Find a basic Wordpress mp3 player for further development

1 replies

I am looking for a simple mp3 player plugin for wordpress that I can modify into what I want.
So I am looking for a player that doesnt have a billion features. It is for speech mp3´s so not music player.

I have found 1 player online that basically have what I want but it has way to many features.
WordPress - Responsive HTML5 Music Player For Wordpress | CodeCanyon
HTML5 Audio Player with Playlist by Tean

Is there like a code repository online that is a good starting point to build from ?
Then I will hire someone to make it into what I want; dont want to start from scratch.

Someone who knows ?
#basic #development #find #mp3 #player #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author 4umNinja
    Use a Javascript library like JPlayer or Sound Manager, or even just HTML5 audio tags. If only a few pages are using it, and you don't depend solely on these services, your better off using something native than a slow buggy wordpress plugin.
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