My Client is asking for guarantee

20 replies
Fellow Warriors,
Please help me how do you handle this situation.

I got a customer for which I am doing a mobile website/email marketing and SEO for his website, when we were about to sign the contract he is stressing on guarantee that he should get atleast 20% more traffic to his website. No clients asked about this before to me, as i was doing case by case tasks like mobile website, landing page creation, now this customer is asking for guarantee, should I say ok or avoid this client, yes I am sure I can make his website to be on page 1 in google may be in 3 months, but should I guarantee the results?

Please let me know your expert comments.
#client #guarantee
  • Profile picture of the author Venus Brown
    Am not an expert but can suggest you not to promise for any such figure, rather convince him for increase in traffic.
    You can assure him that the number of visits will increase but don't cast something that can take you to an edge. You can also say that if all things went on well, traffic could be more than 20%.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham

    The ability to refund is his main priority- You will be sorry to sell to him almost surely.


    Im sorry but whenever I sell to people who's main question is about the ability to refund, invariably they do.

    The reason doesnt matter, its a pre announcement "I am a refunder". Serial like.

    Take it or leave it, argue it...but its true.

    I recently sold to one who's main question was that.... I knew as I was selling him that I was doing it against my own wisdom, but I put the sale on him anyway.... Bingo. Never fails.... Yup. You guessed it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chips Fletcher
    I always think you should write the "no guarantee" clause into your initial business clause. If people trust you they will still ask for your help. If they dont, then they dont deserve your help.
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    Chips Fletcher from Pawpoint
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    • Profile picture of the author Goldenboy
      If a client asks for a Guaranteed Traffic Increase I will just change the terms into a Lead Generation. I will charge him per client. $80 per client for example
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      • Profile picture of the author John Durham
        Originally Posted by Goldenboy View Post

        If a client asks for a Guaranteed Traffic Increase I will just change the terms into a Lead Generation. I will charge him per client. $80 per client for example
        Good one.... you can even quote a lead price so high that the prior offer sounds alot better to him and actually increases the perceived value like crazy, making him want it more.

        What a GOLDEN thought Golden boy. Thanks. I never thought of that. You learn somethin new everyday.

        Thats a hell of a way to leverage an objection right there.

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  • I recommend that you explain things to him in a nice way. We cannot really predict the things that may happen tomorrow or in the next three months, talk to him about that. All you need to guarantee is the best service that you can provide him, not the number or the percentage of visits or traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    I NEVER agree to do a job if the customer's first question is "Can I guarantee something?" As has been mentioned, they will only ask for a refund, regardless of what sort of job you do.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      Far fetched, but what if Google goes out of business this year and you've guaranteed him 20% extra from Google traffic?
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  • Profile picture of the author hayfj2
    Can you guarantee you'll give it 100% committment to the project?

    Can you guarantee not to waste or abuse his time, and him you?

    Can you guarantee that everything you both agree to do, you will implement, and on time and within budget?

    Can you guarantee that the service and provision you offer is 100% ethical and professional?

    Can you guarantee that what you agree to do in writing will be actioned and done, within the given timescale or they will receive a full refund?

    Whilst you maybe able to guarantee the above, don't forget that if you're making a committment to the client, what can the client guarantee?

    Hope that gets you thinking...


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  • Profile picture of the author digitalworks01
    Thanks warriors for the response, I got what I need to do, and thanks to Goldenboy who gave a new angle, let me try with that angle and lets see how it goes..
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  • Profile picture of the author hayfj2
    Perhaps your guarantee is that you'll never be unrealistic in what you promise, and that not only will you meet the client's expectations, you will deliver on what you promise in writing, or they get a full refund.

    Now you can't say fairer than that.

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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by hayfj2 View Post

      Perhaps your guarantee is that you'll never be unrealistic in what you promise, and that not only will you meet the client's expectations, you will deliver on what you promise in writing, or they get a full refund.

      Now you can't say fairer than that.

      That's almost precisely what I say. I can't guarantee what other people do, only what I do.

      A guarantee like the OP stated is like selling an umbrella, and the customer agrees to buy it only if you'll guarantee it is going to rain.

      By Golly! I think I'll use that myself!
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie
    Nobody can give such a guarantee. It all comes down to education. When you undertake a contract or job assignment you need to properly educate your prospective client. Perhaps write up a document detailing these kinds of things and present it to you client as part of an info pack when you first make contact with them.

    Paul Anthony.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin_Hutto
    You're selling mobile websites and SEO and he wants traffic... That is your problem.
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  • Profile picture of the author LocalSEOTwins
    You can make that guarantee and if you can't, then take a look at the PM Im sending you.

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  • Profile picture of the author MLMCoach
    You can't guarantee with Google's algorithm change every now and then.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave147
    Tell them you can guarantee an improvement in traffic, but you can not predict the exact %

    Your service is good enough to generate an improvement isn't it?

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  • Profile picture of the author misterme
    Originally Posted by digitalworks01 View Post

    Fellow Warriors,
    he is stressing on guarantee that he should get at least 20% more traffic to his website.
    Did he get that figure from you implying anything like it or citing it as what you've done for others? In that case...

    But otherwise why don't you reframe the milestone? It's not about getting a specific percentage more traffic - it's about getting a ROI. How much does he stand to profit from a minimum traffic increase you know you're more than likely to get?
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  • Profile picture of the author SirThomas
    Originally Posted by digitalworks01 View Post

    I am sure I can make his website to be on page 1 in google may be in 3 months, but should I guarantee the results?
    If he's not on the first page yet, he probably doesn't have any traffic and if he does, he gets it in different ways, not from google organic search. You'd need to find out what his current traffic is and its origin.

    Please, be aware that many seo companies out there offer increased traffic and then buy garbage "traffic packages" to satisfy their guarantee. Possibly, your potential client got an offer from one those "seo pros" and feels you should guarantee your results too. But more likely, this is a client who wants to have a way out.

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  • Profile picture of the author jayspann
    I offer a 100% satisfaction money back guarantee on the offers that I use to acquire new clients.

    Now I don't offer SEO or mobile but I wouldn't offer a guarantee on SEO. Too hard to say whats going to happen because you don't control the search engines.

    When I first started out we had a bunch of ticked off clients because we did a cheap G maps service to get people in the door. 4 yrs ago you could throw anything in a map listing and take the 1 spot. Then one day they all started disappearing.

    From then on out I only tried to provide services that I could control or pay for performance (selling leads or % of business)
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