A real auto-edit video tool for offliners to use.
They are quick and easy to do many simple videos for some introduction video for a client perhaps. As well as ongoing marketing. A great way for facebook marketing, getting people to like/share your page/event. You can go into a business and literally have the video in minutes. What a great demo that would be for your introduction, getting it created live right in front of the biz owner. Also to put out timely relevant content for just in time live marketing. (capture customer photos/videos and post during happy hour to get others out).
If anyone knows of other similar applications like this please post them. I'd like to find a similar non branded tool, esp for offline marketing to other businesses.
Here are a few videos I did:
Magisto Video | Hot Deals sat/sun warehouse sale! Come and get it!
these are some I did for a candle warehouse sale that did 5 figures a day.
I've found including more people/customers in your videos have much better results. So mix them in. They'll share your video and look for themselves in it posting it to their own FB page. ding ding.
I now have close to 5k organic email list of candle lovers/customers to launch my home party business.
In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt