My experience with Meetup

5 replies
I first heard of Meetup in a thread on this forum. A gentleman had posted how he had some fantastic success by joining this group. So, I went to our local Meetup city directory and joined a Meetup group.

66 members. That sounded good. I became number 67. I looked at their previous meetings and noticed the participation was a consistent 6, sometimes but not often 7, members would show up. Not promising.

Brushing that aside I went to the Dec Meetup meeting last night. Of the 6 who signed up, only one attended. That was me. But, and this is the irony, 3 who did not sign up showed up. That made 4 - me and the three.

Of the three, two owned a computer repair store. They were building websites as part of their service but decided about three months ago they no longer wanted to build websites. According to them it was too much of a PITA. They told me they had four or five clients bugging them so they would refer them.

That was yesterday and this is today. Obviously no referrals yet. However, I expect by next week we will get at least two of the 4 or 5. That is pure optimism speaking. I will post how that scenario turns out.

The 3rd person is a PhD Holistic Nutritionist. As it turns out, we subscribe to that philosophy. Her ears were perked when I explained what our marketing company does for clients. She opened her business 6 months ago and it is slow.

That is the scenario as it existed last night. It did not match the scenario described by the person I referenced in the opening paragraph. He spoke of meetings with double digit participation.

That leads me to ask if my experience is the actual condition of Meetup groups versus the presented version? I like the concept behind Meetup and believe it can flourish. However, like any other group, it needs a leader and some direction. Clearly I experienced zero of each.

I'd appreciate any comments about other people's experience with Meetup. I don't care about BNI or LETIP or Toastmasters or any other such group. Please don't comment about them as I'm only interested in Meetup as I can see the potential.

#experience #meetup
  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    My experience with Meetup groups in my area
    has been very similar to yours.
    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      My experience is about going to a Meetup for small business owners.

      Did it solidly for 6 months then left.

      The meetings would start with the organizer telling how it worked and then
      everyone would briefly tell the group about their business.

      Next stage we asked questions.

      Then one of us would give a long presentation about
      whatever they liked really.

      You could tell the majority went their looking for business and
      wouldn't show up again if they didn't get it.

      None of their businesses excited me,
      so left.

      Joined the internet marketing group
      where there's a lot more good things happening
      and I feel I can help some of the newbies who
      full into common traps.

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  • Profile picture of the author DaniMc
    For me, the key is to look for groups that come together out of a shared interest. For example, business startup groups. (This isn't a profitable group to target, just an example).

    If a group has a cool vibe and is about something the people like talking about, there are usually more folks there. I have been to many meetups where there were more than 100 people. I myself hosted one earlier this year that had about 60 show up though only 10 or 15 registered. This was a "cause" related meetup group and almost everyone in attendance was a business owner.

    Yeah, business networking meetups don't really work but if you look for meetups about certain aspects of business or related to a cause, it is much better.

    Almost forgot to mention, if you start a meetup group, the key is to market it outside of Find local organizations who have lists and give them incentive to promote the event.

    In my case, I set up 12 tables and offered a table to several organizations "Free" if they would send the invite to their list. It worked out great!
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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  • Profile picture of the author kazim
    You have shared some useful information.
    We got some new experience from your post.
    Best of luck dude.
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    • Profile picture of the author davidjames42973
      Glad to see people checking out to find clients. I have had some success using Meetup.

      I live in Los Angeles so I usually don't have a problem being the only person in that showed up to a Meetup group.

      I did a webinar on Meetup a few weeks ago. Hope you enjoy it.

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