Help Finding A Specific Lead Type

5 replies
This is the first time I have run into a hiccup with my lead lists.

Does anyone know how to pull a list of Franchise Executives (Franchisors)? Industry does not matter.

I can pull a list of franchise owners just fine, but I am looking for the contact info for the actual franchisors.

Thanks in advance for anyone that may be able to help
#finding #lead #specific #type
  • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
    Originally Posted by James English View Post

    This is the first time I have run into a hiccup with my lead lists.

    Does anyone know how to pull a list of Franchise Executives (Franchisors)? Industry does not matter.

    I can pull a list of franchise owners just fine, but I am looking for the contact info for the actual franchisors.

    Thanks in advance for anyone that may be able to help
    Even the smaller franchisors have a corporate structure, which of the executives are you trying to reach? A business manager or office manager could be more valuable than the CEO, for example, depending on what you have to offer them.

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