13 replies
Hello. I got hired in a makreting agency which applies the concept of ROI. We want to target business owners who want to increase sales. I thought about scraping IDs of people who are in different business groups on Facebook and then doing targeted ads to those people redirecting to our landing page. What else do you think will work to get massive amount of leads? They moatly do email blasts and now i want to prove Facebook will get them a better ROI.


P.s. sorry for the lame thread title. :-)
#agency #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    Woudn't joining groups in Linkedin make more sense, seeing you're going after business owners?

    Originally Posted by maricelu View Post

    Hello. I got hired in a makreting agency which applies the concept of ROI. We want to target business owners who want to increase sales. I thought about scraping IDs of people who are in different business groups on Facebook and then doing targeted ads to those people redirecting to our landing page. What else do you think will work to get massive amount of leads? They moatly do email blasts and now i want to prove Facebook will get them a better ROI.


    P.s. sorry for the lame thread title. :-)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9052648].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author chaotic squid
      Originally Posted by DABK View Post

      Woudn't joining groups in Linkedin make more sense, seeing you're going after business owners?
      I agree, forget about Facebook. Facebook is terrible for B2B, focus on LinkedIn
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9053114].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
    Originally Posted by maricelu View Post

    Hello. I got hired in a makreting agency which applies the concept of ROI. We want to target business owners who want to increase sales. I thought about scraping IDs of people who are in different business groups on Facebook and then doing targeted ads to those people redirecting to our landing page. What else do you think will work to get massive amount of leads? They moatly do email blasts and now i want to prove Facebook will get them a better ROI.


    P.s. sorry for the lame thread title. :-)
    If you are working the USA market,
    let me know because my method gets what I believe is the highest
    return on investment.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9053082].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author SomeRandomBadger
      Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

      If you are working the USA market,
      let me know because my method gets what I believe is the highest
      return on investment.

      Hi Ewen,

      Sounds interesting! I'm moving to New York in 3 weeks to do exactly this, opening the US office for a UK company; all B2B. It would be very helpful to hear your about your method/s.

      In the UK a mixture of LinkedIn, direct mail and targeted email is working really well. I know that works in the US too but I'd love to get a perspective on other strategies

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9054811].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author maricelu
      Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

      If you are working the USA market,
      let me know because my method gets what I believe is the highest
      return on investment.

      Thanks Ewen for your reply.

      We do operate in Moldova and our market is fairly uneducated and people are hesitant to try out the services.

      Do you think using case studies of our present clients might help building credibility?


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  • Profile picture of the author maricelu
    I operate in Moldova. LinkedIn is highly unpopular here

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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      Well, if FaceBook it is, the FaceBook it is. Scraping emails and contacting them is an option. Have you thought of joining the various groups, just so you can say, hey, fellow group member, saw your post on xx date...

      Do it now, before FaceBook breaks FaceBook. (Read a couple of days ago about FaceBook significantly reducing the organic reach of posts... fewer and fewer people will see a post... which could lead to fewer and fewer people using FaceBook... or using FaceBook for business).

      Originally Posted by maricelu View Post

      I operate in Moldova. LinkedIn is highly unpopular here
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9054556].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author chaotic squid
    IMO LinkedIn is the place for business professionals and business owners, and if LinkedIn is unpopular in your area, that only tells me that business professionals in your area simply don't care much for social media or that is hasn't quite caught on yet. Unless you have another social media network in your area for professionals.

    If they don't care for LinkedIn, what makes you think they're going to be responsive/serious on Facebook? Again, I'm not familiar with your area so I may be wrong.

    You could give it a shot, but remember...there's other ways to market to businesses other than social media too.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9054207].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author amcg
    Originally Posted by maricelu View Post

    Hello. I got hired in a makreting agency which applies the concept of ROI. We want to target business owners who want to increase sales. I thought about scraping IDs of people who are in different business groups on Facebook and then doing targeted ads to those people redirecting to our landing page. What else do you think will work to get massive amount of leads? They moatly do email blasts and now i want to prove Facebook will get them a better ROI.


    P.s. sorry for the lame thread title. :-)
    I think with Facebook and business, you're probably going to be suprised at how bad the ROI is. I've heard and read many stories of company unhappy at FB ROI. The obvious answer is to use LinkedIn and the groups on their platform - you might find it more useful.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9057494].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Originally Posted by maricelu View Post

    They moatly do email blasts and now i want to prove Facebook will get them a better ROI.
    You shouldn't try to "prove" something to someone else that you haven't yet proven to yourself.

    You're saying you want to prove that FB can get a better ROI yet you don't actually know that. Because if you did, there would be nothing to "prove". You would just set up a FB campaign and show them.

    Most importantly, marketing isn't something that can really be taught. People can give you little ambiguous tips, but the most successful marketers learn on their own. It doesn't matter what you use, whether its FB or linked in or email blasts. What matters is how much you've learned, through experimentation.

    In theory, you can say that ANYTHING can provide a better ROI than email blasts. But its going to come down to your headlines, your copy, your OFFER, how much time you've spent learning about your target market and what they need, how well optimized your funnel is, how much testing you've done etc etc.

    Everyone wants a "massive amount of leads" but noone wants to spend the time or money thats required to achieve that goal.

    So again, you can use anything. You can spam classifieds, you can cold call, use facebook, seo, ppc, the marketing medium doesn't matter. What matters is your ability to execute. And your ability to deliver the right message to the right group of people.

    Noone can tell you "if you remove these 2 words from your headline your conversions will triple". And I doubt anyone is going to hand you a high converting campaign on a silver platter. So if you believe FB can provide a higher ROI, then start testing and prove it to yourself. Once you've proven it to yourself, then you can prove it to other people.

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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      I took it to mean that he wants to prove to them that HIS Facebook marketing will get them better ROI than their email blasts. Which he would have to prove by doing some FaceBook marketing.

      Otherwise, you're right.

      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

      You shouldn't try to "prove" something to someone else that you haven't yet proven to yourself.

      You're saying you want to prove that FB can get a better ROI yet you don't actually know that. Because if you did, there would be nothing to "prove". You would just set up a FB campaign and show them.

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  • Profile picture of the author TrumpiaTim
    Would cold calling be an option? You guys seem to already send outbound emails, why not call them as well?


    Trumpia: The Most Completed SMS Text Messaging Software & API Solution.
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  • Profile picture of the author maricelu
    Thank you all for your responses!

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