How Do I Get To A Decision Maker?

15 replies
Hi all,

I've been reading a lot of threads about how to sell your SEO services to local businesses. I got a lot of good info but also left confused, therefore this thread.

It seems that having a name of the DM is the best way but say I don't have it...
So I make a call and gatekeeper picks up. Here is what others have suggested:

1. "hello, I'm not sure who I should be talking to about this but maybe you can help me. It's about your advertising."

2. "hello, My name is ... Can I talk to somebody who is in charge of advertising?"

3. "Hello, I'm calling in regards to your listing on ... directory." (if company has any listings in any local directories like yellowpages)

4. "Hello, My name is ... Are you currently looking for any new clients?" (most likely answer is YES). "I just have few quick ideas about how to get more clients to your doors and was wondering if I could speak with somebody about that."

Which ones are better? People say to sound casual and don't sound like a telemarketer but I feel like every time I even mention something about advertising, gatekeepers automatically think it's a sales call.

What are your experiences?
#cold call #cold calling #decision #decision maker #maker #seo
  • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
    This what gets me in to the largest players in the country...
    as seen in my sig.

    "Hi [name], Dave from ABC here, who should I be speaking to there about getting you people a [advantage] please?

    Thank you.


    In my case, the advantage I mention is "getting you a better deal on your eftpos paper rolls"

    You gotta say that advantage bit so it fits smoothly inside 1 sentence.

    It serves so many purposes.

    You are helping the person on the other end,
    because she wants to know...
    who are you
    what company are you from
    what do you want

    And you get what you want...closer to the close.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8247882].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author clean99
      Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

      This what gets me in to the largest players in the country...

      "Hi [name], Dave from ABC here, who should I be speaking to there about getting you people a [advantage] please?

      Thank you.


      In my case, the advantage I mention is "getting you a better deal on your eftpos paper rolls"

      You gotta say that advantage bit so it fits smoothly inside 1 sentence.

      It serves so many purposes.

      You are helping the person on the other end,
      because she wants to know...
      who are you
      what company are you from
      what do you want

      And you get what you want...closer to the close.

      Hey thanks Ewen, I read some of your great advice in other threads.

      I think the problem here is that I'm offering SEO and once they hear that I'm from a marketing or SEO company they will know its a sales call and then once I mention anything about getting them more business they will know it's a sales call for sure.

      Or is that completely normal? Is it okay to let a receptionist know that its a sales call without giving out too much details?

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      • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
        Originally Posted by Russerg View Post

        Hey thanks Ewen, I read some of your great advice in other threads.

        I think the problem here is that I'm offering SEO and once they hear that I'm from a marketing or SEO company they will know its a sales call and then once I mention anything about getting them more business they will know it's a sales call for sure.

        Or is that completely normal? Is it okay to let a receptionist know that its a sales call without giving out too much details?
        Ok, here's an example of an email I used to get to see a very busy guy,

        He owns 3 businesses.

        The lowest priority one had deposited 50k that week.

        It was Wednesday.

        Subject: your website ranking has gone

        Good morning Marti,

        I've noticed your website for business coaching
        has gone off the natural listings on Google.

        Did some background checks and found the reason why it has happened.

        I'd like to show you those findings.

        How's your calendar looking?

        Ewen Vile
        Ph 09 8325170


        He replies with 2 possible time slots.

        He thanks me.

        We have meeting.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Man you are thinking too much. Just get out there and do it.

    Nothing you can change right now is going to make a difference with your results because you will be NERVOUS.

    The Little Unsure technique makes use of this. However, you have to get comfortable with being on the phone, and the only way out is through.

    And don't pitch the gatekeeper.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8248003].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author clean99
      Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      Man you are thinking too much. Just get out there and do it.

      Nothing you can change right now is going to make a difference with your results because you will be NERVOUS.

      The Little Unsure technique makes use of this. However, you have to get comfortable with being on the phone, and the only way out is through.

      And don't pitch the gatekeeper.
      Hey Jason, thanks for your response. Your videos for cold calling were awesome. I learned a lot from your threads as well.

      Just one question. I listened to your sample phone calls, there you say what you are calling for. But when I sell SEO services, what's the best thing to say without pitching anything to gatekeeper?

      something like: "it's about your advertising" OR "it's about your website" OR "it's about getting more people to your doors" or anything else?

