January - the opportunities for the offline marketer

6 replies
Ah yes! January of each new year. What an opportunity for the offline marketer!

This month is a great time to develop relationships with local businesses for several reasons.

1. New year budget - I've had several businesses tell me, "Come back in January," as this is a new budget time for them. I remember last year, at the gym I belong to, the owner started buying all sorts of new equipment during the month of January. It was also a time for me to talk with him about Internet marketing.

2. Goals for the new year - this is a key time to talk w/ business owners about where they see their business going in 2014. Are they ready to develop (or rev up) their online presence? How can you be a part of this to help them grow their business? (i.e. revised website, mobile site, videos, FB mgmt, etc).

3. Expectations of customers - during January, customers expect new year deals. How can business tap into this need? How can businesses meet customer needs for deals? And...how can you as an Internet consultant guide them? (i.e. setting up daily deals, setting up FB ads/tab specials, etc).

4. The new year as a chance for change - how is a business's reputation online? Yes, as an offline marketer, January is a great time to show businesses what is being said about them online by customers and how you can improve that.

Just some thoughts off the top of my head based on past years. Other thoughts?
#january #marketer #offline #opportunities
  • Profile picture of the author Peak Curiosity
    Hey Piney! A new year to help others!
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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      We can also multiply a year by 4.

      We do this by dividing it into 90 days.

      The benefit of this is we implement for 90 days
      and stay energized by our goals.
      Then re-energized by our new ones.

      Bam! Achieve more.

      Or even if the outcome wasn't as we hoped,
      we've got a new slate to start over.

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  • Profile picture of the author piney94
    Nice point, Ewen - thanks for your keen insight (as usual).
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Rivers
    The other thing that I find to be effective at the beginning of the year is to present my prospects (or past clients I'm attempting to upsell) a full fledged marketing plan for the year.

    The key is to break that big marketing plan down into 12 different implementation phases that correspond to a specific month but also that build on each other.

    So, for example:


    1. Landing page with special offer for one or multiple high ticket product or service.
    2. Three letter direct mail campaign sequence to drive traffic to landing page.
    3. Website makeover startup (graphic design mockup)


    1. Website Makeover Completion
    2. Main Lead Magnet Creation
    3. Email Newsletter Creation

    And so on.

    This way, I've introduced a years worth of marketing ideas and strategies in one sitting which allows me to always have something to call, email or encourage the client to do all throughout the year, regardless if they hire me right then or not.

    It just keeps everything moving forward when I present this type of marketing plan and it's a natural fit for the first of the year energy that's already buzzing around.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8830916].message }}
  • Many a solid reason for taking positive action during the first month of this new year 2014.

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  • Profile picture of the author wsands
    I have always found January, Feb, and March to be great months to walk into a business and offer my services, many times during this period they respond "we were just talking about needing a company like yours, who do I make the check to?"...ok well they don't ALWAYS write a check upon my arrival, but they might as well.

    Hi, I'm wsands and I approve this message.

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