Tips to Create the Best Segmented Audience on Facebook

2 replies
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I've read a lot of articles on the web about the subject, but all I get is the same options and mostly are from 2015 - 2016. Since then, the app changed a lot and many options aren't displayed anymore.

Can you recommend some content to read or any tips from experience along the years to build the best audience?
#audience #create #facebook #segmented #tips
  • Profile picture of the author row01
    I've had luck with Facebook's interest categories. The interests that are closely aligned with your offer tend to surprisingly convert well. Once you deviate into the stretch interests, conversion rates drop to run-of-exchange rates.

    Look-alike lists based on your customers also work, but you need a lot of records for these to create an audience.

    PPC Dashboard & Reporting Software -

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    • Profile picture of the author IceFlok
      I've had good rates just with Interests too, but I am trying to put more details to reach the best public I can have.

      Something that I've read that would be really good to me was the option to:
      Purchase Behavior >> Often buys "my niche products"

      But it seems that this option was deleted. I cannot put more details on the Interests, Behavior, etc. I can just use the ones that are shown to me from Facebook.

      Thanks for your answer.
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