What Programming languages should I learn

32 replies
Hi, I want to get suggestions from this platform about choosing and learning Programming languages.I want to create my own classified website.and I have a passion to become a coder.
Every one know that facebook is a huge website and I am not saying to build such one but i like to use some functions that facebook possess such as:
1 like
2 comment
3 post boost
4 own timeline of every user
5 right side column where ads display
6 Friend Suggestion and some other things that a classified website should have..
So i want to know that what Programming languages should i learn and what are the best sources online.
I already know about HTML and CSS and a bit concept of php +java script.
And what is difference between PHP and Pyyhon. which is best and Easy.?
I shall be very thankful to your replies.
#languages #learn #programming
  • Profile picture of the author srodrigues
    In my opinion php, Laravel framework is very easy or wordpress to blog platform
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    • Profile picture of the author kashifriazghgh
      Originally Posted by srodrigues View Post

      In my opinion php, Laravel framework is very easy or wordpress to blog platform
      What is Laravel framework?
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    • Profile picture of the author JMondaCom
      Originally Posted by srodrigues View Post

      In my opinion php, Laravel framework is very easy or wordpress to blog platform
      I don't recommend to use Framework because is for "do it faster" so if Laravel doesn't update to PHP 7,8,9? What's up?
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  • Profile picture of the author takticz101
    You could try becoming master at HTML and CSS. Make beautiful website designs.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
    I am not a programmer, but I employ enough of them.

    HTML, PHP/MySQL, CSS and Javascript will take you pretty far to start.
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  • Profile picture of the author +nikolakei
    Ideally you should learn basic front end first, HTML, CSS and JavaScript (JQuery).

    When you get comfortable with them you can either move to the back end stuff or you can go deeper with the front end.

    If you decide to work more with the front end you should additionally learn SASS, Twitter Bootstrap, Gulp or Grunt and a JavaScript framework (I would suggest Angular.js or Backbone.js).

    If you decide to go into the server side programming you can pick either node.js, PHP (Laravel) or Ruby (on Rails) [I think Python would work as well] and MySQL for Databases

    That should keep you busy for a while, and after that you'll be able to build some pretty awesome websites.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Ray
    Originally Posted by kashifriazghgh View Post

    So i want to know that what Programming languages should i learn and what are the best sources online.
    I already know about HTML and CSS and a bit concept of php +java script.
    And what is difference between PHP and Pyyhon. which is best and Easy.?
    I shall be very thankful to your replies.
    If you know a little bit of front-end like html, as you said, that's a good start. Html is easy to learn. Back-end languages are not so easy. It takes time to learn.

    You're asking about the difference between PHP and Python. You should start learning both and then choose one of them, or any other one. When you choose a back-end language, you should learn only that language until you get very good at it. I am a Python engineer so of course I prefer Python. Here is a link to the python wikipedia. This page lists the differences and the common elements:https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonVsPhp
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    HTML, CSS, PHP, Python, C
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • Profile picture of the author agc
    HTML, Javascript (browser), CSS.

    PHP (back end)

    SQL (data base)

    If you don't have corporate enterprisey stuff to worry about those languages will get the basics done.

    Then you'll need some frameworks. AngularJS is one. Wordpress is another. There are more frameworks. Many many more.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Mark42
    HTML, Javascript (browser), CSS
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  • Profile picture of the author topcoder
    HTML - CSS - MYSQL - PHP - Javascript - JQuery

    Is what 80% of the web is built on - so theirs a lot of tutorials to get started, all of the above you can run on Linux or Windows.

    If you go the Microsoft route, just switch the PHP for C#
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  • Profile picture of the author J0hnDillinger
    PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript , SQL(MySQL) thats what most websites use also facebook used to get programmed in. For some special sites you need also C#/C and Perl. But like topcoder said 80(I would say even 95)% of every website you will come across is using atleast one of these languages.

