This Slashes Your Time To Get Money

12 replies
You may remember the time when your marketing campaign
left you feeling down.

What made it worse was you see others getting the customers, getting the money, getting the good life.

So being smart you set out to copy them.

After all that's what you are supposed to do,
so we've been told.

Still no cigar.

What gives?

At a deeper level the way you communicate doesn't match
the guy you want to be.

Some people are naturals at typing while thinking.

Others want the interaction with another human being to see the response and adjust on the spot.

Then how you communicate with your staff, outsources and suppliers
can take on a whole new challenge.

In both cases you might be hurting because you are putting
a square peg in a round hole.

Just aren't made for the role.

As in not in your DNA.

To see what is the best way to understand your communication style,
so you take the burden off being somebody you aren't,
go here...

Marketing DNA Test

You'll come away feeling better about yourself.

#money #slashes #time
  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Mine was quite interesting. No secrets, here it is so you can see what you get.

    Took about 10 minutes to complete. What a shocker, it says I should do face-to-face selling and copywriting.

    And it also says I should outsource the photo-image branding side of things, which I do.

    I did find it boxed me into a corner quite a few times...there were responses where I would do all 4 things and not "least" one. I do take good photos, my composition skills are fine, but sure, I'll agree it's not my #1 or #3 skill and I shouldn't take it up as a career.

    Loved the "herding cats" bit...that's what I seem to be doing about half the time. Thanks for the link, Ewen.
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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Thanks for letting us know Jason.

      You are in the right grove for 2 then.

      Just need to figure out how to offload to
      people who are naturals at those skills.


      Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      Mine was quite interesting. No secrets, here it is so you can see what you get.

      Took about 10 minutes to complete. What a shocker, it says I should do face-to-face selling and copywriting.

      And it also says I should outsource the photo-image branding side of things, which I do.

      I did find it boxed me into a corner quite a few times...there were responses where I would do all 4 things and not "least" one. I do take good photos, my composition skills are fine, but sure, I'll agree it's not my #1 or #3 skill and I shouldn't take it up as a career.

      Loved the "herding cats" bit...that's what I seem to be doing about half the time. Thanks for the link, Ewen.
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  • Profile picture of the author DaniMc
    What's even more genius is how Perry is going to use this and why he created it. There will probably be several million people in his target market who take this test, and we are giving him the keys to the kingdom!

    He now knows exactly how to communicate with different segments of the list. He can craft messages that push our buttons in ways that we are most open.

    This is brilliant and I really can't wait for him to start marketing to me with this information.
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      "This Slashes Your Time To Get Money"

      You headline writing copywriter you!
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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      • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        "This Slashes Your Time To Get Money"

        You headline writing copywriter you! caught me out Sir!

        BTW, hello stranger...haven't seen you around these parts in a while.

        How you do'in?

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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      With Perry's knowlege of Infusion software it will be a walk in the park to slice and seperate all that are on his list.

      And he has a copywriter on staff who talks like him
      so he has this massive lead generating and converting machine.

      Glad you figured out what's under the hood
      that powers the beast.


      Originally Posted by Dan McCoy View Post

      What's even more genius is how Perry is going to use this and why he created it. There will probably be several million people in his target market who take this test, and we are giving him the keys to the kingdom!

      He now knows exactly how to communicate with different segments of the list. He can craft messages that push our buttons in ways that we are most open.

      This is brilliant and I really can't wait for him to start marketing to me with this information.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
      Originally Posted by Dan McCoy View Post

      What's even more genius is how Perry is going to use this and why he created it. There will probably be several million people in his target market who take this test, and we are giving him the keys to the kingdom!

      He now knows exactly how to communicate with different segments of the list. He can craft messages that push our buttons in ways that we are most open.

      This is brilliant and I really can't wait for him to start marketing to me with this information.
      Disappointing so far...3 emails repeating the same stuff in the pdf.

      "Step Two" wasn't so well figured out, imo...
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  • Profile picture of the author Colm Whelan
    Here's mine, if anyone's interested.

    Would any of you hire me?
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  • ewenmack,
    thanks for posting the thread containing the "marketing DNA test". I like. I remember in days long gone of taking various personality tests. Seems they were always helpful like the one you posted. Again, thanks!
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    • Profile picture of the author Wendy Hearn
      Thanks Ewen for sharing this. I love taking these types of test and great to have a pdf that summarizes me for the times that I forget who I am !


      Wendy Hearn - Business Coaching

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  • Profile picture of the author opalfx
    great share. i like when i can be honest and this test picked up the usual analytical jargon about me. i think this would be great to have when i start looking for partners.
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  • Profile picture of the author SashaLee
    Hi there,

    Very interesting share! Thank you!

    All the best,

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