looking for someone to run my local marketing

28 replies
I run a side sales business that I would like to grow. I sell rebuilt pool motors. I currently get on average 1 sale per day from craigs list. The motors sell for $120. I make $35 profit on each sale.

At one point I was doubling that amount of sales from people calling in from local google search, but that has died. I did run a google maps add but I canceled it. I do not know if that is why the calls stopped. I still see my stupid, terrible website is still on page 1 of a local goole search for the key word pool motors. But I am still not sure what was driving the calls from the internet that has now died.

Therefore, I am looking for a local marketing guru that can drive local business my way again.

I am looking for someone who KNOWS they can do it. I am NOT looking for someone who wants money up front to test something.

All my customers are men home owners.

I will pay anyone half of all sales that can help me. There is also national potential here. But I can discuss that later. For now I just need someone who thinks they can make money with me.
#local #marketing #run
  • Profile picture of the author MaxwellB
    No offense but anyone that says they'll do business with you probably doesn't know much and is desperate. Because from your numbers I don't see real money making potential.

    So far it's just you.....and your numbers in my opinion don't allow for another rep, yourself (as a manager) and a marketer to make any real money...a commission sales rep wouldn't even want to do it because commission reps are looking to make real money not even the whole $35 per sale would entice a real closer, maybe some high school kid that doesn't know how to sell and will quit in a week.

    Let's say it's just you though...and someone helps you get 3 sales per day, They make $1,575 per month if your talking 30 days (sales on the weekends) which means you'd work 7 days a week....or $1,050 if we're talking 5 days a week....

    In order for them to do it themselves, all the work themselves, I'd say someone would have to spend 15 hours per week or less to make it worth it for them...and I don't see someone helping you get 3 sales per day working 15 hours per week or less...

    And if they have to outsource it, how much would it cost for them to outsource the work (risking their own money upfront for you) and get 3 sales per day....at best they'd make $250 by the end of the month....worth it? I think not.

    But maybe someone else besides the OP can play devils advocate...like iamnameless or Kanigan....anyone really...anyone that knows online marketing and sales, because I don't think this is a good opportunity for anyone, no money in it.

    My advice even though you didn't ask for it? Sell something else.
    Get featured on Forbes, Inc, Entrepreneur, Bloomberg and other major media publications - Gain instant trust, credibility and close more sales!

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    • Profile picture of the author erussx2
      Originally Posted by MaxwellB View Post

      No offense but anyone that says they'll do business with you probably doesn't know much and is desperate. Because from your numbers I don't see real money making potential.

      So far it's just you.....and your numbers in my opinion don't allow for another rep, yourself (as a manager) and a marketer to make any real money...a commission sales rep wouldn't even want to do it because commission reps are looking to make real money not even the whole $35 per sale would entice a real closer, maybe some high school kid that doesn't know how to sell and will quit in a week.

      Let's say it's just you though...and someone helps you get 3 sales per day, They make $1,575 per month if your talking 30 days (sales on the weekends) which means you'd work 7 days a week....or $1,050 if we're talking 5 days a week....

      In order for them to do it themselves, all the work themselves, I'd say someone would have to spend 15 hours per week or less to make it worth it for them...and I don't see someone helping you get 3 sales per day working 15 hours per week or less...

      And if they have to outsource it, how much would it cost for them to outsource the work (risking their own money upfront for you) and get 3 sales per day....at best they'd make $250 by the end of the month....worth it? I think not.

      But maybe someone else besides the OP can play devils advocate...like iamnameless or Kanigan....anyone really...anyone that knows online marketing and sales, because I don't think this is a good opportunity for anyone, no money in it.

      My advice even though you didn't ask for it? Sell something else.
      You might be right. This is very nitch market too. The only thing I can say is that there is nation wide potential in that I am partnered with a pump manufacturing business. So there is more to it than I mentioned.

      But your points are well taken and I might be wasting time here.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason_V
    Originally Posted by erussx2 View Post

    Therefore, I am looking for a local marketing guru that can drive local business my way again.

    I am looking for someone who KNOWS they can do it. I am NOT looking for someone who wants money up front to test something.
    If you're saying you're not willing to give money up front, good luck with that.

    However, if you're saying that you are only willing to give money up front to someone with a proven track record, that's a different story.

    You really should clarify this, because this could mean the difference of you getting the help you want/need compared to not.
    "When you do something exactly wrong, you always turn up something."
    -Andy Warhol
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8103567].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author erussx2
      Originally Posted by Jason_V View Post

      If you're saying you're not willing to give money up front, good luck with that.

      However, if you're saying that you are only willing to give money up front to someone with a proven track record, that's a different story.

