picture of the author weheartcontent
    I agree with msu. If these big companies are not presently using wordpress, perhaps you could suggest that they switch to wordpress? But I'd imagine the transition to be a lot of work...
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  • Profile picture of the author Daedalus
    Transition would be a lot of work indeed. Besides, I've been under the impression that Wordpress is not really good for big websites since it's quite slow, then again ''big'' is a relative term here.
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    • Profile picture of the author wilder1047
      Originally Posted by Domsa View Post

      Transition would be a lot of work indeed. Besides, I've been under the impression that Wordpress is not really good for big websites since it's quite slow, then again ''big'' is a relative term here.
      As I've experienced and what I've recently read on the forum. WordPress can be a dangerous mistress as the security is quite low on it.

      I know a guy who's had so much experience saving his WP sites from malware attacks and such he considers himself an expert on the issue...

      But, I'm going to take a wild shot in the dark and guess you're not an expert at doing so.. could you image what your clients would think if their webmaster is unable to save their site from a simple Malware attack?!
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  • Profile picture of the author Krushang Shah
    To become a webmasater, u need to master the
    U require a deep understanding and knowledge about the internet, search engines, etc
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  • Profile picture of the author Fadiz
    I would hire outside contractor to work with you, i'm sure lots of people will do it for %
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  • Profile picture of the author johnd123
    You should go through latest eBooks of HTML, PHP, WordPress, MySQL etc. You need to learn basics only. Remaining you will get well when you will work on live projects.
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  • Profile picture of the author denharsh
    I would suggets keep some freelancers in loop and outsource work from them....You may find reasonable price freelancers from India, malaysia...!! And you can take care of other stuff...
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  • Profile picture of the author g76 ( no affililiate)

    html, css, php, mysql, javascript

    No shortcuts. it will take a few months.
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  • Profile picture of the author SteveJim
    Originally Posted by Domsa View Post

    I have recently been approached by big companies who would like to hire me but they would also prefer if I can do complete maintenance of their websites (these websites hardly change at all).
    As you mentioned that these sites not change at all then you need to learn only basic of HTML, and little bit PHP, wordpress is also in PHP so not difficult for you to learn. Other wise ask client to shift to wordpress or any other CMS you know.
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  • Profile picture of the author PowerWealth247
    There are many courses on and offline where you can train to become a Certified Internet Webmaster (I got my C.I.W. in 1994) which many larger companies still recognize as an important Certification. You learn coding as well as the technology behind the web. Very worthwhile just for knowledge sake. IMHO
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