      This is the one that scares me the most lol

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      • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
        Originally Posted by Russerg View Post

        Hey Jason, thanks for your response. Your videos for cold calling were awesome. I learned a lot from your threads as well.

        Just one question. I listened to your sample phone calls, there you say what you are calling for. But when I sell SEO services, what's the best thing to say without pitching anything to gatekeeper?

        something like: "it's about your advertising" OR "it's about your website" OR "it's about getting more people to your doors" or anything else?

        This is the one that scares me the most lol
        The "it's about..." response can get you blocked because what the gatekeeper needs is a straightforward idea to understand and communicate. That's what lets you along the process.

        I usually repeat what I just said with the "not sure who I should speak with...I usually talk to the person who takes care of _____" bit--just the "Well, I usually talk to the person..." part. That's often enough. Make it easy for them to understand why you are calling, so they have a reason to send the call along.

        Concern yourself less with the exact right words (there aren't any) than being clear about who you want to talk to: eg. "I help companies have a more effective website".
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        • Profile picture of the author BamIPD
          I don't know if I should use this thread or make my own, but I'm wondering how to ask for business owners on a cold walk-in.

          There are obvious situations - a coffee shop, pizza shop or whatever you go in and ask for the owner. I haven't done it, but that's what I plan to do today.

          Some businesses I don't know how to ask, such as a dentist office. Do you ask for the "owner" or do you ask for the "head dentist"? What's the best way in this situation? I would think asking for the owner isn't right, even though they might own the practice. Perhaps I open my eyes and read the sign Dr. James Jim Jones MD or whatever is probably on the sign or on the door. Do I ask for Dr Triple J?
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          • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
            Originally Posted by BamIPD View Post

            I don't know if I should use this thread or make my own, but I'm wondering how to ask for business owners on a cold walk-in.

            There are obvious situations - a coffee shop, pizza shop or whatever you go in and ask for the owner. I haven't done it, but that's what I plan to do today.

            Some businesses I don't know how to ask, such as a dentist office. Do you ask for the "owner" or do you ask for the "head dentist"? What's the best way in this situation? I would think asking for the owner isn't right, even though they might own the practice. Perhaps I open my eyes and read the sign Dr. James Jim Jones MD or whatever is probably on the sign or on the door. Do I ask for Dr Triple J?
            Why ask for the owner?
            Why even ask for the decision maker?

            Neither matter. You want the person in charge of ______. Jason's little unsure method can help you get to this person. Rather they are the final decision maker or not will only matter if you are doing a one call close. And in those cases you can get them to bring in the other person or do a two call close that allows them to sell the pocketbook on ______.

            "Hello my name is Aaron. I was wondering who I would speak with about bringing in more patients by refreshing your web presence."


            "Hello my name is Aaron. I was wondering if you could help me out. I'm not sure who to talk to about your online presence and marketing."

            Just be real. if you don't know who to talk to ask. If you think you know who to talk to still consider asking.

            "Hello my name is Aaron. Could you help me with something? I was told to ask for John. James told me he would be the one in charge of your website and online marketing. Is John who I should speak with?

            Great, could you see if he is free? Just let him know that James asked me to stop by and talk to him. I really appreciate the help Cindy."

            Of course you will want to hash these out more then just the basic stuff I said here.
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            • Profile picture of the author BamIPD
              Thanks for the response!

              I don't like the idea of going in and asking for the decision maker.

              My plan:
              Girl at counter: Hi how are you today?
              Me: Great! How are you?
              Girl: I'm good, how can I help you?
              Me: I was actually coming in to see if the owner was available so I can say hi and introduce myself.
              Girl: Oh cool let me get him.

              How I envision your repsonse:
              Girl at counter: Hi how are you today?
              Me: GReat how are you?
              Girl: I'm good how can I help you today?
              Me: I was wondering who is in charge of advertising and hoping they had a couple minutes to talk
              Girl: Sorry they're not in today (they were told to keep advertisers away?)

              I want to go around and introduce myself to business owners as a new business owner in town (I mainly do web design / seo). I want to get to know these people, not go in and pitch them.

              I'm starting Bob Ross's post card method and hitting the town. I just finalized everything yesterday - got the mock-up printed, set up my dba, etc...

              I want to introduce myself, tell them what I do, and let them know I'm here. After that brief intro I want to say, "I wanted to run this by you and get your thoughts" and then hand them the mock-up and start my casual pitch.