      You really should clarify this, because this could mean the difference of you getting the help you want/need compared to not.
      I might be willing to. It depends on the person and there track record. I was figuring that such a person might already know what they could do. I might be wrong about that.
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  • Profile picture of the author RobinInTexas
    You probably should revise what you are asking for, and then post your request where it belongs,
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    ...Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just set there.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8103587].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud

    I think you likely will need to consider DIY. Your margins are not going to leave you much to pay someone when you consider an industry average of $100/hr.

    As for advice based on what you have said here is what I would suggest.

    1. If the calls stopped after you cancelled the ad that is likely to be the cause. But you would have to turn back on the ad and see if the calls start again to be sure.
    2. Run the ad as long as it is bringing in calls and sales.
    3. If you get calls from searches (at least with the ad you seem to) it would likely be a good idea to dominate that page. So you would create blogs, articles, videos, and etc so your content shows up. Answering customer questions honestly can be a great source for content.

    Beyond that I don't know your niche well enough to tell you what to do offline and that offline marketing main be the key to taking this to the next level.

    "I am looking for someone who KNOWS they can do it. I am NOT looking for someone who wants money up front to test something."

    Actually you want a good marketer who knows that testing is the key to getting it right. Yes they will have a starting point based on what has worked for others. But unless someone here has marketed for this exact niche they will not know for sure. And even then they would split test to get the best results. Sorry but I could not ignore that statement.
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    • Profile picture of the author erussx2
      Originally Posted by Aaron Doud View Post


      I think you likely will need to consider DIY. Your margins are not going to leave you much to pay someone when you consider an industry average of $100/hr.

      As for advice based on what you have said here is what I would suggest.

      1. If the calls stopped after you cancelled the ad that is likely to be the cause. But you would have to turn back on the ad and see if the calls start again to be sure.
      2. Run the ad as long as it is bringing in calls and sales.
      3. If you get calls from searches (at least with the ad you seem to) it would likely be a good idea to dominate that page. So you would create blogs, articles, videos, and etc so your content shows up. Answering customer questions honestly can be a great source for content.

      Beyond that I don't know your niche well enough to tell you what to do offline and that offline marketing main be the key to taking this to the next level.

      "I am looking for someone who KNOWS they can do it. I am NOT looking for someone who wants money up front to test something."

      Actually you want a good marketer who knows that testing is the key to getting it right. Yes they will have a starting point based on what has worked for others. But unless someone here has marketed for this exact niche they will not know for sure. And even then they would split test to get the best results. Sorry but I could not ignore that statement.
      Thanks for your thoughtful reply.
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  • Profile picture of the author donza
    Do all the businesses who service pools know how to fix motors? If not I'd try ringing them up. What about places that supply pools do they all have their own in house service departments? If not try ringing them as well.

    Cheers Don
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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Get your pool pumps listed on shopping channels
      such as Amazon, The Find and Google Shopping Channel.

      It's a low cost way to pay for advertising in places where people are searching for what you've got.

      For example, on Amazon, your ad will show up on pages where pool pumps are listed. Your reconditioned pumps would be a great alternative to new ones.

      Alternatively you could list them on Amazon and Ebay standard listings.

      Your margins are too slim for sharing a slice of the profits.
      If need be, pay for help to set this up, then keep all the profits yourself.

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      • Profile picture of the author erussx2
        Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

        Get your pool pumps listed on shopping channels
        such as Amazon, The Find and Google Shopping Channel.

        It's a low cost way to pay for advertising in places where people are searching for what you've got.

        For example, on Amazon, your ad will show up on pages where pool pumps are listed. Your reconditioned pumps would be a great alternative to new ones.

        Alternatively you could list them on Amazon and Ebay standard listings.

        Your margins are too slim for sharing a slice of the profits.
        If need be, pay for help to set this up, then keep all the profits yourself.


        I have not tried amazon. I do not think it is where my customers go but I will look into it.

        My partner does sell on ebay. it does ok.
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    • Profile picture of the author anwiii
      erussx2- the problem here is that you are asking someone to make you money, and if they can, they can get half of what they make you. it's a nice concept but the problem is, they can be spending the same amount of time marketing on the internet and keep 100% of the profit.

      now you have 3 choices:

      1: go the seo route where the person helping you wont see a return for all the hard work they did for you for a few months
      2: paid ads route where they pay out of their pocket and take all the risk for only 50%(lucky you huh? no risk on you...)
      3: a combination of both

      do you really see any of those option as fair? if you do, then there is a problem because there is risk in business and marketing and you are unwilling to take on any of it. also with paid ads, you have to pay to test them to see which ones work best and then upscale.

      i can help you, but not with your current mindset. if there is potential in this market, then you might want to consider a partner and not someone you want to free load off of with no risk on your part. if not, then you will have to pay up front for expert services from someone who is capable.