    My suggestion:
    1. Learn HTML to learn how to build a website.
    2. Learn CSS to learn how to design your website.
    3. Learn PHP in combination with MySQL because this is backend stuff that you need for your tasks
    4. Learn Javascript but JS is for frontend to make this more interactive.
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  • Profile picture of the author SquaredSoftware
    Asking what programming language you should learn is exactly like asking what spoken or written language you should learn. Ultimately, its up to you. What feels right for you? What are your end goals as a developer, not just this particular project you have in mind?

    First, an important note is to understand the difference between client side code, and server side code. The web works kind of like the mail system. The pony express on steroids, if you will.

    Imagine you're writing a letter to the director at the "LIBRARY OF INTERNET THINGS." The director will send you any document that you've requested which the library has access to. You send the director a letter which says "Please get me the document located at /classifieds/3/". The director goes and gets the information, puts together the information he found in an envelope, and sends it back to you.

    In this example, you are a client. You send requests to the server, which is the director. The server goes to the database, finds the information, formats some HTML, and sends what information was found back to the client.

    As people have mentioned, HTML, CSS, and Javascript(* Javascript is the exception to this..) are absolute musts, and are not really "programming languages." They are simply front-end, client side information which talks about how a website should be displayed. In the example, they are the look of the letter which is sent back to the user. HTML & CSS do not really handle any processing of information, they really just handle looks. Javascript is an exception to this rule, but you'll learn about that in time.

    Once that is out of the way, you have to think about how to write the director. For this, I personally do not think it matters what language you use. Use whatever you feel comfortable with, whichever feels natural. Like spoken language, some languages are great at certain things, others very explicit and concise, others a mish-mash of other languages. PHP is the prominent language of the web, but probably because of accessibility to it. It is the "english" of the web development languages. It's well seasoned, but has a semi notorious rap for ignoring a lot of the conventions one would expect in a language. Its historically just kind of done whatever it wants, hack-your-way-through a project, but it has been very successful at doing that.

    You could go .NET, Python, Ruby, or even C++ or any other language if you wanted to. What matters is the end result, not the language. As someone who has dealt with a lot of these languages, Laravel or other PHP frameworks can be very technical, in that you also need to have a decent understanding of what is happening on the database side of things. There are frameworks which abstract that away, such as Django or other Python libraries, and I think they're fairly accessible to newcomers, so that would be my suggestion.

    Best of luck learning! Be sure to stick with it. Everyone who has learned to program has likely had that "aha" moment when things clicked. At that point, you can easily learn any language you want in a matter of a few days. But it will take you some time getting there.
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    • Profile picture of the author kashifriazghgh
      Originally Posted by SquaredSoftware View Post