              I'm not an expert at this, or sales in general. I was a miserable failure of a car salesman at one point in my life. Aaron Doud, you always have great advice on here so I appreciate your response and will try to use your tips.

              EDIT: I confused myself and think Aarons tips are GREAT for what I was asking about. This strategy really is awesome for dentist offices and whatnot. However, I'll stick with my asking for owner strategy at coffee / pizza / mom&pop shops.
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              • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
                Originally Posted by BamIPD View Post

                EDIT: I confused myself and think Aarons tips are GREAT for what I was asking about. This strategy really is awesome for dentist offices and whatnot. However, I'll stick with my asking for owner strategy at coffee / pizza / mom&pop shops.
                This is what lands me these clients when I walk in.

                "Just wanted to give you this"

                Out stretched hand with business card.

                "I may be able to get you a better deal on your
                eftpos paper rolls"

                If the person isn't the decision maker
                he/she will keep the card and say thanks and
                says will pass it on to the boss.

                Sometimes she will ask the price and then will enquire about size.
                I write it on the back of card. It has 4 common sizes and I'll cross off the ones it isn't.

                If she doesn't ask, I offer to give the price.

                If it is the decision maker,
                then same process as for when asked previously.

                I get calls months out from those cards.

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  • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
    Originally Posted by Russerg View Post

    Hi all,

    I've been reading a lot of threads about how to sell your SEO services to local businesses. I got a lot of good info but also left confused, therefore this thread.

    It seems that having a name of the DM is the best way but say I don't have it...
    So I make a call and gatekeeper picks up. Here is what others have suggested:

    1. "hello, I'm not sure who I should be talking to about this but maybe you can help me. It's about your advertising."

    2. "hello, My name is ... Can I talk to somebody who is in charge of advertising?"

    3. "Hello, I'm calling in regards to your listing on ... directory." (if company has any listings in any local directories like yellowpages)

    4. "Hello, My name is ... Are you currently looking for any new clients?" (most likely answer is YES). "I just have few quick ideas about how to get more clients to your doors and was wondering if I could speak with somebody about that."

    Which ones are better? People say to sound casual and don't sound like a telemarketer but I feel like every time I even mention something about advertising, gatekeepers automatically think it's a sales call.

    What are your experiences?

    Are you selling leads? if not ignoore this .. If you are ...

    NONE, the best question EVER is ...

    Hi, I have a referral, who do i talk to.

    Then ask questions after you are connected.

    ask all you r questions as if you do have a referral... including what
    they will pay ...

    Then you can determine to hang up and move on or tell them you have leads
    and discuss terms.

    every one ... and I mean everyone wants more / better leads.
    They are a super easy sale.

    Selling Ain't for Sissies!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8248260].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author PanteraIM
    Originally Posted by Russerg View Post

    Which ones are better? People say to sound casual and don't sound like a telemarketer but I feel like every time I even mention something about advertising, gatekeepers automatically think it's a sales call.
    This is OK if they know you're a telemarketer. You don't need to hide your intentions, but rather skilfully manoeuvre behind their resistance.

    Just like on the call with the DM we always assume the first objection is BS, so we have tactics to get around that.

    Let me give you some examples:

    If the gatekeeper refuses to give you the KDM info:

    'Ok that’s fine. There have been some changes and developments in our industry recently and it is important that your business owner is aware of them as they could have an impact on your company. I’ll simply send those details through to the owner, who would that be please, thank you.'

    If the GK says they aren't interested:

    'Ok thats fine. Can you just confirm to me you are still with the yellow pages?

    Ok thanks, and you’ve been with them for how long?

    Well many of my customers were not interested until they had a chance to see what benefits their company could gain by working with us. If I can speak very breifly with him I can establish very quickly if your company could benefit. Can you put me through please, thank you.'

    GK asks for you to send them an email

    'That’s fine. I need to speak with John first to make sure that what I send him is relevant. I don’t want to waste his time or mine by sending lots of literature that he wouldn’t be interested in. Would you be able to put me through please, thank you.'

    You should go into a sales/prospecting call AFTER you have established who you need to speak to. Look on their website or do a research call before hand to uncover this intel and qualify them before calling.

    We do this so when the GK asks 'What is this regarding?' We can say it's regarding John Smith or Mary Sue.

    We do a research call to uncover their present situation, get a contact or user name of the product as well as get the DM name in advance. We also mention to the DM that we spoke with someone in their company previously.

    Armed with a testimonial and your cold calls become hotttt.

