Another 9x12 case study
I have a printing and graphics company, I even have an online EDDM printing company, and I've done tons of EDDM campaigns for clients so this is nothing new to me, I know the whole process, can design the ads myself, and print for very low prices. But after seeing Bob Ross's post, I can't believe I never put the pieces together to do a shared campaign like that. So I got a DBA, designed my own mockup, and got them printed on the same 16pt gloss stock that will be used, got contracts printed, business cards, etc. Started hitting the streets on Monday, and man, it is harder than I expected.
I will bust my ass and work 24 hours a day (sometimes I do), but when it comes to the face-to-face, I am pretty shy and it is a mental thing that I have to overcome. Although internal, I don't think I'm showing it much, and I think my pitch is pretty good. Monday started off well, the third business I walked into wrote me a check. But that is all I've gotten so far. I have a few that sound promising, they are definitely interested and told me to come back in a few days. I've gotten some interest, but a lot of the typical "so and so isnt here right now, we're not interested, etc". So 2 days of being on the streets and I've only got one check. I don't think that's a good start.
Emailed about 30 places Monday as well, not even one response. Today I've spent all morning emailing, so we'll see. I'm getting discouraged but I won't give up.
I am mailing to 5,000 and only charging $199 per ad (8 on each side), what gives?!
I'm in South FL btw, don't know if anyone else is doing it down here. I'm 26 but have been told I look really young (like less than 18), don't know if that has anything do with it.
I'll keep at it and report back. Does anyone have any specific email or cold calling scripts for this? I purchased a product by Amber Chisolm but I guess I accidentally got the niche card thing and not her other offer, and there was no scripts or anything in it. I will go look for her original WSO.
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