      your only other option is study and research what you need to do yourself and do it....but i know you don't want to do that already because it costs time AND money and none of them is what you are willing to sacrifice, but thought strangers would jump at that chance?

      i would look in to what ewenmack said with amazon and ebay. ebay is great if you know what you are doing....
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      • Profile picture of the author erussx2
        Originally Posted by anwiii View Post

        erussx2- the problem here is that you are asking someone to make you money, and if they can, they can get half of what they make you. it's a nice concept but the problem is, they can be spending the same amount of time marketing on the internet and keep 100% of the profit.

        now you have 3 choices:

        1: go the seo route where the person helping you wont see a return for all the hard work they did for you for a few months
        2: paid ads route where they pay out of their pocket and take all the risk for only 50%(lucky you huh? no risk on you...)
        3: a combination of both

        do you really see any of those option as fair? if you do, then there is a problem because there is risk in business and marketing and you are unwilling to take on any of it. also with paid ads, you have to pay to test them to see which ones work best and then upscale.

        i can help you, but not with your current mindset. if there is potential in this market, then you might want to consider a partner and not someone you want to free load off of with no risk on your part. if not, then you will have to pay up front for expert services from someone who is capable.

        your only other option is study and research what you need to do yourself and do it....but i know you don't want to do that already because it costs time AND money and none of them is what you are willing to sacrifice, but thought strangers would jump at that chance?

        i would look in to what ewenmack said with amazon and ebay. ebay is great if you know what you are doing....
        I see allot of people selling or promoting local marketing. THIS is more who I was trying to attract.

        I am sorry if I am not good explaining. Please forgive me. I am doing my best.

        But, in addition to local sales of rebuilt motors, I have access to other kinds of pumps for spas and other applications. My partner gets $40,000 orders for these other items.
        I was also hoping to attract a marketing wiz who might be interested in this nitch.

        I am probably asking to much. You are right.
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        • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler
          Originally Posted by erussx2 View Post

          I am probably asking to much. You are right.
          I dont see a problem with what you are asking for,
          The problem is in what you are willing to GIVE in return.
          Promise Big.
          Deliver Bigger.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8104825].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
            Originally Posted by Eddie Spangler View Post

            I dont see a problem with what you are asking for,
            The problem is in what you are willing to GIVE in return.
            Couldn't have said it better.
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            • Profile picture of the author erussx2
              Originally Posted by Aaron Doud View Post

              Couldn't have said it better.
              how much you want?
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          • Profile picture of the author erussx2
            Originally Posted by Eddie Spangler View Post

            I dont see a problem with what you are asking for,
            The problem is in what you are willing to GIVE in return.

            how much you want?
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    • Profile picture of the author erussx2
      Originally Posted by donza View Post

      Do all the businesses who service pools know how to fix motors? If not I'd try ringing them up. What about places that supply pools do they all have their own in house service departments? If not try ringing them as well.

      Cheers Don
      Thanks for you recommendations. The long answer to what you said is too long.

      The only companies that would be interested in what I have are companies that do home warranty work on pools. I would pay a couple thousand or more for such a list if you could get it.
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  • Profile picture of the author erussx2
    If someone sets up a system where by I get 3 sales a day from it then that would be about $45 a day for years to come.

    And you are telling me that is bad pay?

    There are companies out there that need my product in bulk. Like 2oo or 300 at a time. That would be a $2000 to $3000 commission.

    You are telling me that is not enough?

    Damn you marketers must be rich.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8107627].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
      Originally Posted by erussx2 View Post

      If someone sets up a system where by I get 3 sales a day from it then that would be about $45 a day for years to come.

      And you are telling me that is bad pay?

      There are companies out there that need my product in bulk. Like 2oo or 300 at a time. That would be a $2000 to $3000 commission.

      You are telling me that is not enough?

      Damn you marketers must be rich.
      It depends on the volume of sales. Also the period of time in which a person would get this commission (or whatever we want to call it).

      But if you have enough volume you can just pay someone up front a few grand to do this.

      As for being rich I am not. Though I am in the top 20% and I think top 15% for personal income in the US. But it's not really about money it is about time. Like I said earlier the industry average for services like this would be around $100/hr and while I don't know how many hours would be needed I can take a guess.

      Claude offers a package to offline businesses for like 4 grand (if I remember right) which I think would be of use for your business for example. But he and most marketers would want to be paid first. Where you are offering a kind of long term commission structure. While it might pay more in the long run it is risker.

      But in the end on a commission basis there would need to be more info on how this would be structured and rather the money would be worth it. In many ways this would be more like a joint venture. And with the right numbers if might be worth it to someone here.