    If you call and the DM is not in, instead of going in and asking for their name right away, ask a few fluff/rapport building questions to the GK first to get them talking. Usually if you directly ask who to speak to without doing this you will have more resistance to the question.

    you cant hold no groove if you ain't got no pocket.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8248321].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author clean99
      Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

      Ok, here's an example of an email I used to get to see a very busy guy,

      He owns 3 businesses.

      The lowest priority one had deposited 50k that week.

      It was Wednesday.

      Subject: your website ranking has gone

      Good morning Marti,

      I've noticed your website for business coaching
      has gone off the natural listings on Google.

      Did some background checks and found the reason why it has happened.

      I'd like to show you those findings.

      How's your calendar looking?

      Ewen Vile
      Ph 09 8325170


      He replies with 2 possible time slots.

      He thanks me.

      We have meeting.

      Hey Ewen, this actually sounds very good! They might at least take a quick look at it to see what I have to offer. thanks

      Originally Posted by kenmichaels View Post

      Are you selling leads? if not ignoore this .. If you are ...

      NONE, the best question EVER is ...

      Hi, I have a referral, who do i talk to.

      Then ask questions after you are connected.

      ask all you r questions as if you do have a referral... including what
      they will pay ...

      Then you can determine to hang up and move on or tell them you have leads
      and discuss terms.

      every one ... and I mean everyone wants more / better leads.
      They are a super easy sale.
      Hey, thanks for the response. I actually do have a local website on page 1 position 1 in Google. I haven't done anything with that website yet. I'm thinking of renting it out to one of the businesses in the area.

      Originally Posted by PanteraIM View Post

      This is OK if they know you're a telemarketer. You don't need to hide your intentions, but rather skilfully manoeuvre behind their resistance.

      Just like on the call with the DM we always assume the first objection is BS, so we have tactics to get around that.

      Let me give you some examples:

      If the gatekeeper refuses to give you the KDM info:

      'Ok that's fine. There have been some changes and developments in our industry recently and it is important that your business owner is aware of them as they could have an impact on your company. I'll simply send those details through to the owner, who would that be please, thank you.'

      If the GK says they aren't interested:

      'Ok thats fine. Can you just confirm to me you are still with the yellow pages?

      Ok thanks, and you've been with them for how long?

      Well many of my customers were not interested until they had a chance to see what benefits their company could gain by working with us. If I can speak very breifly with him I can establish very quickly if your company could benefit. Can you put me through please, thank you.'

      GK asks for you to send them an email

      'That's fine. I need to speak with John first to make sure that what I send him is relevant. I don't want to waste his time or mine by sending lots of literature that he wouldn't be interested in. Would you be able to put me through please, thank you.'

      You should go into a sales/prospecting call AFTER you have established who you need to speak to. Look on their website or do a research call before hand to uncover this intel and qualify them before calling.

      We do this so when the GK asks 'What is this regarding?' We can say it's regarding John Smith or Mary Sue.

      We do a research call to uncover their present situation, get a contact or user name of the product as well as get the DM name in advance. We also mention to the DM that we spoke with someone in their company previously.

      Armed with a testimonial and your cold calls become hotttt.

      If you call and the DM is not in, instead of going in and asking for their name right away, ask a few fluff/rapport building questions to the GK first to get them talking. Usually if you directly ask who to speak to without doing this you will have more resistance to the question.
      Hey Pantera, thanks a lot for the input. Your advice is always awesome. So from what I see it's okay for them to know that you are a telemarketer, the important thing is to make it sound important and don't pitch anything to them. Just give them the basics.

      Thank to everyone. Once I make calls I'll make a post and let everybody know who it went

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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    Which ones are better? People say to sound casual and don't sound like a telemarketer but I feel like every time I even mention something about advertising, gatekeepers automatically think it's a sales call.
    This is the point, you can't hide the purpose of your call. So you need to be confident in what you are going to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rearden
    Good thread.



    "Hi, this is Hank Rearden with DirectX Marketing."

    Reason For Calling:

    "...The reason I'm calling is to speak with the person who handles X, please."

    If you can't get to him, get his name, record it in your CRM, and leave a message if possible.

    Don't get too hung up if you get blocked. Worry about hitting a large call volume goal versus getting through every gatekeeper.
    David Duford -- Providing On-Going, Personalized Mentorship And Training From A Real Final Expense Producer To Agents New To The Final Expense Life Insurance Business.
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