Effortless Cold Calling
Doing cold calls has become easy for me because I believe I can do it.
If you don't see the point in prospecting or believe that it will never work then OF COURSE you are going to procrastinate and make excuses.
It's like when people engage in mindless short-term vices such as television, smoking, drugs or heavy drinking. People look at that and ask: 'Why do they do it?' A better question to ask is: 'Why wouldn't they?'
If you have nothing going for you, then doing mindless things becomes an easy decision. The quick indulgences towards stimulation and unconsciousness as a way of avoiding reality.
It's not even a matter of seeing the value or the pay off in doing some hard work. It's the fact that people genuinely don't believe that it will work for them, so they never try - whether that is acknowledged on the conscious level or not. And even if they do manage to spark up that flicker of self-confidence to start building a new habit, self-sabotage and the comfort zone is likely to pull them back into their old behaviour.
The way out of it is to give you an analogy: just like when you are going to the gym to make your muscles rip so they grow stronger, the same applies with your thoughts and habits which make up the sum of your belief system. You want to feel and fight against the resistance from your old behaviours that will hold you back to keep you consistent. The longer you can endure this natural rewiring process and the harder it is, the more crystallized these physical emotional pathways become in your mind, making it easier and easier to access that new part of your personality.
Cold calling is easy because I've forced myself to call over and over until the part of me that was afraid or doubtful eventually died, and it allowed for a better version of myself to come through. I have my shit together. I now believe in the pay off and that what I am going to do is going to work. It is the belief that pulls me towards making calls, I don't have to exercise will power or fight against anything because my actions are in perfect alignment with my belief system. To NOT make calls or get up early to go to the gym would make me feel uneasy because this is against what I've learned to accept as a normal part of my reality, of my world. This kind of belief can only be learned by experiencing resistance and screwing up over and over until something clicks and you gradually start adopting a new belief system that is more in line with your goals. All of this is so in your head it's not even funny, and this doesn't just apply to cold calling.
When I was younger, I was very shy. But instead of being a victim and identifying with someone that's introverted, I took action and decided to change myself and become desensitised to the pain of failure and rejection. I stopped placing excessive value on what people thought of me, and instead decided to walk on my own narrow path towards what I thought was cool. When I didn't like my job I didn't complain about it, I started a business. It starts first with the recognition of being self-responsible, taking those first maiden steps that will lead to a radiant self-confidence.
The best part about this is that once you 'get' this simple concept, it's hard not to apply to every area of your life where you feel dissatisfied.
If you have a venture or any kind of ambition you want to achieve and can't seem to process the willpower to get started, the root cause is that you don't really believe that it's possible. And that thinking about it partially resolves some of the emotional pull and tension that the vision you have creates, so you'll likely think about it a lot but not take much action at all.
It's about establishing LEVERAGE, only once you have gone thru so much shit in your life and you put your fist down are you ever really going to commit to making hard decisions such as starting a business with cold calling. So my advice to you is to go out and cultivate these failure experiences, learn from them. Get fascinated, try to see the lesson and value in everything. Stop running away from problems and experiences which are there to make you grow; they exist as tests and challenges to your character. Don't expect the world to change around you.
To give the TL;DR version of this post: success breeds success, but negative experiences also provide the emotional leverage to reach out and take those initial successes for yourself.
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