What You Say Is More Important
First lets be clear about the distinction between
"what you say" and "how you say it"
"How you say it is the words you describe something.
What you say is "the something" that needs to be said.
Ok, you maybe wondering why I bring this up
and why so important?
Well let's say you are running an ad for a carpet cleaning firm.
"The something" that every carpet cleaning ad has is "clean carpets"
Why would you carry on doing that when we know we must differentiate?
If you look a bit closer at all the carpet cleaning ads,
they use those 2 words and everything else is just
dressing up to make those 2 words seem more important and valuable.
But the consumer sees through that game every carpet cleaner is playing,
hence lower response rates.
Now a smart marketer knows not to play by the same rules everybody else is playing.
He thinks through what needs to be put in the ad.
That "thing" has to be something other than "clean carpets".
and never mention those 2 words.
If you aren't a carpet cleaner, then don't dress up what everybody is saying,
like faster, cheaper, better performance...instead bring a new thing that only you is talking about and of course is valued by your audience.
Going back to the carpet cleaning example,
introducing the threat of dust mites and not talking about clean carpets
is what must be said.
101 ways of saying clean carpet will never have the same impact as dropping it all together and introducing something that's a threat.
Pointing out an unknown problem isn't the only way to add what's important.
It could be...helping a person make the right buying decision.
Most people aren't good buyers in the sense they aren't knowledgeable
on the subject, therefore can make costly mistakes.
Your opportunity to assist in that decision.
Teach them on how to reach a desired result, or even better
do it for them in a tiny chunk. Teach them something that they can easily do and get a positive result fast, gives the buyer not only confidence in you,
but confidence in himself that he can actually do it.
Then you can step the buyer up to the next stage in getting
closer to the end desired result.
So what I've covered is to replace what everybody else is saying in their advertising with
one of these 3 things...if we want to be one step ahead of everybody else
! Introduce a threat
2 Help in the buying decision
3 Show them how to achieve a desired outcome
which is fast and easy.
And you've seen the flaw in every advertising which is different
ways of dressing up the same thing. This now becomes easily exploitable by you.
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