Offliners looking to make some extra cash...
I would like to help some offliners make some extra cash with their existing business by helping to market a 'big g.' product that is selling like crazy. I am in test phases with this and need some people from Canada as well as Arizona, Utah and Nevada that are already selling website or mobile services. I've been on this board for years and its time to give back. This is a real opportunity and not some scammy spammy get rich quick scheme, it is letting you sell your current clients (or even new ones) a quick service and pocket some cash. It also makes it easier to approach new businesses to sell them your own services. If this describes you, please email me at mediamartcanada at gmail dot com so we can talk about this. Once it is fully tested, I should be able to help everyone else but for now it will be limited to what I can manage.
Best Wishes, John Adams (rentitnow)
Join my private strategy group on Facebook or find out how I made £2000 recurring in 2 weeks.
Deliver Bigger.