Pre-call intelligence. Anyone do it?
For those who take a more refined approach, would you like be able to see, with the click of button, the following info about any prospect you might want to contact. Instantaneously. All in one place?:
* Their unique monthly visitors to their website for the last 6 months and what the trend is now (bullish or bearish), so you can see if they are panicking about a dip in sales and approach according with a perfect relevant, pressing, 'keep them up at night' problem you want to provide the solution for. (For instance, according to Compete, that the warrior forums traffic has halved from near 400,000 a month to 200'000 since around April)
* Their SEO standings for top 10 keywords
* How many keywords the website has ranked organically for each country in the world
* The estimated total monthly traffic for their top 10 keywords and how much it would cost in Google Ad Words to rank for them each month with ads.
* Their top PPC ads and how long they've been running
* Their Display ad figures.
* Their top image and flash banners and how long they've been running for
* Their top landing pages
* Contextual Ads
* Demographics of visitors
* Twitter mentions
* Web mentions
* Whois details
* Top 10 competitors on Google, Bing and Yahoo
You just go to the site you want. Press button. And all this data appears before you. You can follow that company to sell and monitor their web activity everyday, or monitor your competitors and see what they are doing online. Where their traffic is coming from. How much. What advertising they are doing. Who is mentioning them online. What their best ads and creative is, etc.
Would this be helpful to anyone?
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The best thing you can do is put yourself out there.
The best thing you can do is put yourself out there.
The best thing you can do is put yourself out there.