Web hosting of Windows Applications

16 replies
Is it possible to remotely host Windows applications using a conventional web hosting account? Failing that, is there a cheap way of doing this that would allow applications to run 24x7?
The reason for asking is to explore whether browser-type applications could be hosted there and left to run 24x7 (and earning credits) not clogging up my internet connection and slowing down my PC.
Sorry if this is a dumb question
#applications #hosting #web #windows
  • Profile picture of the author gaetanoc
    You need to rent a VPS (Virtual Private Server) where you can RDP (Remote Desktop) to it.
    An experienced technical programmer wants to JV with you

    I will build any kind of software, bots, web applications, desktop applications, mobile applications - you will handle marketing and sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Roberts
    Thank you for the reply. As a followup: do VPS providers impose constraints on what can be run? I could imagine that they would be protective of their servers and want to keep them clean of viruses etc which may mean they don't let you run your own programs...?
    (I want to run a custom browser that employs .NET 4.5 - any issues? )
    FREE TOOLS AND DOWNLOADS for Low Content and KDP Publishers https://istack.link
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  • Profile picture of the author gaetanoc
    They will have policies on what you can run - as in you cannot run SPAM, Virus spreading programs. On the other hand a VPS will be a virtual machine where you will run your programs in isolation.

    Please read the TOS as they vary from one VPS provider to another.
    An experienced technical programmer wants to JV with you

    I will build any kind of software, bots, web applications, desktop applications, mobile applications - you will handle marketing and sales.
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    • Profile picture of the author Prashant999
      If you buy a VPS the server will be totally yours, it will be like a dedicated server and you can upload whatever application you want 24*7 . Also you can do the same if u go for shared hosting too with the help of Ftp which will save your money
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  • Another option is to explore is Amazon EC2. You can create a windows micro instance, log into it using RDP and set up your application there. You will be charged based on your usage, and you can track your billing every day. And if you don't use the EC2 instance frequently, just "Stop" the instance and you won't be charged until you "Start" it again.

    Of course, read the TOS. You can get more details at Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Cloud Computing Services
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Roberts
      Thank you everyone for this help. It's given me enough to kick off the research. (FTAOD - my interest was not about spamming or blackhat stuff but I appreciate the guidance.)
      FREE TOOLS AND DOWNLOADS for Low Content and KDP Publishers https://istack.link
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  • Profile picture of the author Shirllin
    If you don't spam or spread something bad, everything will be OK. Dedicated servers or VPS will help. VPS is cheaper.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gaura Klausner
    look into an offshore VPS - They're pretty cheap
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Roberts
    UPDATE: Currently testing free Amazon EC2 server with Win server 12 micro instance. It's lightning fast and free for a year. Took a while to set up but now it's working it's super impressive. A free windows instance, internet connection, storage - not even paying for electricity! What's not to like?
    FREE TOOLS AND DOWNLOADS for Low Content and KDP Publishers https://istack.link
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  • Profile picture of the author Y N
    Try Azure. MS provide the free plans for startups.

    Promote your industrial products and services, for free.


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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Roberts
      Thanks everyone - yes, Azure - good one, but I'm in with EC2 now. Can't believe you can get a year's free hosting, intrenet access, everything - and it works like a dream.!
      FREE TOOLS AND DOWNLOADS for Low Content and KDP Publishers https://istack.link
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  • Profile picture of the author Abhishek0007
    Web hosting for Windows apps are very common these days that people always prefer to choose the best web hosting provider which will offer them one very good support and flexibilities.
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  • Profile picture of the author juangarciamtl
    I would use Azure

    More than 105 modules , scrapes, post and make money.

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  • Profile picture of the author Melody
    Can you use the Amazon EC2 set-up with a Mac? Would like to run my windows apps online, and leave my Mac windows-free?
    Our first "Digital Yard Sale"! A massive PLR Blowout Sale to help a friend pay medical expenses.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ahmed Rahhou
    Hi, I would like to have four page for AWS EC2 Start and stop function with the scheduler. I need the source codes as well. Please use HTML5 or any suggestion. My hosting service is using MySQL.
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  • Profile picture of the author abderrezak31
    You need a VPS (Virtual Private Server)
    Software, Games and Subscriptions at affordable prices!.
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