      The problem is the margins are low and it appears your sales volume is low. Now the right marketer might see an opportunity here to really expand your business but the risk is they expand your business and never get paid.
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      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Originally Posted by Aaron Doud View Post

        Claude offers a package to offline businesses for like 4 grand (if I remember right) which I think would be of use for your business for example. But he and most marketers would want to be paid first. Where you are offering a kind of long term commission structure. While it might pay more in the long run it is riskier.
        Aaron; Thanks so much for the plug. But my service isn't going to help this person. The margins aren't high enough, and I'm not interested in a profit split.

        Thanks again for thinking of me.
        One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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        • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          Aaron; Thanks so much for the plug. But my service isn't going to help this person. The margins aren't high enough, and I'm not interested in a profit split.

          Thanks again for thinking of me.
          Yeah I figure he had qualified himself out but worth suggesting if he decides to pay up front.
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    • Profile picture of the author anwiii
      your mind set is still wrong. like i said before, you want everyone else to take the risk and you are unwilling to take any of the risk.

      there is no guaranteed system in internet marketing. everything needs to be tested. what you are asking is that someone tests the different methods of marketing for you before they even get paid. they pay AFTER that seems good, but part of your deal is that they don't get paid until YOU do.

      from my standpoint, your idea is unfair. it's not a question of "how much", but "how fair" it is when you want someone to take on all the work and all the risk. we already do that by working for ourselves and yes.....we get paid very well AND we keep 100% of the profits.

      ask yourself this. if we can develop a sales funnel that works, it's worth a lot more than 50%. all we would have to do from there is find suppliers which really isn't that hard. so what would keep someone from doing just that? someone can easily take advantage of you just like you're trying to take advantage.

      there could be someone desperate to take advantage of your offer, but if they are so desperate, the chances of them taking advantage of you increases in the future and the long run.

      this is a very targeted niche. this isn't like some affiliate program you want to promote where some people are willing to market to their targeted lists, create squeeze pages and videos to make sales(work for free and then hopefully get paid if they know what they are doing).

      people would be more willing if you put up some sort of compensation or guarantee up front or some collateral from your current sales. what i suggest is pay a base fee for a project and as a motivator, offer a % of the commissions. this is the balance you will need to have where you might get some takers.

      so YOU will have to take on some part of the risk and not expect someone else to do that and work for free and even spend some money out of their own pocket for adverts.

      or, if you really want to get sneaky. pay someone to create some sales funnels, package them up, sell it as a wso. there are some wso's that work like this and THAT is a sneaky way for getting 100 or so people to work for you for free and taking on ALL the risk.

      if i was selling pool pumps or motors, i would be doing what you are already doing but i would also be using ebay and adwords. i would also try to rank my website for multiple keywords. if i could get the pumps for below wholesale, i would also be contacting wholesalers and even possibly retailers who specialize in pool parts. what i WOULDN'T do is target locally. why target locally and limit sales? i don't understand that....
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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Originally Posted by erussx2 View Post

      If someone sets up a system where by I get 3 sales a day from it then that would be about $45 a day for years to come.

      And you are telling me that is bad pay?

      There are companies out there that need my product in bulk. Like 2oo or 300 at a time. That would be a $2000 to $3000 commission.

      You are telling me that is not enough?

      Damn you marketers must be rich.
      If you can identify these companies, pay to get that list and pay for the mailing, I would look at writing the sales message and take payment from the commission, IF I feel we can work together.

      Feel free to PM me.

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  • Profile picture of the author erussx2
    Yes, as unfair as it seems, I am not willing to pay up front.

    I don't mean to offend any one by saying that. Sorry if I did.
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  • Profile picture of the author cuttypowers
    Anyone who ever has sold their internet marketing services are finding pure gold in this exchange.

    The best is:"from my standpoint, your idea is unfair. it's not a question of "how much", but "how fair" it is when you want someone to take on all the work and all the risk. we already do that by working for ourselves and yes.....we get paid very well AND we keep 100% of the profits.

    ask yourself this. if we can develop a sales funnel that works, it's worth a lot more than 50%. all we would have to do from there is find suppliers which really isn't that hard. so what would keep someone from doing just that? someone can easily take advantage of you just like you're trying to take advantage."
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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      erussx2, sent a private message to you.

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    • Profile picture of the author erussx2
      Originally Posted by cuttypowers View Post

      Anyone who ever has sold their internet marketing services are finding pure gold in this exchange.

      The best is:"from my standpoint, your idea is unfair. it's not a question of "how much", but "how fair" it is when you want someone to take on all the work and all the risk. we already do that by working for ourselves and yes.....we get paid very well AND we keep 100% of the profits.

      ask yourself this. if we can develop a sales funnel that works, it's worth a lot more than 50%. all we would have to do from there is find suppliers which really isn't that hard. so what would keep someone from doing just that? someone can easily take advantage of you just like you're trying to take advantage."

      ok.. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author KarenNZ
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