Interesting read about crawl errors and crawl budget: And are they even ranking factors?

Crawling is the first step on any page's journey to a results page. Search engines must discover your page before evaluating it and deciding where to place it in the results, right?
The thing is, crawling the web is a resource-intensive process. Search engines like Google draw from hundreds of billions of webpages, videos, images, products, documents, books, etc., to deliver query results. So, they prioritize crawling efforts to conserve resources and the load on the websites they're visiting.
There's a limit on how much time crawlers can spend on you. The amount of time that Google devotes to crawling a site is called the site's crawl budget. Any technical hiccups that interrupt Google's ability to crawl your site are called crawl errors.
Smaller sites are not likely to be affected. But, when you hit over a few thousand URLs, it becomes essential to help Googlebot discover and prioritize the content to crawl and when and how much of the server resources to allocate.
The thinking here is clear. Given it's the starting point, is how well Google can crawl my website a ranking factor?
What do you think?
Gregg Enis -
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