      Asking what programming language you should learn is exactly like asking what spoken or written language you should learn. Ultimately, its up to you. What feels right for you? What are your end goals as a
      It is true that practice is must to become a successful web developer .and I would have to
      do work on small projects first. But my goal is to make my own website which should be very light in browsing.and not to do work as a freelancer or for any other company.
      I have already mentioned I want to create Real Estate classified website with attractive and necessary functions.
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  • Profile picture of the author Arshalan008
    dear if you learn any programming language then you need to learn C. if you learn C then you can easily learn PHP, Database. then you learn Wordpress.
    you can learn before HTML, CSS,
    you can learn JavaScript, jQuery etc.
    if you learn all of language then you will be a good programmer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamesvictor
    You have to learn PHP for creating a classified website and using this language you can create specified functions.
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  • Profile picture of the author Duc Aaron
    PHP and wordpress is the best for you
    You need to learn HTML, CSS, JS to improve Wordpress
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  • Profile picture of the author HCDdaking
    I suggest you PHP,MY SQL,HTML and CSS and java script is good enough. Best is PHP facebook also using PHP language.Little bit advance.But variable declaring and make formulas is like other programming languages.How ever you can try both of them.
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  • Profile picture of the author ForexReplay
    I've dabbled with PHP for the occasional site and it's probably the most widely used server side language of course, but consider something too that's useful both server side and for local app development.. C# / MVC and perhaps Node.js...
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  • Profile picture of the author samsularifin
    Facebook using PHP Programming. If you want to learn framework, the easiest framework is codeigniter. I think Codeigniter is powerful framework. Then, the framework design, you can use bootstrap as simple process.
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  • Profile picture of the author jonesdavid
    Lets start learn with Html, CSS, PHP, My Sql, Angular Js. Try to learn frameworks in Php it helps to create interactive sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author crissH
    1.PHP for server side code - verifying users etc.
    2. if you know some basics of JavaScript I would go directly to JQuery
    3. Python - forget for the moment until you become confident with PHP
    4. Start with tutorials on YouTube, and the only way to learn them is to "Start-Coding"
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  • Profile picture of the author smt
    Best Languages are For Learn is PHP,Java,HTML and css.
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  • Profile picture of the author ITDaniel
    I recently build a site for reading newspaper in Laravel and it has many of the functions that you mentioned, so i think that Laravel could help you with that. It is quite simple, but of course, you need to know basics of programming.
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  • Profile picture of the author 3wCorner
    Learn first html, css, php, and databases. You can study a bit of ruby, python and c#. Use framework like Code Igniter, Zend and Laravel. You can also learn ASP.net if you want to.
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  • Profile picture of the author RickFlair
    To start with, I assume that you know enough about HTML+CSS to develop a simple blog. Blogger uses HTML and WordPress uses PHP, so you can actually start a blog to practice and test out how your codes will work. Front-end languages and development is easy to learn.

    For back end languages, PHP is one you can try. It is quite simple (though inconsistent) to start with. As an alternate (and a much better one at that) you can try Node.js. It is a development framework, based on JavaScript. So considering that you have knowledge of JavaScript, you won't feel intimidated by Node.js

    The three languages that you definitely need to know would be
    1. HTML
    2. CSS
    3. JavaScript

    If you are comfortable and willing to use PHP, then by all means go for it. It is a rather old language and so it is not uncommon for people to run into problems. However, you will find a lot of resources and tutorials for it available online. However, if you are looking for raw performance, Node.js is the way to go. You can bypass PHP entirely, since Node.js uses JavaScript both in front-end and back-end. Also, with Node.js, you can develop web apps as well, so you'd be secure if you ever plan to do so. Check this blog post out for a brilliant comparison between Node.js and PHP.
    Node.js Vs PHP | Performance Comparison - Node js or PHP

    To answer the second part of your question: You won't find a language easier than Python. It is highly capable and has varying applications, from scripting web pages, web apps to full-fledged desktop applications. One drawback would be that there is only one right way of doing things in Python. Why? Because Python is all about elegance. But that shouldn't stop you from trying new things.
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  • Profile picture of the author riztechpro
    Hey bro.. if you want to create something like facebook, you have to be an expert coder.
    Start with html/css first and then go deep. Try w3 school first. It has very nice tutorials.
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  • Profile picture of the author detector
    if its desktop software you want to make then I would recommend visual studio, I have done all my apps in that and its very easy to learn.

    Coming soon, PREMIUM rebrandable software at very low prices.

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  • Profile picture of the author programmingking
    Seriously it depends on what type of application/web application you want to make but you should start learning with basics of html and html5, then jquery/javascript if you want to go for the web application , you should start learning any web languages like php or asp.net with c# if you want to go into web
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  • Profile picture of the author malharinfoway
    The best advice is ios, android & video creation.

    This is the best career as of now. I have many inquires come in in this area, but really hard to find quality people
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  • Profile picture of the author Vikas Dhar
    If you want to create your own website, then i think PHP, Java, c, c++, HTML, Javascript (browser), CSS, SQL(MySQL) thats what most websites use also facebook used to get programmed in.
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  • Profile picture of the author productdesigne
    Before we go into comparing programming languages, let's first take a look at the languages we're going to be covering.1 JavaScript

    2 Ruby

    3 Python

    4 PHP

    5 Java

    6 C

    7 C++

    8 C#
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