It's time for web admins to block AI scraping

by Administrator
3 replies
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At this point, AI should already be able to generate its own "thoughts and words" based on what they've learned from human input without relying on scraping data for generative AI search.

What do you think?
#admins #block #scraping #time #web
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  • Profile picture of the author Stella Warren
    I don't think so.. Still AI need more advancement for generating it's own ideas. According to my experience it's generating existing content and giving output at it's most relevancy according to command we are giving.
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  • Profile picture of the author DewlanceVPS
    I recently tested a text-to-image generator AI and found that it was taking images from Google search, which was shocking to me. However, the image was a bit different from those on Google Images.

    So, scraping can help AI but is bad for us. I had to block many bots on my website because my website's bandwidth increased drastically by an extra 6GB per month.

    As a admin of few blogs/website, I prefer to block those bots/AI to save bandwidth.
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  • Profile picture of the author mubashir raza
    AI is now capable of generating its own thoughts and words based on learned patterns, producing unique content without constant data scraping. Regarding TeraBox, this allows creating detailed discussions about its features like cloud storage, privacy, and performance enhancements.
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