Problem in my Help Desk

10 replies
I just logged on to my site to see that there is a problem with my Help Desk. I am getting this message when I try to access it.

Warning: ini_set() [function.ini-set]: A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time. in /home/prosl/public_html/support/ on line 36

Here is the link to see for yourself:

I am pretty horrible when it comes to stuff like this, but I need to get it fixed so I don't piss any customers or potential customers off.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?


#desk #problem
  • Profile picture of the author Janet Sawyer

    First question

    1. Which helpdesk script are you using?

    Second question

    2. Which hosting provider are you using?

    I clicked the link in your sig and it looks like there is a problem with your hosting provider at the momment. Gave me a "404" can't be found.

    I suspect it's vip desk from the errors given out and it may be due to your host upgrading to a different php level module.
    But it's only a hunch, as Quasimodo said to Esmeralda!
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    • Profile picture of the author matthewd
      Janet, thanks a lot for the quick reply!

      1) I am using OsTicket... their support sucks and it takes forever to get a reply in their forums

      2) My hosting is Namecheap

      It does look like my hosting is down now. That was not the case when I posted this message... that's 2 bad things, I wonder what the third is.
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      • Profile picture of the author matthewd
        My host fixed the issue with the server, so now it is back to the Support Desk problem.

        I found a supposed fix for the problem that says to comment out the lines where it says the problem is, but that did not fix it for me.

        Any other ideas here?
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  • Profile picture of the author Janet Sawyer
    Originally Posted by matthewd View Post

    My host fixed the issue with the server, so now it is back to the Support Desk problem.

    I found a supposed fix for the problem that says to comment out the lines where it says the problem is, but that did not fix it for me.

    Any other ideas here?

    I was going to post the fix for you, but if you have already tried that then, it won't help you much.
    The comment that stands out on their support desk is this one:

    Are you using the latest version of osTicket? Because this was an issue with one of the old versions and I haven't heard about this anymore.
    Might be worth checking that you have installed their latest version, as it may have a fix in it.
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    • Profile picture of the author matthewd
      Thanks for the head's up Janet, but yeah I do have the latest version installed. I just can't figure out what is going on with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author investx
    Fixed it for you!!!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author matthewd
    Fixed it for me? How?

    I ended up installing a different version.
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  • Profile picture of the author investx

    I went to your site and it came up with an error code similar to the one in your post.

    Within the error code (i.e. part of the actual code) was a hyperlink to a 'function_reset' script - I simply clicked it (clicked on the function reset) and the error went away.

    I reloaded the website a few times - but no error message came back.

    I guess I didn't really fix it - it seemed to fix itself once the function_reset was activated / triggered when I clicked on it (I got lucky!)

    Kindest regards
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  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    It seems to be working now.

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  • Profile picture of the author rwil02

    OK. The problem is intermittent and involves different error messages at different time. (different functions, files and lines)

    Look at this page:
    upload/gpcvar.php - Google Code Search

    Line 46 is the problem I got:
    the function called reset() is where the problem happened
    The line is
    PHP Code:
    for (reset(_HTTP_COOKIE_VARS); list(_k,_v ) = each(_HTTP_COOKIE_VARS); ) 
    Hence that was saying that the aray of cookies was invalid as it was not an array or object

    Roger Willcocks
    L-Space Design
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